Predator and Prey

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Troublemaker 02.01.19 11:18

I can agree that no one openly participating on forums is a member of the Order. That detail becomes important since even to this day there are people offering to open their own "Aset Ka chapters" at their own locations and even others deceitfully claiming that in a subtle way by using the word "we" when talking about Asetians, with false authority and imagined power. So everyone is free to hold discussions on topics if absolute authority isn't being claimed. Debate is good if it is respectful and there is a lot to learn from it.
Concerning your view on the Ba I must respectfully disagree. Once a soul is dissolved back into the Nun and loses its identity, it also loses awareness of itself. If it no longer holds the power of reincarnation (the willing ability, whether or not it chooses to) that to me signifies the Second Death. A death in the truest sense. It reminds me of descriptions of Kether. Once something has awareness of itself, that creates the other 2 spheres to complete the supernal triad. From there an entire tree is formed.
Of course those are my own views and I respect that others have different opinions on it.
About the newcomer, I think he/she should be given a chance. The words of Luis Marques come to mind here. "Everyone deserves at least one chance and one doorway."
So how do we know enough about them to make a judgment yet? Idiot trolls like the ones from the past should be told where to go, in a sense, but I prefer to wait and see how someone is first in other instances and encourage them to read around as well as research to find answers. Maybe they don't know much, in which case I would point them in the right direction. Just my own thoughts.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 11:35

reading over your thoughts twice sounds to me that we are very, very close in agreeing.....  That would be horrible.  It appears we have come up with the same process but using a different description to make a word picture of it.  that is strange.  But maybe you see from your point that there is a vast difference in our alignment.  Every person sees things to connect to what the soul needs to learn and experience while here.  So many different experiences from each person blend into a different hue of color or understanding but is a flavor that is created.

But I failed to include the fact that I do not take everything written from the Aset Ka as being fact in my opinion and not to look at everything they say and just try to know it is a fact.  I have to look at it and then actively blend it with my experience alone and how it touches my consciousness and make a decision.

I have seen members of this forum use their writings to declare it 100% accurate and they try to align everything in that direction and I cringe when I read that.  But they certainly have a right to their thoughts.  But it makes me compare it with the writings that the Christians use in the same manner.  And I know they are only 20% accurate at best on anything.  I will add that I have more respect for the Aset Ka writings than the Christian propaganda.  ha.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 11:54

Rhea Kaye wrote  "So how do we know enough about them to make a judgment yet?"

I guarantee there is a process to know who they are.  I have Private Messaged individuals showing up on this forum with very polite questions or comments  (I know, I know.  I can do it) knowing they are total fakes.  What happens is they instantly know that they are seen....and they leave the forum without replying to me or making any more posts that show up here.

You also can view the name they sign in with.  Some name like Vampirebloodsucker or Draculablood, DarkWolfoftheNight, etc, or some crap like this, one can tell they are delusional fakes without even viewing any comments.

I guarantee that if Aset was to be attacked by the ROS and sending a few into the midst to accomplish it, the guard around that area would not greet them with hello, how are you, hope you feel treated nicely here, etc.  We will wait to see how you act before we react, etc.  ROS will eat your ass up before you even know what happened to you if that is how you treat everyone.  The Little Light that Shines needs to get more realistic,  lol.  And that is certainly my own view even tho I am a minority of one.   ha.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Troublemaker 02.01.19 11:56

I can see where you're coming from on that. I don't think Luis Marques even expects anyone at all to blindly accept anything he writes, as he openly encourages people to question, ponder and explore. There can hardly be any wisdom without doing that. Without the openminded exploration it is just dogma and creates more fume. They accept no followers out of blind faith, as it is said.

A good example is the section in the Violet Throne titled "Vampires". I read this and watched people. It is remarkable how often I saw those words of his making sense and falling into place. Not out of blind faith but a knowing that came from watching the deafeningly loud sects who run around in fangs and bastardized ankhs (demonstrating their lack of ability to sense the vibrational differences between a real sigil of power and someone's vapid doodle). Also making complete idiots out of themselves by following the King Fangmaker with the empty, powerless and flat human eyes because he makes them feel special and wanted, and gives them a piece of the spotlight.

When it comes to any material relating to Asetianism, I try to test it out and get experience, viewing it from multiple angles so I don't end up closing my mind off. Study of other occult paths definitely helps with this. I do however feel unafraid to call stupidity and fakery for what it is when I see it. In the end, just accepting something without exploring it leads to weakness.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Troublemaker 02.01.19 11:58

And for the rest, I see what you're getting at but... wouldn't you think that's a bit of an extreme example? We aren't dealing with an ancient and epic war between shadowy Orders, we are talking about a forum. Razz

I guess only time will tell.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 12:34

I suppose you could say that but..... I am never Mr Nice Guy...I know that is hard to accept... but why pat yourself on the back cause you get along so well with those that would destroy you if given a chance.  

