Egypt Underground

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Egypt Underground Empty Egypt Underground

Post by Maxx 17.03.15 12:31


We trudged over the scorched sand of the desert – amid Egypt’s
oldest ruins.

Through the friendly influence of Dr Ali Hassan, Egyptian Director
of Antiquities, my wife Josephine and I were now to descend into
tunnels far beneath the earth.

We had first to break wax seals on two doors.

Soon we were in ancient chambers 110 feet under the desert.

The walls were lined with shimmering blue tiles, many of which were
now flaking off. Salt crystals had begun to invade the ancient walls.
In fact, salt was attacking many of the old stone monuments of Egypt.
And this tunnel system was not escaping that destruction.

We wondered, Who used these tunnels 4,000 years ago? Why were
they constructed?


Elizabeth Kubicek, who grew up in Egypt, wrote to us: "My father built
two blocks apartments, I think about 8 or 10 stories high , in
Alexandria, Egypt, in a suburb called La Petite Cleopatre and La Grand
Cleopatre, first one 1933 and the second one in 1936 or 1937. The names
of Cleopatre arebecause it was believed Cleopatra bathed there.

"The workers were digging for the foundations very deep. Suddenly
they hit open space. They called my father, and there was great
excitement, as they all thought they had struck buried treasure.

"They came upon miles of tunnels, with huge amphoras made of clay.
They had hit a burial chamber. To their astonishment, these bones were
huge... the arms, I remember mother saying, were twice as long as ours.
So was the femur. Upon opening several, they were all the same.

"They resealed the amphoras and had to pour concrete to stabilize for
the foundations."


The Fayum Oasis district in Egypt was once a lush, fertile valley that
Pharaohs fished and hunted with the boomerang.

Lake Moeris once bordered the Fayum Oasis and on its shores was the
famous Labyrinth, described by Herodotus as "an endless wonder to

The Labyrinth contained 1,500 rooms and an equal number of
underground chambers that the Greek historian was not permitted to

According to Labyrinth priests, "the passages were baffling and
intricate", designed to provide safety for the numerous scrolls they
said were hidden in subterranean apartments. That massive complex
particularly impressed Herodotus and he spoke in awe of the structure:

"There I saw twelve palaces regularly disposed, which had
communication with each other, interspersed with terraces and
arranged around twelve halls. It is hard to believe they are the work of
man. The walls are covered with carved figures, and each court is
exquisitely built of white marble and surrounded by a colonnade.

“Near the corner where the labyrinth ends, there is a pyramid, two
hundred and forty feet in height, with great carved figures of animals
on it and an underground passage by which it can be entered. I was told
very credibly that underground chambers and passages connected this
pyramid with the pyramids at Memphis."

Many ancient writers supported Herodotus' record of underground
passages connecting major pyramids, and their evidence casts doubt on
the reliability of traditionally presented Egyptian history.

Crantor (300 BC) stated that there were certain underground pillars in
Egypt that contained a written stone record of the earliest history, and
they lined accessways connecting the pyramids. In his celebrated study,

In the fourth century, Iamblichus recorded this information about an
entranceway through the body of the Sphinx into the Great Pyramid:

"This entrance, obstructed in our day by sands and rubbish, may still be
traced between the forelegs of the crouched colossus. It was formerly
closed by a bronze gate whose secret spring could be operated only by
the Magi. It was guarded by public respect, and a sort of religious fear
maintained its inviolability better than armed protection would have done.

“In the belly of the Sphinx were cut out galleries leading to the
subterranean part of the Great Pyramid. These galleries were so artfully
crisscrossed along their course to the Pyramid that, in setting forth into
the passage without a guide throughout this network, one unceasingly
and inevitably returned to the starting point."


Herodotus said Egyptian priests recited to him their long-held tradition
of “the formation of underground apartments” by the original developers
of Memphis. The most ancient inscriptions therefore suggested that there
existed some sort of extensive chamber system below the surface of the
areas surrounding the Sphinx and pyramids.

Those old records were partly confirmed when the existence of a large
cavity was discovered in a seismic survey conducted at the site in 1993.
This was publicly acknowledged in a documentary The Mystery of the
Sphinx, screened to an audience of 30 million people on NBC TV later
that year.

The existence of chambers under the Sphinx is well known.

Egyptian authorities confirmed another discovery in 1994; its
unearthing was announced in a newspaper report under the headline,
“Mystery Tunnel in Sphinx”:

“Workers repairing the ailing Sphinx have discovered an ancient passage
leading deep into the body of the mysterious monument. The Giza
Antiquities chief, Mr. Zahi Hawass, said there was no dispute the tunnel
was very old. However, what is puzzling is: who built the passage?
Why? And where does it lead...?

