Ever Had The Urge?

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 01.06.09 20:59

Has anyone here ever had the impossible urge to DO something, but you can't seem to do enough to satisfy the urge? Like myself, at the moment, I should just go to sleep, but I have the inescapable urge to do something. I browse youtube looking for videos where I can hopefully open someone's mind to the possibilities. I get out a notebook and start drawing something. I begin a story based on something my imagination created out of the blue. I chew gum, clean things, change clothes, go to multitudes of forums. Yet it's just not enough. It's like there's something else I have to do, but I don't know what. Nothing's fulfilling.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Syrianeh 02.06.09 3:58

Daniel, it seems to me like your brain is looking for something that will stimulate it enough to feel satisfied. Perhaps you have a need for creativity that has not been totally filled, and maybe there is something within that is waiting to be developed. Don't despair, just relax, take it easy and it will come out.

I get the urge some times too; often it is anxiety for not having reached certain goals. Other times, I find I am just trying to escape difficult thoughts.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 02.06.09 9:11

It seems to come and go in cycles, like a lot of things related to my psychology. Now that I've had some sleep and yet another odd dream, I can reflect on it a bit better, though the feeling is still there in a lessened state.

I suppose it could be a psychological need my mind has created for the perfect harmonic, either in drawings, music, or stories. If I can't find the perfect harmonic, I decide that I must make it myself, causing the urge. I've come to the conclusion that the perfect harmonics are those pictures, stories, or sounds which make me feel as if I've entered another plane of existence within myself. It's kind of addicting.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Aghrab 02.06.09 19:22

To create less complications:


I believe what you need is Art, something to keep your brain working, creative and active. I would recommend poetry and other forms of creative writing. If that is not the case, then I would recommend meditation. Perhaps your brain is too busy, and is time to tame it and calm it down.


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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 02.06.09 19:31

I'll put what I replied here then:

I agree Aghrab. I'm borderline ADD often-times because I can't make
myself stop thinking of too many things. I guess when it comes to arts,
I just don't know what to make. I can make stuff up, but then it always
comes out weird. As for meditation, it doesn't really work anymore, and
the colors are utterly distracting. It's only in my head though, all
the restlessness. I don't tend to let it affect anything outside of it,
as far as I know.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Saylamine 06.06.09 10:39

For myself, I would not say that nothing is fulfilling, but I often feel that I have to be occupying my time with what I believe are productive activities. I don't feel comfortable lounging around, so I often have the urge to keep busy. I'm not sure if it is the same thing as what you discussed, Daniel09, but I somewhat connect with what you are saying.

This is totally off-topic, Daniel09, but you live close to me (I'm in Indy) :-)

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Dreiyan 06.06.09 18:49

I have a similar problem but I think mine is flat out insomnia. I agree with Syrianeh. I notice this problem in different variations in my friends who have a nack for creating things. I'd call it Artist's Lament lol. Or if you are a more logical type, perhaps your brain feels unchallenged, get one of those horribly difficult brain tester video games for the Nintendo DS or something, you will go to sleep then. Or just find a new creative outlet.

Also, as you go to sleep, go over your entire day as meticulously and in order as you can, being sure not to dwell on any topic no matter how interesting/emotional it is. This will eliminate uneccesary dreams about what happened during your day. Allowing your sub-concious to focus on the real problems, such as your restlessness. Try to remember and interpret your dreams, your body may be trying to give you the answer already.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 23.06.09 14:49

Ok, so this is something very different than what I was experiencing before, but I feel it would be useless to simply open another thread, when it is vaguely related to this one, which is my own creation anyway.

Anyway, I've got another weird feeling that I want to explain away, and I would like to know if it is normal, or if it's another strangely unique thing to me.

Alright, so, I get ideas and things you could call inspiration, but when I get the ideas (the most recent of which being a simplified list of the traits of each lineage), I get a feeling almost like butterflies of nervousness, but not. It kinda swells up inside me and is often fueled by certain pieces of music. It makes me want to do what I'm thinking of more, and sometimes I'll have to stop what I'm doing and close my eyes till the feeling subsides, because it can become that strong. Afterward it's like I'm lit up though. It's why I relate it to inspiration. I suddenly have the desire (better than an urge) to do what I'm thinking about, and it becomes quite comfortable to carry it out.

