Metabolism and Appetite

Divine 277
Sinata Anika Asti
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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Maxx 17.03.13 16:05

yes, I understand your statement and I agree with being very happy with the group that I am working within also...and I will not even mention it here to appear that I am promoting it.....It is really a big effort.....and totally free.....I am learning more in a short time than anything else I have ever walked within...and there is no comparision between the two sites and that is how I know what is generating results and what does not......and in fashion that was what I was suggesting here with the same effort ...but need to beat on the horse any longer.....Thanks for your interest and effort to calm things down...but there really was no issue going that far into out of control There does seem to be interest in what we spoke of here as i see there were over 415 hits on the conversation in a 24 hour period....and that does show something...

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Victor 18.03.13 6:54

I will not go over the nonsense related to only Asetians being special or people here selling books, along the rest in such misinformed statements. People should research and explore on their own with a balanced mind before passing confused opinions on what they don't understand or know about, but this should come down as obvious and those points have in a certain way already been addressed by Jonathan in previous posts.

What I will address is, witchmark accused stated that the beliefs of some in this forum are lies and then tried to pass her ideas on everyone being human and how Self work must be done, but she made a crucial mistake. She speaks of ascending and spirituality as if that's the truth while labeling other beliefs as lies.
Witchmark, let me explain to you something quite simple. This goes to everyone as well. The whole ascending talk and everything you said is not the truth, but just your own opinion. Nothing more than that. Just like everything we say and share in here, it's our opinion and not an absolute unquestionable truth. It is the result of our inner work and experience. Others may use that for their growth but in the end they will have to see what vibrates inside them.

Passing misinformation is wrong and only diminishes who you are. If you don't know better, then actually learn so you can speak about it. Don't be afraid to burn your eyelashes.

Avoid being so quick to pass your views as the real truth and label others as wrong because that is one of the most obvious signs when someone is in need of growth and inner work. What you see as ascending and magick will be a lie to others and what they see as truth will not be so to you. Food for thought.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by witchmark 18.03.13 9:53

Reverend Victor,

I only stated that all coming to these board were human, with a human soul. I stated that all are capable of ascending. There is no lie in that. I stated that I do not agree that there are those who are born with a different type of soul and are somehow elite. Which is what is implied by the Aset Ka.

I also stated what is commonly known to be drawn to the occult world. Very common knowledge mind you. I remember in my 20's while being on the fence with christianity and hermetic magick I had come to know a catholic priest. I will never forget him. Father Odin was his name. I was living in Defiance Ohio at the case anyone wishes to research him as I am sure it can found that he had a parish there. I spoke with him many times due to having my dreams become reality. He knew I was not catholic but took time with me none the less. It was he who stated that all religions come from the occult. However, the reason there were priest who were trained in the occult were to aid those that might fall into the pits that were also part of the occult. He encouraged me forward with the advice to be careful of those pits.

After leaving Ohio, I traveled many states and a few countries, dragging my children with me. Gotta play parent! Smile I encountered many different teachings with the exception of Buddism and of course Muslim. My findings were, regardless of what symbols used or mantras chanted....the source was the same. As my chakras developed there was also a growth that could not be seen. Awareness levels rose and they still rise. But I had a hunger that to this day can not be satisfied. It is one of learning....of a continuation of growth.

I have only entered one organization, which was the ToV. I had to in order to get my hands on their teachings. I grew there. Not only from the communions and the other techniques taught but in the arena of perspectives. I resigned when it no longer was causing growth.

Here we have Jonothan stating there are no asetians on these boards. Kalb indicates it is his home, one could easily read that Kalb is claiming to be an asetian. There are no instructions given in order to test or validate for growth. Now if words in a book are useful for others to live their lives in a more peaceful manner than so be it.

Now within the Asetian Bible the set of symbols does vibrate the chakras. But I found it was a vibration only. I can take that and use it in other systems of which I have done. The result is growth. However I find that is a bone thrown. I am still connecting to the same source. The same source that I have connected to for years.

Now, there is a bit of personal background on me.