When I heard that, I instantly went back to recall I had heard the same exact statements from the TOV at the time....and I mean EXACTLY and in the same manner.  So I asked what is the dif here in how one gets along with each other and outsiders from those that are spoken about as being unenlightened?  They would destroy you with their influence of fakes, fangs and bloodsucking and light allergies, etc. if given that chance  lol.

Are you for certain that others out there are not for eliminating this forum if given a chance? Take another look at what is going on....

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 12:43

I can ask you straight forwardly.... Do you think this forum has not been deluted with the deluted thought process that if everyone came in and joined from the OVC that it would be great for what this place was actually founded toward....? There are those here that advocate that, as you know.

But I see even those that are not aware of much can literally see that the ability to gain knowledge and insight from postings here have disappeared from the Aset Ka influence. Some do not even come and post here anymore. I do not want that to happen. It was great in the past learning about the ancient information from Egyptian origins.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Troublemaker 02.01.19 13:19

Wanting to give others a chance doesn't mean someone is blind to the true feelings people might have when looking in on the forum. Or to the realities of the subtle world where not everything is as it seems and people can have a full spectrum of personalities as well as behaviors.
The Aset Ka created a path I feel much respect and love for. This path and its magic can't be exploited or defaced otherwise it would have crumbled thousands of years ago.

I can't verify what you're saying about the TOV because I have no experience with them. After reading their cute little manifesto, I was left with the disgusted feeling that I would not even touch them with a ten-foot pole.

I will address your straight-forward question. I do think there is one problem in that people accuse others of somehow being all full of ego and shouldn't dare have the audacity to share their opinion if they lack tolerance for stupidity. Still yet, I believe it should be held in balance.

For example, I find it ignorant that people go around quite literally screaming to everyone that they need entire cups of blood as well as official social rights from the government because it is just so very unfair that they are a suppressed minority group. These types are usually the ones leaping into talks whenever and wherever vampirism is mentioned despite adamantly stating they aren't vampires, yelling that they need to reach all the people because they HAVE to save others from the torturous pain of not having support for gobbling down copious amounts of blood. In shorter terms, they try to be the vampire Jesus or Mother Mary, saving all the poor doomed ones from not knowing how to use a lancet or obtain dead cow's blood from the butcher. (Dead blood with no energy. Hmm.)
On this note I don't feel that Asetianism is a saving force. I do not feel the need to knock on doors with leaflets, saying "Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Aset?" when they open the door. It isn't for everyone, it isn't a religion or a game and requires respect in this sense.

The legacy of Egypt really is where the importance remains. On that I can agree.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 02.01.19 13:30

Ok Maxx, not to clutter this forum with a lot of unnecessary personal comments as you always force me into doing but I will not appear as "white light crap" anymore but withdraw into the shades and only comment if somewhat relevant... I abhor being called "white light crap".

But with that as previously said, I believe there are more responsible courses of conduct to be had in regards to developing metaphysical abilities and occult powers - not saying that you cannot utilize them for nefarious purposes when called upon for whatever reason but that is usually of no concern to the average person, or depending upon what they are involved with and have to do. Such conflicts as between the Order of Aset Ka and Red Order of Seth might be a bit more complicated in principle, where such uses are necessary for strategical maneuvers and magickal warfare, in my own speculation. It is presumably not used to cause senseless destruction or irresponsible uses to fulfill egotistic gratifications only but wisely employed according to principles like those of actual warfare itself, having all the methods of reconnaissance in play and forces of both offense and defence.

Merely playing with these powers to gratify feelings of superiority or lust for power and to harm others for no well founded reason may not lead to good ends but be highly irresponsible; a technology fallen into the wrong and unworthy hands. You do not have to agree with me, but neither do I have to agree with everything you say as you state yourself.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 13:50

right. I know you do not agree. That is good.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 13:53

Rhea, where in the hell are you finding the type of person you are describing? Do you mean there is a group of that type out there that lets you in? lol.
You must be using the signin name of RL SUSKO.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Troublemaker 02.01.19 14:00

Thanks for the chuckles, Maxx. Wink
I was talking about what I observe when looking onward at places like VCN where people are obsessed with titles and playing some pretend game of leadership.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 02.01.19 14:22

well, I know you are not talking about me. I was born an idiot and descended from there into the unique blend I am as Village Idiot and growing... so there is no way I could be as brilliant as those you are describing...

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by A.Nightside 04.01.19 17:34

I've enjoyed reading this immensely. I'm mobile right now but hope to return while more stationary, read again and hopefully respond

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by KeganRyan 05.01.19 1:57

Still here watching, reading, and learning. Decided This: "We are an open-minded community, formed by honest, serious and mature people that are seeking for a high standard on the research, study, discussion and support of Vampirism as a spiritual tradition, occult culture and metaphysical practice.
This is a gathering not only for Vampires, as for Witches, the diversity of Otherkin and yes, even Humans. If you are here to learn, evolve and develop spiritually, you are more than welcome to join us. For sure you will have a nice time around." Is mostly Untrue

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Ramla-Meryt 05.01.19 5:17

Reading and assimilating here - primarily clogged mentally with weaving other's words into some semblance of sense, and so I will re-read more thoroughly and post properly once my mind and workload have cleared.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 05.01.19 10:01