Mr Hawass had no plans to remove the stones blocking the entrance.
The secret tunnel burrows into the northern side of the Sphinx, about
halfway between the Sphinx's out- stretched paws and its tail.

Discoveries in 1935 provided proof of additional passageways and chambers
interlacing the area below the Pyramids. The Giza complex showed major
elements of being a purposely built, uniting structure with the Sphinx,
the Great Pyramid and the Temple of the Solar-men – all directly
interrelated, above and below ground.

Chambers and passageways detected by sophisticated seismograph and
ground penetrating radar (GPR) equipment in the last few years
established the amazing accuracy of the planning involved. Egypt has
also successfully used sophisticated satellites to identify sites buried
beneath the surface at Giza and other locations.

This novel tracking system was launched at the beginning of 1998; and
the location of 27 unexcavated sites in five areas was precisely

The printouts of the Giza area show a mass of net-like tunnels and
chambers criss-crossing the area, intersecting and entwining each
like latticework extending out across the entire plateau. With the space
surveillance project, Egyptologists are able to determine the location of
a major site, its probable entrance and the size of chambers, before

During the 1935 surveys, archaeologists made another major discovery.
Around halfway between the Sphinx and Khephren's Pyramid were
discovered four enormous vertical shafts, each around eight feet square,
leading straight down through solid limestone.

“That shaft complex”, said Dr Selim Hassan, “ended in a spacious room,
in the centre of which was another shaft that descended to a roomy court
flanked with seven side chambers”. Some of the chambers contained
huge, sealed sarcophagi of basalt and granite, 18 feet high.

The discovery went further. It revealed that in one of the seven rooms
there was yet a third vertical shaft, dropping down deeply to a much
lower chamber. At the time of its discovery, it was flooded with water
that partly covered a solitary white sarcophagus.


The SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as 1978, mapping an
extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids.
Follow up to this was three decades of secret excavations to penetrate
the system.

One of the key scientists on this Giza project, Dt Jim Hurtak, visited
Australia and showed film footage of the work in progress. They
discovered a vast stone-cut metropolis, reaching several levels below
the Giza plateau.
His film showed, complete with hydraulic underground waterways,
massive chambers, the proportions of our largest cathedrals, with
enormous statues.The complex was the size of the Valley of the Nile,
carved in-situ.

Researchers, risking their lives with lights and cameras, carefully
negotiated rubber dinghies across subterranean rivers and kilometer-wide
lakes, to penetrate sealed chambers beyond. Remarkable caches of
records and artefacts were found.

One of our readers, Slim Dusting, confirmed: "I was at the south side of
the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and dowsed a ten foot wide tunnel some
60 feet down. This was later confirmed by a member of J.J. Hirtak's
team who described it to a tee."

Robots and automatic doors

According to the historian Masoudi, mechanical statues with amazing
capabilities guarded subterranean galleries under the Great Pyramid.
Written one thousand years ago, his description is comparable to the
computerised robots shown today in space movies.

Masoudi said that the automatons were programmed for intolerance,
for they destroyed all “except those who by their conduct were worthy
of admission”.

He claimed that “written accounts of Wisdom and acquirements in the
different arts and sciences were hidden deep, that they might remain as
records for the benefit of those who could afterwards comprehend them”.
Masoudi confessed, “I have seen things that one does not describe for
fear of making people doubt one’s intelligence.”

In the same century, another writer, Muterdi, reported a bizarre incident
in a narrow passage under Giza. A group of people were horrified to
see one of their party crushed to death by a stone door that, by itself,
suddenly slid out from the face of the passage-way and closed the
corridor in front of them.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Egypt Underground Empty Re: Egypt Underground

Post by Tehom 18.03.15 10:57

Fascinating.. thank you for sharing this.

Number of posts : 252
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Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Egypt Underground Empty Re: Egypt Underground

Post by Maxx 19.03.15 7:30

I am glad you found this of interest.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Egypt Underground Empty Re: Egypt Underground

Post by Jonathan 19.03.15 13:05

Thanks Maxx. Do you have any idea of the sources of all of this?

Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Egypt Underground Empty Re: Egypt Underground

Post by Maxx 19.03.15 20:11

Yes. Same archaeologist that I have posted his stuff before. Jonathan Gray.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Egypt Underground Empty Re: Egypt Underground

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