Spiritual experiences

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Spiritual experiences Empty Spiritual experiences

Post by RudraShiva 28.10.09 18:32

Hello guys.

Phoenix talked about a ritual he did to Aset, more specifically a ritual of "submission and sacrifice" and I am very interested in his experience. Well, actually I am interested in every kind of experience regarding comunication with a deific force.

During my occult studies and experiences, I realized that there are some processes that happen everytime we do a "ritual" to a god, like Phoenix did. Synchronicities, coincidences and correlations between your "mind stuff" and the external world seem to dominate the world of magick. When working with a god, one important point is communication. This communication, in its early phases, is internal/mental, althought the limits of your mind and "that something else" (the astral plane?) dissapear and sometimes it is quite difficult to say if what you experienced happened in your mind or outside of it.

"Mental communication", thus, happens in your mind and it is characterized by spontaneity. That is, an image comes to your mind without a previous cause (I mean, without a logical sequence of thoughts), like if it was "sent" to you, and sometimes (or the majority of time) this images is different from your other "mental stuff" (mere "imagination") in its clarity and intensity.

Another interesting fact regarding this kind of communication is correlation. The inspirational knowledge that you get throught these images sent to you can be compared to other peoples´experiences regarding the god you are working with and will match. In this way, a "bigger picture" of the force is created between the people working with the spiritual force (that is one of the reasons why subjective experiences regarding these workings are so useful in my opinion).

The following are some examples of these kind of workings and experiences:

1) Failed evocation of Hagiel: This experience serves to illustrate the phenomenon of "breaking down of the limits of your mind". Probably it was the wierdest experiece I have ever had. It is almost impossible to explain it with words, but I will try.

Hagiel is a venusian spirit. When I decided to evoke her, probably a year ago, I didn´t have any purpose in mind. It was an evocation for the sake of it.

Following Bardon´s method of evocation, I performed the ritual. Since by the time the only tool I had was my tringle of manifestation, I did the evocation without any circle whatsoever and without any "ritual tools". Thus, all I did was done with my mind. After some meditation, and visualization of the appropiate energy, I fell into the, probably, weirdest trance I have ever had: I was drunked. Yes, it is not a joke, it felt like if I had have ten shots of tequila.

After visualizing the sigil of Hagiel, it became alive* and, thus, the communcation with Hagiel started. The short dialogue happened "in my mind" however it didn´t feel like if it was inside of me, but outside. It is very difficult for me to say if that phenomenon happend within me, or outside of me. The barriers between the external world and the inner reality broke for that short moment.

*When I say that the sigil became alive it means that, in that moment, the sigil was not a representation of the spirit but the spirit itself.

2) Inanna and the Herem: Isthar or Inanna is a goddes I have always felt attracted to. She is a very Left hand path deity: sexual and, at the same time, violent and bloody. But she is also a goddess of civilization and kingship.

The ritual I did in her honour, to invoke her, was inspired by the myth of the Mes. The Mes are "powers" that were stolen from Enki by Inanna. In this way She became one of the main goddess or even the main deity.

Some of the "tools" that I used in the ritual were thus obtained from that myth, like beer and water. After perfoming an "incantation", and invoking the goddess I begun a meditation.

This is where "spontaneous material stuff" comes into play: there is a point in which your mind seems to work by itself. Your visualizations are not "forced" or guided by you, but they just come. The first of this spontaneous visualizations was that of my altar breaking and dissolving only to reveal some kind of forest or hill. There there was a woman that just "felt" like if she was a representation of Inanna. Not the goddes in itself, but just a representation of her. This woman was fierce but at the same time a force of life. She was a true "Mistress of the Earth".

Some days after this simple meditation I was reading again the book "Demons of the Flesh", and I don´t know why but I went to the chapter about Inanna. I read then about the "herems", which were powerfull priestess of the goddess. I "identified" the woman I saw on my visualization, and that "felt" like a representation of Her, as one of these "herems" or priestess of Inanna.

Apart from war and sex, Isthar is also a goddess of fertility and life.

