A Book I was wondering about...

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Azrael 06.09.09 11:06

Necronomicon Spellbook....Has anyone ever heard of it, It has a lot of SUmerian beliefs and mythology within as well as Spells and Rituals performed by them...
I am trying to find worthy books for my personal studies in the arts of metaphysics...I love just gathering information from several belief systems or cultures...finding connections and point of views to each other and mine...To me this sounds like a book I may pick up...

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by RudraShiva 06.09.09 12:03

Hello Azrael.

That book is VERY famous within the "occult community". Didn´t you heard about it before? Do yo know about Lovercraft and the Necronomicon?

Well, the Necronomicon Spellbook is, actually, a mixture made from Sumerian mythology and the mythos of the Necronomicon. It is NOT a book about Sumerian magic and it is even considered a book of occult fiction. However, the energies that are contained in that material are real, and so you have a lot of magicians that work with it and have a lot of results.

I have never been interested in the Necronomicon and the Necronomicon Spellbook wrote by "Simon". However, as I said before, it is very very famous, and tons of magicians work with it. Actually it is a system of magic with its own methodology, rituals, gods, mythos etc.

Do a general research on the net about this stuff and, trust me, you will find an incredible amount of material.

Azrael wrote:I love just gathering information from several belief systems or cultures...finding connections

This is a great idea. To study different cultures is one of the best things you can do in magic. By doing that you will get a "general picture" on metaphysics and, by intuition, you will begin to understand a lot about how magic works and how it is done, as the methods and the symbol-logic system is almost universal.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Vertigo 06.09.09 17:08

Everyone condemn the Necronomicon for being a dark source magic, so it have to be "the real thing".

However, since so many say the same thing it may not be suited as a book to play and experiment with.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Jonathan 07.09.09 14:14

The Necronomicon is fiction. It was created out of the works from HP Lovecraft.

Many people use it to create some sort of background mythology for their ritual practices, however it isn't anything frightening and dark as people try to make believe. All the fuss around it is because the book is a central concept in the horror stories created by the author HP Lovecraft.

It is not real magick or real occult knowledge. It is fiction.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by RudraShiva 07.09.09 15:21

Be careful and don´t confuse Lovercraft´s Necronomicon with Simon´s Necronomicon Spellbook. They are different. The first one is pure fiction, yes (althought it is said that Lovercraft had some access to real magic) but the second one is not fiction per se. The Necronomicon Spellbook is a system of magic in which you can find the mythos of Lovercraft AND sumerian magic. It is true that from a "historical point of view" both are fiction, that is, the system of magic created by Simon is just that, a system created by him using Sumerian and "Lovercraftian" mythology.

However the "energies" of the Necronomicon Spellbook are real. If you try some of the operations contained in the book, you better be prepared because it is a very powerfull magic...

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Ankhhape 07.09.09 17:02

Considerable debate has occurred over the historic authenticity of the
Simon Necronomicon. No manuscript has ever been made available for
examination, so the controversy centers around the book's content.

The question of whether the Necronomicon displays influences
from later civilizations is no longer under dispute, as Simon has
stated in Dead Names that the book contains Gnostic and Neoplatonic
material. Some see the Necronomicon as an ancient work that has been
corrupted down through the ages, while their opponents maintain that
the book is a modern hoax combining published Mesopotamian material
with Lovecraft's fiction and modern magical practices.

The authorship of the Simon Necronomicon has been attributed to figures as diverse as Sandy Pearlman and Anton LaVey. Some attribute it to James Wasserman [1], a well-known producer and designer of occult books and protege of Samuel Weiser,
the largest publisher of occult books in America (Wasserman has been
associated with the recent re-publishing of many of the works of Aleister Crowley).
The more likely author would be nonfiction writer Peter Levenda, a
possibility "Simon" (whether intentional or accidentally) does little
to deny in Dead Names. Levenda had not yet officially
published any books at the time of the first printing. Subsequently he
has done so, publishing nonfiction works on the topic of the influence
of occult secret societies on international politics. The U.S. Copyright Office identifies Levenda as the author and copyright holder of Gates of the Necronomicon.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Phoenix 07.09.09 18:04

In my limited understanding of the Necronomicon, I concur with Jonathon. And thank Ankhhape for his thorough elaboration (although I wish he would have opined if he believed it was real or spun off of Lovecarft's fantasy.)

