Introduction of D

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Introduction of D Empty Introduction of D

Post by D676767D 18.10.24 13:04

Vampire Shaman(if you take a perennialist view of Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Daoism, Santeria, Vodun, Candomblé, Yorubaism, Bantuism, Tengriism, Yakut Shamanism, Polynesian Shamanism, Norse Shamanism, Celtic Shamanism, Umbanda, etc. and you have the ability to see its correspondences in various secular subjects(e.g. various fields of psychology, group psychology, ecology, neuroscience, physics, evolutionary biology), you'll understand what I mean by "Shamanism") and autodidact with a background in various subjects both mundane and occult.

I joined this forum in an attempt to find other sanguinarian and/or psionic vampires with a background in metaphysics, occultism and science to interact and collaborate with.

I had originally planned to type out a detailed description of my paradigm and use A.I. to elaborate on certain parts (so as to ensure no misunderstandings). However, the original introduction proved to be quite lengthy, and I have noticed that forums on platforms like Reddit and Discord seem to be filled with individuals—mostly of a radical leftist Marxist persuasion—who take offense to everything and have a desire to keep vampirism(as well as every other community they embed themselves in) somewhat watered down and shallow. From a purely psychological perspective, this is most likely a result of their general borderline, histrionic, or vulnerable narcissistic condition (in various spiritual or shamanic traditions, these people are referred to as "Imposter Spirits," "Munafiqs," "Hypocrites," or the more mundane "Posers"), which results in them censoring everyone they disagree with (or view as a threat because they are a more authentic ("radical") version of themselves, which they see as a threat to their "special" status, identity, and the attention they receive from claiming a certain title/label). So, I'm a bit cautious about how much I want to share.

My paradigm incorporates some basic, universal "Occult" concepts such as:

Alchemy (e.g., herbalism, crystal nanoparticles, metal nanoparticles, chemical electrodynamics, electrochemistry)

Altered States of Consciousness

Ancestral Memory (e.g., DNA memory, genetic memory, morphic resonance, racial memory, etc.)

Ancestral Veneration (e.g., cultural preservation, traditionalism, ultra-orthodoxy)

Ascension (e.g., orthogenesis, bio-regenesis, apotheosis, Lamarckian evolution)

Astral Projection (OBE)

Astrology/Astrotheology (i.e., the effects of stellar and celestial radiation on plant, animal, and human life)

Bloodlines (e.g., psychogenetic inheritance, epigenetic inheritance, genetic inheritance, Fae blood, alien hybridization, etc.)

Biomagnetic Fields (i.e., aura, lightbody, Merkaba field, morphogenic field, etc.)

Biomagnetic Radiation (i.e., ase, chi, glamour, ki, mana, prana, qi, orgone, quintessence, vril, etc.)

Caste System (e.g., "Yoga Ladder," Ken Wilber Scale, Spiral Dynamics)

Celestial Gods(e.g. Stars and Planets are conscious energy fields)

Chakra System (e.g., meridian system, neuroendocrine system, nervous system)

Dream Walking or Shared Dreaming

Hypnotherapy(e.g. suggestive dreaming, placebogenics, nocebogenics, psychogenics, psychosomatics, sociogenics)

Imposter Spirits (e.g., hypocrites, moderates, munafiqs, posers)

Leylines (e.g., faery pathways, geopathic zones, mana lines, song lines)

Light Therapy (e.g., optogenetics)

Lucid Dreaming


Near Death Experiences (NDE)

Non-Human Intelligences (e.g., aliens, Asura, Cryptids, Deva, Djinn, Dökkálfar, extraterrestrials, faeries, Ljósálfar, metaterrestrials, Svartálfar, ultraterrestrials, etc.)

Possession(e.g. "shifting"(Therianism), "role lock"(Psychology), "switching"(DID), "frequency shift"(Bioenergetics), etc.)


Sanguinarianism (e.g., ritual cannibalism, ambrosia, adrenochrome [note: before conspiracy theories co-opted this, it was a natural part of certain Native American, Southeast Asian, and African practices], DMT, "Communion/Eucharist," transubstantiation, placebo effect, cerebrospinal fluid)

Self Induced Comas

Shamans (e.g., priests, priestesses, oracles, magi, elders, dreamlords, babalawo, pais de santo, brahmins, tahu's, druids, etc.)

Shared Biomagnetic Field (e.g., collective consciousness, egregore, mass psychogenic illness, hive-mind, merged mind, morphic field, patron deity, psychic epidemic, shared psychotic disorder, soul clan, soul group, racial archetype, tribal deity, tribal totem)

Sound Therapy (i.e., sonogenetics, ultrasonic weaponry)

Sympathetic Magic(i.e. quantum entanglement that results from shared genetics, shared DNA, shared blood, shared appearance(e.g. tattoos, clothing, body modification, etc ), shared culture, shared language, shared lifestyle, shared beliefs, shared perceptions, etc.)


