Secrets of Secret Societies

Divine 277
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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by N.Augusta 04.02.13 18:39

This was a very interesting video. Take it for that...interesting!


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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by Jonathan 05.02.13 6:26

Nice how they state that knowledge is power. I believe that concept is at the center of most secret societies.

Also interesting how they refer back to Ancient Egypt and its priesthood as some of the first examples of secret societies in history. Those are the origins of the Aset Ka as a secret society after all, in Ancient Egyptian priesthood and their secret practices and initiations.

I do think there is an exaggeration in what concerns Freemasonry. Lots of speculation around it but much being said about it is obviously fiction. Secret societies do exist today, like the Aset Ka, OTO, Freemasonry and others, some more secret than others, but many of the conspiracy theory fans tend to go a bit too far and misunderstand the purpose of these societies.
In these documentaries and books there is always some people who supposedly were high ranked members of Freemasonry or other groups that now decided to speak up and expose the truth. I highly doubt most of these people were actual members. It's the same thing as we often see online concerning the Aset Ka, in different forums and places it's easy to find someone claiming to be some important member of the Aset Ka who now wants to expose their secrets after leaving or being expelled. Nonsense, people just want attention and the idea of having privileged information. It's ego. The real secrets, in any of those secret societies, are surely kept guarded from untrustworthy people and unstable individuals.

Now if there is danger in the existence of powerful secret societies, there sure is. Is there potential for some to work like a mafia, yes there is. Does paranoia help with anything, no.

Nice video.

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by Victor 06.02.13 9:04

Despite its fraternal origins in Yale, Skull and Bones today is a proxy for another secret organization.

Near the end of the clip they mistakingly refer Tehuti (Djehuty) as a spirit identified with the Egyptian Horus and the Greek Mercury, when it's actually the Egyptian Thoth and Greek Hermes.

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by Divine 277 07.02.13 0:41

@Victor thats right ..

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by Jonathan 09.02.13 7:14

Victor wrote:Near the end of the clip they mistakingly refer Tehuti (Djehuty) as a spirit identified with the Egyptian Horus and the Greek Mercury, when it's actually the Egyptian Thoth and Greek Hermes.
Ok all those theatrics from OTO rituals don't really mean much to me. I respect others who might take them seriously, but to me I don't even think we can invoke such powerful universal forces like Thoth or Maat. We may be able to interact with them, but not pull them to our realm and have them manifest through us. That is much "Christian priest speaks for Christ" to me. Just theatrics.
Sure we can bind and even control a demon but that's an entirely different thing.

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by N.Augusta 10.02.13 14:30

Jonathan wrote:
Victor wrote:Near the end of the clip they mistakingly refer Tehuti (Djehuty) as a spirit identified with the Egyptian Horus and the Greek Mercury, when it's actually the Egyptian Thoth and Greek Hermes.
Ok all those theatrics from OTO rituals don't really mean much to me. I respect others who might take them seriously, but to me I don't even think we can invoke such powerful universal forces like Thoth or Maat. We may be able to interact with them, but not pull them to our realm and have them manifest through us. That is much "Christian priest speaks for Christ" to me. Just theatrics.
Sure we can bind and even control a demon but that's an entirely different thing.

You bring up an interesting subject there. Some identify the deities with an atheistic and/or more psychological approach and see it as tapping into other parts of Self when invoking deities/self and that they are not invoking outside forces. Others, look at invocations as connecting to outside spiritual beings. This (the different views) interests me on a psychological level. Which one is correct? The answer given is dependent on the view/beliefs of the one being asked.

I think deities can walk and roam where ever they want and cannot be limited, thus, can come into any realm. To think otherwise seems to limit them, in my personal opinion. Mind you, I don't know much.

As far as theatrics, rituals are dramatic and theatrical in their own way/nature and are also an expression of creative forces at work. They can range from simple to highly complex as you know, but that part I find interesting, as well as the writing and the whole creative magickal process (finding the needed objects, etc,) and bringing it all through to completion, even though I myself am not much into ritual. However, my group is getting ready to do a large group ritual that I will participate in... I'm simply taking one for the team. Smile

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by N.Augusta 10.02.13 14:53

I agree on many false things being said about the Masons too. I don't believe that the high-ranking Mason was ever a high-ranking Mason, and maybe never was a Mason, yet I could be wrong. Indeed, it is curious that you always see such former "high-ranking" members out in the limelight/tv speaking poorly about what they were previously involved with. If he was, and had he made it all the way "up there" then surely he would honor his oaths, one would think. So, in that regard, by disregarding such oaths, it shows very poor character. But, I guess they don't care. I have a hard time believing that one goes all the way up to the 32nd degree or to the famous 33rd and then just....simply walks away to say bad things on TV. Oh, wait, all those former ones must be friends of Bill--what's his last name? The former vampire, former Satanist, former Mason, former ET....well, come to think about it, he probably has a video out there talking about how he is formerly Satan too, but just decided to stop being Satan so he could move onto being Santa. Oh crap, I have really digressed!

