Scriptural Revelation (2018)

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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by CREdarkness 24.09.18 2:01

I noticed a topic about Revelations on the boards. It seems it went dead. I also noticed there is a lot of topics in the religion and spirituality category about Aset Ka, Magic... I felt like creating a topic regarding my understanding of scripture might be helpful since there was only one other topic active on the matter in the recent years. What I understood of scripture in 2007 is so contrasting to the personal revelations I’ve experienced in my life since then. Revelations is one of my favorite books. I had plans to make a post for the online vampire communities anyways, about my understanding of what Christianity, and sound doctrine should be, I simply didn’t have it finished yet.. anyways, here it is. In the future I will hopefully have some informational videos and whatnot which go further in detail about my full understanding of the topic.

Here is the post I have for now. I wrote it quickly and it’s definitely more along the lines of my casual thoughts about what is and isn’t the truth regarding such a topic, I hope you’ll bear with me 😉😄:

There are a lot of interpretations of scripture, they all pretty much meet up somewhere as far as I can tell.
I think ultimately when scripture mentions the dragon it is referring to an existence which has the tendency to come through reality and is harmful. For example, if you are a person who means well in life (if you have the intention to heal people, help them, and you yourself want what is good) then everything such as corporate greed, the worship of false gods, selfishness, lust - create a sort of pollution in this world which is destructive. I’m not trying to direct blame, I’m simply stating what I’ve observed as being the phenomenon which is cause and affect.

The dragon, from my understanding, is a metaphor which is used to understand the entirety of that destruction and corruption coming out at someone who is of sound mind... in other words, a person is given an internal voice from god to make decisions more carefully/wisely (from good council/ or people that mean well towards them) and they, then, also listened to it. This immediately angers wickedness which has been projected into existence through the choice to do evil and then allowed to live and the collection of this (deity-like) wakes through existence which is what the choice to live in original sin creates (the dragon).

As a vampire, I have found I cannot fight how very separate, dark, solitaire and even a negative force I can be... I feel it’s a natural gift which has taken place in the development of my existence and I mean well towards people but I also am a vampire specifically, and that seems to be on a scientific level, which means I take a toll on the world around me, given my natural energy depletion and need to get life force. Imagine I did not embrace scripture and carelessly and thoughtlessly took in order to keep my own existence maintained. I think if I ever embraced that sort of wicked self-serving it would be relentless to certain parts of a natural system, and may be damaging to my body also - I would simply be sinking in a hell which never fell away from me, and I too would be adding to what is known as the dragon(crime, greed, and giving ones self to evil). In other words I would have faded earlier and with Scripture, Jesus, and knowing God - our creator, we are shown that to resist evil is also what keeps us from evil and keeps others from evil... which may equate to eternity for all people, if fully mastered.

I do not feel that biblical scripture is just an imaginary book about dragons, angels, demons, because if you walk with god you’re entire life you find a definition more like what I’ve written above and less like what you take to mean jokes, which you can’t explain any other way because you don’t truly understand it (that takes a lot of time though, to fully see, through your life and guidance, what god is trying to lead you towards.)

You would find yourself granted within scripture, some application of truth for what you are dealing with.

As far as how real things like dragons, apocalyptic times, blood and gore are, within scripture - clearly they both are happening in the real world and still the interpretive take seems to have some bearing on our minds. In other words, if it is not happening within your biology it is happening in your immediate surroundings, if not in your immediate surroundings, then it is happening accross the planet. If it is not taking place there, then it immediately exists in the lack of fulfillment of scripture. . . And if you’ve not encountered the truth for what it is, you may feel enslaved to existence.

God seems to consider all life, and scripture makes this very clear, as much as what else I’ve mentioned.

Imagine that a pagan found immediate awareness, while researching, that what neo-paganism commonly directs witches to do before taking up magic is to seek information because each breath we take itself may cost in someway, and thus a spell might cost lives or many lives ... and so it directs you not to touch it.
Yet the idea that a person can stand in health and live for themself may also be a short-lived existence and one which god is aiming to alleviate that same existence from suffering within (by god’s intervention... ) In other words, god may have sent earth a guide (gospel) which directs to serve better ideas which are real, Jesus, being the one god clearly makes a true example of ... who was mercilessly crucified for simply caring and attempting to save life... I think god WAS trying to communicate knowledge of how unacceptable a self-centered existence is. For a man to be crucified in front of many people, by the wicked intent of evil and sin in this world, manifesting as a demonic interference through the people, and because of how much Jesus loved us... is the pointed message in scripture... That there is only one pure path and that is of innocence, logic, truth, justice, Love... all granted by god, and those same absolute truths, when manifesting on this planet in the realest form, are enough to cause evil to become so enraged that it unlooses and spills through something (like the erratic existence of something which has a dragon-like form in some ways). I think it is also revealed that a science much advanced/superior to ours is evidently what god would like to achieve through humanity and with humanity and clearly that advancement is by truly understanding and embracing god for what god truly is. in scripture this logic is very clear. I think god has a superior science in mind.