RudraShiva makes some strong statements as to the authenticity of the Simon book. I ask him "Do you have personal experinece justifying so, or know some who has?"
No offense meant, as too many people repeat "wording" seen on websites as real knowledge.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by RudraShiva 08.09.09 1:31

Hello Phoenix.

Do you mean if I have personal experience with this grimoire? Nop sir, I don´t.

But I know the "energies" of the book are real because I do know people who work with it and who have had results.

As I said on my previous post, if you do a general search on the net about this subject, you will find a lot stuff about the "Necronomicon gnosis". You will find communities in which it´s practical aspects are discussed, if you are interested. Well, in fact, there are modern authors who have published on the subect (from a magical point of view I mean) Kenneth Grant being one of them! But also you have the works of Moloch696 and Asenath Mason from the Dragon Rouge order

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty AGILMA

Post by Xyoraywan 08.09.09 7:53

The spirits
contained in this book are
powerful. I have
personal experience with the spirit AGILMA who brings rain. No matter how many
times I tried to call it,
I always succeeded to bring rain. Once indeed
created a huge storm that the rain almost flooded my house.

Just try to
call AGILMA for an experiment and you will see!

I believe
that this spirits are egregores and having loaded with vital energy over the years have become autonomous
entities in the astral plane.



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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Vertigo 08.09.09 14:26

Havent read the book, of all occult books ive bought I only find two really enlightening, one of them the AB.

Ive just heard some people here and there speak about it, at first I didnt take it seriously because of its background (Fictional!) but since so many say the same thing about it I have started to think about buying it with my next batch of books just to check it out.

Besides, just because a book have fictional content doesnt make it useless.
Magic, as I believe many here know, is very, very flexible.

The sheer will and faith of a person can create the strongest curse or bless.

I dont know whats written in Simon's Necronomicon, but iam interested in finding it out.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Maxx 08.09.09 15:09

You can use a cook book to get results if you utilize Will, Belief and Desire. This is why many people have no idea what is going on with magic or how to become involved with it. Kenneth Grant spoke about Austin O. Spare when he wrote about the Book Of Pleasure.

The Book of Pleasure contains a unique method of obtaining control of the subconscious energies latent in the human mind in the form of primal atavisms. It is evident that if such
energy can be tapped and chanelled, it can be directed to creative or destructive ends on a scale infinitely beyond anything achievable by the mind in the more limited state that
characterizes 'waking' consciousness. But the subconscious does not yield to conscious suggestion for it is founded on sensation, not upon thought, hence a tactual and visual
means must be employed if it is to be penetrated and permeated with the vitalizing current of will or desire. The process must be symbolically enacted, and its intent not
consciously formulated, for "unless desire is subconscious, it is not fulfilled....".
A method had to be found of by-passing the conscious mind and planting the desire directly in the soil of the subconsciousness. To this end Spare evolved his own system of sentient symbols which took on a secret meaning and which constituted a 'sacred' alphabet of desire of which "each letter in its pictorial aspect relates to a Sex principle...".

From this alphabet it is possible to construct the words of a mysterious language of sensation that refines the imagery of appetence. Spare believed that the hieroglyphics of ancient peoples such as the Egyptian and Amerindian are the remains of an occult language. That the Egyptians practised a form of
sorcery involving a process similar to that of Spare's formula of atavistic resurgence is suggested by the fact that the hieroglyphics are usually in zoomorphic form.

You can read of items like this in the Asetian Bible under the heading of Sigils.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Ankhhape 08.09.09 16:43

Hi Maxx,
My only discrepancy with Spare's & Grant's magick is that it does not include anything divine, it is all in 'our' heads so to speak.
This thinking is very prevalent in the Satanic groups and to me just comes off as pragmatic Atheism.

