Natural Feeding

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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 24.06.09 22:03


My parents both live in Los Angeles County...Smile and are in their 70's..Smile You can ask me anything about the past.. I can always regress if I cannot find the

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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Maxx 24.06.09 22:15

Thank you......



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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Syrianeh 26.06.09 2:08

Intriguing and interesting stories, Maxx, as always coming from you. Which arises a question.

Kingship in Egypt was an inherited right, as we know. Only the child of a King could reign. So much so, that siblings married one another in order to keep the blood as pure as possible. The first born was called the "Hawk-in-the-nest" to convey the idea of the rightful heir waiting to come into his own. Now, it was said that the King or Pharaoh on the throne was the actual incarnation of the God (whichever was most influential at the time, it being Amun, Ptah, Osiris, Horus...). So this means that after a King's passing, his heir would automatically become the incarnation of the God.

Is this then the process you have explained, the God's soul "hopping into" his heir so that the new King would be truly the Living God?

In this case, if and when the King failed to learn this ability, would this mean that he was not fit to rule because he was not the true incarnation? Did this ever apply to women (i.e. Cleopatra, Hatshepsut?

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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Maxx 26.06.09 9:48

In most cases the Priests were involved with this process. They also were open to the initiation themselves. Women are also included in this in most cases. Actually, a trusted Priest was in charge of the entire process of schooling the individual. This started at a very early age in the case of the first born. If he was unable to pass, then you will find that something happened to the child/student/etc. and someone else stepped in and was elevated to the throne. Understand that not in every case was one entity interested in continuing the rule.....just like I might have an interest to body hop, but in your selection, you have a higher interest in other things in the other world and in that case a new ruler was enthroned. All these individuals had different personalities, likes, desires, etc. They were not like the picture book people we read about and given mannerisms from history. If people were to read of your life 4000 years from now, how close to your personality do you think the account would be? It would not even show your thoughts at all.

I will point out there is one way you can see that the new student had to develop astral travel. You can find pictures of a room where there is a water pit. In it you find crocs. The student had to dive in the water and come up in the other room but unknown to them was the fact that the exit was not there when they came to it. So still underwater they had to decide what to do. (The crocs were fed really good before the test so they actually were not a problem but the student did not know this). The only way out was to go and dive deeper and go under a wall put in for just this test and then go out at the bottom of the pool which was much deeper to find the actual exit to the outside room on the other side. The student had a choice to turn around and come back......the student also had a choice to not even go into the water to take the test. is the kicker......The student had to discover the exit and the actual answer to the test by astral travel and find it or by getting the answer in dreams the week before the test....................Could you do that? This was one of the tests in how the ruler was taught the correct method to get answers in the way to lead his people. Astrally.

Also, I must say that not everything that we read in history is totally correct. Some things have been misdirected for a purpose. This process was one of them. You might consider workiing on your astral travel (which is time travel)to go back and look at what the world was during that time to obtain your own historical account.

Also, please ask yourself one question. Do you honestly think that the rulers and presidents of each country today really have final decisions in what they plan and decide and what happens in their domain is the result of their say so?

I know Maktub is grinding his teeth reading this but in all honesty, he is the reason I joined this forum as I respect his input so much.

That is all I will say \\



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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Syrianeh 26.06.09 11:17

Thank you for the astounding info, Maxx. I understand you didn't gather it from books...

It is truly fascinating.

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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Maxx 26.06.09 12:53

My Dear Syrianeh,

Do not be so quick to assume........
I posted the illustration of the croc pit for everyone to find it and verify this pit. Always verify all things for yourself. Never take anothers word for anything as the final truth. Even here.

I have seen the illustration at some point in the past on the net, although it has been years past showing the design of the pit. They did not completely understand what is was and how it was used. It behoves all of us to embark on a trip to experience true OBE no matter what the cost as it will help us determine what life is all about.

