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Post by Clara_Moon 13.03.19 4:41

Can anyone useful explain to me the process I can go threw in order to heighten my physic ability?


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Post by Clara_Moon 13.03.19 4:43

Through* I was meaning to say


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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.03.19 5:52

Anyone useful?

I would first of all advice a path of cautious growth and self-development.

What are your motives for this question? Why do you want to heighten your psychic ability?

Do you mind introducing yourself in the off-topic section?

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Post by Clara_Moon 13.03.19 6:11

I didn't mean it in a harsh way I should include. Also yes, my name is Clara moon, I'm 35 and I'm mainly into travel photography but I'm quite interested in giving a little..."boost" to my current abilities. I talk to spirits In my own way but I want to heighten my ability to communicate more and find out more of what I can practice to learn and grow with the ability. I'm not rude, so would you care to introduce yourself as well?


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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.03.19 7:05

Oh, haha... I already left an introduction here many years ago. Not a very good one, haha. I've changed a lot since then, completely reinvented myself.

Anyhow, I would say there are different ways to increase psychic ability, both directly and indirectly:

Seeking its development through more elaborate procedures would be a more direct approach, for instance developing clairvoyance as outlined in books by Rudolf Steiner such as "How to Know Higher Worlds", although it is something I have got to look through again. There are ways, as mentioned by this author, that can be dangerous and riskful in developing psychic ability or clairvoyance specifically, but the same understanding might be applied to other forms of psychic sensitivity. However, he also speaks of safer but more hard working ways to reach to these outcomes that are actually stable and sustainable.
However, psychic ability can also be increased through energy work and manipulation as an outcome of adapting to such operations, although that requires a very balanced and responsible approach of, in my view or rather preferably, intense self-development as otherwise it can be extremely riskful if one does not know what one is doing and exaggerates it to a level far beyond grounded control and mastered development of its flowing, dynamic course. If you look at my introductory thread posted here in early 2014 you will see the mess I was in after this had occured without proper knowledge initially but a larger predisposition to manipulate huge quantities of energy although carelessly and without proper grounding so it can be dangerous if not utilized somewhat rightly. It should, if at all, be a commitment towards higher learning in fields of - and work with - subtle energy, maturerly and responsibly to ensure balance and to deal with it properly. One can perhaps spend lifetimes upon perfecting basic energy work techniques and methods as a fundament to higher practice so it may need certain dedication but it's just what I think from my point of view.
In regards to having a heightened sense of psychic ability for communication with spirits I think the mere thinking process to be adjusted to the possibility or held reality of spirits or the spiritual world might help a lot in that endeavour, fearlessly and with courageous love as a safe vibration of elevation to a higher dimension of being that will correspondingly attract a better spiritual reality around you for instance, but it's nothing I've worked with too much - although I should. I often tended to mostly learn how to shut out spirits from talking with me as I used to suffer from heavy attacks in that area in the past but now I've learnt how to manage it in a better way and there were of course also many other variables at play.

To develop greater psychic ability through indirect means I would suggest cutting down on meat, although that is up to your choice. (Other unhealthy intakes of food or drink should also be minimized or reduced to an absolute zero *if possible*.) Becoming wholly vegetarian (if you are not already) might not be absolutely necessary, but I would still recommend balancing the diet a bit. Meat does tend to lower the vibration although it can potentially make you more grounded than with a vegetarian diet but it still tends to subtly cloud judgement to some degree and make one slightly more aggressive or heavy in feelings and emotions overall. That is usually not the most favourable effect by its vibrations if in bad moods and uncontrollable negative emotions. But that can also be mastered in other ways, I suppose. Bear in mind eventual dietary changes to be made in a well educated manner so you don't end up harming yourself. I'm not an health expert but I try to limit what I say to a reasonable degree without making errors of uneducated judgements. Decide for yourself, of course.
There might also be suitable exercises to do, living a healthy life and routine. I am reminded it is important to keep the body in good shape of health and balance, too. Whatever that may be is up to you. Maybe yogic practices of asanas, or body postures, as they are called? Maybe even breathwork for various reasons which tends to rejuvenate the body on the inside and enhance the clarity of mind or even purify the latter unto greater spiritual perception? However, yoga for certain is not intended as something merely physical but is a comprehensive system of eight limbs as outlined in Patanjali's yoga sutras.