Unconscious Telepathy(e.g. Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, coincidental magic, confirmation bias, frequency illusion, manifestation, observer effect, self-fulfilling prophecies, synchronicities)

Wizards(e.g. polymath, transdisciplinarians)

From a purely physicalist and materialist aspect, I am of the opinion that real vampires, who are sanguinarians and/or psionic vampires, possess latent genes, DNA, and Ancestral Memory from an ancient vampire humanoid species (which modernists and new agers might refer to as "extraterrestrials"). They are essentially diluted, watered down (as a result of intermixing with human races in the past) and devolved (as a result of adaptation to human cultures, lifestyles, philosophies, and environments) descendants of an ancient vampire species. This ties into the concept of "fae-blood" (note: "fae" has always been an umbrella term for various races of non-human intelligences), "changelings", "alien hybridization" and "starseeds" from folklore and new age tradition.

From an energetic perspective, if the soul, mind, or consciousness of an individual is considered an electromagnetic field, then each personality, archetype, or psychotic disorder can be seen as a field that resonates at a specific frequency. These frequencies can be understood as psychic gestalts, collective consciousnesses, or even "gods." Sanguinarian and psionic vampires are those who have attuned their consciousness(psychogenic-psychomagnetic fields) to resonate at the "Vampire Frequency," thereby merging with the Vampire Collective Consciousness Field(i.e. the Vampire Noosphere). This resonance leads to an immediate exchange of information, creating impulses and intuitions that draw vampires together, infects them with a more vampiric perception of reality, cause them to manifest vampric tendencies, and be drawn to specific kinds of information. When vampires sleep or die, their consciousness, being attuned to this "vampire frequency", continues to exist within the "Vampire Field", which they might experience as an incarnation on a "Vampire Planet" or a "Vampire Dream". Essentially, you could say that all vampires are "possessed" by the "vampire spirit" and essentially suffer from "vampire psychotic/personality disorder" as a result of this possession. In order to strengthen the psychic link and maintain the possession(and "exacerbate the symptoms of this vampire psychotic/personality disorder"), vampires would need to maintain a strict vampire lifestyle(i.e. maintain the traditions of their ancestors). The stronger the link, stronger the possession and the more pronounced the psychological and physiological characteristics will become. This is basic evolutionary adaptation but, is also partially due to the fact that radiation causes psychological and physiological changes and, if vampires manage to maintain a connection to the Vampire Field, they are essentially continously bathed in and irradiated with, "vampire radiation". If you had to think in terms of a Hive-mind, you could say this "vampire frequency" and "Vampire Field" is the "queen" and all vampires are simply Drones and Avatars connected to the same mind or channel.(this is an extreme oversimplification but, I'd be willing to go into greater depth about this)

Essentially, there is a Cosmic Collective Unconscious(i.e. the frequency of the Universal Field itself) but also each "Race Field" has its own limited Collective Unconscious(e.g. the Vampire Frequency of the Vampire Field), which in reality is only "Unconscious" because they are dissociated from their "God"(in the case of Vampires, those less connected will Project their "vampire psychotic disorder" onto a "vampire god" that they may idolize, worship or consider to be a mother/father figure) and don't realize it is the same one mind operating through all members of their group. However, as the members of a Group become more "radical"(i.e. they continue to evolve to adapt to the lifestyle their frequency compells them to live) and their field synchronizes more and more with their race field, they will eventually become the race field(in the case of individual vampires, they will cease to be an "individual vampire" and will be the very essence of vampires and in so doing, will be all vampires simultaneously) which is where you get ideas of demigods, avatars and gods incarnating amongst their followers from).

The idea that "one cannot serve two masters" is rooted in the idea that one cannot be two things at once. You cannot be both "human" and "vampire" for that would be akin to attempting to force a radio to broadcast two radio stations at once. From a psychological perspective, this results in a kind of Dissociative Identity Disorder where one "Switches" between a "Human Alter"(for example at work, around family, to avoid persecution) and a "Vampire Alter" when in private. However, if one spends more time in the "Human Alter" that will be the dominant personality and "Ego" and that individual will be more connected to the "Human Collective Consciousness Field" and resonate more strongly with the "Human Frequency" and so, the Telepathic Signal from the Vampire Field and Vampire Frequency will not be received which can lead to feelings of depression, isolation, lack of direction or a kind of "amnesia" and the adoption of a human personality that is a copy of the masses. Essentially, each Individual soul, as an Electromagnetic Field, can be thought of as a walking Field of Probablities, effectively existing in a state of "Psychic Superposition" and suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder(Polypsychism) where the endless Probabilities correspond to endless Probable Reality Selves, Alternate Reality Selves, Past Life Selves, Qunatum Selves and Alternate Personalities. In order to "collapse the wave function" and keep one Personality locked in the dominant position, one must maintain a lifetyle that acts as a constant trigger that keeps that personality in front thus ensuring the two personality fields remain entangled and synchronized.

