New and needing help

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New and needing help Empty New and needing help

Post by MagicBrian 23.06.17 3:38

Hello everyone, Brian here. Honestly I can't believe a forum like this actually exists, where other people truly know/believe they are special and that these things aren't just fantasy. This past year has been extremely confusing for me, I knew something "weird" was happening to me but literally everyone I talked to about it has called me insane and recommended I get psychiatric help (which I did and nothing changed). I believe I have always been this way, and knew it as a kid but could never really prove it to anyone or even to myself really. I have narrowed down what's happening to me and what I am to one of 2 things, I am either a real Vampire or a Draconian. I laugh inside even saying that but it is 100% true and I'm just hoping you guys can help me figure out which it is. I'll start off by explaining some of the things I can do purposely, and some that happen to me subconsciously on a daily basis.
1. Ever since I was a kid my older brother always joked around and called me Captain Planet bc I craved sunlight so badly everyday. I would wake up completely drained every day and then go outside and lay in the sun and end up hyper and happy aftwewards. If I did not get my sunlight I would remain in bed until I somehow found the energy to move. This was always the case as I got older, regardless of being depressed or loving my life. I just always felt "charged" by the sun.
2. I always have a constant need and craving for energy. I have gone to every clinic and done every sort of test there is to find out what the "problem" is, but doctors always sent me home telling me I am completely healthy. Now that I have figured out I can seemingly absorb energy from pretty much anything alive, electrical or related to earth through my hands and I think my eyes/mind I have a hard time going to sleep at night.
3. I get messages in my sleep, and while awake that are very intuitive and even creepy at times (get constant thoughts of someone I haven't seen or spoke to in a while and then find out they died or are having a kid etc. etc. or I will have an unshakeable feeling of doom or the end of the world is coming and then find out a mass shooting or something similar happened and get the craziest chills throughout my body every time).
4. When I am angry, even if I try to hide it and go about my day faking smiles and being productive, nearly everyone who walks passed me will look at me and seem afraid or turn around like they saw a demon lol
5. When I am angry electronics always always stop working, my car will start acting up, and I'll break doorhandles, cups and other physical objects accidentally even though I thought I grabbed them normal. (My older brother also always told me "you don't know you're own strength Bri").
6. When I am sad, and stop blocking bad feelings and allow myself to cry and just feel the pain of every thing I have been through in my life especially this past year, my family and friends start reaching out to me all at once as if they can sense something is wrong. Animals will come up to me as well.
7. As a kid I always had a fascination with aliens and magic. I used to do magic tricks for my family using those old fake magic sets and would always stare off into the sky and wonder what was out there, while no one else ever seemed to care about anything besides what's here on Earth. I used to try and move stuff with my eyes/mind and now I think I actually was doing it but thought it was my imagination. (Biggest example as a kid was I would always clap on clap off the light before bed as a kid and we didn't have clap off lights lol)
8. I can now make fire from a candle jump and dance by focusing on it, and if trees and plants are blowing with light wind outside and I look at them with this sort of gaze I've always done subconsciously they will move as if blown by a strong gust of wind.
9. I have extremely strong senses, it actually gets unbearable a lot of the time so I have to wear ski hats to cover my head and ears and sunglasses. When I am going about my day without thinking about stuff I react to sounds and the presence of people around me like an animal. Doesn't matter if I have headphones on with loud music either, I still always know when someone is behind me or looking at me from behind or whatever else.
10. If I am startled, or someone looks at me with an angry look or I feel a negative presence I always always make this face as if I'm showing my fangs off and kind of glare my eyes at the person or thing that set me off. Hard to explain and I find it funny honestly but it's a very real instinctive thing I do.
11. When I am absorbing energy, my hands will pulse and heat up and tons of white spots will appear on my palms and fingers. Then once I let the energy go through my body my hands go back to looking normal. Last year before I realized I was absorbing energy, I thought it was some weird signal from aliens or something. But now that I can do it intentionally it's pretty awesome and doesn't freak me out anymore.

I can go on and on, now that I have figured out what's going on but I still don't know if I am Vampiric or Alien. I know without a doubt both must exist now, but I need to figure out which I am so I can learn to control my abilities and not cause harm to anyone. I would also love to stop breaking electronics unintentionally, and my car's a/c as well. (Drove my friend to the hospital in his car 2 weeks ago and now his a/c doesn't work either and he said he's never had an issue with it before lol oops).
As far as craving blood goes, I'm not sure if I do have a natural craving for it and just never knew it. I do know that beef/steak always makes me feel amazing, and that I hate hate hate needles and giving blood, like always been terrified of it.
Last thing I'll throw out that makes me think more Vampiric, but definitely some type of "creature" related instinct is when I am having sex and really into it I always have this strong desire to just suck on the girls neck but in a biting manner. And if I am not thinking about what I'm doing and just lost in the moment I always get told to ease up bc I am basically biting them lol
Well I know this is very long and I am typing on my phone so probably hard to read as it won't be formatted properly but I really hope to get pointed in the right direction. If there's any tests I can do to rule one out from the other please let me know, or if I can somehow prove to you guys with like a video of my hands when draining energy or whatever else let me know as well.
Thanks in advance!


Number of posts : 2
Location : Florida, United States
Registration date : 2017-06-23

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New and needing help Empty Re: New and needing help

Post by Naoom 23.06.17 5:17

Having energy deficiancies does not make you a vampire.

All the abillities you mentioned are all very common, and does not classify you as otherkin.

Having sex fetishes will not make you any more vampire than any of the roleplayers out there.

By the way. I don't think anyone here thinks are more special than you, here. Except these rare cases of ''psi'' or 'sang'.

Take a time to read through the forum before you respond.

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Registration date : 2016-11-17

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New and needing help Empty Re: New and needing help

Post by MagicBrian 23.06.17 6:28

Cool, this post can be closed thanks.


Number of posts : 2
Location : Florida, United States
Registration date : 2017-06-23

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