A herbalist can paint their body every day in medicines (digesting them also) and it may raise the vibrations of their physical self enough to bring about near perfect health but to put so much thought and energy into the physical reality and with certain intents involved might be a natural lowering of spiritual standards. It’s something I’ve experienced personally.

To walk in the name of Jesus (for what that really is) is outside of selfishness, greed, and self-centered existence. I feel like self-centered existence cannot stay alive forever and it can be bought, sold, traded, discarded... whereas, when you do something based on something which is so much MORE than selfishness, it is REAL in a way that cannot be avoided by anyone or anything.

I feel that the truth about scripture has much to do with balancing the science of everything, and making sure the natural systems we thrive in, if we can, are kept safe - not the other way around.

And yet, I’m sure there is an exact science to it, and that science seems to be the fact that no matter how far you go with god, there is still a journey with god ahead of you.

Number of posts : 92
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Registration date : 2018-09-22

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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by Troublemaker 24.09.18 8:33

Dogmatic adherence to scripture and swallowing the common definitions of good and evil aren't really compatible with actual vampirism, which is a thing of the soul by the way, existing on a much more subtle level than the physical. It does not heed the rotten deception written by a Red hand. It is a force of nature.

Unfortunately for humanity, its failures cannot be blamed on demons or evil. Society has failed quite badly in many aspects, and that failure is attributed to its own weaknesses. No embrace of scripture will ever change that since a solution to weakness is to find answers within, away from falsehood and noise. The lack of character and strong personality, prevalence of fear regarding anything unknown, greedy desire for power without any form of awareness required to wield it, lack of ability to take personal accountability for one's own path in life... All of these things naturally exist in many people and that is behind much of the corruption in this world. It naturally existed before the "Scripture" was written. Satan, demons, the Dragon, Hell..... Sorry but I am unable to swalllow the garbage. The Dragon is not some unholy repository of mankind's piteous spiritual failures and lack of wisdom... The Dragon is a wild, untamed adversary.....

You seem to have a lot of wrong ideas about what vampirism is. Vampirism is not some physical condition. It is a condition of the soul and actual vampires are not even native to the physical realm. Nor do they usually embrace a delusion of having to follow Scripture and walk with a Christian god in order to spare poor humans from harm caused by them... Vampirism has existed eons prior to the corruption of Christian scripture and it will continue to exist long after its influence has faded.

Sure, concepts such as Love, Honor, Loyalty, Selflessness and Truth are all vital to a balanced spiritual path to transcendence but such a path can't really work through the lies of scriptural dogma.

Don't get me wrong, I am not just trying to shut you down or be needlessly vitriolic but this is a poor article riddled with misconceptions. Just my viewpoint...

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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by CREdarkness 24.09.18 21:29

Every adherence is an adherence. It isn’t an article it’s a topic on a forum, both were mentioned in my thoughts which are posted above. The full spectrum of people who live with vampirism as a reality is not wholly for you to define or set a standard on. It was a gift.

Number of posts : 92
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Registration date : 2018-09-22

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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by CREdarkness 24.09.18 21:30

And likewise, I’m not trying to be rude.

Number of posts : 92
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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by Troublemaker 25.09.18 6:49

I am sorry but I know and fully recognize the pungent smell of bullsh**t. I hate to burst your bubble but this is not exactly a gift to the forum and calling it such is inflated beyond belief.
This will probably be misinterpreted but it is more about recognizing and calling out untrue crap than it is about establishing some kind of ego contest of who knows more.
Sure, people are quite free to share elements of their personal paths and thoughts they have on a variety of topics, as diversity is an asset to this discussion place. But trying to pass this fictional idea of walking with the Lord Jesus Christ Our Savior and righteously following scripture while being some kind of physical-only vampire of the night is quite nauseating. Not impressed. Vampirism is a hell of a lot older than dogma and scripture and it does not abide by popular standards of fearfully induced kindness and forced acts of light.

