The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by Troublemaker 11.11.18 14:32

Em Hotep.
In my studies I became rather curious about the effects of food on an energy worker's ability. The topic has been approached before, but it might be nice to see a revival.

Do you consider any particular food to be dirtier than others? Are there any foods you tolerated in a better way before learning more about the subtle, only to find your body rejecting them after more exploration was done?
Strictly excluding the religious and dogmatic interpretations of this area, one particular food that feels dirty on some level is pork. Perhaps it is simply a personal thing, but something about it repels intuitively.

The experience of having someone else prepare your food gets the thoughts flowing as well, regarding possible energetic consequences. Possibly feeling what they were doing and thinking at the time they were preparing your food, feeling their vibrations on your food and what their emotions were, the chaotic atmosphere they were in and other disruptive factors. (Fast food comes to mind.)  

Today's society sees a lot of manipulation being done through chemicals, added to both food and water.  It is interesting to contemplate the possible energetic effects of certain foods beyond pure biology.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by 8lou1 12.11.18 6:44

did you ever look into ayurvedic forms of feeding? i dont know very much about it since i walk a different route, but i know for example that pork is a very yin substance, which could be defined as a negative form of energy. its prob one of the reasons why some decided it should be forbidden to eat.

in Ayurveda food has been researched on energetic level and the properties are known also for medicine and healthier living combined with a certain body type.

hope you have a happy research.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.11.18 10:26

I am not too aware of how different diets necessarily affect energy work in any direct way, although I am aware of its indirect aspects through clarity of mind, emotional clarity, and generally healthier and happier outlooks.

In the Samkhya philosophy of India, it speaks of the three Gunas, or modes or qualities of nature, which are respectively, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. They exist in different mixtures and proportions in all beings and things. Sattva is illuminating, goodness, and many other positive attributes; Rajas is active and passionate, but neutral and can be egoistic or self-centered; Tamas is dark, disorderly, chaotic, dull, destructive, etc. Sattvic diet, then, in Yoga and Ayurveda, as mentioned above, is of the peculiar nature to foster a diet towards Sattvic influences. (However, I would recommend looking this up on your own as my words might not be a hundred percent accurate and I am only providing a very brief abstract.)

This, in and of itself, might inadvertently or intentionally, but yet indirectly in my opinion, affect the nature and outcome of energy work or lay in favour, if it is a purerly Sattvic diet, towards heightened clarity, better sensitivity and so forth. It might facilitate healthier states and flow of energy is my supposition.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by Troublemaker 15.11.18 12:00

Thank you both for the good contributions. There is a lot of interesting information here to pursue.

Everything is so closely linked. The types of food and drink consumed impact the energy in surprisingly complex ways. This area probably holds some keys to aspects of subtle health.

I'll consider the sources presented for further study.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by Lynskha 17.11.18 9:06

I feel that some types of food are heavy and interfere in energy work.
Meat in general, especially pork. Red meat tends to be very complicated for me to be digested, and consequently, It affects energy in a general context.
I am not vegetarian, however, I go through some periods where I decide to stop eating meat and I feel there is a difference in everything. A light feeling.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 9:39

I was told by a "high priestess", I believe she was Wiccan, that as I progress in my spiritual growth, that I will find certain foods to be distasteful and less pleasing. Toxic foods, highly acidic foods, unhealthy foods. She referenced candies, processed foods and even coffee.

I can see the physical benefits of changing one's diet (my doctors ultimately preach the same recommendations as the spiritual leader counseled me with).

I was told by the Priestess, that when the physical body is healthy, the spiritual body will thrive as well.

I need meat, for clarity of mind for my inner self. Without it I become much more shifty, animalistic, ravenous. While some health-nuts might chalk this up as more of an addiction to unhealthy foods, I consider it at least in-part to be related to my Vampiric and nonhuman Identity(/ies). I am a predator in many ways, even physically as a human body, but I don't enjoy viewing humans as prey. Though I'm fully in control of myself, those thoughts alone make me uneasy with myself.

I feel lighter, freer, more capable (in every way) after a balanced meal. More fruits, veggies and unprocessed foods (the fresher the better), little to no starches or refined carbs, a fair portion of meat (not just any kind of protein, meat specifically). I think I process and crave fish more than anything though (red meat is a regular craving, but isn't as gratifying in after-effect as fish ...and, to top it off, an appropriate and good quality energy draw/feed.

