In-synced Are you?

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Post by ModernAriel 28.06.09 12:56

Coincidence is the noteworthy alignment of two or more events or circumstances without obvious causal connection.

Right before I stumbled upon this site, I mentally asked for help in finding my true self, and sent that up into the universe. I took my daughter to an egyptian exhibit at the local museum, and was drawn into this neckless. I was told they had they same one made in egypt at the gift store, and I had to go buy it. I spent a good dollar for this neckless,but I had to have it. I wear it all the time and plan to get a tattoo of it on my shoulder. Strangely this neckless was the sacred scarab, and I was flabbergasted when I read about the concubine.

Coincidence, does it happen in your life as often? Any thing happen that is oddly connected to the Asetians or this forum? Do you believe it's merely random without meaning?

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by Victor 28.06.09 13:17

In most cases I would say there is no such things as coincidences.
My advice is to pursue that coincidence and try to find your path and Self along with it. I believe you are in the right place and right track, but only the future will tell you if the doors you are opening are the right ones, or if they will not trick your soul into oblivion.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by Syrianeh 28.06.09 13:35

That is very true, Victor.

Also, I must add that coincidences are some times the result of the law of attraction. Not in the fluffy and simplistic way they portray it in The Secret, but in the sense that when we need something to happen, we Will it to happen.

The road that brought me to this personal Path, to my awakening and to Asetianism was full of such coincidences.

When you see or feel a sign, it is often a subtle gut feeling that needs interpreting and which can often go unheeded. My advice would be not to follow these blindly but also to try to work them into your agenda as far as possible to see where they take you.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by Victor 28.06.09 14:29

Very appropriate Syrianeh, your mention of the Laws of Attraction and how it can parallel to how we perceive the coincidences in our lives. It is a dynamic concept and a Universal principle, the attraction of energy vibrations and the power to manifest by the means of directed Will by the usage of such attractions. The Asetian Bible analyses this and parallels it with the Laws of Thoth, which is an utterly interesting subject and concept under a more advanced metaphysical approach.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by Syrianeh 28.06.09 14:32

I will look into the Laws of Toth, sounds very interesting.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by Daniel09 28.06.09 17:22

Well, looking into my life, I can easily find coincidence after coincidence. It's obviously just because I'm looking though. On a natural basis, I never notice anything entirely out of the ordinary. I thought it was rather cool how I had drawn the same winged Aset that is presented in the AB. And I seem to practice many techniques, and then learn about them, lol. That's a frequent thing. I could assume it's because I'd just done it that I found it though.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by empress2k 28.06.09 22:17

I personally do not like word coincidence but prefer word syncronisity instead, which leave no room for something just happening without any intent behind. Whether it's our psychi attracting it into our life or Universe whispering and us listening does not really matter that much. Ultimately it is there to serve purpose - to help us evolve, to recognize karmic pattern in our daily lives and to be put on notice..Smile Syncronisities can come in many different forms. Sometimes it's a book that suddenly comes to your attention, or the poster or the wall, or a bus driving by with a certain word displayed on its side that confirms your thoughts. Often time it can be a number you see over and over again. For me for instance for the last 3 or so years it has been 88. I see it everytime I come to a right conclusion or am thinking in a right directions. It gets to a point of being funny when I would be driving, contemplaiting something, then look up and see 3 vehicles with license plates including 88 in them. Nature also constantly communicates with us through animals, birds, insects and plants. All we have to do is listen.

I am going to share a brief story about scarab. Shortly after my ordination as a priestess of Aset (Isis) last Fall, I was resting on my couch in my living room, where I have a very large Altar dedicated to the Great Goddess and a painting of Cleopatra dress as Isis above it. My mother-in-law was out-side when she called me in panic because she discovered some brief case with two candles in front of our porch (she has her own reasons of being suspicious after rubbing shoulders with wrong occult crowd) I went outside to assess her finding. Feeling no danger from those candles I came back inside and, as I was about to lay down on my couch, I saw a very large, creamish/light brown scarab. Right were my feet were when I was laying down. Because it was so big (size of a match-box), I thought it was one of those museum reproductions that my kids found somewhere. So I reached to pick it up and ... it turned out to be Here's a picture of what I discovered Once I knew it was alive, I dismissed the thought of it being a scarab. After all how cold a Egyptian beatle end up in my apartment in So. California. Now, mind you we do not live on the ground level and we live in a semi-urban area. Even though we have a porch we technically live on a second floor. So there was no way for this guy to fly or crowl inside...Smile Besides, in 10 years we've been in this complex, the only beatle I've seen before was one of those giant roaches by our trash bins.. But I've also had material things manifested out of nowhere before.. so that was not a surpise for me. I took this beatle out, let him go outside and then got behind my computer to find out its name. It did take some work since I new nothing about beatles. Finally, to my great amazement, I discovered that it is the closest you could get to scarab in our part of the world. In fact it's scientific name is Beetles - Coleoptera >> Scarab Beetles . I was honored and blown away! I felt guilty for questioning such a gift and deeply touched by how the Great Mother chose to acknowledge my ordination.