I believe there is much more to the Egpytian 'glyphs than it being Zoomorphic. But, I am certainly not the one to be dictating such conclusions, feel free to elaborate on my narrow perspective of these workings. (I do find Spare & Grant fascinating)

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Maxx 08.09.09 18:42

I understand your comment about the divine. Also, I am sure everyone here views me as an outsider. The reason.....I do not see the divine reasoning that all others here see. I am not trying to be a smart ass about it, that is how I view things. I spent half my life running in the midst of too much religion and I am not falling for that mess again. Ask questions about the Book of Enoch. Also, check out the info from the Crespi colletion as well as the Voynich Manuscripts and the Raimondi Stela and the Nazca lines. These all came about from different locations over the world. They all connect to areas from off this planet.
Poseidon was a God....one that was one of the giants that sexual fell for human females. Poseidon created a place here for his new family.........but I am getting away from magick.........or am I? Were the decendents of Poseidon divine? Was the magick taught to mankind a divine principle that taught the above use of mental method? Is there another type of divine magick which does not use the mind in that manner, but another?

Please do not show me a method that utilizes begging over and over such as the Xtrian prayer meetings.....I hold no animosity toward that but I have left that type of meeting from the past.

Now, you elude to the Egyptian method of Magick which I assume would be in Hermetic form. Would Hermetic Magick be a type of Divine magick?

Thanks for you patience with this, Ankhape. My mind runs speedily through many things a day about different outcomes and how it reaches the end result......

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Maxx 08.09.09 19:45

I did fail to mention that even while an ordained minister only involved with exorcism in the past....I certainly have experienced unusual things out of the normal. Magick from the past included unusual and unnatural things that were not mind elements.

I have had a visitor from another world in the natural that spoke with me for and entire evening and then disappeared.......and I do not smoke strange things or drink.

But I do have to say that the mental realm can produce things that are far more advanced than the every day mundane world one will experience.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Adept 12.09.09 12:56

There are three versions of the "Necronomicon" one is fake, one is partial but setup with traps/lies to cause harm the the person trying to work its studies. The third most will never see as it is not posted out for public access. Alesiter Crowerly had many books covering this topic and its practices and most should not dabble in his studies as he purposely setup traps to harm the reader/practicing his work.

Look for the "Goetia" there are three books as well and after looking through all three versions you should be able to determine which is good/bad choice.

I would not recommend any of these books for young minds..it takes years of commitment, practice and guidance to master these workings for their true benefits. Many do not stick with these studies long enough to truly understand them so they will not work or cause serious harm to the reader.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by RudraShiva 13.09.09 6:33

Hello Adept.

I don´t understand your point. Three different versions of the Necronomicon? Uhmm I just know about Lovercraft´s Necronomicon and Simon´s Necronomicon. But then we nowadays have more works based on such system and mythos.

Do you mean three different versions of the Simon´s book?

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Adept 13.09.09 12:06

George Hay, H.R. Giger's Necronomicon. The Simon Necronomicon has the most value as this grimoire brings truth to those seeking to apply the studies. The Simonomicon is the book that holds actual value. Simonomicon is hidden with traps for those who are not experienced within these types of studies that can cause chaos and even death. I see to much risk in this book as the majority of people do not have not experience or education to deal with this type of ritual work.

The same applies for the "Goeita" as this takes years of studying and preparation. Most will not devote the time and effort that is required for these materials ending in no results or harm to the user.

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by RudraShiva 13.09.09 12:47

Cool! I didn´t know about that version of the Necronomicon, thank you!

Do you have experience with it? If so, could you tell us about how you work with it? I have never worked with that grimoire, however this is not the first time that I heard about the dangers that it contains. Maybe it is something that I should try out..

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A Book I was wondering about... Empty Re: A Book I was wondering about...

Post by Azrael 30.10.09 16:43

So there is this other book I was thinking about getting, 'The Black Arts' -By Richard Cavendish... I was wondering if this book is worth getting for studying and opening up thoughts... Is it worth getting in general...

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