And it would be of immense profit in not believing the hack in Egypt in charge of all the digging and the info released about new findings to the public. He was placed there just to give out the official info from those who want major truth to stay secret. Actual truth as it is found is shut down immediately if it does not line up with their stories of the past. OBE will help you prove all things. Also one needs to learn and practice their own means to determine when they are being lied to or not, whether in person or in print. This will help one in all areas of their life.



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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Syrianeh 26.06.09 13:16

Very true, Maxx. Well said. Intuition and "whatif's" are often misleading. I understand now why you spoke of the croc pit.

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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Maktub 28.06.09 15:32

Maxx wrote:I know Maktub is grinding his teeth reading this but in all honesty, he is the reason I joined this forum as I respect his input so much.
Not grinding my teeth, Maxx. Several key concepts in your post is something that I have confirmed and studied within my life's research. The purpose of astral traveling, but even more importantly, the power and ability to overpower the natural cycles of the Universe and take over a physical body, is part of the process on how the leadership of the Kemet Empire was established and kept under control. Actually, it reflects one of the techniques clearly used by the Asetians in order to establish their control for the supreme rulership in Ancient Egypt. Those methods are not new, and there are accounts that express them, recorded in more than just old temple walls. I wanted to add, however, that more than the focus on the ability to astrally project and incorporate physical bodies, lies the hidden mysteries of Initiation. The whole process, techniques and powers that achieve the ultimate Initiation are one the biggest mysteries behind the divine powers of the Pharaoh, as well as the divinity, ascension and supremacy of forgotten races in history like the Asetians.

Maxx wrote:Also, I must say that not everything that we read in history is totally correct. Some things have been misdirected for a purpose. This process was one of them. You might consider workiing on your astral travel (which is time travel)to go back and look at what the world was during that time to obtain your own historical account.

Also, please ask yourself one question. Do you honestly think that the rulers and presidents of each country today really have final decisions in what they plan and decide and what happens in their domain is the result of their say so?
I have to agree when you state that history not always equals to truth, and that in many cases, the proposed theories that are expressed as factual history were orchestrated in the aims of hidden purpose. Fortunately, there are still records and clues on how to find the real facts hidden in history, from cultural gnosis to mechanisms to retrieve that lost knowledge, usually hidden and heavily protected by Orders like the Aset Ka. Lets also keep in mind that the Aset Ka is just one of the Elder Organizations that survived the natural tests of Time, but not the only One. Each has their own background, their own powers and their own weaknesses... each has their own hidden agendas and active stances in the overall dynamics of the Universe. To comprehend their full existence, objectives and interactions is beyond our natural abilities, but to study them and interpret their mystified gnosis is one of the forgotten keys to find your own Selves, in a much purer way than the mundane world, or the fake side of the Occult, has to offer.


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Location : From the forgotten sands of Kemet.
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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Maxx 28.06.09 16:09

I truly wish you would take out my comments and leave your post up on the introduction to this forum for all new individuals that will enter in the future to read. It makes an incredible addition to the function of the forum. Many new subjects you brought to light.

The only problem with all of this is that we have to wait maybe 30 days between posts. Do not stay away.

One thing I would really like to bring out is that it is written , "The themes that can be found in the temples of Ramses' day can be found throughout Egyptian history: "King Ramses is received by Amon and presented with the Key of Life," This takes on a whole new meaning for those that understand what is being described.



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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by student 31.10.09 13:49

i am not a vampire as far as i kno, but i do have to the ability to feed off of peoples energy. is it wrong to do that without asking?


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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Daniel09 31.10.09 14:03

student wrote:i am not a vampire as far as i kno, but i do have to the ability to feed off of peoples energy. is it wrong to do that without asking?

It can be considered rude and unnecessary if you do not require the energy, but it's up to you to decide whether it is wrong or right. If you feel bad about doing it, then it is probably wrong.

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Natural Feeding - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by student 02.11.09 22:38

thank you daniel09 for taking the time to answer my question


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