Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by Troublemaker 20.02.22 23:12

Recognition seems to be a thing that causes the fall of many.
I've noticed that Asetianists are the only ones I ever see boldly rejecting recognition in favor of truth and honor. It surely exists among others too, in other communities and paths, but it seems so rare and hard to come by. And it certainly is embraced in a fiercer way by those of the Asetian path.

Across a multitude of other communities, they pretend to stand for truth, honor, integrity and legitimate occult development, yet band together with no regard whatsoever for the character of those they support. It occurred to me that this is how entire huge groups become infected and eventually fall apart, whether it takes days, months, or many years.

Revered voices such as Luis Marques himself are notorious for teachings that are fearlessly presented regardless of whether or not they please all readers. The Asetians are forces of nature, changing those that interact with their teachings. A tornado, an earthquake, or other forces of nature do not shift in intensity or composition to ensure that they do not upset beings that might become affected. They simply Are.

Meanwhile, it becomes apparent that the human mind is easily influenced in a sometimes disturbing way. Watching the social dynamics and politics is, I would argue, important for occult development. Watching what makes people act in certain ways, what provokes their weak points, what exposes their inner mentalities... these are all things that help with having an understanding of the path, in my opinion.

What puzzles me is the lack of elitism behind surface level occult circles. In my opinion, elitism and true occultism go hand in hand. Not everything should be acceptable just because someone is trying desperately to cultivate as huge an audience as possible. That's not how gnosis works, let alone even basic learning.

But apparently, a blatant lie that all knowledge is accessible and able to be found if you only just ask is very attractive to most weak minds. The reality, hidden behind all the layers of falsehood, that some knowledge and teachings shall always remain secretive and safeguarded behind thick, inaccessible walls makes some people feel agonizingly uncomfortable.

Asetianism has left me with a question that I am not sure if I should call philosophical or categorize into some other area. Is a teacher of the occult truly a teacher if they are not able to recognize falsehood? If they support all the wrong people with no regard whatsoever for how rotten that person is, does that even signal a legitimate voice or source? We can learn from everyone and are encouraged to do so, but I feel these things knock them into much lower tiers of metaphysical strength.

The elitism of Asetianism has given me a different view along the years, in comparison with what is so commonly seen and found. Even some highly regarded authors, when I see them supporting in earnest people who I know to be liars, people who have attacked Asetianism, slandered Luis Marques, attacked the Asetianist community, and put forth blatant dishonor in an effort to make themselves look like something they are not... when I see this, I cannot help but then see that author with deep disdain. How can you possibly be a legitimate source of occult knowledge if you are either unable to recognize or don't care about the dishonor and lack of character in those you scream praise of?

I felt like voicing my disappointment after becoming truly exasperated by the vast desert devoid of character that apparently stretches in all directions. In one example, it took the form of finally trusting other sources enough to give them a try, and then once the grimoire arrived, which has been constantly lauded as a supremely amazing source of esoteric might, I realized the author is just as corruptible as the others. I saw that same author heaping nauseating praise onto one of the Primal Craft cultists who not only advocates earnestly for abusing animals in greedy desperation for "magickal power", but who also loves to slander the Asetianist community as well as all works of Luis Marques. Not to mention the art praised was utter, pure trash, looked terrible like a 5 year old created it, and really had no spark.

None of it makes any sense to me. How is it possible to create a genuine grimoire on serious witchcraft but also remain unable or unwilling to care about these things, enough to praise people like that? Not only praising, but not caring about other, more important issues and real abuse enough to speak out against it boldly. Or at least have the spine to stand against it. It simply does not make sense to me, because occultists truly qualified to create real metaphysical tools like this on higher currents must be above some things and carry a certain integrity otherwise the material is inherently meaningless.

So where is the damn character, the integrity? It isn't just one author, but dozens and dozens. And in a certain circle I will not name, there are several. It just so happens to be organized in such a way that leaves me not feeling secure or safe in occupying these spaces, sharing experiences, or attempting to even give them a chance by giving the benefit of doubt.

I asked myself why a "teacher" of what is truly an important subject in witchcraft would support animal abusing cultists, with no regard whatsoever for the rest of their actions. I came to the conclusion, after seeing several other authors do the same thing and just blindly roll over and obediently, tastelessly do anything and everything necessary to keep readers, money, fame and wider acceptance, that this is a human mind thing. An aspect of weaker character, even if it is hidden deceptively behind countless testimonials of wild praise. Don't even get me started on animal sacrifice. Yes, I do understand that animal sacrifice happened in ancient cultures. But somehow, I feel like people who go on facebook loudly screaming about how pleased they are with torturing and murdering animals in exchange for what they think will bring them more magickal power is not... clean? Honorable? Worthy of actual power? Magickal power isn't earned by slaughtering animals.

Once again, the horde finds itself bowing and on their knees without even being aware of what is happening. Under invisible control beyond their understanding.

I don't think any works of authors who behave like this are trustworthy metaphysical gateways, although a vital part of occult exploration involves exploring some of them anyway, experimenting and seeing what works, sensing the energies.

This particular one I've been sensing feels very lifeless and flat. I keep trying to approach it like... is this it? Is THIS what all of the hype is about? The hell is this? The energy feels quite metaphysically polluted, corrupted. Like a very busy room in place of what should be a sacred temple. It feels like countless hundreds of energy signatures have touched all over it, despite the fact that I received a brand new copy.

Once again, I am left frustrated.

I'm quite new to exploring Hekate. Yet every time I attempt to return to such exploration, I have a bitter and sour taste in my mouth as I have always reviled things that are mindlessly popular to the point of being extremely diluted and powerless. Every time, I sense this quiet voice that says "you do not know me by that name."