Those are just some of my cents of what might work for me although I've neglected yogic practice for along time... There are probably other good articles on the internet, too. Maybe some other members might make some productive posts in addition to this. But I want to say that I am not a master in any way, so you should take my advice with a grain of salt in discernment. Also yes, I understand you better now; we just tend to be cautious of newcomers here unless they post an introduction first but thank you for the introduction anyways. Hope this helps, nevertheless. Smile

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.03.19 7:26

I must add that the mention about adjusting to the spirit realm should also be done in a proper way, as otherwise I'm not sure if it can be dangerous or not. Might depend upon your mental or psychological states or levels of susceptibility towards certain things, whether they be mental conditions or other things. With all I'm saying I only intend to mention is as reference for you to look up books and articles upon the matter, not as definitive teachings or even a teaching to begin with, but as points of departure, for looking up and dwelling into deeper information and understanding. Also things like yoga has to be properly taught, so attending classes can be useful.

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Post by Clara_Moon 13.03.19 7:39

That is exactly what I was looking for, Thank you. Also if you don't mind me asking, how did you have "heavy attacks", what happened?


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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.03.19 7:50

I'm sorry, I cannot go much into detail about it.

Le'ts just say the "darkness" does not like the mystic Light shining forth... Haha.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.03.19 7:53

But if you shield yourself properly, and live a healthy lifestyle in balance, it should not be of much problem.

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Post by Clara_Moon 13.03.19 8:00

It's absolutely no problem and hahaha 😂 and I'll try my hardest, meat is definitely not a problem for me, and I do eat healthy. Though let's just say I have a slight problem with tossing the muffins and short bread cookies😅


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Post by Troublemaker 13.03.19 9:35

Regarding meat I can agree to some extent, but I also think it depends on a variety of factors and the individual metabolism.
But... just for fun and laughs- have you ever heard of Freelee the Banana Girl? She has an insane level of aggressively and even imbalance sometimes, but all she eats is fruit and pasta. Razz

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Post by Clara_Moon 13.03.19 9:50

Haha no I've never heard of her but I can look her up now😂


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Post by Troublemaker 13.03.19 10:03

Regarding your question, I also think meditation is something valuable to explore for this purpose. It is a prerequisite to many other things like working with the shen centers. There are specific minerals that are really good for balancing and empowering the third eye.


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Post by Clara_Moon 13.03.19 12:12

I've gone through meditation many times but I never like what I see, that's why I was trying to find a new route to go.


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Post by Clara_Moon 13.03.19 12:12

I've gone through meditation many times but I never like what I see, that's why I was trying to find a new route to go.


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Post by Heruset 13.03.19 22:44

Ritual to enter the sphere of Yesod. Preferably crafted by your own thoughts and magick. Enter through your microcosmic gateway into the sphere of psychism.

You can find sample rituals. For example, the Golden Dawn's... But most will be dogmatic. Find your own path inward to psychism... Ritual is a good, tried and true method to achieve this.

Meditation and other methods can help as others mentioned. Infact, it's a prerequisite. If you're doing rituals with ego or not in the right mindset, it won't have the desired effect.


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Post by Clara_Moon 14.03.19 4:50

I do have the right mind set, but what I was trying to say what it's a vision. Everytime I meditate I have a vision and I wouldn't say exactly that it's "terrifying" but it will put you in a uncomfortable position. Hence the reason I'm trying a different way.


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Post by Troublemaker 15.03.19 9:31

Actually it is sounding to me like you need to push through those things. You say you meditate without liking the results and that you are uncomfortable with this vision you get while doing so. What needs to happen is pushing through this, actually getting to the bottom of what the vision means and trying to understand it. You're the best one to do this for yourself, since it is a personal thing and you are the best one to understand your own mind, moreso than a stranger. There are not shortcuts to gaining ability or mastery. Terrifying visions during meditation are a good way to delve into things happening in the subconscious.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.03.19 9:53

Yes, to push away the image further and further away is only causing it to linger more and more out of fear and repression that makes it almost insoluble until actually confronted. However, I would say confront it a little by little, in balance and inner strength and courage, to not fall into an abyss but master your careful and heroic - but not reckless - sword against the monster. I don't know what you are dealing with exactly but this procedure might help in the sense that you approach it little by little and find greater resolve and courage in face of it; looking bit by bit at a monster eventually your eyes adapt to the horrible scene without getting terrified in the end, but only in the initial beginning. Then that monster might be defeated when carried out to the end, eventually seeing it for what it is and it disappearing before your eyes.

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