KeganRyan, you are more than free to draw such a conclusion if it is your observation, of course, but I believe there is a lot of potential in this forum, disregarding the nonsense of some of our conversations in the discussion that I am myself guilty of, which could open up a doorway to many interesting topics suitable to this forum. I would not call it off or dismiss it due to a few members acting immaturely, but rather lift forward - in focus of the individuals that do act in better ways - the good potential it has. It is a tameable animal, and a salvageable ship; only given the right impetus and motivation it may flourish back to how it used to be if you are at all familiar with the past of this forum. Sometimes we see very wise and mature members post things here, posting things of valueable insight; other times, unfortunately, that is not the case.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 05.01.19 12:26

"What is truth to me is not truth to another. The same arguments and pieces of evidence that convince one mind make no impression on another."

Albert Pike

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Ramla-Meryt 05.01.19 15:40

Maxx wrote: "What is truth to me is not truth to another. The same arguments and pieces of evidence that convince one mind make no impression on another."

Albert Pike

This is an excellent quote.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 05.01.19 17:14

yes. I changed my name from Uncle Fester to Albert Pike.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 05.01.19 17:27

This statement has much of the same flavor in it....

What are orthodoxy and non-conformity or heresy?  What is the source of the authority of the orthodox statements in the account?  From a historical point of view, orthodoxy and heresy may be understood as rhetorical constructs fashioned in the arena of political debate.  Understand in this light, orthodoxy, and heresy have little to do with truth and falsehood and everything to do with power and position,  In a vote, the majority defines what is orthodox, and the minority is charged with being heretical.  Among competing political factions, the dominant force dictates what is orthodoxy;  those less powerful or in the minority are designated as heretical and the winners are those of the larger group.

When I read the statement above I had not even gotten to the end of it when the above along with the Pike statement jumped into mind.  There are many things in the universe that are happening that are not even noticed by most.  But I enjoy being in the minority.  lol.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by KeganRyan 05.01.19 23:37

Maxx wrote: "What is truth to me is not truth to another. The same arguments and pieces of evidence that convince one mind make no impression on another."

Albert Pike

ThrowUp It is MY TRUTH, Maxx .. Not to convince you or anyone but to inform you. I am still here and have read what was said. I am a real person, thinking, perceiving and feeling. As well as the decsion I have made based upon this. Suspect .... Waits to hear the definition/and/or usage of the word Inform is incorrect from Maxx... ThrowUp ....Waits for another to tell Maxx what a great job he did pointing that out.ThrowUp

KeganRyan, you are more than free to draw such a conclusion if it is your observation, of course, but I believe there is a lot of potential in this forum, disregarding the nonsense of some of our conversations in the discussion that I am myself guilty of, which could open up a doorway to many interesting topics suitable to this forum. I would not call it off or dismiss it due to a few members acting immaturely, but rather lift forward - in focus of the individuals that do act in better ways - the good potential it has. It is a tameable animal, and a salvageable ship; only given the right impetus and motivation it may flourish back to how it used to be if you are at all familiar with the past of this forum. Sometimes we see very wise and mature members post things here, posting things of valueable insight; other times, unfortunately, that is not the case.

Potential based on optimism. I do not project this optimism on to this group. Also, I do not need to be Informed about what conclusions I am free to draw: roll: . I really do not care about what you would do here. I am my own person with my own thoughts, feelings, and experiences outside of yours. Suspect I have made my decision about this already. Suspect

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.01.19 6:47

Of course, but that is why I said of course... -_-

I think you thoroughly misunderstood me; I was merely being polite.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.01.19 6:50

Make whatever judgement you want if it will serve you, but I do not have the highest hope or expectation for this forum either. It might seem contradictory to what I said, however, but there is no harm in being optimistic to some degree at the least. One never knows the future fully.

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Predator and Prey - Page 3 Empty Re: Predator and Prey

Post by Maxx 06.01.19 8:37

That is fantastic, mystic.  I see that you are making progress as you now use the period much, much better.

Now then, if I can get you to recognize using the word immature all the time to infer that you are above that status, then golden opportunities await you.  

Actually, I do see great improvement here.  Some have started to awaken regarding the vampire topic and see there is a difference from the actual Vampire situation with the Aset Ka and the pathetic situation all over the internet calling each other a vampire.  Calling each other a vampire and then showcasing a nonexistent element of Power within their life is utter nonsense. To be weak and helpless in a world of energy is not vampirism. Obvious in that case there is no difference from humans in great health. One thinks they need blood to drink and the other drinks dairy products.  lol.  But it takes time to wake up.  I know.  It took me a while.  LOL.

But the service I perform for you, Mystic, there is no need to thank me. I do it as I am such a great guy. All I want is to stir up your blood to motivate you to seek self-improvement.  We are making real progress here.  Keep up the good work.  You will never get stuck in a rut of satisfaction with yourself and staying there for any length of time with me pointing out your grammar shortcomings.  Good work, my son.

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