Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 12.11.19 8:23

Remastered.   better.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 12.11.19 11:54

My own Prophecy......

Just as the Fibonacci numbers you see referenced in the above video show a requirement of design to obtain balance, the raising of the planets' vibrational frequency to move into the 5 D and beyond, will have the Red Order of Set and the Aset Ka join to become one and put aside their differences.

As of now, this dual 3 D universe has designed the requirement that opposite frequencies oppose each other to find a balance between each and encourage the back and forth advancement or decline style.  One can see this taking place in the future, as one can see it also take place in the pattern of the stars (zodiac movement as all things can be found there).  

In the higher dimensional future of the planet, these two groups will join to become one for creation of purpose: balance being attained both within and without.  The time period for this happening could be as soon as 100 years from now or even up to 250 years into the future.  Contact me when you are able to recognize it has taken place.

So, personally, I see there are advantages to both groups just as I see in the astral or even our ethical universe design.  And this is why I already see the advantages of working with both groups from the astral dimension here and now. (here I do not refer specifically to the Aset Ka or Red Order of Set).  Each and every one of the Spirit Beings have a purpose they were created to fulfill just as you were created to carry out your individual purpose.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 12.11.19 13:26

so keep my statement above in mind as you watch this.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.11.19 14:52

First of all, how do we know that the Earth is shifting into a fifth-dimensional frequency? What's the backing to that, scientific or otherwise by metaphysical verification? How can we discern this, absolutely and for real? Why would the Earth move into the fifth dimension and beyond anyways? Isn't it fine in its present three-dimensionality plus time? Would purpose would it serve? Obviously we're living at the age of a near brink of destruction, both to nature but also to society ultimately, by our unbalanced way of life as a civilization. Are there implicit presuppositions in this whole theory that Gaia is activating herself and moving people out of three-dimensionality in order to counteract this? Yet, where is the proof, scientific or metaphysical?

Another question pertaining to this point above is: might this whole theory be a derivative in an intuitive sense from the shifting of times from one Djehuty to the next which we are experiencing right now - moving into the Djehuty of the Serpent away from the Djehtuy of the Crocodile - but that this theory is halfly baked and an incorrect, but merely partial, apperception of the times in which we live that hold vast metaphysical implications still, however, based upon the alchemical formulae of those shifting Djehutys and not due to shifting from 3D into 5D?

Also, I doubt that the Aset Ka and Red Order of Seth will conjoin and share arms, even if this were so, since their reasons for deep intrigue are sealed behind a darkness incomprehensible to us... as the Asetian Bible does mention, not to take it blindly as a matter of any dogmatic adherence... however, probably tying into a subject that deals with the nature of gods opposing each other, which is far beyond the scope of comprehension for mortals like us...

And, I also question the point that it's a matter of balancing each other, like positive and negative, plus and minus, or any other form of polarity, in regards to the Aset Ka and Red Order of Seth... since they are more of ideological differences than any stark and necessary duality, as would be found in nature. I doubt they view themselves as black or white. And, let us not forget, as has often been stated in here and which seems to hold true at least in my understanding, although I have no way of verifying this but will have to trust more experienced members, that the ROS do indeed follow Asetianism, albeit under a twisted and warped form suited to their agendas, as was the case of stealing and defacing the magick of Aset when, as it appears, they copied Her magick and that resulted in the creation of Sethians...

I cannot be sure of your sources on this, by the way, like in5d. They hold great material at various places but much of it seems to be bordering to New Ageism and much uncertainty.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 12.11.19 16:09

I believe you sound as if you are anchored in a model T Ford and will forever be living there.  Even the Divine Gods that ruled Egypt 34,000 to 36,000 years ago, which were the real Vampires, were further along and more able to communicate their awareness to us today than you seem to be chasing after and spending time in.  Good luck.

The entire example they taught was how to obtain immortally and that is in consciousness from one body to another.  I believe you have become stuck in one spot and maybe forever living there.  This is why I used to have so much problem with the fake wannabees entering here. I am sure you are a great guy. That is why we are located on the planet so far away for each other. lol. I am not as nice as you want to become.

