A Conversation: Realms of Reality

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Realms - A Conversation: Realms of Reality Empty A Conversation: Realms of Reality

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 07.08.22 8:50

This was a conversation that took place on the Discord server. I wonder if there's any input?

Sevtor — Today at 4:24 AM
Anyone tried to transcend the whole world before? Focus on pure consciousness so intensely by pure consciousness itself, to the complete exclusion of all sensory impressions and stuff of the mind, going through the eye of the needle of pure consciousness, to get into very interesting zones far beyond the mind's reach or influence, in a certain intense way? I'm very serious, no matter how much I appear like the joker. lol I've had deeply interesting visions this way. Not all of it can be adequately articulated, but it takes you to a certain level of reality that feels way more real than this. Then again I've experienced negative dimensions of this too. Not all of it is good and not absolutely terrifying, in a very, very, surprisingly to our reality, real way. Just me being the extremist I am. lol Although if practiced I think this can actually be dangerous.

Selene the Maleficarum — Today at 4:36 AM
What do you mean by negative dimensions?

Sevtor — Today at 4:38 AM
Dangerous realities.

Selene the Maleficarum — Today at 4:57 AM
What makes the polarity negative to you?

Sevtor — Today at 4:59 AM
There are very dangerous realities outside of the fence. But also offering great illumination and liberation from the shackles of the limitations of ordinary life; the possibilities are as a deep as the height of your inner consciousness, unbounded and free in its own unlimited sky. A whole other reality. I'm not talking formal techniques of astral projection, or any projection for that matter, but involving faculties that transcend bodies of this type. By the sheer virtue of getting in touch with that you will automatically in some ways connect with those corresponding worlds or see visions of them. I only do this when laying down in bed and I close my eyes, lay absolutely still as if a corpse, and disappear from this reality while maintaining consciousness so intensely but solely upon itself and nothing else whatsoever and there I abide in subtler, deeper and deeper, intensity, beyond the mind, going past the mind like a sword of consciousness drawn out of its sheath; the blade is swung into a place beyond this place altogether. When I wake up out of my trance I am reborn, the reality is no longer the same as it was before, I am not the same as I was before.

Sevtor — Today at 5:00 AM
Not in a way of subjective value.

Gwyn the Bat — Today at 5:42 AM
Would another way of describing it be stepping outside of human boundaries to try and experience things?

Sevtor — Today at 3:00 PM
It's beyond human boundaries but there are different ways to go beyond human boundaries.

Selene the Maleficarum — Today at 3:02 PM
In my personal praxis I like more the concepts of ethereal, celestial and chthonic rather than positive or negative.

Sevtor — Today at 3:03 PM
How do you differentiate ethereal from celestial or chthonic?
It encompasses both?
Or verges upon them?

Selene the Maleficarum — Today at 4:12 PM
I would say for ethereal to be at the threshold of both?

Sevtor — Today at 4:14 PM
A realm in between ethereal and divine, if we're to take the Asetian pyramid/map of realms into account?
Although that reminds me it'd be hard to project there.

Selene the Maleficarum — Today at 4:16 PM
It's interesting that in the Asetian Bible we get a map of realms that has become a reference to many practitioners at this point. However that seems to be a map exclusively designed for magic of the living, no? Because we see Master Marques mentioning the chthonic realms and beings in many of Tweets, showing that it has a major relevance to the Asetian tradition, yet those realms don't seem to be openly mapped in the AB, I believe intentionally for the Asetian gateways into their chthonic currents require that mastery of the first books before opening into the soul.

Sevtor — Today at 4:20 PM
Yes, I think there are different sub-realms to these realms. Different ranges of polarity within these realms too, as well as different ranges of vibration.

