Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Lilith's Nightchild 06.10.13 19:15

I was reading some old threads on the forum (some really great information here), and it seems that some really don't like Michelle Belanger. I mean, I understand that she's commercializing the occult, her books aren't very advanced and contain some misinformation, and I find the pseudo-gothic atmosphere of her work kinda cheesy, but she did really help me at one point. When I was 13 (I'm 21 now) and just starting to get serious about my occult studies (or as serious as a 13 year-old can get about anything), a good half of my useful information on manipulating prana came from her early e-books and people on internet forums who were inspired by her. Once again, her books aren't the most advanced or in-depth by a long shot, but they can be pretty useful for a middle schooler searching the internet for something with any amount of practical application. Nowadays I don't really pay attention to her, but I wondered if there was any particular reason why a lot of people in the vampire community seem to dislike her. Does it have something to do with her work or just her personality? (I've never interacted with her personally, so I wouldn't know.)

Also, does anyone have thoughts on Father Sebastian and his work? I'm vaguely aware of his affiliation with a vampire order called Strigoi Vii, and I picked up a copy of his book Vampyre Sanguinomicon a few years back at a used bookstore. I'm going to have to read it again before I can offer an opinion of the content, because I honestly don't remember much about it. I'll probably take another look here in a day or two. (I just realized that the foreword is by Konstantinos, whose book on vampiric occultism was pretty laughable, if I remember correctly.)
Lilith's Nightchild
Lilith's Nightchild

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Stapleraindrop 06.10.13 19:21

Many people dislike Belanger because she claims to be much more than she is. She styles herself a vampire empress of sorts to impress new occultists and make money. She is a sellout.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Jonathan 07.10.13 1:25

Well I will try to explain what really happened from an unbiased point of view. This might end up being long but it will show things from someone who watched it unfold from the front row, so it's never a waste of time when we can share our experiences to help others grow and not fall into traps.

As you all know the works by Michelle Belanger never fell under the acceptance of the occult community at large, not only because they're full of inaccuracies but also because she made the defining line of her career to invest on marketing and great visibility rather than the quality or credibility of her work. From poor research to stolen material without giving proper credit to oftentimes really no occult knowledge at all. Since she started appearing and writing that has led to her being described as cheap by those who take the occult and magick seriously. Now for the most part people wouldn't bother much with her or pay her attention and let the things she writes being used, as you said, by high-school teens seeking their first contact with energy work and vampirism. Although not a good resource people are free to make their choices and most kids aren't ready to handle real occult teachings at such young age anyways so it was all fine. Things changed when she started to actively attack the Aset Ka and go to extreme lengths in order to discredit their work, which was otherwise respected in the occult underground and a top reference for example in the European vampire community. She invested time and money to undermine their public books, to cripple their distribution and launched a major campaign in the US against the author. These events were foreseen by the Asetians, not concerning Michelle Belanger specifically but about those who were using the occult as means to make money and deceive people with fake vampire knowledge, and they made that clear in the introduction to the Asetian Bible and later gave better insight into such design and the psychological motivations behind it in the introduction to the Book of Orion five years later, after such events were exposed for all to see. Now this had a great impact on how people perceived Michelle Belanger and when most would be fine with ignoring her and all the commercial nonsense she published now they were taking things personally, especially those serious about the occult and the study of Asetianism. As time passed by and she continued to spread blatant lies and misinformation about the Asetians (it's all documented) she noticed that the Aset Ka simply ignored all her actions, never releasing any public statements or giving her the satisfaction of recognizing her efforts for attention, so then she shifted focus to Asetianists and the community at large. She acted behind the scenes to break the Asetianist community and to discredit students of Asetianism in most forums and online communities. You know how most online communities are, no serious seekers or real occultists but just role-players with all sorts of immature claims, making it the ideal playground for her to spread her lies and increase her marketing. She joined this forum years ago and tried to manipulate a few users to turn against the Asetian teachings and join her disseminating that stuff. She's still a member and reads us regularly, some users from this community knew her and have hanged out with her back in the day, so they take their information not from hearsay. You can still find today on the metatags for House Kheperu and their website the words Aset Ka, Asetian and Asetian Bible, as she continues to draw attention to herself and her group from those seeking out Asetian wisdom and path. She has used others as puppets and manipulated them into her lies, including Merticus that operates the Voices of the Vampire Community and Vampire Community News, trying to silence all Asetian-related news and everytime a book from the Aset Ka is published. They have promoted campaigns against Asetianism and particularly against this forum, some of which were over 800 participations long in a flame war and their typical drama. Some of those discussions were joined by members from here, for example in their official FaceBook page, which were drowned in immaturity and drama in a place that people don't care about knowledge or truth. Vampires on TV and vampirism in the media, the best place if you DON'T want to find real vampires. A realm of Twilight fans, gothic freaks and grown up women who do anything to appear on TV salivating in blood after losing custody of their own children. It's embarrassing really how the US community portrays itself, especially when compared to the more serious and secretive community in Europe and Asia. Sometimes they make real American occultists studying vampirism and magick ashamed of being American and that's not decent at all. That's the reality of this pretentious online vampire community. That is the legacy of Michelle Belanger.