3) Lucifer and Daath: This is another example of correlation and coincidence. The experience was very much like the one I had with Inanna, that is, a simple meditation and "spontaneous mind stuff". During my invocation and meditation, I "saw" ( in my mind ) a trident (yes, it sounds a bit ridiculous) and, I don´t know why, but I identified Lucifer as the lord of Daath. After some days I learned that the trident is one symbol of the demon Choronzon, associated with the Daath sphere.

Number of posts : 99
Location : South of Spain
Registration date : 2009-08-18

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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by Phoenix 28.10.09 21:14

Hi RudraShiva. I just lost forty-five minutes of reply to your post, when the forum ldeleted my post. I will fully answer within the next day or two when I have time to re-input everything. Appreciate your posting this.

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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by Phoenix 06.11.09 21:33

Hi RudraShiva. Finally have time to re-enter my response.

I am a total amateur at real magick as taught from books and by groups. My attempts come from the soul.

I first believe that preparation for the ritual is important - meditating and focusing on what one wants to accomplish. In the submission ritual I earlier described, I had thought about it for days and reviewed most of the day before that evening how I would perform it.

Second, I believe, the physical surroundings must be conducive to the magick. In my case I have constructed a paved ritual circle with an altar pillar that will accomodate a wood fire. The perimeter is encircled with bamboo. It feels "right".

Third, I feel something must be exchanged with the diety one is communicating with. In my case bloody wine and blood soaked bread.

Last, I do not beleive invoking a spirit or diety without a purpose. If one does an invocation, one incurs a debt to the entity invoked, which at some point must be repaid.

In my ritual, a full moon was rising in the east, but became shrouded by clouds in the evening sky. I lit the fire on my altar along with sticks of incense. I focused on my purpose, to offer myself to Aset and ask Her acceptance of me. I sat and meditated on what I wanted, asking Her to honor my request. As the fire blazed, I nicked a finger with a knife and dropped blood into a glass of red wine, symbolically mixing my blood with the blood of Aset. I dipped a cube of bread into the cut, letting the blood mix with the bread, symbolizing my body and the body of Aset. I prayed to her, imaging her soul merging with mine. I drank half of the wine/blood, and poured the remainder into the roaring fire offering part of myself to Her. I likewise ate half of the bread and offered the remainder to the flames. The moment the bread touched the fire the clouds parted and full moon shined down upon me. I felt peace, wholeness and confidence She heard my request and accepted me. It may be hallucination, but I felt it real. I spent several minutes opening my spirit to Her. I now feel Her presence whenever I have a quiet moment.

Number of posts : 197
Location : Sonoran Desert, USA
Registration date : 2009-03-28

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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by RudraShiva 07.11.09 3:16

Hello Phoenix, thanks for sharing your experience. As I was reading your post I imagined the ritual and it must have been beautiful.

From a materialistic/scientific point of view, it would be very easy to regard your experience as mere coincidence and autosuggestion. But the more and more you practice, the more and more you will realize that these kind of "coincidences", such as when the moon parted as soon as the bread touched the sacrifical fire, happen quite often. I remember an experiment I did some time ago in which the most awesome "coincidence" I have ever had happened: I was "invoking" the energies from the Sephirot Yesod (represented by the moon) and then, suddenly, some dogs began to bark. At the time I just took it as a curiosity, but some time after I learned that in some tarot decks, the moon card is represented by some dogs barking under our satellite.

One time can be regarded as a coincidence. Two and three can also be. But there is a point in which you say : "ok, there must be something out there!"

As a piece of advise, play close attention to your desire and how it is manifested. Don´t became obssesed, just be open minded and notice the signs. These signs will tell you that, actually, your desire/purpouse is being manifested and yes, it is very easy to get mad and deluded by your own mind. That is why it is important to be relaxed and to not look for it, but to wait until it comes.