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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 25.09.18 8:53

What makes you equate your vampirism in any way being compatible with Christianity? As for myself, I personally left Christianity behind. It was not healthy for me as it caused me to only repress my darker sides. Well, not to say that a vampire cannot be a follower of Christianity, but our views of that religion might differ a lot here than you might expect. Holding monotheistic religions to be an off spawn of Sethian influence, started by the first legislative force of control upon the minds of people, and more than that, for the religious subjection, by Akhenaten - a heretical Pharao you could say in ancient Egypt - tilted by Sethian influence, it would come to alter the face of the world almost forever. Something I have had to learn through introspective pain and hardship of letting go, the falsehood of the Abrahamic faiths. Teaching a false notion of salvation, where no salvation is actually needed, just to blind you with light in the face of manipulation and control of a kind of religious thinking in alignment with Sethian agendas for domination that could be clearly revealed, evident or visible in the dark ages for particular instance and even echoing until today as old structures crumble away...

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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 25.09.18 8:56

I might not be a hundred percent accurate. However, that is a brief abstract.

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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by CREdarkness 25.09.18 12:51

Thanks for your response and your questions. My awareness of how Christianity affects vampirism I can’t fully share because it’s too detailed and I feel threatened within this world regarding my existence and especially as a vampire. I would share with you if it were not for that. I will try to be as helpful on the subject as I can though. When it comes to Scripture, the story of Jesus, and how it is real, not simply an indoctrination or something which directs blind following and submission - is the fact that it directs the complete opposite of that. Most people who follow scripture for what it actually is find themselves having to stand for what they beleive in. Scripture is pretty supportive of this, from my overall understanding of it after all of these years. A lot of people will stand for what is right in the first place, but much of the world and what it rejects about standing for what you beleive in is all from sin, the belief that you can’t stand for what you beleive in because it won’t work, it’s pointless, it’s too dangerous etc. ... Actually it ends up turning back the other way; not standing up for what is right is more dangerous in a long term situation because it feeds what attempts to destroy what is good, healthy and right ... I think it gives it some kind of clarification that it is affective. Also, that path leading away from an attempt towards health, justice, and what is good verses evil in life creates something of a destructive pattern of thinking and functioning which is difficult to undo and in my opinion has somewhat permanent consequences and in ways that sane mind cannot even comprehend or is advanced enough to understand (advancement is a major part of what god seems to have in mind). I’m trying to explain this the best I can, I hope I’m making sense, I don’t want to formulate a bunch of sentences about everything and then not make sense. It’s a detailed and complex truth scripture makes sense of. It also brings awareness about everything from parasites being connected to sin, laws of this world becoming increasingly unlawful/lawless, and it foretells all of prophecy. So far, one prophecy after another is fulfilled. The Bible covers everything, especially vampirism. You would have to truly read scripture, follow it, walk with god to understand it but I’ve never found any concept or reality which can break the truths written in the Bible. Even if scripture were somehow an imaginary book someone wrote just because they felt like it... it would possibly even become more relevant based on how it would put a person like that to shame, turning back on that kind of injustice. The idea that it’s in some way made-up is just the product of a demonic interference in this world, and if anything scripture is enforced by everything and then also scripture reinforces the truth. I hope that in some way answers your questions.

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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by CREdarkness 25.09.18 13:18

(Sorry there was a typo at the 27th and 28th line of this post) * and in ways that the same mind cannot even comprehend - Is what I meant to say.

I normally would create an informative paper or video for this kind of stuff, but I don’t want to leave anyone behind on the topic in the meantime. At least for now this is out there.

Number of posts : 92
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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by Troublemaker 26.09.18 8:02

This guy. lol!
My oh my. Yes thank you for not leaving us in the dark. It would have been a terrible thing to do to us, to refrain from enlightening us with the light of your Bible, to torture us by making us wait for your delightful uneducated, pretend scientist information. After all, demons come out in the dark, it causes so much pain when they mess up lives with one cackle and jab of the pitchfork, and we definitely need to Light of the Lord Jesus Christ and the one hundred percent true scripture to guide us through such valleys of dark terror. Oh darkness, we tremble in abject despair when you arrive. jocolor


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Scriptural Revelation (2018)  Empty Re: Scriptural Revelation (2018)

Post by CREdarkness 26.09.18 16:48

Here are two scriptures which consider a vampire

“When the wicked came against me
To eat up my flesh,
My enemies and foes,
They stumbled and fell,
Though an army may encamp against me,
My heart shall not fear ;
Though war may rise against me,
In this I will be confident.”(PSALM 27:1-3) - cannibals

“For they went and served other gods and worshipped them, god’s that they did not know and that He had not given to them. “
(DEUTERONOMY29:26) - serving the god of a false concept or a delusion; a god which is foreign to you

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