For example, last time it happened, I typed up (word for word) the entire Asetian Lineage section, including the Lineage introduction and the 3 types. It's literally on my computer right now. 12 pages in Microsoft Word at 12 point font. (and I'm not gonna stop there. I've started getting the desire to type up even more, particularly the Book of Nun and the feeding chapters. If I'm not careful, I might accidentally type the entire book...

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Syrianeh 23.06.09 15:30

Daniel, do not worry about your urges. Just go and do them, they might lead you to some interesting place. As long as you don't get the urge to jump out the window, that is Very Happy

Jokes aside, the tingling sensation that comes along with the anticipation is, in itself, a very good indicator that whatever it is you feel like doing is good for you. Don't reprieve them.

Typing out parts of the Asetian Bible is also a good way to work it into your subconscious and getting a deeper reading.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 17:07


What you are describing here is called an impulsive reaction to a thought/urge. I have a major impulse control issue, used to think it's ADD, got tested and was given a firm "No". The doctor who tested me said that I have "an unusual lack of impulse control for someone with my level of intelligence." She partially justified it by the fact that I have a very different world view and do not persive traditional human norms as regulations in my decision making process. While impulsive energy can be a very powerful ally, it can also create a havoc in our lives. It's great that you are able to sit in it and center, before taking action. I would also recommend to start to listen to your body and detect variations of its responses to your various urges/thoughts. That way you will be able to gain an additional guiding tool. Often times our Spirit communicates to us through our body if our mind is too busy to listen..Smile Hence, the gut feeling. But there are many more vaiations to those feelings and they are not all in the gut. Buttom line, as long as you are feeling positive and clear, go ahead with what you want to do. If not, plug into your logic and do the traditional con and pro game to decide if it's a true inspiration. Hope that helps.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Victor 23.06.09 17:29

Daniel09 wrote:For example, last time it happened, I typed up (word for word) the entire Asetian Lineage section, including the Lineage introduction and the 3 types. It's literally on my computer right now. 12 pages in Microsoft Word at 12 point font. (and I'm not gonna stop there. I've started getting the desire to type up even more, particularly the Book of Nun and the feeding chapters. If I'm not careful, I might accidentally type the entire book...
Although I find it important for you to seek out and feed your own urges, I would advise some caution when it comes to keeping digital copies of the Asetian Bible material. The AK is usually very controlling in what comes to those things, and unless you have a very tight security on your system and network, I would avoid keeping digital copies of the AB saved, just in case.
In this case, have you ever tried to handwrite the text instead of typing it on the computer? Personally, on a metaphysical level I find it much more strong and powerful to decipher its hidden secrets and create a bond with its energies.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 17:58

I agree with Victor on the importance of caution in creating digital files of Asetian Bible, nevermind the copyright issues that come with with it. Also, handwriting is truly one of the best ways to connect with your Spirit and Higher Consciousness... technology will never take that away. So I second on that as well.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 23.06.09 18:57

I don't totally understand the tight security on a text that anyone can read simply by putting forth a small amount of money to get, but I'll watch it. I dislike handwriting often times because I switch between cursive and print by accident and I like a totally consistent everything. (that was a weird feeling. I completely forgot the word consistent and now things are swimming a little. This reminds me of the last time I took Niquil)

I'll finish up my Concubine notes, and delete it from my computer, because I've just got a basic firewall. It's easier for me to analyze things on a computer, and I can process things faster in my mind. It's why I take to coding so well. I suppose you could say this was purely for my own help in interpreting, and thus far, because of massive tumult involving my idiot brother, I haven't typed more than the lineage section. The Book of Nun was the section I took extensive paper notes on.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 19:10

As long as you don't use your typed text for personal gain and or any other copyright infringement issue you should be ok. I don't have the book yet, but you can read on the inside and see what limitations have been imposed per use. Since I am sure you practically grew up with computers I can understand how you would relate to it quite differently then someone who started using it as an adult. However, I would look into your changes in handwriting styles and do some analysis. Sounds like you have something interestng going on with those changes. I would practice autowriting and see what happens.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 23.06.09 19:20

Autowriting? By what method would I practice that?

