Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by lono676767 19.03.09 12:43

Not to start posting all pissed off...
But if there is a member here posting occult objects on ebay please remove MY Registered trademarked logo from your listing, or I WILL contact the ebay administration concerning copyright & trademark infringement.


-Lono F Vespertilio


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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by lono676767 19.03.09 13:45

thankyou for removing it.



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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Victor 19.03.09 15:07

I doubt anyone in here would be selling occult objects on eBay.
Anyways, where exactly is the copyright infringement of the Aset Ka trademark on that website? I searched but only could find pasted texts from other websites.

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Ankhhape 19.03.09 16:39

This is the guy that runs Psi Vamps forum and pushes Belangers crap http://psychicvampire.org/webmaster.htm

It makes you wonder what his intentions are?

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by lono676767 19.03.09 23:25

lol....get your shit straight....thats me!

im talking about the ebay seller who obviously was here, because it has been removed, that was using my logo which is a registered trademark of psivamp.org

Lono F Vespertilio

As for your michelle comment...and the Asetian bible....please answer this question for me... why was IT initially removed from the shelves by the first publisher for copyright infringement?


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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by lono676767 19.03.09 23:37

For the record...i push nothing..I'm a Ronin.
I maintain neutrality between recognized houses and members of the vampire community... Above all I'm a fruitbat!
generally a comedian...

My list of supported books can be found within my suggested Amazon.com list portion of the site. it ranges from ladyCG to michelle, Vyrdolak, to Raven Kaldera.

I'm still gauging this Aset ka movement, at this point.
Not knowing of any members, and saying that those that claim it aren't members...reminds me of some aspects of the ToV.
I'f you've been in the ovc for along time like myself, it gets to be a bit bush league after 15 years in the community...
hell i think at this point the general vampire community, just wants one head of AK to talk with.


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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by lono676767 19.03.09 23:44

my reasoning for thinking that the person who placed the listing with my logo in it was from here is because this is part of this persons listing.
vampirism is alive and flourishing in the world today. One of the most
secretive, but now becoming well known orders are the ASETIANS and the
KEMETIC ORDER OF ASET KA. They hold that all myths and tales of
vampirism originated with them and what they call the 'Primal Asetians'
- the first three, the children of ASET KA, Goddess of ancient
Pre-Dynastic Egypt.

[size=16]"These demigods were not
human, but were not so different from them either, and unlike their
mother, they would not leave the physical realm at the end of the Sep
Tepy. And so they would remain here, as their own mother’s
representatives, always evolving, forever changing and adapting to the
new realities, as societies change and shift. They soon gathered
followers and allies, to which they passed knowledge and transformed
their Ba, like the sacred kiss that Aset once gave to them, long time
before, and in this way giving birth to a whole new spiritual race in
the shadows of this world. They would be known as the Asetians."
Asetian Bible"

[/size](i really dont think thats too far of an asumption)[size=16]


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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Vertigo 20.03.09 1:16

Please visit this link about Aset Ka...


I dont think the Aset Ka have any interest in humans (except for energy...).

I have seen why...


Number 1 way to stay secret!


The Aset Ka bible and the poor Aset Ka website is the only thing you will find on the net about Aset Ka.

Its foolish to believe that every single sect, movement or group is active on the internet ._.

With that said I can go to school, knowing that once again I have conquered a thread with my breathtaking comments :p

I dont care wether you believe or not, for me the Aset Ka is real and I dont like people who just walk over it.

Show some respect, will ya?

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Elaina 20.03.09 6:43

Laiko, I completely agree.

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Victor 20.03.09 7:53

There are no members of the Aset Ka in here. So first do your research instead of simply sounding like an ignorant in front of everyone else. All I can see is a terribly presented eBay seller making claims of vampire covens and pasting some other stuff mentioning the AK that were driven from other websites. Are you actually implying it is the AK selling this stuff? Because if you are, then even less intelligent and intuitive you prove to be. I would more easily assume this is you and your people actually taking advantage of the AK's notability and respect to make some money out of eBay. First that stuff is on our American eBay, not in the European one, which raises a flag by itself. Then it is using a very crapy layout, just like your own psychicvampire.org. We all know the AK has a very elegant taste, they would never create anything that looks like these teen sites from the 80's. Just look at all they have produced, people always get simply amazed by its beauty. Oh, and at last, I checked your website and you're the one selling fake psi vials, tshirts, sunglasses, necklaces and a bunch of other merchandise. So it is noted who uses vampirism for commercial exploit and not by its spirituality.

After this, please take your insults some place else, the community is not interested in them, and also, if it is not too much trouble, please stop selling stuff on eBay on the AK's name.

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Aghrab 20.03.09 8:38

Very well said, Victor...

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Elaina 20.03.09 9:03

Victor, couldnt agree more.