What I posted was to inspire the art of thinking. Now, you reference that I might be passing on misinformation. Yet above that you state that it is an opinion. How true! Inner truths are found by exploring. They are very personal! This forum is promoted as one of growth. Now if folks are fine with just the social concepts of it than that is fine.

Oh, and Reverend, I am not afraid of much nor should those that post and read here be.

I do have a question for you, should you feel a need to answer, I understand that you get busy. Why should I be so quick to avoid passing on my views that I have come to know as truth when it is at that moment that I just might find growth? Why should anyone?


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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Maxx 18.03.13 11:02

Wait a minute here....I thought this was all put to bed......but that is incorrect, Victor, as far as how I am viewing it.....and others here have said the same thing behind the scene.......

"I will not go over the nonsense related to only Asetians being special or people here selling books, along the rest in such misinformed statements. People should research and explore on their own with a balanced mind before passing confused opinions on what they don't understand or know about, but this should come down as obvious and those points have in a certain way already been addressed by Jonathan in previous posts."

Jonathan never addressed any issue that was brought up other than to use changing my words around to create misinformation to suit a needs based presentation, but he did not do a very good job of that......and there is nothing wrong with disagreeing....I support Jonathon in that respect. But here again, Victor, you use the same tactic by lumping everything as nonsense to portray your version as dismissing others peoples views as being incorrect when you state in principle that truth is relative to all people......exactly....i see what I posted as truth to me......and no one has ever posted anything to show that this site is any other method than to create interest toward promoting books.....and there is nothing wrong with that....everyone does it......but please do not attempt to infur that any kind of learning is promoted from this site....And if one does want to learn....where does one the books, Maxx, you dummy. And by way, the very creation of this site, would indicate that Asetians are declared to be a very special type of person......otherwise it would not exist....

If I am so misinformed please tell me how I am going to become informed about this subject? Go do your independent research, Maxx" It has been stated there are no Asetians on this site....and no one speaks for them here.....and no one really has heard the name even until very recent years....but by the same token, the same thing can be said about the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, etc.....and lordy, I sure do not want to mention that group that never was heard of before 1989 claiming they are ancient cause I may be accused of being their paid spokesperson again), as well as many others out there.. but I do not condemn that.....I only began this posting to imply that why not be honest about it....and just call it what it is......many, many outside this forum even see the same thing but do not make a big deal out of it.....the only thing I am trying to advocate is everything what it really is...and people can respect that. But all the shadow, mystery, etc element only lends itself as being another one of those groups putting the spotlight out there trying to create interest.........all I ask is be honest about it all....and then there would never be any confrontation about any of it.....all the answers would speak for itself....that is how honesty works....a shadow government never operates in the light as full blown light would destroy it........I hope that is not the case here.

But please do not use the lump everything in a package and call it nonsense to infur that nothing stated here had no validity because it does not conform to your representation.....that is totally below your intelligence......which I do respect.....and also the same for Jonathan.

But if my opinions are so confused, I only describe results that are seen here on the site and commenting on what I see....and if that is confusion, then I am very confused here.... and is that process an example of a mind that is "imbalanced". If so, then everyone can be classified as being crazy...but again.....truth as each one sees it can be changing every second by second...

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Kalb 18.03.13 12:36

witchmark wrote:Here we have Jonothan stating there are no asetians on these boards. Kalb indicates it is his home, one could easily read that Kalb is claiming to be an asetian. There are no instructions given in order to test or validate for growth. Now if words in a book are useful for others to live their lives in a more peaceful manner than so be it.

Witchmark: I Love Asetianism! But, I'm NOT Asetian. My dedication to Asetianism, go beyond your perspectives and visions, not only yours but the majority of humanity. Tell me what for you is "Home"? Before you answer, think wisely...

I could draw up a plan of my thoughts to you, but the truth is that I'm impatient to write. I'll do other things.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Maxx 18.03.13 12:54

See Daniel......this is all your should never have mentioned any diet at all.....and you really stirred up your

just kidding......this has gone way into other things.....but how is your shen work changing now?.....if any?