On the irony of fate years have now passed and her house kheperu is mostly forgotten even in the role-player community, being used solely for a yearly meeting where you have to pay (yes real money) to hear them talk. Another channel to fuel her expensive holidays and parties. It always comes down to money and stealing from others, wether they steal money or they steal knowledge. Meanwhile the Aset Ka remains in their silence as it likely ever will, but their tradition has grown in scope and understanding, especially with the release of their latest Book of Orion that shed some light on the nature of their magick for those who were not yet privy to their teachings. Of course they will continue to be criticized by those who are ignorant of who the Asetians are and why are they here. That's the nature of ignorance I guess. Even in this forum we frequently have people claiming to know Asetians, be members of the Aset Ka and all sorts of things, which we can easily validate to be lies. There will always be liars out there and people who try to discredit when someone real tries to enlighten the ignorant. Ignorants are useful for people like Belanger, otherwise she wouldn't sell a book or get paid for those lectures teaching misinformation. You know who Damien Echols is? He used to be a great admirer of the Aset Ka and author Luis Marques, he even wrote it publicly once that the Asetian Bible helped him remain balanced and hopeful when he was in jail on death row waiting execution, before he was deemed innocent and later released. Michelle didn't give a damn about his existence and even made rude remarks about him once, but as his case became notorious around the country and his fame increased she was drawn to him like a fly, again smelling opportunity. He met Michelle Belanger later and again she manipulated him as it happened before with others. Damien deleted all his comments on how the Asetian Bible helped his life and inspired him to study magick in a time of no hope, unfollowed author Luis Marques on Twitter and stopped retweeting him which he was religiously doing until then, and so he started promoting Michelle. Now he opened a Reiki business in Salem and both give their paid lectures together. Wink
You see a pattern there? This is a great way to establish which people are real and honest about what they teach and to distinguish them from those who only seek to manipulate or lie. It often boils down to ego, fame and money.

Anyways you wanted to learn the story of Michelle Belanger and there you have it. I think I wrote for longer than I have hoped but it explains how it started and where it all began. It shows how it changed from some commercial author people don't care about to being seen as a con artist and renown liar after her actions she brought on herself. We would gladly ignore her as the real vampire community does, but when lies and dishonorable tricks are used to insult those we respect and admire, then we can only be vocal about exposing the truth and what she did. I hope this helps make it clear to you and others who may wonder why we're vocal setting the record straight around here when it comes to Michelle, although to be honest we also try to keep things real and honest even about other scams such as we did with Lucian Black of the Luciferian Order and others. We're not here to blind anyone and we'll expose those who attempt it.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Kalb 07.10.13 4:35

That was a nice explanation, Jonathan.

I'm aware of the story of Damien Echols, I saw with my eyes his deleting tweets and how he changed. He changed a lot due to bad influences, however he had good sources to not change, as Lady Dawn Lilian of Twitter, shared with him in some situations a good resource to grow up. Was weird, because he remove his response to her as I show you below.

https://twitter.com/DawnLilian/status/297443045035610112 wrote:
@DawnLilian to @damienechols Self-attunements are not part of Reiki practice and they actually go against Usui teachings that are the origins of Reiki.

@DawnLilian to @damienechols Not the same thing. Usui fasted for 21 days in isolation at the top of a mountain and never taught self-initiation.

@DawnLilian to @damienechols Most concepts of self-initiation are merely new age oversimplifications of much older rituals and practices.

@DawnLilian to @damienechols No,I am telling you that is energy manipulation, not Reiki. Everyone is capable of working with energy for healing and magick

@DawnLilian to @damienechols That I do agree, especially the ones charging large sums for it. Most true masters make no money off their craft.

@DawnLilian to @damienechols Humm and why did you delete all your replies and conversation? Now that's not nice...