Sorry for such a long post. But the moral of the story. Our awareness needs to be open at all times and then we will be spoken to loud and clear every step of the way.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by Jonathan 28.06.09 22:37

I believe you will find interesting the importance of the Scarab symbolism within the Asetian tradition, how it is one of the Seven Sacred Pillars and most directly how it is strongly connected with one of the 3 Asetian Lineages, the Concubines, known precisely as... Scarabs.
You mention this connection right after your ordination, and curiously enough the concept of Lineages, and in this case the Scarabs (Concubines), are intimately connected with the concept of initiations and rebirth.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by empress2k 28.06.09 22:45

I am on the lineages part of the AB at this time. Of course I was aware of the importance of Scarab in Egypt. My grandfather lived in Egypt before I was born for abour a year while helping them to build a major Steel Manufactory (he was one of the leading specialist of the steel industry in Russia). So he brought with him many artifacts, plus growing up in Moscow I spent much time in Pushkin Museum that has a very large permanent Ancient Egypt exhibit. I've had pieces of jewlery with scarab for years. What blew me away was not the fact that I saw a scarab. I have their images at home on and off my Altar. What blew me away was the fact that a living member of the scarab appeared at my feet in my living room. I guess when you are surrounded by something and is used to see it all the time, it taks something extraordinary to make sure that you get the message...Smile In my case it was this beatle. Did you take a look at the link I posted? He was huge! Like a match box not including legs.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by Jonathan 28.06.09 22:50

Also, mind me asking, but who ordained you a priestess?
Without taking you any credit, and hoping you won't take me wrong, I believe none of these new groups are recognized by any of the Kemetic Orders as being entitled to ordain priests and priestesses. But still interesting how you have been "living the path", even if not by the purest of sources. Smile

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by empress2k 28.06.09 23:22

Jonathan wrote:Also, mind me asking, but who ordained you a priestess?

I was ordained by Lady Olivia Robertson, the founder of the International Fellowship of Isis a religious organization based in Ireland and dedicated to the Great Goddess of 10,000 names. The Fellowship was found in 1976 and has respresentatives in 123 countries with over 26,000 members. I was also ordained by the Temple of Isis in N. California, which was mostly done to legalize my status as a clergy in this country.

Jonathan wrote:Without taking you any credit, and hoping you won't take me wrong, I believe none of these new groups are recognized by any of the Kemetic Orders as being entitled to ordain priests and priestesses. But still interesting how you have been "living the path", even if not by the purest of sources. Smile

I have never stated that I was ordained as Kemetic priestess. Kemetic Orders and Kemetic Pantheon do not view Aset as a primary deity. While I pay respect to all other Gods and Goddesses of Egyptian and other pantheons and have many of their images on my Altar, I have been called to serve by Aset and thus I am in Her service. Hope that answers your question...Smile

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Post by Jonathan 28.06.09 23:53

It does, thank you for your answers. Smile
But keep in mind that there are Kemetic Orders, just like the Aset Ka, that do view Aset as their primary deity and central divine power, even though recognizing the existence and power of the rest of the Pantheon. Actually, to be fair with the Asetians and their culture, the Order of Aset Ka does not only serve Aset as their central Goddess, as it is the Spiritual Order that was founded by Isis/Aset, during the primordial times of the Sep Tepy, in Kemet.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by empress2k 29.06.09 1:35

Jonathan wrote:It does, thank you for your answers. Smile
But keep in mind that there are Kemetic Orders, just like the Aset Ka, that do view Aset as their primary deity and central divine power, even though recognizing the existence and power of the rest of the Pantheon. Actually, to be fair with the Asetians and their culture, the Order of Aset Ka does not only serve Aset as their central Goddess, as it is the Spiritual Order that was founded by Isis/Aset, during the primordial times of the Sep Tepy, in Kemet.
Thank you Jonathan for more insight on the subject. Even though I have my own connection to the Goddes I do like to learn about various traditions and belief systems. So I will definately invest more time into understanding of Kemetic Spirituality.

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Post by Hellen 29.06.09 12:06

Hello Milena ,

another 'coincidence ' is that i just visited link ( ) two days before your arrival here . So , when you said in your first posts you've been ordained as a priestess of Isis , i already knew the answer to Johnatan question .Smile


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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by empress2k 29.06.09 12:27

Hellen wrote:Hello Milena ,

another 'coincidence ' is that i just visited link ( ) two days before your arrival here . So , when you said in your first posts you've been ordained as a priestess of Isis , i already knew the answer to Johnatan question .Smile


Thank you for your acknowledgement Hellen..Smile and for connecting to the fellowship before my arrival. Once again it confirms that I came to this forum for a reason.. Let the Great Mother reveal that reason to us in due time..Smile

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Post by YunGuns 29.06.09 13:13

I remember watching a tv show about The Lost Gods of Egypt before I was told of this site.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by empress2k 29.06.09 13:29

How did you find this site?

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by ModernAriel 30.06.09 12:18

As far fetched as this is going to seem, I was online visiting and enjoying empress2k's story about the scarab when I left the library I was getting into my car when I noticed something shimmering on my shirt. It was a rainbow scarab, just like the one I managed to look up..

I was trying to stay still enough to snap a photo with my cell but it flew off before I could.

I couldn't believe it, and I had this chill that ran up my back and arms afterwards.


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Post by empress2k 30.06.09 12:29

That is how synchronicities work.. had you not read my story and paid attention you might've not given too much thought to this little guy. Universe is always whispering.. we just need to develop our inner eye and ear to listen..Smile

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by ModernAriel 30.06.09 12:41

-smiles- True, but I wish the universe could just shout it out, because the whispering just makes me paranoid.

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In-synced Are you? Empty Re: In-synced Are you?

Post by empress2k 30.06.09 13:19

We cannot make demends on the Universe..Smile Only she can make demends on us!

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