Contact through the Mind

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Contact through the Mind Empty Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 09.08.16 21:47

Recently, I've been experimenting with contacting entities via writing. I have permitted them to use my hand in order to communicate messages to me. Some of them were cooperative, some not.

I was wondering if anyone had experience with this or knew of any books on the subject... Some of the entities claimed they were demons, some of them claimed they were not, and some refused to answer the question. Some of them couldn't or wouldn't communicate in English with me... I tried getting an answer to what language they were using and they told me the language was "99" and wrote 08 and circled the 8 a bunch of times.

I know this is possibly my mind playing some kind of trick or superstition on me, but it will be interesting to know if it is an actual phenomenon or if anyone had similar experiences.


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Jonathan 10.08.16 6:06

I'm not aware of any good books on the subject so if you find some please share them here but I am experienced with using that method of contact other realities through writing. However I'm self-taught so there may be more efficient ways to do it but I'm certain it works. As you wisely pointed out the toughest problem is separating mind from paranormal phenomenon since it's really easy to be deceived by our own expectations and imagination. I had to undergo a lot of trial and error in the past before I stabilized and gained enough experience to distinguish between the two. At first that wasn't easy at all, we do many mistakes, but that's an important part of learning.

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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 10.08.16 12:38

Jonathan, thank you for your response. I wasn't sure if anyone had done this before. Would you mind PMing me to discuss this topic further? If you have experience in it perhaps you can guide me, as I've only done this a few times now.

Anyone else have experience in this? I will be searching for books on it, and will share them if I find any.


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 10.08.16 12:44

Another thing, when I chanted the tetragrammaton, one of the beings draws a circle with a 4 in it, every time that the tetragrammaton is mentioned. Any idea what that means?
Another (simple being who couldn't communicate in English well, but barely even numbers) said they were speaking 99 and kept circling the number 8, but I have no idea what it means. They said they were from the realm 81, that their name was Mellelle and something about a Herellelle... This being wasn't making much sense to me as an English speaker. Anyone have contact with an entity like this? How can I understand them? Should I just dismiss them?


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 10.08.16 18:58

So... the entity has been in contact since and I wanted to update the info... the three names they were writing were Mellelle, Herellelle, and Hellelle, but these are equal to 1, 200 and 7 respectively. The name of one of the Mellelle is Mellell. This is the one in contact with me. I don't know if they are just uttering nonsense because there is a miscommunication or something but I feel like they are trying to communicate using a language I'm unaware of/ a mathematical language or code. Any idea what these mean?


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Kalb 12.08.16 15:53

I never had interest to contact spirits, I think that they are a waste of time. However, I consider very important what you stand for. Differentiate fantasy, reality and imagination is an arduous task that requires much dedication and so I am interested. My big dilemma here is one: Who is the voice that speaks behind us when we dreams? Many people exploring the world of dreams know and listen that voice but can't explain. It's a spirit? a guide? Our subconscious? The problem is when that voice transmits the information to unknown and when we explore the information is credible. The question is: How does one voice can convey knowledge about our future or about what we know even before it happened?

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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 12.08.16 16:39

You bring up an interesting point. It is a subject that can be debated, who that voice in your head is.

I don't think it's useless to contact entities, because it is exploration of Self and the worlds. If one comes into contact with a sphere on the tree of life, do they not communicate with entities within the sphere? I think of automatic writing (what I now know as the proper term for it) as a way of communicating with entities in different spheres than the one I am in. Wouldn't this be useful in some ways(e.g. protection, information, guidance, etc.)?


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Nightshade 12.08.16 19:08

Heruset wrote:I think of automatic writing (what I now know as the proper term for it) as a way of communicating with entities in different spheres than the one I am in. Wouldn't this be useful in some ways(e.g. protection, information, guidance, etc.)?

Wasn't automatic writing mentioned in the Asetian Bible as one of the many different metaphysical methods used by the author in the development of the book as a magickal tool? I believe so.

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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 12.08.16 19:58

I don't think that Marques mentions automatic writing, Nightshade. Can you refer to where he says it?


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Kalb 12.08.16 23:18

Asetian Bible, page 21.

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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 13.08.16 2:16

Oh, right, Kalb, page 20 it is.

Somehow missed that one, but it always ends up being that something I come across that is relevant is already in the book... ha. Figures. My mistake, Nightshade. Smile Thanks for the reference, Kalb.

I guess I'll do like Marques and experiment with it and see how it goes.


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Leelahel 06.09.16 20:51

Have you tried automatic drawing? It works the same way, but when they get tangled up in numbers, sometimes its better for them to show you what they are trying to say. They can draw you symbols that you add up to read the message, or they can draw you an entire scene to show you the concept they want to pass onto you.

I talk with the spirits often, and find some of your same obstacles in communication. Since they are in other planes of existence, they are trying to communicate in the simplest way they can, concepts we can't fathom because our science hasn't caught up to what is going on around them.

For example, one of them said "tatatatataz" and another one would write very similarly to the names you listed on your entries. "Mellelle" like you offered.

When I cannot clarify what they wish to say with automatic drawing (visual way for them to express a concept to you), I tend to try a small glass facing down. I put one finger (or a couple) from each hand on it, and I resume the conversation. The glass starts to wiggle to the sides to answer, or can spell letters. Since this changes up the way you are talking to them, you might get more variety in the answers.

I don't know if this will make much difference for you, since I don't already have the answers you seek. However, I am posting these suggestions in the hope that if you try them you will get some results that make sense to you.

Should you care to share some of your experiences with the spirits, I would enjoy reading them.

Take care.

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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Maxx 06.09.16 21:53

Excellent information. Thanks for sharing it.

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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 07.09.16 13:10


Rhank you for the advice. I was actually starting to do automatic drawing, as I was using blank white sheets, so I guess the spirits knew to try that method when I didn't understand.

When one wrote"my 8" repeatedly I kept questioning it and it finally drew 8 'fingers' and a fire around them...

not sure exactly what that meant yet. but an interesting observation....

I will try the method you recommend, as automatic drawing already seems to have opened a little bit more communication. I will keep you updated. Feel free to PM me and we can exchange experiences. Smile


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 07.09.16 13:10

Sorry, thank* you.


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by elizahawk 22.09.16 8:31

There's no such book for this. Its just simply come to me since I was 4 yrs old when I have had my very first spirit visited. Truthful that was scared hell out of my mother because she knew it means her abilities has passed onto me as she wish it wouldn't yet it did. That's another story for another time and place perhaps. I just know I have that for decades. To point there's time I got pretty bored with that. Depends on my mood at time anyway.

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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 09.01.17 14:02

If anyone is interested in this topic, recently I came across a book called "Automatic Writing" by Anita Muhl.

It is about the unconscious mind and automatic writing, mentioning spirituality but focusing on the psychological uses and aspects of automatic behaviors as automatic writing and drawing.

An interesting and cool part of this book is that it includes a bibliography of 261 sources for automatic writing, psychism etc.

Enjoy, those who will-


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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Leelahel 09.01.17 14:06

Thanks, Heruset!

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Contact through the Mind Empty Re: Contact through the Mind

Post by Heruset 09.01.17 14:42

My pleasure, Leelahel!


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