I do have a lactose intolerance. I have sensitivities to high-grease/oil foods and other triggers I can't identify yet. These symptoms do become worse if I don't feed regularly, and can become agitated with heightened times of stress.

I'm not sure how much I'm really contributing here, or really how on topic I am. I'm sure much of what I interpret spiritually could be psychosomatic. I have periods where I'm less spiritually minded, sort of in a slump I guess, and currently I'm in one of those times.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.12.18 9:45

Not a bad contribution at all, A.Nightside.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.12.18 10:25

Personally there is one question on my mind, whether I should go back to eating meat or not. I ate meat since my childhood but quit eating meat around the turn between the year 2012-2013. Since then I have felt a lot more light, but also psychically weaker, more psychically fragile but also more sensitive in terms of gifts and abilities in some interrelated way. However, I have severly lacked in balance and groundedness since then. I wonder if eating meat would help with this, and could even be a way to stop taking the medication I currently take. However, there are some issues. I feel entirerly disgusted by meat now since I have been so completely "detoxified" from it. Would probably puke it out... But there are moral reasons as well, I do not like the idea of animals being killed...

However, it is a very pertinent question on my mind that might change my life towards the better, yet I do not want to do at it the expense of other living beings. I also do not know if that has negative karmic effects which certain philosophies state, like the Yogic ones, that I have adhered to. I do believe it might, or it might not, but I do not fully know...

In the past I used to be very predatory in my mindset in regards to diet and outlook on life, but that is significantly different now at the moment, after all these years since I changed my diet, fundamentally.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by Guano 03.12.18 11:22

Well it all depends on your nutritional intake. Substituting meat with the appropriate supplementary foods shouldn't change anything but, perhaps the mental state may change due to the perceived lack of intake of certain requirements, a placebo effect if you will. Perhaps trying to completely accommodate that feeling of apparent weakness by eating things high in protein and perhaps trying meat as a last resort. If at all you feel you don't really want to eat meat, hiding it in dishes such as curries and other quite ambiguous dishes to hide the fact its in there in a visual sense. I would however recommend having a blood test of some sort just to see if you're getting your required nourishment from your current dietary setup.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.12.18 11:34

Ah, thanks for the advice. Not a bad idea.

I was thinking that, maybe I could spare some chicken on some day of the week and that would be all, at least to begin with, maybe on Fridays or some other day. Will require a lot of contemplation regarding the issue, however.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by Guano 03.12.18 11:43

Of course it no easy issue. Especially with the moral convictions involved, but yes incremental "dosages" would be the way forward in my opinion.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 12:28

As far as eating meat.
I feel guilty at times for consuming meat, so too I used to feel guilty for needing to feed off of other people (vampirically speaking).

Someone I once considered a mentor and friend used the comparison of a lion (or any predator). Does the lion feel guilty for consuming the prey, for doing what it must to survive?

I suppose we can't really be in the head of a proper lion, a predatory animal, but even with we do what we have to do.

I rationalize it for myself by being mindful of portions, eating in moderation, making note of humane sources (as best I can). Eat what you must, that is nature, don't over indulge out of desire or lust. Be grateful for the living entity's sacrifice (however mild or major it is) for your survival.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by Lynskha 03.12.18 14:51

I have some similar problems A. Nightside. I have been taking a lot of exams because lately a lot of things have been causing me trouble.

I also have a problem with water. I don't really like drinking it, and I feel sick when I do. I have to force myself. And I try tea, juice..

I can feel the "taste" of water and of different types and depending on the water I can t even drink.


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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by Guano 03.12.18 15:28

A very interesting issue Lynshka, I hope someone can offer you insight as I am in the process of examination also and know how you must feel. Especially with this added stress.

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 17:03

I'm not a fan of water either. I have a very good sense of smell, and it influences my sense of taste. I generally can't stand the minerals and chemicals in tap water, but dislike the blandness of filtered water (which is often refrigerated which is too cold for me).

My significant other pushes me though, to drink more water, or any fluid really. I don't drink nearly enough. As it is, I suppose he's like a dog who will drink happily and plenty enough to hydrate whereas I'm more catlike and prefer my water consumption to be a bit more subtle, and in my food Razz

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The Energy Worker's Experience of Food  Empty Re: The Energy Worker's Experience of Food

Post by Sinata 25.07.19 4:10

For me, I have always preferred to eat meat, and fresh fruit and vegetables... I feel amazing and at peak when following the eating pattern of low carb, higher protein, and even have experimented recently with the carnivore diet in tandem with 16:8 & 20:4 intermittent fasting...

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