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Kotaro 20.03.09 11:37

Good post, Victor.

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by lono676767 20.03.09 14:07

victor, why dont you try actually reading a thread....I AM NOT SELLING STUFF on EBAY! it is this person who is(which seems to be a member here)...and they are doing it in the name of AK...USING MY LOGO!
I dont want my site even remotely connected with the AK.

(and you convieniently failed to answer the question why the first asetian bible was taken off the market for copyright infringement, of michelle work...)

yes...i sell stuff online.. psivials, isnt fake..its jewelry..it contains a biological and chemical component, and serves as an opposition to "blood vials".
I suggest you read the following article and educate yourself!

I run a non profit site.. EVERY Cent gets reinvested back into the site and site maintenance....thats called survival not commercial exploitation....
A slight against my site, is a slight against my 2000 members. But you seem to want to alienate yourselves from the rest of the vampire community....a much too familiar tactic, or at least one ive seen before, when dealing or communicating with the Temple of the Vampire.



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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Victor 20.03.09 15:22

Well that question was not addressed to me, but to Ankhhape, that's why I did not answered it. Besides, I found it to be quite lacking in knowledge, since you mention the book was taken off the shelves, when that never happened. And now you say the first Asetian Bible was taken off the market. Again, not true. The AB we all have is the first and only to reach the wide public. I don't care what your sources might claim or not, I was never into rumor whores or random drama, so I tend to ignore it. Either way, what in hell does that have anything to do with you people exploiting the AK on eBay?

Also, I am sorry, but that is not called a non-profit site. There are plenty of other sites, communities, forums and more, that don't sell merchandising to "survive". It is commercial, whether you admit it or not. Oh and please don't try to shove me any arguments of "oh I have 2000 members, beat that!". I'm far too old to deal with such childish arguments. Raw numbers, in size, of any fan base do not reflect the maturity, the responsibility, the knowledge and especially not the evolution of any community. Any.
I rather stay in here among these wonderful few users, that always never cease to impress eachother with such demonstrations of maturity, knowledge, and Will, instead of being in a place surrounded by thousands where a big part is ignorant. Like the sexy kinky ladies would say, size does not matter. You have Don Henrie as a great example of that in the vampire community. A huge fun base, mostly driven by silly TV shows, ridiculous vampire claims and metaphysically empty forums. Does that make him a vampire or even taken seriously in the real vampire community? Not at all. He's an actor, not a vampire. All he's worth is for horny teen chicks yelling "that's smoking hot" to his set of muscles, when true vampires even avoid to have developed muscle mass given to its metaphysical properties. So again, don't give so much value to numbers, because to vampires, they mean nothing.

Now I wonder what you mean by we wanting to alienate from the rest of the community. Does that mean us, people here at VF, the Asetians, Asetianists, Witches... who exactly?
I don't see it as any form of alienation, but just lack of interest. Most of what is out there in what you call a "vampire community" are kids, and even sadder, oldies, playing the vampire archetype and without any serious knowledge of metaphysics. Not exactly the type of beings that strive for evolution. 5 minutes in any of those forums, sites, bars and parties would make any real vampire with a headache. Wannabes, fakes, liars and ignorants. Is that the vampire community? Then thank you, I would rather stay away from that "community". But hey, I am only speaking for me. Smile

As far as your site and what you call a Logo, despite it being a digital composition of weak taste, I would not call it a registered trademark as you so pompous said and started to threaten people with copyright infringement (not that anyone would care for such threats anyways). If you want to have a registered trademark, please go to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and apply. Then provide us the forms proving it is a trademark and that it is signed under your own property. Otherwise, you have nothing. Oh, and just a small advice for you, putting some cute ™️ letters or ®️ near your so called marks, do not make them registered trademarks by American law. International? That's even worse.

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by lono676767 20.03.09 15:35

I hired a lawyer and paid 500 bucks to have it trademarked and registered.


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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

Post by Elendor 20.03.09 15:45

For the sake of this community I will lock this thread and hopefully stop the animosities among users.

Lono, for you I give you the same warning I gave to LadyHeather in the other locked thread. I hope you did not come here to stir up the community and create additional flames. I ask for you to go on the Off Topic section and present yourself to the community. Then you can participate with more positive and constructive threads than what exactly happened in here. I don't like anyone to register and just jump on the forum users, starting to accuse them. So I better not see this happen again from you.
If you have a personal problem of copyright, please bring it to eBay copyright law representatives, not here. You say you have a lawyer for those situations, then by all means use him and pursue your legal rights. But don't ever accuse VF's users under those terms.

Anyone that continues to promote this type of flames, threads and discussions will be banned without further warning.

Thank you.

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Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement. Empty Re: Ebay and Aset Ka trademark infringement.

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