What's the thing with the cross?

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What's the thing with the cross? Empty What's the thing with the cross?

Post by Viktor 21.02.23 9:49

Vampirism, I mean symbolism of it, is often associated with the cross.

The cross is a Christian symbol, therefore vampiric symbolism has something to say about it that is specifically about Christ and his crucifixion.

Have you ever wondered what's the message?
The question is not what does the cross mean to you personally but rather what does it really mean?

I have been digging trough symbolism and spent some time researching a while ago and then stumbled upon the so called "serpent cross", just google out for some images about serpent cross.
There are many great explanations of serpent cross and there is not much space left for speculations, a good start is this link:

In similar philosophical manner, without too much of subjective mysticism, the cross has some message in vampiric symbolism, but what is it?

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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by 8lou1 22.02.23 2:25

i stumbled upon the satanic flow when i discovered the internet, i jumped in the satanic panic as if that was it. im from europe and before my 30's didint even hear of satanism. at the same time i was doing some reiki initiations and some reiki groups online went totally crazy and couldnt get their energy flow up in a normal sense. they became sort of reiki furries.

i found this strange and started to research the otherkin families and found vampirism. so for me the cross has nothing to do with vampirism, other then if you know the trilogy and the new age stories one can easily wonder how jesus got angry and reborn as mohammed. could as well be mary too, as she wasnt even recognized, but we are talking cross.

also, there are many forms of crosses and often the 4 legged cross is the sun. jesus and peter got nailed to the cross. the church did the first and peter commanded his own up side down as a sign to humanity. the first resistance in the roman church is the pope, is peter , is the rock.

so going with the idea of symbolism, one would say earth is resistance and air (vampires seem to have wings) is just religious philosophical thinking and powerplay from one big nexion called the city of rome.

cause when we say a vampire cant stand the sun, it is exactly that cross we have to carry and thinking about the fact that peter let himself be hung. it might not have been jesus idea to be disgusted when we stand in the sun.

snakes are often wise ones, but when the earth trembles they hide. so when snakes are nailed to the cross, looking at my symbolism, it depicts famine.

the cross with a death snake (might jesus and peter be snakes as well?) is often a 3 legged cross, called a tau cross. tau as symbol has to do with the bull and money, but also the energetic flow of it. the finance nexion on this earth is the city of london and there is indeed standing a big bull and no snake inside.

so in essence to me this became kill the teacher, become the teacher. or in the fun lane the queen is death, long live the new king. as i needed to rekindle myself and well my mum loves a good fight. so i did that in honor of her.

thank you for lifting me up afterwards. all of you btw. Wink


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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by 8lou1 22.02.23 2:37

btw, i really always talk about myself, i seem to be very narcissistic in my typing online or worse i ramble. so my intent is to learn to do a better job at expressing myself online and have a normal conversation. when i cant i go vids. cause damn i like the sun.

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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by Viktor 22.02.23 13:59


The direction I seek is something along the line:
"Jesus gave blood, vampire takes blood"

You see, this short quote makes a lot of sense on it's own, there is a lot of space in it to answer the meaning of a cross in vampirism.

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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by 8lou1 22.02.23 16:49

for me that is a circular principle and when i read in the qoran there is no religion afterwards it made me think of what could be next. some groups call spiritual attunements dna upgrades. so yes it makes sense, but sometimes it just tastes gross. the fact that some didnt know a female form existed made it even worse, btw.


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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by spiritseeker202 24.02.23 4:50

the cross and the serpent is a biblical notion, its reffering to God and the leviathan, can't remember the passage but its in revelations


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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by Guano 25.02.23 8:16

The cross isn't a wholly Christian symbol. It predates Christianity by quite some time, plus its just an easily replicable shape, appearing in most symbolic representations throughout the world. I don't think vampirism, at least in those forms that claim to predate Christianity, in its New Testament form especially, would find their own cross-based iconography being related in anyway to Christ. Though of course in my personal testament I would seek out how you personally believe they relate and to endeavour to ascertain what meaning you can extract from that revelation, deepening your own understanding of your own personal perspective on the occult. Use your own feelings to bolster yourself, fortify yourself against the tribulations to come and take comfort in that which was not intended.

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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by Guano 25.02.23 8:22

Guano wrote:The cross isn't a wholly Christian symbol. It predates Christianity by quite some time, plus its just an easily replicable shape, appearing in most symbolic representations throughout the world. I don't think vampirism, at least in those forms that claim to predate Christianity, in its New Testament form especially, would find their own cross-based iconography being related in anyway to Christ. Though of course in my personal testament I would seek out how you personally believe they relate and to endeavour to ascertain what meaning you can extract from that revelation, deepening your own understanding of your own personal perspective on the occult. Use your own feelings to bolster yourself, fortify yourself against the tribulations to come and take comfort in that which was not intended.

Almost forgot to mention, heres an interesting book on the topic that read a few years or so back while studying Viking symbology on the island Gall-Ghàidheil, namely the island of Bute in the Firth of Clyde, which was part of the territory of the Cenél Comgaill of Dál Riata; The cross, its history & symbolism Book by George Willard Benson.


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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by Viktor 25.02.23 8:44

Guano wrote:Though of course in my personal testament I would seek out how you personally believe they relate and to endeavour to ascertain what meaning you can extract from that revelation, deepening your own understanding of your own personal perspective on the occult. Use your own feelings to bolster yourself, fortify yourself against the tribulations to come and take comfort in that which was not intended.

For me, the only valid connection of vampirism to the cross comes from my research on history of vampires in old Europe, mostly eastern Europe.
Where all the hysteria of vampires presumably started as folk belief, however this folk belief was so strong that it gained attraction from the Church.
Eastern Europe is orthodox and there are known writings of some orthodox priests from the past who condemned vampirism but these writings are not easy to get hands on, but they do exist and are kept somewhere in monasteries or archives.

What is most interesting is how people dealt with vampires, however the Church in that time proclaimed that only a trained priest may deal with them to get rid of them for good.
Therefore that's a good indication that the Church was involved, similar to exorcism, therefore this answers why movies are made about vampires where the cross is used to chase them away, it's one good connection to the cross.

I'm looking for either more such evidence or some other connection.
Speculation about the Church and it's role is welcome.

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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by Guano 25.02.23 9:16

I don't have much in terms of specifics, if you want a rundown on the folklore as somewhere to start, I do have a post somewhere in the off-topic section that gives a pretty comprehensive overview of the topic, give it a look and see if you find anything immediately useful. Its under the title 'Mythology'. Good luck!

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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by Viktor 25.02.23 9:21

It doesn't have to start with folklore, folklore is relatively new, any connection is fine as long as it is about heresy of the cross and blood.
Thank you for the book, btw. sadly I couldn't find a pdf.

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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by Guano 25.02.23 10:12

Available here: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.89703/page/n39/mode/2up

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What's the thing with the cross? Empty Re: What's the thing with the cross?

Post by Viktor 25.02.23 11:16

thank you, I'll read it as soon as I get time.

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