There are entirely too many egregoric energies surrounding this bullshit masquerade.

Going back to Asetianists, though...
Something Jonathan said on here really stuck with me. He said that Asetianism is the true gateway into the real primal witchcraft currents. These things are rarely ever discussed, and are not public at all, so this tells me that I am not likely to find any true facet of primal witchcraft in the works of these authors. (Some authors, for clarification, even lurk behind falsely helpful demeanors and a wall of praise that seemingly makes them think they are immune to criticism or accountability.)

Hell, the way that Asetianism remains extremely dangerous clues me in on this. The consequences of missteps on this path can be severe. And, in my opinion, one must have quite a strong character and integrity to survive unscathed by the chthonic undercurrents. So what the hell are these other people doing? You can't tell me they are "doing something legitimate" with these forces and with Hekate if strong character is not present.

Meanwhile, Asetianists boldly embrace what is right and true, even when it is painful. Even among friends they will battle to protect the legacy of Aset.

I remain somewhat frustrated. It is a ridiculous scene of pure vanity out there, that sometimes takes shape in surprising ways.


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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by Jonathan 21.02.22 7:09

This was an excellent post Rhea. Interesting thought explorations for people to consider.

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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by Troublemaker 21.02.22 11:05

Thanks Jonathan!

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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by VedantaBlack 21.02.22 11:11

Thoughts are energy. 

Feed the crocodiles or ignore them.


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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by Troublemaker 21.02.22 11:16

Yeah, spare me your falsely superior bullshit. You've already been banned from this place like more than four times.
Your words, opinions, and contributions hold absolutely no weight here.
Nothing productive to contribute? Then stay in the corner. Your level of "occult development" is clearly close to zero.
Abusing quotes to make yourself look falsely superior and "evolved" is not exactly a good look and we all see through you.
Now I'd advise you stop harassing everyone on this forum, because it isn't making you look evolved as you so desperately wish to seem.

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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by VedantaBlack 21.02.22 11:51

Rhea Kaye wrote:Yeah, spare me your falsely superior bullshit. You've already been banned from this place like more than four times.
Your words, opinions, and contributions hold absolutely no weight here.
Nothing productive to contribute? Then stay in the corner. Your level of "occult development" is clearly close to zero.
Abusing quotes to make yourself look falsely superior and "evolved" is not exactly a good look and we all see through you.
Now I'd advise you stop harassing everyone on this forum, because it isn't making you look evolved as you so desperately wish to seem.

If anyone is harassing anyone it’s the one in my PMs. 

I’ve never contacted you or anyone else in this forum except publicly. Harassment is what your actions are.

My use of quotes was not to make ME look better, but to reference for those who are viewing the forum how misaligned this forum’s members are with the Aset Ka’s public teachings. Thanks for participating like all members of the forum have the right to.


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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by Troublemaker 21.02.22 11:57

That's fun, so now you're outright lying in a desperate and pitiful attempt at making things look like something they are not. I never harassed you, I think you have that backwards. And you clearly don't deserve to be here.

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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by VedantaBlack 21.02.22 12:01

You clearly don’t either in that case. 

I didn’t lie either. 

You’re misguided and a liar based on ignorance.


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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by Troublemaker 21.02.22 13:03

How to spot a parasitic being: exhibit A.

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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by Troublemaker 21.02.22 13:12

For transparency to those reading:
Speaking of "harassment", I've found the old logs of Heruset aka Thomas Ezru sending me harassing PMs from one of his several other accounts.
Funny how people constantly mirror at others like this.

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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by Waterlily 21.02.22 18:19

Hekate, the crone goddess, part of the triple goddess Persephone, Demeter and Hekate. Prayers to her will help you find what you seek.

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Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine  Empty Re: Witchcraft Requires Having An Actual Spine

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.02.22 7:55

Very good and interesting thread, Rhea Kaye, especially on the points of character and elitism within the occult, which I feel relates heavily to the kind of integrity you speak of, as a beacon to higher workings but also having the keen perception or sense of truth and standing by it. Not to mention our energy depends on it fundamentally to the core of its quality; if the core is rotten, how can the manifestations of magick be pure, in the sense of an energy devoid of too much metaphysical noise or energetic pollution and capable of a clearer signal into the Work, and thus lead to a higher end or a more genuinely involved working of higher quality like demonstrated upon the real but rare occult masters that do indeed open up very credible gateways? So, this might be somewhat of a tangent or a slightly alternative view, but I feel this ties very much into the kind of energy we raise, by the kind of backbone we have, as you call it - not unrelated at all. The way we conduct ourselves conducts our energy too. Integrity becomes of paramount or fundamental importance. It's upholding standards, within and without. That's kind of implicit in what you say though.

Also a point that to master the occult requires quite the arduous effort of lifetimes as it's a sinuous road of loyal dedication, spiritual growth and subtle development, so to master those qualities required of a veritable occult master may take something quite colossal spanning across great lengths of time. By far not easily attainable in a lifetime by most, but that doesn't mean a race nor competition as it's the fruits of our efforts spanning across many lives. The best we can do is to strive on sincerely and with perseverance. By all of this I mean to say that there's no absolute requirement on publishing books until one is totally ready and feels a genuine call, as teaching - to its greatest epitome - is often a fruit of mastery, and, in the occult domain, should probably not be done with mere academic knowledge only, even if such works in themselves are good, but as grimoires may need the proper work of a real master or one student very loyally dedicated in their commitment and craft and capable of unleashing such magick.

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