@DawnLilian to all users of twitter about Father Sebastiaan: Funny moment of the day. I reply to @FatherSeb that Vampirism is not about making money and he blocks me. Says a lot about character. Wink
I shared that because shows the real truth, was the time where he changed, now he is master of Reiki and give levels of Reiki based on money. Again, it's weird because he gaining money with Michelle Belanger.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Nightshade 07.10.13 7:56

Long post Jonathan. I can see how you feel about this and I can't say I disagree, I understand your efforts have always been towards helping new occultists not falling for lies. In the end it doesn't matter what we say as that's the beauty of magick. You are attracted to the kind of energy that completes what you have on the inside. If you're seeking delusion and to use occult knowledge to lie and pretend, you will eventually find solace in the works of Belanger, Sebastian and others. Now if you seek growth, and I mean this genuinely with all that it entails, and not to see the occult as a vehicle for self-promotion or to look cool with your friends, then you will see right through the commercial crap and get into serious studies like the Aset Ka and other solid traditions. Traditions that do give strong verifiable results. If you look at those who have studied the materials from Belanger and remain attracted to it they are still stuck in the same mindset they were 10 years ago. They couldn't create magick or raise energy back then and they still can't now years after. That means they couldn't achieve anything with it. Those who managed to get results have moved on from her teachings into more advanced stuff and eventually discarded it. Actually, you will find many people in other forums who have moved from Belanger's stuff such as the Psychic Vampire Codex to real occult systems such as Thelema, Witchcraft, Asetian magick and the Asetian Bible, but you won't find people who moved from Asetianism to the teachings of House Kheperu. That says a lot.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Jonathan 07.10.13 11:07

Nightshade I agree with you but you may think these posts accomplish nothing and I can assure you that's not true. You would be surprised with the huge amount of hits Google gets from people searching about "Michelle Belanger fraud" and "Michelle Belanger scam" among other similar searches, as I realized from past conversations with the administrators. Some of the top hits lead to this forum (you can confirm that yourself) where such people can learn a little bit more about it and what others have experienced. Of course there are countless other good sources about her scams and if you check it out on Google the references are everywhere, but if we can add real honest information about what happened to the results and document some of it as we have done in the past then it only benefits those searching for truth and we may help people along the way. You would be surprised how people find this forum after being trapped in one of Belanger's schemes or fallen prey to her workshops and open houses, although the majority are probably young kids who read her vampire books but couldn't relate or wanted more information. For the most part they may end up not being interested in the occult after all and decide not to invest the time to continue their learning through our more serious threads within this forum, but even if it only helped them to see through the crap it might save them from future frustrations. So these posts definitely accomplish something, not only about Belanger but the many others we have exposed over the years, from scammers to websites selling magick and fake spells. I understand it may be annoying to read some of these threads and they really don't have the value that we can find in other threads about magick and the occult where people can learn much more, but they're not here for the experienced users those already know all of this I was saying. They're here for the young ones and those who are lost.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Saberwolf 07.10.13 23:42

I've read Sebastian work on kindle he definitely put effort and thought into his ideas and premise but I'm not sure I agree with it a hundred percent just from a magickal standpoint

It was interesting though

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Nightshade 08.10.13 0:55

To be honest with you I never even heard about Damien Echols before you guys mentioned him. I guess his story must only be known in the US.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by N.Augusta 08.10.13 18:19

Great post, Jonathan....Very well written, mature and calm. Smile

How you have such patience for these things is beyond me.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Jonathan 09.10.13 6:49

N.Augusta wrote:Great post, Jonathan....Very well written, mature and calm. Smile

How you have such patience for these things is beyond me.
Thanks. Glad you liked it. Smile

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Victor 09.10.13 9:32

Nightshade wrote:If you look at those who have studied the materials from Belanger and remain attracted to it they are still stuck in the same mindset they were 10 years ago. They couldn't create magick or raise energy back then and they still can't now years after. That means they couldn't achieve anything with it. Those who managed to get results have moved on from her teachings into more advanced stuff and eventually discarded it. Actually, you will find many people in other forums who have moved from Belanger's stuff such as the Psychic Vampire Codex to real occult systems such as Thelema, Witchcraft, Asetian magick and the Asetian Bible, but you won't find people who moved from Asetianism to the teachings of House Kheperu. That says a lot.
You mentioned a very important thing that others may overlook. How those studying the Codex and other plastic teachings not based on spirituality do not change. I believe that is one of the best testimonies we have on the effectiveness of the Asetian path when it comes to teaching magick and spirituality. The teachings from the Aset Ka have a profound and long-lasting effect on the students and that is easily observable from the outside which is fascinating. Even in this forum that I have followed the development since its inception it's now clear how the level of maturity and wisdom has grown since the start. It has periods of activity and sluggishness but the users have definitely changed. The fascinating thing is that this was a real and honest change, individual to each user and I am sure it's something most of you understand what I'm talking about. This is visible in every member, how everyone has evolved in their own way and are now more in tune with their nature. There is less arrogance and better understanding, even if most still don't tolerate fools. That is the result of Asetian magick and the seed planted by Luis Marques years ago, that is now growing within the soul of many. I have observed this in other places as well and it's a common variable within different Asetianist communities, some that don't even know of the existence of the others, having no communication. They all changed, they all evolved. That's just brilliant and a great testament to the work of Luis Marques and the truthfulness of his teachings. For those seeking proof, that is hard verifiable evidence. It doesn't get any better than that.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Nightshade 09.10.13 12:37