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Jonathan 18.03.13 12:58

Victor wrote:I will not go over the nonsense related to only Asetians being special or people here selling books, along the rest in such misinformed statements. People should research and explore on their own with a balanced mind before passing confused opinions on what they don't understand or know about, but this should come down as obvious and those points have in a certain way already been addressed by Jonathan in previous posts.

What I will address is, witchmark accused stated that the beliefs of some in this forum are lies and then tried to pass her ideas on everyone being human and how Self work must be done, but she made a crucial mistake. She speaks of ascending and spirituality as if that's the truth while labeling other beliefs as lies.
Witchmark, let me explain to you something quite simple. This goes to everyone as well. The whole ascending talk and everything you said is not the truth, but just your own opinion. Nothing more than that. Just like everything we say and share in here, it's our opinion and not an absolute unquestionable truth. It is the result of our inner work and experience. Others may use that for their growth but in the end they will have to see what vibrates inside them.

Passing misinformation is wrong and only diminishes who you are. If you don't know better, then actually learn so you can speak about it. Don't be afraid to burn your eyelashes.

Avoid being so quick to pass your views as the real truth and label others as wrong because that is one of the most obvious signs when someone is in need of growth and inner work. What you see as ascending and magick will be a lie to others and what they see as truth will not be so to you. Food for thought.
Great post Victor. I'm afraid that your wisdom might be falling on deft ears and your points missed. Maybe people can't understand or maybe they just don't want to.

I have to say that I always found it funny when people try to tell others what they are or what they aren't. Be it saying that everyone is human and nothing else exists or the other side of the road that tries to convince someone that he is a vampire. Sure there are many delusional people out there that would label everything into fantasy but for those who actually know what they are talking about, saying that nothing like that exists and everyone is the same sounds pretty damn limiting to me! I hate limitations, they only block growth and potential. Smile

Just an irrelevant side note, that talk of ascension reminds me of the Ascended Masters crap, St. Germain, Sanat Kumara, I am that I am movement and that whole lot. Pyramids were built by aliens, Jesus was an alien, we're all aliens. lol People will find all sorts of crazy things to believe in. Now that's one new age cult built to create delusion and with a known history of insanity. But you see, yet those groups are also free and pretending to be peaceful which doesn't mean they are not a bunch of insane people who have driven innocent ones into group suicide.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Maxx 18.03.13 13:08

and they sell books.........but I love your insight here I said...there ain't a thang wrong with 'at.

Contrasts enable one to clarity of sight.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by witchmark 18.03.13 13:11

Let me give you both, Jonathon and Kalb, a pat on the head. Sorry to have disturbed your slumber. Everything is an opinion when nothing can be proven! However, pointing out the existence without a means of supporting it is insanity! Delusional! Your belief system, just like any other requires faith. There isn't one out there that does not. However, one should be thinking about what one is asked to believe in. How many times must I reference the game of thinking?


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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Divine 277 18.03.13 19:11

I think this was an exiting and fires tread ... Smile

Nice Smile

witchmark I understand your hart is in the right place ..

But the Asetian teachings has nothing to do with the Asetians them self ..
(at least they are irrelevant for me, exempt as guides true my self, and to the understanding of the self , emotional , energetic , physical , "goods and bad " sides (depending on perspective) and what one uses it for or act on, or dont act on ...

Its more about what you can learn about your self, when reading the books ...

Well thats at least what it was for me ... and the more I read the books the more I understood about my inner life and how to alter it or use it or crush it.

It made me see things is a different perspective but also the same .. but in a more structured way then my chaotic creative mind was used to.

((((((NO , do not ask me If Im saying Im an Asetian .. cause thats not what Im saying )))))

Anyway Thats how I see the Asetian Bible ...

When It comes to the book of Orion ... it kinda scares me a bit.

And Im still trying to get my self to study it deeper... I have read it a few times .. but there are parts in the book Im avoiding ... Im completely sure why yet ..

Or If I am sure but don't want to realize it ....

I love the symbology and the psychology that has been used in the books, and its quite fascinating to see the effect it has on people....

Anyway You are free to view the books as you please ..

Im only sharing my view.