Sorry, you are either a Virgo or have lost your mind.  Or.   You are a Virgo that has lost his mind.

But everyone is welcome to believe what is real to them at any time. Ha. I called you crazy..... so now it is your turn.

Number of posts : 4334
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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 12.11.19 17:21

But I can tell you that it sounds as if you are sitting at the feet of Greta as she proclaims and teaches her programmed vision of the world that only has 12 years left.
Also, from your questions, you are telling me you have very little experience in OBE or some kind of astral travel where you can at least experience other dimensions more than occasional surprises.

Otherwise, all you will have at the end of your life is just out in the dark howling at the full moon....oh....which is tonight.  See you in a couple of days when you return.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.11.19 1:48

Always good for the laughs, Maxx, I enjoy your jokes and don't take offense at them because I'm too used by now and have grown rather resilient, or really it would be petty of me to take offense at such non-serious ridicule anyways. But you did forget to answer the points, and instead of doing so, went on a personal attack against me. Always the good escape route.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 13.11.19 7:49

If you will not do the work to educate yourself, no reason for me to spend days trying to educate you by spending the wasted time.  Those are the basics.  It is your path, and if you choose not to question what is happening around you and everyone else,  you have your own agenda to face.  You need to search what is going on when pilots the world over are having to adjust their GPS equipment constantly and why true North keeps changing and moving?   Could it be that the earth may turn itself over again and disrupt everything on it?   Also, what does this mean from the metaphysical view?  What happens every 26,500 years?

Also, what happens to the species that go extinct on this planet?  Where are they now?  Can you visit the place they occupy at present to view what is taking place?

And lastly, do you not understand that changes and energy are in a constant stage of change and movement?  Do not make the mistake of living your life by trying to pattern your life in today's environment by thinking you would be a part of the Egyptian civilization from the 19th and 20th dynasty and experience vampire living.  Even that has evolved in a very big way.

And for the new kids coming in here wanting to be a vampire, I ask you, how do you think this will affect your entire life today in order to succeed at your reason to come into this world in the environment you face today. Will you be able to make a success in your life by wandering the streets wearing your black garb and have metal sticking out your nose and cheeks and tongue? Can you support yourself by getting a part-time job as a lightning rod?  This shows you have no self-confidence and you make no effort to join the world in how it really is evolving.  

All are lunatics but he who can analyze his delusions is called a philosopher.        Ambrose Bierce

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Troublemaker 13.11.19 11:13

Definitely don't agree about the AK and ROS joining forces. That one doesn't seem right, at all.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 13.11.19 11:24

how many changes do you look back and see that have developed in the last 200 years? lol

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.11.19 12:10

It appears you aren't interested in any form of mature discussion. You fail at upholding a decent conversation on your own topic. I had hoped you would respond differently, but knowing you on this forum for some time now I was naive to think otherwise, but I hadn't really expected much from you anyways. However it's a sad disappointment.

Number of posts : 1344
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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 13.11.19 12:32

your so-called questions are, to put it nicely,  elementary topics that the majority of people are aware of.  To spend time here where you nitpick questions and topics, over and over again to have me educate you when it is your job to be informed starting in early school is again a time waster for me.  Too many times here it has been apparent you do not know what you are talking about.  This is not a primary education center.  It may be of sorts, but I am not going to be your private teacher.  Get that from someone else that is not fed up with your display of paragraphs offering no conclusions to anything. As commented, you are not the person you think you are. Sorry to dismiss you so profoundly, but you had to keep pushing it. So that should end it.

Number of posts : 4334
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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.11.19 12:44

It was your topic. I came here to criticize your New Age reasonings. You failed to at all uphold any standard of dignity in replying to simple questions that tried to debunk your claim. Hence, you didn't fail to educate me but you failed to make yourself a worthwhile person to listen to as you can't argue your own point. It was, afterall, your own topic.

Nowhere did I claim to be anyone special. You've barerly dismissed anything and I'm laughing at the sheer ludicrousness of it all.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.11.19 12:47

You're quite the narcissist.