Well said and fascinating indeed.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Jonathan 11.10.13 11:32

Victor wrote:
Nightshade wrote:If you look at those who have studied the materials from Belanger and remain attracted to it they are still stuck in the same mindset they were 10 years ago. They couldn't create magick or raise energy back then and they still can't now years after. That means they couldn't achieve anything with it. Those who managed to get results have moved on from her teachings into more advanced stuff and eventually discarded it. Actually, you will find many people in other forums who have moved from Belanger's stuff such as the Psychic Vampire Codex to real occult systems such as Thelema, Witchcraft, Asetian magick and the Asetian Bible, but you won't find people who moved from Asetianism to the teachings of House Kheperu. That says a lot.
You mentioned a very important thing that others may overlook. How those studying the Codex and other plastic teachings not based on spirituality do not change. I believe that is one of the best testimonies we have on the effectiveness of the Asetian path when it comes to teaching magick and spirituality. The teachings from the Aset Ka have a profound and long-lasting effect on the students and that is easily observable from the outside which is fascinating. Even in this forum that I have followed the development since its inception it's now clear how the level of maturity and wisdom has grown since the start. It has periods of activity and sluggishness but the users have definitely changed. The fascinating thing is that this was a real and honest change, individual to each user and I am sure it's something most of you understand what I'm talking about. This is visible in every member, how everyone has evolved in their own way and are now more in tune with their nature. There is less arrogance and better understanding, even if most still don't tolerate fools. That is the result of Asetian magick and the seed planted by Luis Marques years ago, that is now growing within the soul of many. I have observed this in other places as well and it's a common variable within different Asetianist communities, some that don't even know of the existence of the others, having no communication. They all changed, they all evolved. That's just brilliant and a great testament to the work of Luis Marques and the truthfulness of his teachings. For those seeking proof, that is hard verifiable evidence. It doesn't get any better than that.
What an interesting perspective. It really means a lot. study

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Lilith's Nightchild 03.11.13 5:12

I'm sorry to hear all that. I myself don't have a lot of respect who use occultism as a way to make money.

I've heard a lot of people say that most U.S. occult orgs are a joke compared to their European counterparts, but there are actually a few good ones out here. You just don't see them because they don't want to be seen.

And wow. I knew about the WM3 case, but I had no clue Echols was connected to Michelle Belanger or the vamp community.
Lilith's Nightchild
Lilith's Nightchild

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Stapleraindrop 21.11.13 17:17

Random thought, what if she's a Sethian?

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Maxx 21.11.13 17:18

not even close, my boy........

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Jonathan 22.11.13 4:30

Stapleraindrop wrote:Random thought, what if she's a Sethian?
No chance. Sethians may be enemies of the Asetians but they are also wise and very evolved. They aren't copycats and they surely aren't desperate for media attention as Michelle. They couldn't care less for what everyone thinks and the truth is that they live in great secrecy.

Now I can see what makes you question if Belanger is Sethian because of all the hate she instigates towards the Aset Ka and everything she does obsessively against them, but at best that's only something she wishes to be. She does use the nickname sethanikeem in most sites and social networks, which in the past led some people to assume she wanted to pretend to be a Sethian, but no Sethian would act like that. Maybe she wanted to be seen as this great enemy of the Asetians back in the day when she came up with that nickname but while Sethians fight for power she has none. Real power I mean. Most of her attitudes are pretty basic and she is a terrible influence to the Vampire Community. Her work has brought discredit to vampirism and disdain from other occult communities, making people see vampires as the pathetic roleplaying ideas she preaches. It's a mess really, her presence only caused harm to the credibility of vampirism and spirituality around the general public.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

Post by Stapleraindrop 22.11.13 9:40

Fair enough Jonathon, I just saw many traits of what one may expect of a child of a god of chaos within Belenger. Can we really say for sure she isn't one though? There might be the possibility that she is a recently 'turned' or initiated or whatever Sethian, and that she is just too immature to handle it with dignity.

This is all just speculation though. Sometimes it is fun to just let the mind unravel and toy with the realms of possibility.

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Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian? Empty Re: Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian?

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