The "Game of the Gods" from this perspective, can be viewed as a competition to see which Field of Consciousness can infect the most fields with its correspondent Psychotic Disorder and perceptions of reality. This game manifests in phenomena like colonization, forceful education, indoctrination and conformity. In the mundane Sphere, this manifests increasing as "Globalism", "Globalization", "Modernity", "Monotheism", etc. where all are forced to exist under the same god, morals,  political systems, legal systems, educational systems, language, etc. The "Imposter Spirits" I mentioned earlier exist to infect and subvert existing groups so they remain watered down and can be easily subsumed into the Collective Consciousness of another group. This is typically why it is tradition for an invading force to eliminate the priests/priestess(elders) of a group either by killing them outright or by turning the members of their community against them. The priests/priestesses(i.e. Shamans, Elitists, Gatekeepers, Elders) as a general rule have the strongest connection to the group mind and group frequency suffering the most from the group's "psychotic disorder", which they then make it their duty to Infect other members of their community with.  When a member of a group falls ill, it is typically because they have ceased to suffer from the group psychotic disorder at which point any healing done to an ill group member is essentially a form of hypnotism where the priests/priestess attempt to realign the sickly community member's Biomagnetic Field's Frequency with the Frequency of the group Field, by essentially "Gaslighting" them until they adopt again the group's psychotic disorder(note: this process was beautifully illustrated in my opinion in the film "Glass")

After observing the vampire community from some time(10+ years), I think it could greatly benefit from the structure and organization you see in various religious and ethnoreligious communities. I hope to meet others who might be interested in establishing a "vampire ethnostate" or "vampire realm", where all vampires can govern themselves, exist under their own laws and practice their own traditions, the same way all existed pre-colonialism and the same way certain ethnic or ethnoreligious communities still exist or are attempting to exist across the globe(ex. Amish, Yazidis, Hasdic Jews, Khampas, Sami, Khalistan, etc.). Doing so, would allow real vampires to also be in control of their individual and collective evolutionary trajectory(i.e. lifestyle and culture controls and directs evolution. If you live like a bird, you will eventually become a bird. Basic evolution and peer influence).

I noticed Judeo-Christian mythology often gets a bad reputation in circles like these(due to the reactionary Satanist movements influence) but, it, like all other mythologies, has the same concepts, tropes and templates. The Fall for example, illustrates, among other things, the devolution and genetic degradation that happens to a species when they "disobey god"(i.e. act outside the natural impulses/inclinations and social norms of their collective consciousness and genetic memory). The Bible, from one perspective, illustrates the degeneration of a species as a result of a loss of their culture and traditions. "Sin" not only meant "disobedience to the law" but, it also meant "genetic degradation, genetic mutation" which is only natural l considering each subsequent generation will evolve to adapt to the habits of the previous generation and to the environment that those habits created.

On a side note, I notice that, particularly in Western nations(the holy tetrad of materialism, capitalism, consumerism, and individualism), any mention of "magic" or "extraterrestrials", is often met with hostility and dismissed as insanity or conspiracy theories. I find this reaction to be odd, ignorant and racially insecure, considering that most of the world has long acknowledged the existence of non-human intelligences from other planes or dimensions. Many respected members of Western governments and individuals considered intelligent and reliable (e.g., historians, anthropologists, physicists, astrophysicists, neuroscientists, those with high IQs) openly admit to and acknowledge the reality of such phenomena, though they may not fully understand the details.

I suspect this cognitive dissonance and refusal to accept these realities is an ego defense mechanism, rooted in a deeply humanocentric or anthropocentric worldview. Acknowledging the existence of non-human intelligences would threaten many people's sense of identity, as it would challenge their belief in their own importance, success, or impact. This is similar to how colonialists or imperialists might resist acknowledging the existence of other cultures that surpassed their own. It is also akin to the physicalist or materialist who refuses to believe in concepts like "life after death" or "reincarnation", as doing so would force them to confront the many implications of such realities(ex. their present incarnation and every physical characteristic and social construct they identify with is ultimately an illusion and as meaningless as a children's game of pretend).

Overall, I hope this is a platform that is free from censorship where we can discuss vampirism and the vampire condition from multiple perspectives with a neutral, objective and open mind


Number of posts : 1
Location : United States
Registration date : 2024-09-09

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