Number of posts : 1344
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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 13.11.19 14:37

when you tell me to get off the forum because I don't agree with you, I believe that is what is called stupidity.  Narcissist?  Maybe. lol.  But not Stupid.  

It sounds as if you never viewed the videos above but that is to be expected.  You were only interested in being contradictory. They were not posted for your viewing in the first place.  The words New Age and Conspiracy theory which you use in posting are used to diminish something that eventually always turns out to become solid subjects and those are such that actually diminishes the anti-claimant.  It signifies your background. Buddha taught that the universal disease of mankind is ignorance, and wisdom is the only remedy.  You actually confirm this fact.

If you would like to comment on the videos, you might try to add something to those.  lol.  Otherwise, you are not adding to their commentary at all.  You probably have never seen my paragraph explanation included this was my prophecy only.  Anger towards my posting is evident, so you can disregard any of mine, as they will not be directed at you anyway.  Or maybe they are too complicated for you to comprehend?

Number of posts : 4334
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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.11.19 0:10

That's past, but it weren't due to disagreement but outright verbal attacks on a very consistent basis; a very rude, crude behaviour. I've changed a lot since then. I hope you've done too.

No, I didn't watch the videos. Did I have to in order to respond to your words on the thread? Maybe more or less but not entirerly. Maybe that's partially my fault though. But it didn't take the watching of some video to understand the nature of your prophecy. I have so many videos to watch that it's hard for me to merely directly watch the video suggestions put by you on this forum which would appear rather at random to me but nevertheless something I can save for later. I should have said so in the beginning but didn't deem it necessary in order to criticize your prophecy on a stand-alone basis, which was merely the expression of a critical and doubtful mind anyways, here meant in the sense of skepticism, but of course research is important but your writing didn't contain so many elements of above-mentioned references apart from your own thoughts, from what it appeared to me. Such things should be able to be tolerated and withstood if you've got any validity to the claims, theory or so-called prophecy of yours, unless it's spoken in a really incomprehensible language to those who haven't done their research but this didn't appear to fall into that category.

Yet, here we are, descending into more and more personal attacks. I think you know extremely little of my background, so please keep that at a distance. I have no wish to make this about myself either, like the drama queens in VCN, so I don't appreciate it. But that needed to be pointed out, as you don't seem to pursue complete understanding before outright judgement when dwelling deeper into personal matters and not mere debate. Neither did I say anything about conspiracy theories.

It sounds like you're only trying to belittle people who disagree with you to any extent. Probably you see it as a threat or you wouldn't respond this way or maybe it's just due to your character... we all know the crazed old man, Maxx, the village idiot as you used to call yourself. I try to just look at it jokingly because there's not much of a point in arguing with you as you will only descend into all manners of personal attack. Still proves my point though, even if you can make it appear sophisticated a personal attack to somehow leverage your own position. That's why I called you a narcissist but maybe that description isn't enough.

Number of posts : 1344
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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.11.19 0:54

Such unnecessary and wasteful activity. Would rather you'd have answered the questions, not out of any entitlement on my part of thinking I deserve all knowledge and information without hard fought for and earned right but just simple discussion out of mutual respect and due to an already started topic which could have turned out much better than it did now. That was also your own responsibility, I'd say, but do you at all care about that? Don't you see a far more productive approach in simply discussing or at least debating simple points? You could have mildly asked me to watch the video, before I made my next reply and I probably would have done that based upon a very simple, cordial and respectful tone, like a kind of cooperation. But you seem far more inclined upon making this all personally heated? I'd rather not descend into that avenue. I had actually been looking forward to more of a discussion that would have been considered worthwhile. I didn't approach from a mere point of wishing to be contradictory but actually based it upon certain respect or at least tried to have a better understanding relative to the subject. I believe I've listened to all these videos mentioning 5D reality far in the past, as well, so it isn't something entirerly new to me. Hope we can solve this, though - I've got no wish in perpetuating this cycle of personal dispute on this forum but would rather see it positively ended by some mutual understanding and come to terms with that. I'm hardly the same person I was a year ago. I change and go through a lot of progress in my own life. I don't advocate stagnancy but always do the opposite but that part of me you're not aware of. So, how about simply coming to a standstill? I don't tend to enjoy all of this personal dispute that hardly has any place in this forum. I don't think that's what this forum was intended for and I feel sorely guilty of working counter to that by all of this heap of utter nonsense but, alas, I also feel locked in a corner by your constant and ongoing personal attacks when you cannot stand a simple opposition of argument or questioning of your theories...