Selene the Maleficarum — Today at 4:21 PM

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Realms - A Conversation: Realms of Reality Empty Re: A Conversation: Realms of Reality

Post by Jonathan 07.08.22 9:05

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:
Selene the Maleficarum — Today at 4:16 PM
It's interesting that in the Asetian Bible we get a map of realms that has become a reference to many practitioners at this point. However that seems to be a map exclusively designed for magic of the living, no? Because we see Master Marques mentioning the chthonic realms and beings in many of Tweets, showing that it has a major relevance to the Asetian tradition, yet those realms don't seem to be openly mapped in the AB, I believe intentionally for the Asetian gateways into their chthonic currents require that mastery of the first books before opening into the soul.

Thanks for sharing this here Mystic.

That is a very pertinent remark, because indeed the chthonic realms and its ruling denizens play a major role within the death currents of Asetianism, which are opened only upon higher initiations after a long journey on the Path. There are clues about this spread all around Marques' teachings, awaiting those with the Eyes to See.

Is this Selene the same Selene we have here? Nice title! Twisted Evil

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Realms - A Conversation: Realms of Reality Empty Re: A Conversation: Realms of Reality

Post by Nightshade 07.08.22 9:44

Not much to add other than that I agree with Jonathan's words. However a word of caution to everyone. Be careful with those gateways. The death currents and chthonic spheres of Asetianism are extremely dangerous and will break anyone who isn't ready, literally turning your life upside down. An initiatory step only to be taken when ready and access rightfully granted by the Gods.

Thanks Mystic!

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Realms - A Conversation: Realms of Reality Empty Re: A Conversation: Realms of Reality

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 07.08.22 9:55

Beautiful and very strong points from both of you I can feel! Thank you. Smile

Also, yes, that's none other than Selene herself. Razz hehe Was actually her idea to post it here to stir up some good forum activity. I appreciate your responses. I'm sure many others do as well.  

There should be more focus on this forum, too, to include you all, Nightshade, Jonathan, Victor and maybe others who've been slumbering for a long time (here), into our discussions. Too bad you're not in the Discord server!

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Realms - A Conversation: Realms of Reality Empty Re: A Conversation: Realms of Reality

Post by TrillaCruile 07.08.22 13:45

Quotes by Luis Marques from Violet Throne
Metaphysics: Planes of Existence

“The fabric of reality when examined under a conceptual microscope of metaphysical science it appears to be composed by five distinguishable fundamental layers that establish the pentamerous planes of existence, each finding subsequent specialization and being further decomposed into various realms of intrinsic density and complexity.”

“Proper study and understanding of the various planes of existence is important to the interpretation of reality and metaphysical experience. Oftentimes a seeker will find descriptions of some who propose theories based on loose accounts of personal experience and hearsay, promoting vivid tales from a multitude of realms and unseen planes with a structure and nature not here defined, where countless situations were faced and breathtaking discoveries made, while in truth most of those realities were crafted by dogma, inner and outer manipulation or the natural result of creativity. The mind is tricky and powerful biological machinery, capable of deceiving Self and fabricating reality. For the most part many of the conceptual lands that people express and mirror exist only within one single realm their very own inner plane.”

“It is common for the less experienced practitioners to confuse the reality of the astral plane with elements found within their own inner plane of unconscious thought, leading to inaccurate assumptions about the nature and magickal assets of such realms. Finally, to project such energies higher and beyond the astral into the fabric of the ethereal or divine planes, that remains an undertaking of enlightened power that transcends the understanding of mortals.”

“Although the word astral is found in literature as common terminology to reference the subtle realms, under close and educated study it only represents one of the main layers composing the planes of existence and not an accurate personification of all that is subtle.”


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Realms - A Conversation: Realms of Reality Empty Re: A Conversation: Realms of Reality

Post by Jonathan 07.08.22 14:10

It's nice to have a new member curating quotes directly from established literature in connection to what is being discussed. That does provide added depth to the content under debate.

Also given your comment in the other thread I suspect you might in fact be Heruset, but don't worry if you behave I won't tell the admins. lol

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Realms - A Conversation: Realms of Reality Empty Re: A Conversation: Realms of Reality

Post by Tiet 11.08.22 17:13

Hail Seth !

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