Liber Aeternus I.6

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Liber Aeternus I.6 Empty Liber Aeternus I.6

Post by Kalb 10.09.16 16:10


I'm very intrigued. Every time I meditate on this axiom, I am automatically taken to the X tarot card. I always studied that Hermanubis is a union between Thoth and Anubis, but recently I read Budge, EA, Gods of the Egyptians, v.II, 295. and he say that Hermanubis is the union between Horus and Anubis, if he is right in his Egyptian exploration, I can then assume that the letter is totally inspired by the Asetian culture? Typhoon is at the bottom of the wheel, besides being a crocodile head, its tail is a snake that is clinging to the wheel, I might conclude that they(Sethians) are "stuck forever" on the wheel of eternity due to Asetianism? The other big question is if Sethians also have the power to move the wheel according to they will. Some say that they(Asetians and Sethians) are part of the same coin, opposite sides, but when it touches At Samsara wheel they are also linked or separated?

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Liber Aeternus I.6 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.6

Post by Heruset 10.09.16 16:45

Everything I write is a matter of my opinion:

Thoth is an aspect of Aset... So Heru and Thoth can both be Hermanubis. Heru-em-anpu, or Thoth-Anpu, have different aspects than each other, but can be observed and show interesting comparisons and differences.

I think of Set as Aset's evil Twin. (Conjoined, like you say about the coin).
In the end, Set doesn't exist. He is the evil, the shadow, projected onto Chaos, in order to transform Aset and allow for the unfolding of the Truth (by observation of its opposite).

I think that it is interesting to note that the Asetians associate Pluto (in mythology, God of the Underworld) with Heru, while in Egyptian mythology the traits of pluto as the underworld god go to Asar and his Underworld Heir Anpu. It is also interesting to note this:
Nebthet is an aspect of Aset, and it can be interpreted that she is her shadow self that reproduced with Asar. (Mythologically speaking) The child of them can be the shadow self of Heru, Anpu, perhaps?

This is just quick thinking and ideas floating around in my head...


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Liber Aeternus I.6 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.6

Post by Kalb 10.09.16 17:57

I see Aset and Seth as real Gods.

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Liber Aeternus I.6 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.6

Post by Heruset 10.09.16 18:19

So do I...


Number of posts : 298
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Liber Aeternus I.6 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.6

Post by Heruset 10.09.16 18:20

I was speaking in terms of mythology. You can take the concepts and symbols from the myths in order to understand the many layers of reality.


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Liber Aeternus I.6 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.6

Post by Nightshade 11.09.16 2:57

Heruset wrote:I think of Set as Aset's evil Twin.

I disagree with this notion. I don't see Seth as evil. The concepts of good and evil are all a bit subjective and by human standards of evil I believe that Aset can be every bit as terrible as Seth.

I think it's quite important in Asetianism not to relate deities with concepts of good and evil.

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Liber Aeternus I.6 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.6

Post by Maxx 11.09.16 7:59

An excellent observation, Nightshade.  I agree with your statement as often times we assume only a small element of the overall picture.   By doing that we connect so many things to our human shortcomings.  Mostly, our impressions are based on generalizations.

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Liber Aeternus I.6 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.6

Post by Heruset 11.09.16 14:16

My impression is based on Setian energy and actions.
I am not associating darkness with Set, this is in all of us, but there is a type of energy specifically connected to him, which can be considered 'evil' if the person so chooses to label it how they feel it...

You don't have to see him as evil if someone else does.
I am not saying Asetians can't partake in evil if they so choose.

I am simply making a contrast between the two energies.
If you think they are both capable of the same thing, you are correct. Aset can do anything Set can do. Set and his followers can't do anything the Asetians can. They can try. They can copy. They can have a few hits here and there. But they will never be their Equal. The point is that his energy is what seperates humanity, keeps them in boxes through fear, while Aset unifies and liberates through Love.

This is how I see it. If you don't agree, it doesn't make me wrong, it makes us both view the truth from a different perspective.

We all know the past of Aset and Set. How we interpret it is different.

I don't think of Set's primitive energy as evil. I believe his manifestations are evil. I see his energy more as stagnant. I believe that Set is a necessary opposite to Aset. That's all I'll say.


Number of posts : 298
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Registration date : 2015-10-24

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