MVH Luna Aurora Divine

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Daniel09 18.03.13 21:55

To feed off of what Divine mentioned with regard to Self, that is what the Asetian Bible is all about when you bring it down to its base elements. Asetianism is the diligent balance of the mind, body, and spirit in the quest to uncover the true Self that is within each of us.

Whether your essence is human, Asetian, or otherwise Otherkin, the path to the Self is the same. With knowledge and acceptance of the Self, steps can be made toward whatever enlightenment truly is.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Jonathan 19.03.13 3:04

witchmark wrote:However, pointing out the existence without a means of supporting it is insanity! Delusional!
So can you prove that whole ascension talk? Not only can you prove its existence but can you also prove that everyone can achieve it as you repeated to Victor that it's an absolute truth?

Guess not... so you see, you're tasting a bit of your own limitations. That's the problem with sticking to a closed mind, it can easily be turned against you. According to your own definition you labeled yourself as insane and delusional.

Your thoughts that everyone is human and anyone can ascend are no different than any other group out there believing in vampires. It's your belief not fact as you like to claim. Most things about magick can't be fully proven and the ones that could give some factual evidence on vampires, magick and Asetians don't really care if anyone believes or not or what you may think.

Now I am not saying that I think you're insane, I actually don't think you are. I'm just pointing out your obvious spiritual limitation on this. Trying to make you see, but I know that sometimes it can be hard to admit we're wrong.

You know the game of thinking that you so like to talk about, maybe you should try playing it! You would be surprised if you did. Wink

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 3 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Victor 19.03.13 5:30

You can't teach by bringing down other spiritual systems and labeling them as lies while feeding your own views and dogma. Anyone "ascended" would tell you that.

Witchmark, you're no one to say that everyone in here is human. Focus on Self and not on what others may be. You're feeding your dogma and faith to others while labeling them. Only them can find out who or what they are. You're constantly labeling others in your posts in this thread, from users to leaders and groups. Why not to try something harder, which is to face yourself?
I do agree with Jonathan on one thing, saying that what you know (humans) is all that exists shows limitation. Maybe that is all you have found and experienced in life but there is much beyond your own experiences and path. Many things you haven't encountered or learned about yet. The world is not as black and white as you believe, it's full of diversity and mystery. Maybe seeing your limitations challenged is what is causing such a sudden stir in you. If that's the case, then it's a good thing. Meditate on it. Grow from it. Or give in to Ego and remain blind.

Maxx you say this forum is not changing lives and I agree with you. The answer to your concern lies in your very own words. This is a forum. Nothing more than that. It's simply a gathering place. This is no mystery school, and if any other online group you're dealing with pretends otherwise then I would question their teachings.
Now if we speak of Asetianism, that has changed lives. It has opened the eyes and taught the Universe to some, while it also broke the lives of others. That is it's nature and it won't change wether we accept it or not.

Is it safe? No it surely isn't.
Can it change lives and move crowds? That I have seen with my very own eyes.

Asetianism teaches freedom and free thinking, that must be scary and dangerous to most people. The path proposed by the Aset Ka is not for everyone. Not everyone is at the same level of understanding. That will not change no matter how much you try to twist your point.

Now you and witch have kidnapped a valid thread with an interesting discussion about Shen centers and energy metabolism to suit your whatever agendas and just keep dragging it and openly ignoring the valid inconsistencies that were pointed out at your discourses. It seems like this thread suddenly got a mysterious spike of views from others than those participating on it. Maybe people from certain groups that some of you may know. I would say that all this crowd that observes us daily is getting excited. Twisted Evil
I would like to ask for Miss Sybil's attention to this matter and, if possible, suggest for this thread to be locked as it clearly no longer serves any purpose of growth and learning. Its contents can be an interesting read on Ego and how it can limit your perception, but dragging things isn't healthy. I am not trying to silence anyone but since you have chosen to engage on forcing your point in a loop without trying to understand what was being explained I believe this benefits no one, including yourself. You're free to continue such ramblings in private with anyone that so choses to read them. This community follows a high standard so lets stick to it.

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