Anyway, still, the former "Mason" didn't look as ridiculous as Alex Jones. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy That conspiracy theorist, while annoying--yes, he is also quite hysterical. The problem with folks like him, who supposedly know "so much" of the "truth" and "expose" it, well, you would think that such folks would be incarcerated or worse by the very people they are exposing of running the world and killing off the population. They would be silenced. So, I call him and those like him as folks who want to spread fear. One has to wonder--who they are really working for? Know what I mean?

I really enjoyed the contributions from James Wasserman and Tahuti Lodge. They did a great job, otherwise, this would of been another spooky- nonsensical documentary on Secret Orders-- making them all out to be Scooby Doo monsters.

I think, one of the most important things to take from this video is a clear and logical understanding as to why there must be things that remain hidden and kept secret from society, and how important it is to keep ones Oaths. Why should an order reveal all its secrets to the world? Hmmm, now that leaves me reflecting..... It is hard though, because you may want to tell someone something, but, you swore an oath and you cannot break that oath. Oaths are of the uttermost importance.

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by Maxx 10.02.13 16:26

N. Augusta wrote:........

"You bring up an interesting subject there. Some identify the deities with an atheistic and/or more psychological approach and see it as tapping into other parts of Self when invoking deities/self and that they are not invoking outside forces. Others, look at invocations as connecting to outside spiritual beings. This (the different views) interests me on a psychological level. Which one is correct? The answer given is dependent on the view/beliefs of the one being asked.

I think deities can walk and roam where ever they want and cannot be limited, thus, can come into any realm. To think otherwise seems to limit them, in my personal opinion. Mind you, I don't know much.

As far as theatrics, rituals are dramatic and theatrical in their own way/nature and are also an expression of creative forces at work. They can range from simple to highly complex as you know, but that part I find interesting, as well as the writing and the whole creative magickal process (finding the needed objects, etc,) and bringing it all through to completion, even though I myself am not much into ritual. However, my group is getting ready to do a large group ritual that I will participate in... I'm simply taking one for the team."

My own answer to that is on a personal basis........
Those spirits can certainly come in at any time they choose.....I just got that answer from a being and it does not depend on any ritual....what they are watching for is if the individual is actually making a concerted effort to advance one needs to prepare their body to work with the higher vibrations that will manifest.....if they are not prepared...then that spirit will use the connection with the mind if the being so wants to make contact...but most of the time a human is only playing games and it is not worth the time of that being to interact with the human....but they are always watching and of course hear all. Human free will is involved here.

On another personal note......I led a ritual years ago when I was once starting on the path I walk now.....20 people involved on a full moon night out on a site that was an American Indian village where the US Army slaughtered most of the village in the it certainly had personality.....We were concerned with all the cars parked nearby and with a full moon it created a lot of light......So when I started and called to the spirit to come.....the entire area was enveloped with a dark mist and covered all of us where we could not be seen. You could barely see the moon shining through in all of the activity. Now, various individuals saw spirits, others only felt them.....but ALL saw the black mist come in and cover the area and hide us..........and the wind picked up and began blowing as the mist stayed in place til we were finished....

I hope your group ritual is as attention getting as that one it effected many that night......

Also, I have a new policy only for I see many posts here that I certainly do not agree with...but others that I no matter what I feel about any of them, it will make no difference whether another posts and comments or not, as it does not change anyone's mind at all...(do not assume that I am not answering a post you made to me on purpose other than this one) will maintain their walk no matter whether incorrect or correct and rarely will have a change of every walk is correct for that particualar person at the time they expericence it in their is a learning experience. There are no two people on this earth that are the same....all our experiences are different and we will all reach the end of that walk at some point....and as one gets older it will be a help to look back and be able to see all those experiences that led them to all the conclusions that they take with them to the other side.....only then will we be able to laugh and talk about how far off we really were as to what really is going on here..... Smile

And speaking of contact with the God or Gods, etc.....if one is making any kind of connection with the spirit world beings, whether it be struck dead by lightening as one might anger them, or being granted some desire or request being fulfilled by them, should not that indicate that one is damn close to being a God themselves with that close of an impact and interaction with that source? I am believing more and more that when the veil can be lifted and one can see what is really going on, we find we walk in delusion and not facts most of our life.....but it is one hell of an experience. Smile



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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by Kalb 10.02.13 17:08


I think just watching the world, the policy itself to see how the conspiracy works. Ayn Rand, created a system called "Objectivism". She was an uncompromising advocate of rational individualism and capitalism. She once wrote in 1920 in one of her letters ...

