The Kybalion

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The Kybalion Empty The Kybalion

Post by Talibah 15.10.09 6:28

I'm currently reading, among other things, The Kybalion. It's quite a simplistic overview of Hermetic philosphy, but it covers many interesting points, and I wondered how many others had read this, and what their thoughts were.

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The Kybalion Empty Re: The Kybalion

Post by AnaInDark 16.10.09 22:22

I am not familiar with it, but will look into it. Thank you for mentioning this.

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The Kybalion Empty Re: The Kybalion

Post by Ankhhape 17.10.09 9:59

Myself as well as JWG are great fans of this work, the theory behind it is just outstanding.

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The Kybalion Empty Re: The Kybalion

Post by Azrael 17.10.09 21:30

I will definitely look into the book, sounds interesting...

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The Kybalion Empty RE: The Kybalion

Post by SetAzEl 18.10.09 22:34

For me, the Kybalion was a great starting place for Hermetics. Concepts like the principle of correspondence, principle of vibration, principle of gender, principle on mentalism, etc. all seem to fit in a nice meta-Newtonian fashion. In some ways, I guess it forms the bases for the Lesser Mysteries. However, in my opinion, there seems to be some limitations on some of the principles. For example, the principle of Causality ( or the notion of Cause and effect or more generally Karma ) seems to only apply to the physical realm or the planes of spacetime and does not apply to those realms that transcend the physical. In fact, one can transcend Karma. Also, the principle of polarity implies the concept of duality which later on in the quest one realizes that duality is the illusion of the physical realm. So, again it seems that Hermetics is purely of the Lesser Mysteries ( makes me wonder what Asetians view on Hermetics would be).

The question I would ask would be the following: Is Hermetics a sort of revamp of Ancient Egyptian knowledge in a distorted manner/form? Is Hermetics just a veil?

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The Kybalion Empty Re: The Kybalion

Post by Kotaro 19.10.09 21:29

Thanks for posting this info Talibah. Have to check it out.

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The Kybalion Empty Re: The Kybalion

Post by Ankhhape 20.10.09 11:25

SetAzEl wrote:For me, the Kybalion was a great starting place for Hermetics. Concepts like the principle of correspondence, principle of vibration, principle of gender, principle on mentalism, etc. all seem to fit in a nice meta-Newtonian fashion. In some ways, I guess it forms the bases for the Lesser Mysteries. However, in my opinion, there seems to be some limitations on some of the principles. For example, the principle of Causality ( or the notion of Cause and effect or more generally Karma ) seems to only apply to the physical realm or the planes of spacetime and does not apply to those realms that transcend the physical. In fact, one can transcend Karma. Also, the principle of polarity implies the concept of duality which later on in the quest one realizes that duality is the illusion of the physical realm. So, again it seems that Hermetics is purely of the Lesser Mysteries ( makes me wonder what Asetians view on Hermetics would be).

The question I would ask would be the following: Is Hermetics a sort of revamp of Ancient Egyptian knowledge in a distorted manner/form? Is Hermetics just a veil?
*I believe the Hermetic Teachings to be from Thoth and that Hermes was not 'one' man but a culmination of 'many' men who taught the original truths by Thoth

Kybalion: introduction excerpt
There is no portion of the occult teachings possessed by the world which have been so closely guarded as the fragments of the Hermetic Teachings which have come down to us over the tens of centuries which have elapsed since the lifetime of its great founder, Hermes Trismegistus, the “scribe of the gods,” who dwelt in old Egypt in the days when the present race of men was in its infancy.

Contemporary with Abraham, and, if the legends be true, an instructor of that venerable sage, Hermes was, and is, the Great Central Sun of Occultism, whose rays have served to illumine the countless teachings which have been promulgated since his time. All the fundamental and basic teachings embedded in the esoteric teachings of every race may be traced back to Hermes. Even the most ancient teachings of India undoubtedly have their roots in the original Hermetic Teachings.

From the land of the Ganges many advanced occultists wandered to the land of Egypt, and sat at the feet of the Master. From him they obtained the Master-Key which explained and reconciled their divergent views, and thus the Secret Doctrine was firmly established. From other lands also came the learned ones, all of whom regarded Hermes as the Master of Masters, and his influence was so great that in spite of the many wanderings from the path on the part of the centuries of teachers in these different lands, there may still be found a certain basic resemblance and correspondence which underlies the many and often quite divergent theories entertained and taught by the occultists of these different lands today. The student of Comparative Religions will be able to perceive the influence of the Hermetic Teachings in every religion worthy of the name, now known to man, whether it be a dead religion or one in full vigor in our own times. There is always a certain correspondence in spite of the contradictory features, and the Hermetic Teachings act as the Great Reconciler.

The lifework of Hermes seems to have been in the direction of planting the great Seed-Truth which has grown and blossomed in so many strange forms, rather than to establish a school of philosophy which would dominate the world's thought. But, nevertheless, the original truths taught by him have been kept intact in their original purity by a few men in each age, who, refusing great numbers of half-developed students and followers, followed the Hermetic custom and reserved their truth for the few who were ready to comprehend and master it. From lip to ear the truth has been handed down among the few.

There have always been a few Initiates in each generation, in the various lands of the earth, who kept alive the sacred flame of the Hermetic Teachings, and such have always been willing to use their lamps to re-light the lesser lamps of the outside world, when the light of truth grew dim, and clouded by reason of neglect, and when the wicks became clogged with foreign matter. There were always a few to tend faithfully the altar of the Truth, upon which was kept alight the Perpetual Lamp of Wisdom.

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The Kybalion Empty Re: The Kybalion

Post by Saylamine 20.10.09 19:57

Thanks for posting this information. I will definitely look into this.

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