A question of Alchemy.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty A question of Alchemy.

Post by Talibah 14.07.09 2:47

Studying the occult, particularly Asetianism, has taken me in many different directions over the years, and at the moment I find myself delving into the realms of Alchemy again.

In ancient times, the belief was that the sun plunged into the core of the Earth sowing the 'seed' of the metals. It was believed that the Earth effectively 'bred' metals, and over time and through various stages, these metals developed into gold.
Those that knew how to take mineral ores and smelt them in furnaces to produce metals were highly venerated, and were often placed in positions of status above ordinary men, as being closer to God.

It was a common thought that if one could become god-like, they would gain the power to transmute metal into gold, as it is done within the Earth itself.

This belief is expressed on the Emerald Tablet, a record said to have been written by the God Thoth Himself. The Tablet appears to have a set of mystical instructions on how to manufacture gold by the process of transmutation.
However, it can also, and was, interpreted on another level as a guide referring to Self-purification and liberation of the Divine aspect of the alchemist's nature from the mundane, in an attempt to become like God, giving rise to the phrase still used today, 'as above, so below'.

I could go on to mention Chinese Alchemy - namely Tao - but for now I would like to hear others thoughts on this.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Jonathan 14.07.09 9:48

I was under the impression that the Chinese word Tao/Dao, as in Taoism, literally meant "path". Never heard of it being translated to Alchemy. Why do you describe it that way, Talibah?
I am aware of the connection between Chinese Alchemy and Toaism, though, particularly when it comes to inner Alchemy and personal transformation found in the ancient Taoist philosophy from Chine, maybe even Asetian-driven at its roots.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Talibah 14.07.09 10:06

At the lower levels, Taoist practise is concerned with the delicate mixing of yin and yang, - the feminine and masculine energies respectively - this is believed to be a means of prolonging life, and is achieved through controlled sexual intercourse. More advanced methods include a kind of 'distillation' of yang within the body through meditative procedures. These practises were commonly known as 'sexual alchemy'.
It was to this that I was referring.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Ankhhape 14.07.09 10:32

Taoism makes great use of al-kemia, but in the same way the Aset Ka do, in a spiritual way not the allegorical metallurgy way.

Tao can be translated to 'way' not path really but in essence the Tao that can be named is not the true Tao.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Naoom 04.01.17 10:28

Becoming a god by Ascending through the elements,liberating the two (As above,So below) and transforming the self and the soul does offer the invidual the black flame of consiousness but surelly does not give one the power to turn things into gold.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Desmeuo 05.01.18 17:16

Taoism as an organized religion has alchemy as its foundation, whether you are examining Dragon Gate school or the Orthodox Unity (doesn't mean what you might think it means). All of their practices revolve around some level of alchemical self-transformation, but they have different ways to practicing.

I would say the Dragon Gate route is best for someone that prefers meditation, while Orthodox Unity is best suited for ritualists. However, both lead to the same conclusion.

Though, you can always learn a Daoist-oriented martial arts like Taijiquan or Xingyiquan as they are essentially alchemical methods for combatants. Works just as well.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Lynskha 05.01.18 18:13

I enjoy very much a lot of things related to Taoism. I can say that it changed me. Hard to explain as the a Tao itself cannot be out into words.
The other practices you mentioned are indeed good.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Desmeuo 05.01.18 19:24

Lynskha wrote:I enjoy very much a lot of things related to Taoism. I can say that it changed me.

The beauty of practical Taoism is in its pragmatism: if you learn the practice, you learn the theory. The two are strongly interconnected.

Though, I do wish there were better sources on the subject matter. There is more bs about the Taoism than there is viable material, which is usually well-guarded by the daoshi.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Boogieman 08.11.18 2:18

Ok, well I'm curious as to what your actual question is? One doesnt need to "become" a god to turn lead into gold, ( which was the common thought of what alchemy is).

The tablets are more of a historical account,( first tablet is history of toth, second is about Amenti , most the rest are a set of keys to unlocking certain things, ) not a recipe to learn transmutation. Though you can learn about the chemical arcanim from them and much about Alchemy in general. If your looking for that try works from Robert Boyle or Geroge Ripley.

Different types of alchemy also, Practical, Physical, Social,Spiritual, Etc

All with different takes on turning " Lead into gold" But non mean actual metals into gold. Tho that is a small part of alchemy. Its more about turning something mundane into something special. Its also good to note, true alchemists aren't in search of power to become like a god, which is fundamentally against what alchemy is about.

Alchemy is in all things tho, it has roots to the beginning of all things, and has influenced all history so many religions and practices incorporate alchemy even when they don't realize it.

Anyhow back to my original point, What is your question about Alchemy you want to know?


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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Eve0fdestruction 18.11.18 9:46

Our journey into godbeings (higher self) is a metaphore of our transformation through our lifepath. We take what we are, lead, and learn to turn ourselves into gold. It is a process of perfectionning our thoughts, awareness and deconditionning provided by society, to become seemingly of greater worth to oursleves, to others, to the world. There are external factors (conduits), and internal factors (fuel). I see it as a description of the greater wheels of influences of life, the mechanisms behind it all. It is a journey into self-creation, of finding balance perhaps, or learning to dance to the polarities, with a purpose in mind, a self-made trajectory. It is our ultimate design. These forces are always at work in our lives. To master them is the work of a lifetime.

It is a lonely road to be so difrent in a world full of sleeping humans. Thank you for this discussion. It brings some light into my darkness.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Lynskha 18.11.18 13:29

Beautifuly said Eve0fdestruction.

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A question of Alchemy. Empty Re: A question of Alchemy.

Post by Amel135 27.04.19 12:25

You cannot learn alchemy until initiated into hermetics. There are many paths that will lead into it and it takes 10 years or more of learning lab work and research to reach the goal and without greek mythology your so lost, just give it up.
I worked the great work and you NEED to know and understand greek mythology and everything you have learned before needs to be lost because you cannot be under any type of societal influence.


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