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Post by Lupus de Umbras 16.07.13 6:45

Just wanted to say that.yesterday I had my best energy feeding experience to date.It was so intense and energizing,that it was all I could to stop myself giggling.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Post by Demonia 16.07.13 11:06

Smile i know the feeling when you say you couldn't stop giggling. any particular methods used? like, was it from an individual or a group? i get all giddy when its from one person, usually someone of particular interest to me. teehee

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Post by Lupus de Umbras 20.07.13 7:01

Hi Demonia.Apologies for the delay.The notification ended up in my spam folder.To answer your question:I feed from individual's energy systems.Though 2 or 3 together,occasionally.I generally find female energy more refined and heady than male energy.I use tendrils from my aura to pierce others energy systems.I fin I get a good "hit" from navel or the base of the spine,where kundalini energy is stored.No wonder I get so intoxicated!Very Happy 
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Post by N.Augusta 20.07.13 7:12

Ya know, I am just going to throw this out there....the experience for the donor, can make them very giggly too, experiencing a sort of high as well, when done maturely and responsibly by someone who cares.

Interesting enough, the donors side is often not mentioned.

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Post by Lupus de Umbras 21.07.13 6:47

@ N,Augusta.Interesting observation.Yeah,not heard of many mentions of donors feelings or general state either.I do limit my feeding and try to be gentle as possible.

It is my understanding that although I'm feeding. There this also some sort of reciprocal flow of energy between donor and feeder.Even as a means of healing and system purification for the donor.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Post by Horus9990 17.08.15 9:44

A fine deep feed is nice as long it not to deep for the individual. of course there's other souces of energy about,such as the stars,trees are good for energy,but dont cycle that energy through your system! as its low frequency and will mess the energy system up and takes long to ajust to its normal state i hope this helps thanks.


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Post by Maxx 17.08.15 10:25

are you speaking from personal experience with that relationship with that tree?

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Post by Lupus de Umbras 19.08.15 7:05

I personally find trees useful for grounding myself. But that's about it.

Even though it wasn't initially meant for me. That's an interesting tongue-in-cheek/rhetorical question, Maxx Smile I've often considered that perhaps trees, even rocks, possess a state of consciousness.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Post by Maxx 19.08.15 9:12

when one considers study of the universal concept that each of us may have passed through experiencing life in the mineral, plant, animal kingdom before experiencing this human element it does find answers in the American Indian statement that the whole earth is alive.  That soul has gone through all of these experiences and that soul (which is the unconscious mind) remembers every part down to the smallest incident.  That is where one that knows what they are doing can deal in the past lives section and find real reasons for illness, fears, phobias, etc.  I am hearing of complete healings being done by experiencing these issues looking through the eyes of a previous life time by using this process.   Of course, I expect very few to agree with me in this matter, but what the heck, Uncle Fester was never one to run with the crowd. So, A Tree Having a Soul.....? I bet I am the only one here that would raise my hand and agree to that

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Post by Lupus de Umbras 21.08.15 9:50

Ha ha! Make that two hands, Maxx. I've long been aware of ancient teachings referring to the path of transmigration on the wheel of Awagawan including mineral, plant and animal forms. So by my rough estimation that makes some of us millions of years old, as Soul. After all, in order to attain a state of illumination (an ongoing process), one has to experience many states of living.

You also raise a good point about current physical,emotional and mental issues being rooted in past life experiences. These being imprinted upon the causal,emotional,Soul and mental bodies, so to speak.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Post by Maxx 21.08.15 9:55

In my study of astrology, I am finding that everything about a person is rooted in the eons of time...Even how one looks, their head, their facial appearance, their build like a slim, moderate, or fat appearance, emotional reactions, all have to do with the past.

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Post by Maxx 21.08.15 10:22

and by astrology, I mean the study of the ancient astrology, not the present sun sign trash out there.

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Post by Lupus de Umbras 22.08.15 7:15

"Sun sign trash" - I guess that comes under the heading of, "New Age Bollocks". Very Happy  Joking aside - What you're studying seems very revealing. I take your point about physical appearance and past life experiences. I'd even go as far as to say that traumatic or mortal injuries sustained in past lives can manifest  in a current incarnation as physical and psychological ailments. Spot on, Maxx.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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