And I see now the copyright notice. I will delete what I've done, and I honestly apologize for reproducing that without permission.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 21:01

Dear Daniel,

What was more important is not your act but your intention. Your intention had nothing to do with violation of the rules, therefor you should not feel guilty. What is done is done. A lesson is learned and you have moved on.

As for "autowriting", you can start by centering yourself, taking a piece of paper and a pen and just letting thoughts coming as you record them. Do not judge what will come to your mind. You can ask a specific question if you like. Often times when channeling consciously you will feel tightness and/or pressure in the back of your head all the way down to your neck. Do it in a place where you would not be distructed. You can do it at night or upon awakening. If you find yourself blocked, pick a word or a phrase and use it as a prompt. You can google autowriting for more inspiration and information...Smile Let me know if you give it a shot.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 23.06.09 21:15

Thank you very much for your kind words, empress. You really are good at calming me down, and I'm having to use breathing techniques to keep myself from breaking down, a strange emotional response that's been happening more and more frequently of late. I'll give that autowriting a try some time within the hour. I just need to prepare my simple pleasures to get into a comfort zone (a reused soda can filled with water and a fan focused on my face ^_^)

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 21:38

Blessings my new friend! Excessive energy can also be dealt with through physical exercise. Walking is my favorite. If you are the age you display, you are still very young and still have to develop ability to digest and process energies as they come in. Hey, I am 40 and still have to deal with it myself on occasion...Smile

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 23.06.09 21:42

Hehe, well I tried out that autowriting. It started off a little awkward, but then I kinda got into it, and it got weird. My two writing styles have developed personalities now and they hate each other. I literally have a feud on my paper between them, with name calling and everything. The cursive is ignoring the print now. I asked who they were, and naturally they said they were me, lol. I'm a loon. :p

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 21:56

Very interesting. My guess is you have an inner conflict between your Self (Ego) and your Consciousness (Soul). It is not uncommon but with those who have develope extrasensory abilities it can manifest in very defined ways. Both of them are you, the goal is to have them connect and coexist. You have your work cut out for you. I would continue autowriting and use it as a communication tool with your devided being... then you can get to the bottom of it..Smile You could also ask targeted questions to identify which one is which - i.e. cursive vs print.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 23.06.09 22:08

Well that's obvious to me. The print is the ego and the cursive is the consciousness. I can hear them in my head as I write them. The print is very self-serving and likes girls because he can do whatever he wants, proving he is dominant over them. The cursive likes helping others and finds the print to be insensitive, as well as having a liking for boys himself. They're in quite an impressive conflict, yet it feels more like a lovers quarrel to be perfectly honest. They do care about each other, they just can't agree on anything because they both want different ends to their pursuits.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 22:52

Good! Then you need to call on your Highes Self and request its assistance is bringing balance into your being. You can do it through dream incubation. I can email you instructions if you'd like. Just send me an email to empressfoalexandria@yahoo.com I know it can be fun to be in internal conflict, but it can also be debilitating. Having balance will help you get ahead much quicker..Smile

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by Daniel09 23.06.09 23:09

Yes, I actually worked it out between them, and they've got a plan to fix my energy network. Apparently it's getting sluggish and that's why I've felt a little off, sleeping patterns messing up, acne, eating a lot, then eating nothing... Anyway, print has agreed to keep me under control and adamantly work towards cleaning out my physical system through healthy habits and avoidance of the nasty things, including soda pop according to cursive. He says I'll be going through some unpleasant withdrawal, but it will be worth it in the end.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 23:18

Job well done! Be proud of yourself and keep that dialogue infront of you, otherwise, before you know it will control your actions.

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Ever Had The Urge? Empty Re: Ever Had The Urge?

Post by ModernAriel 25.06.09 16:04

I suffer from the samething, Daniel. Not in a hardy drink or a book can cure it. Your soul is searching ahead, it's a horrible feeling, from my perspective.

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