When you realize that to produce, must obtain the permission of who produces nothing; prove that when the money flows to those who do not negotiate with goods but with favors, when you realize that many get rich by bribery and influence, more than at work, and that the laws do not protect us from them, but, on the contrary, it is they who are protected from you, when you realize that corruption is rewarded and honesty becomes self-sacrifice, then you can say without fear of making mistakes that your society is doomed.
So passed 93 years and nothing has changed. The manipulation continues to be made front of us and we remain blind. Therefore, it is important to keep society ignorant. Anyway, the IMF proclaims itself as an organization of 184 countries, working for a global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high levels of employment and sustainable economic development and reduce poverty and the truth is we do not see any of this, we see a group interested in controlling the world increasingly and very greedy... the most important detail is that all members of the United Nations Organizations, are part of the International Monetary Fund. The original slogan of UN do not exist anymore, they tell the world that defend the world and want peace and has become a political puppet of developed countries, especially the U.S. It is not difficult to realize that behind these organizations there is a leader to control it. The hidden covens, Orders, have influence on it. Not only the political but everywhere.

Already published news about the intentions of putting a unique coin in world and want to an unique State to control the world. Countries from G8 and G20, UN, IMF, Vatican, published that. Many believe that the apocalypse is coming .. is happening.

And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead;

and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, [even] the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Apocalipse 13:16-17

Anyway, this is me just imagining things and creating scenarios in my mind.

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by Divine 277 11.02.13 5:20

Im not very found of secret societies, mostly personal reasons, However I do understand that somethings are best kept away from the general public.
However every time I encounter this subject I tend to ask my self some questions.... and her is some of them ...

What kind of information should be public and not ?

Who should decide such things ?

Should people take responsibility for others actions ?

Should all information be free for the public ?

If so are people that share responsible for peoples actions ?

If not share, then more secrecy and more ignorance ... ?

There are a great deal of questions that sing in my mind when I read this topic and peoples responses ...

Im guessing that truth and openness can be both good and bad, depending if one see the glass half full or the glass half empty ...

Also the other way around , with secrets ... who benefits from secrets, who doesn't ?

What intensions one have for hiding truth ...
What intensions one have for sharing ...

What is lies, and what is truth? Do we anyway see beneath oUr own truth ? ... I know for a fact that news for instance dos not have to reflect the truth ... but it also could do to ...

Then: what to trust ?

Selfish people is everywhere ... good hearted people to ...

Some you know, others you dont know ...

Greed , fear ..... Is probably the biggest sickness when it comes to all of this ...

Just sharing my thoughts after reading true this ...

Med Vennling Hilsen Luna Aurora Divine

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by Jonathan 11.02.13 5:41

Seems like the thread from N.Augusta is stirring a lot of discussion and different opinions, this is very good. Keep it up N.Augusta! Smile

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by 8lou1 12.02.13 14:34

Victor wrote:Despite its fraternal origins in Yale, Skull and Bones today is a proxy for another secret organization.

Near the end of the clip they mistakingly refer Tehuti (Djehuty) as a spirit identified with the Egyptian Horus and the Greek Mercury, when it's actually the Egyptian Thoth and Greek Hermes.

thank you for mentioning skull and bones victor Smile it reminded me of an encounter i had with them. i didnt know they have become a proxy for an other organisation. actually at that time i didnt think much of it and your statement got me wondering what actually happened. maybe you would like to elaborate a bit on it, so i can set my info straight?

with love,

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by N.Augusta 18.02.13 19:26

Thank you sharing everyone. I appreciate the opinions shared. Great discussion. Smile

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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by DCxMagus 19.02.13 15:05

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss ritual or ceremony from your practices. While it may see superficial to those of us that have practiced and have experienced results for a while it is still a powerful tool.

Ritual and ceremony are great tools to use to distract and engage the conscious mind in order to tap into the power of the unconscious. Putting your movements on auto pilot and full engrossing you mind and body into the work through ritual and ceremony are pretty effective tools to those of us that can't always completely silence the conscious mind on a whim. Not only does it set the mood externally and prepare the space for a working, it gives you the mindset for success.


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Secrets of Secret Societies Empty Re: Secrets of Secret Societies

Post by Leira 26.10.13 1:22

The whole world is centred around elitist concepts and ideals, which endorses the exclusion of large numbers of people from positions of privilege and power. If you had information or secret knowledge that could potentially change the course of spiritual evolution on this planet in a positive way ( by creating a level playing field ) would you feel compelled to share it ? Even though, like all great things, that secret knowledge in the wrong hands could be used in a destructive way ?


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