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 14.11.19 7:02

what always irks me is.....40,000 words to say "no I did not watch the videos". That says it all about your entire conversation.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.11.19 7:21

It says a lot of things about you, yes. I mentioned quite a few things. Doesn't reduce to a simple sentence at all. Here I'm trying to apply thought towards a solution but also make a stance against your nonsense.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Troublemaker 14.11.19 7:58

I don't think the Asetians and Sethians will ever join forces like that. Especially not now. 
The Djehuty of the Crocodile is coming to an end and old monotheistic religions, sources of Sethian influence, are beginning to die. Seems like that would cause more fighting and not less. 
These two forces are quite profoundly opposed (many ways being beyond common understanding). Even in ancient times it was that way.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 14.11.19 8:42

yes. It is ending. things are changing.  So is the split in dimensional frequencies.  There will be two separate earths when the split is finished and it will split into a higher frequency but also leave the 3 D here while it goes into a destructive mode while it cleanses the earth with all kinds of earthquakes, storms, etc, while it wobbles out of sync.  Those that stay will be confronted with this mega force occurring.  There will be a small number of humans that do go through it while many will be destroyed.  This is the discussion of moving into a 5 D and beyond which is happening now.  It started in the early 2000s and may take 30 to 50 years or 100 or so to complete.  This is why there are so many people around you with so many aches, pains, strange acting people, time moving so much faster, angry people, etc.  Many think things will remain constant and it is those that will remain in this 3 D while others move into the higher frequency.  And of course, one can choose to stay here rather than going into a more natural living arrangement by refusing to change your spirit and the things which are attached to you.  You can consider this to be connected to the Mayan calendar which showed ending in 2012.  Many changes are occurring now and will increase as we watch the future happen before our eyes.

An illustration is the same as I have spoken of in the past, like the site of the Temples in Egypt which have been destroyed over time.  In the higher frequency, there are new Temples being attended to and classes being taught by those we call spirits that have lived here before on that location. Many are seen in spirit form walking through walls and doors there. It is actually becoming a common occurrence.  It is most similar to when one dies and passes over into another area shedding the physical body and slipping into spirit.  

There are many things that are going on now that you cannot see all around you because the eye cannot view that different light spectrum.  It is much higher than we deal in here.  Most everyone knows this.  All this is not new age crap.  It is beyond the scope of common uneducated people but is easily confirmed by writings and declarations of science.

By moving into a more in tune location when this all takes place, one will not be able to carry the old way of life from this 3 D environment with them.  It will all be removed.  When moving into that higher facet, the old opposition to each group will be changed and it will not be allowed in that higher dimension.  This fact causes the so-called prophecy I rendered very easy to declare. Attitudes that describe the animosity between the ROS and Aset Ka will have to cease in order to go into the higher realm.  lol.  So I suggest, never say never.  Ha. Unless you plan on staying here.  But it appears something like this takes place every 26,500 years.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.11.19 9:09

That you could simply have mentioned to begin with - and excuse my lack of watching the videos at first but - instead of unnecessarily derailing things so far.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.11.19 3:05

I learnt a great lesson yesterday - not what you'd believe but valuable for me.

One of the main reasons, however, why I make a stance against you is because you're quite frankly and plainly speaking the reason why a few members of this forum are mostly absent. Good, potential participants that would have contributed a lot. But here you are, attacking everything and anything that comes up within your range like a crazed and barking dog and anyone who slightly challenges you is a target for condescending personal attack. We've gone over this in the past, I do believe.

Nevertheless, your behaviour is often outrageous. It makes me wonder why the admins haven't dealt with you yet. I'm putting my simple foot down and saying this is enough.

