What does Magik mean to you?

Filia Noctis
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What does Magik mean to you? Empty What does Magik mean to you?

Post by seeker 12.02.13 5:37

I was reading a post by Jonathan, Magik by Aset Ka and it sparked a flame of curiosity within me. There are different ways people perform magik to connect with the energy of creation. When I first learned about magik, I didn't felt very good about it because there was no explanation of how it happens and what are the powers a creator is working with.

Later on, as I learned more about magik, universal laws and the ways of creation. I felt immense peace within, no more did I felt confused about the art of magik. It didn't felt anything foreign to me, but a natural state of mind. It's always happening, each word a spell and bring it's results. To me every moment of life can be magik, when I feel the nature and infinite space, or when I sit in meditation to visualize something new I want to manifest in my life.

In my understanding, everything is magik and every moment is an opportunity. I was never keen on learning magik as an art to control any aspects of life, but the idea of being a creator brings me joy and excitement. What is your understanding of magik? What does it mean to you? Smile

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What does Magik mean to you? Empty Re: What does Magik mean to you?

Post by Filia Noctis 15.02.13 14:25

To me magik is a way of being, a state of mind and the very essence of life itsef. It is kind of hard to explain what that feels like exactly, but to me magik is always there. It is my connection to the "spirit world" and the world around me and it makes me way more aware of everyone and everything around me. It somehow allows me to understand people way easier and see things from their point of view and it makes me able to manifest certain events in my life just by thinking about them, focussing on it and wanting it to happen.
I think magik is the connection of a human(-like) being to the universal energy that is in all things, and a way to control this energy. It would explain why someone who is advanced in using magik can control so many things so easily. I have become so close to it that any form of magik I have tried so far is as natural and easy as breathing and I can not imagine what my life would be like without it, but I think it would be empty.
I can also say that it certainly is not a way to find something in life that makes you feel satisfied or to make life more exciting. I think magik won't work unless the purpose of the person who uses it is completely "clean" and pure.

I always thought it was usual until someone who used to be a friend told me he had to do rituals to be able to use magik and that he could not hold on to it when he finished the ritual, because whatever he did drained him, so I guess it is also a blessing to be allowed to have magik as a part of my everyday life.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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What does Magik mean to you? Empty Re: What does Magik mean to you?

Post by seeker 19.02.13 5:59

Hello Filia Noctis

I loved the way you explained it, I feel the same. When I first learned about magik it was through rituals and tools. I couldn't understand the need for using so many things, it seemed like a daunting task to learn about so many herbs and rituals. Rolling Eyes

Later I learned more about meditative magik and energy work which came more naturally. I started enjoying it and the thirst to learn more kept pulling me deeper. Looking at all that I've learned, I feel so little. There is so much more to learn and understand, so much magik in the journey itself. It's amazing how beautiful life is when we step into the journey towards knowing our self. Smile

Number of posts : 44
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What does Magik mean to you? Empty Re: What does Magik mean to you?

Post by DCxMagus 19.02.13 23:09

Magick to me?

The long path of un-clouding the mind and learning the truth from the darkness of ones soul. Unveiling the light of truth in an otherwise blind world.


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What does Magik mean to you? Empty Re: What does Magik mean to you?

Post by seeker 25.02.13 7:44

Well explained DCxMagus

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What does Magik mean to you? Empty Re: What does Magik mean to you?

Post by Gargoyle 31.03.15 9:27

To me Magick is simply the extension of will. In the case of vampirism, energy manipulation would be considered part of this, as it is the will of the vampire to drain energy. You are right though when you say everything is Magick. I feel that people fail to realize how much Magick truly surrounds each and every one of us on a daily basis.

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What does Magik mean to you? Empty Re: What does Magik mean to you?

Post by Bella Donna 31.05.15 4:12

To me it´s all about controlling the mind, energy and essence. Rituals can be very delighting, but true magician does not need so many tools, liturgies and dogmas to success. By manipulating energies and mind you can manifest the change in reality straight without intermediary.
Bella Donna
Bella Donna

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What does Magik mean to you? Empty Re: What does Magik mean to you?

Post by Naoom 04.01.17 9:37

Bella Donna wrote: true magicians do not need so many tools, liturgies and dogmas to success.

Practical magick is all about getting the results you want.Indeed the more skilled magicians understand how magick works and need not say words outloud or they may depend solely on their imagination to tune into the mindset required for some types of magick without an ''alter''.

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