I have worked with some "Grand Demons" from the Kingdoms of Flames ( a grimoire by Archaelus Baron/E.A. Koetting but also a concrete spiritual plane) and my desires just manifested. At first it is something like "ok, am I going crazy?, this is just autosuggestion". But then you remember what your desire and purpouse was, and then you realized that, indeed, you have what you asked for.

Number of posts : 99
Location : South of Spain
Registration date : 2009-08-18

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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by Lyprith 10.11.09 18:52

I don't know about anyone else but the main thing that sets a communication from a being apart from my own thoughts is that it has a completely different 'sound/voice' than my own thoughts, not to mention the feel of a foreign energy thats connected to it. Although this goes for all entities, not just gods. The only time i've had flashes of images is on the rare occasions my precognition decides to kick in or if a past life decides to come into focus.


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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by RudraShiva 12.11.09 1:10

Lyprith wrote:I don't know about anyone else but the main thing that sets a communication from a being apart from my own thoughts is that it has a completely different 'sound/voice' than my own thoughts

Interesting, I have also experienced that phenomenon. During some rituals, a lot of "voices" inside my head ("thoughts") don´t feel like mine.

Number of posts : 99
Location : South of Spain
Registration date : 2009-08-18

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Post by Jonathan 12.11.09 3:59

I have experienced that as well during ritual and advanced meditative states. I totally identify my experiences with what both of you have reported, in what comes to external voices and thoughts.

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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by Lyprith 16.11.09 13:58

I don't perform any rituals, so when i hear them i'm either meditating or trying to sleep. In my last house the one who spoke to me was malicious and often threatening until i put him in his place (i actually got an apology out of him once), even with his threats i was confident that he was all talk. At first i thought he might have been the "shadow person" that hangs around me (and has the annoying habit of waking me up at night), but the shadow followed me to my new house and the other didn't. Another energy that followed me here feels female, i felt her in the other house but she didn't speak to me. At one point when i was first going through my awakening my mind was in turmoil and screaming for help and others like myself, i'm not sure what she did but a sudden strong wave of calmness and comfort surrounded me and helped me get through that point. And since i moved she has become more vocal helping me find the ansewer to my questions. I suppose she sounds like a spirit guide or something, but i'm not completely sure.


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Post by Syrianeh 17.11.09 8:50

Thank you for sharing, Phoenix. It takes a lot of courage to do it.

May I ask, if you don't mind answering, did you pick out a particular date, or not? and if you did, why?

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Post by lhenmalaluan 26.06.10 1:24

yah vampire is religion and spirituality,...... like me..


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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by stellarvore 01.01.11 16:45

I had a strange experience where I was permeated by an energy that I felt was the essence of the nightside. It had dim purple and yellow hues against a black fog. The emotions I received or felt were that of silence, emptiness, majesty and a sinister undertone. I hope to establish contact with that source again and explore it, because it felt very natural to me.

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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by Divine 277 01.01.11 21:26

stellarvore wrote:I had a strange experience where I was permeated by an energy that I felt was the essence of the nightside. It had dim purple and yellow hues against a black fog. The emotions I received or felt were that of silence, emptiness, majesty and a sinister undertone. I hope to establish contact with that source again and explore it, because it felt very natural to me.

Do tell more ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by stellarvore 01.01.11 21:45

Ok, I did a meditation on lillith and asked her for entrance/inspiration.. then I guess I fell asleep, and half-awoke to what I described. I dont know how long it lasted. If you have ever smoked salvia you kinda see things, but through your third eye, thats what happened here. I thought it was a beautiful experience.

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Spiritual experiences Empty Re: Spiritual experiences

Post by Divine 277 02.01.11 13:48

stellarvore wrote:Ok, I did a meditation on lillith and asked her for entrance/inspiration.. then I guess I fell asleep, and half-awoke to what I described. I dont know how long it lasted. If you have ever smoked salvia you kinda see things, but through your third eye, thats what happened here. I thought it was a beautiful experience.

No, I have not smoked salvia, but I have heard that its quite an odd experiences, I have drunk it as tea tho... when I had the flue a couple of times ....

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
Age : 43
Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01


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