I believe this forum should be a place where people can voice their opinions in free discussion without being harassed or personally and verbally attacked and belittled at every turn of even slighest disagreement with you.

It appears as if you only want to hold discussion with yourself, or anyone who doesn't come up with the slightest disagreement or resistance.

Is that the way of mature discussion?

... May we now please shift our focus from hostile debate to better discussion, from ceaseless arguing to respectful discourse instead.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.11.19 3:43

I abhor even having to write this but it is deemed necessary. I don't wish to contribute to or cause more drama - I'm utterly fed up with it - but now I'm making a stance against it, hopefully not to fuel the flames but that'll probably be inevitable anyways, quite sadly... I hate to watch this forum and otherwise great participants merely withdraw to the shadows because of your infuriating manners of ludicrous proportions. I'm not hiding it but neither am I bowing down to your narcissistic, messed up, arrogant, crude and pathetic ego that cannot tolerate any forms of reasonable opposition or decent criticism.

And, right... now you'll probably come here and go off on a tanget about some other mumbling, completely unrelated nonsense in a manner of personal attack - or not, as I preemptively said this. Or how many damn preemptive things do I have to say? Either you'll be silent, or you'll come with a short sentence or two, or whatever you deem fit according to your foul and dishonorable strategy of utter disparagement that might not be clear to everyone but surerly is clear to me after having to deal with you on numerous occasions.

Your silence upon confrontation speaks volumes about your arrogance too, by the way... and it's thoroughly digusting. It's not used due to honorable reasons either like the wise man who reprimands the fool by not responding to their foolishness, but due to belittling, and as a tactic. It can be seen through clearly as open daylight. I respect those who are silent due to honorable reasons, but not this arrogance.

Or it's always attack upon the weakest end of the whole thing. Makes me wonder why I'm not silent and merely leaving this unworthy topic to dissipate in time... but then I'm reminded of why I'm making this stance against you.

I'm not at all hiding that I'm pissed off as hell but I'm aiming to direct it for a worthy purpose, that is, to speak for those good members of the forum that have been driven out and away by your outrageous nonsense, which is unjust, dishonorable and unfair by far. It seems no one else will speak up against your nonsense so I will.

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Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz Empty Re: Egypt, West, Schwaller de Lubicz

Post by Maxx 15.11.19 7:36

I actually am not touched in any way by your rambling discourses that go off to other worlds and rarely come to any conclusions.  I never make posts directed at you at all but I find you come in on everything posted as if you feel you are the final say on anything and everything. Talk about a Narcissistic boob.  LOL. If my posts make you angry I suggest you do not read them and do not make replies to them. Again, you take it on yourself to tell me to get out of your board.  Why don't you just discard even addressing any posts I put up?  Easy enough as I do not post for you.  This above topic brought John West into the video and you never even looked at it.  As I said, all you wanted to do was strike back at anything I posted.  lol.  Your actions speak for themselves.  And again, I did not post for you as I no longer have any respect for your veiled attempts to criticize anything I post by using "another new age piece of material".  

I have found no one really replies in bulk to your topics as they may not find any interest in it. But it appears you think you have found a spot here to showcase your mental dalliances.  IF you might recall, I have stopped replying to the crazy loonies that come in here wanting to tell their blood-sucking stories.  I completely leave that up to others if they want this location to flourish as another VCN forum.  So I do not think you can use that as nuclear fuel to cover your animosity towards me.
Maybe you can just go to the corner and stand for your time out and take some deep breaths.  I seem to get into your head. lol.   Are you playing the Victim and asking Admin to help cover for your own misgivings as you try to place all the blame on me.....?  Maybe you just are not as brilliant as you seem you think you VeiledOne mentioned.   But I will continue to post so I suggest you close your eyes and do not read Then there is no friction.  I tried not even replying to your comments recently as I viewed it to be rather elementary as most everyone else knew the answers....but not you.  And I as I said, I do not post for you and I am sure I am not going to spend months answering your silly questions  Just ignore my posts as I tried to do with yours but you had to bring your silly forays into the picture.

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