Abused For My Beliefs

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Dreamer 29.03.10 21:28


first off I'd like to say that I'm sorry that this is my first post in a long time, being so long away from the forum. I guess I needed something to remind me that I should stay active around here.

You might not believe me, but it is very hard for me to tell this little “story” or “experience” of mine. And even though at the end I got what I wanted, it was still an experience that I could have definitely gone without...

This happened to me around 2 weeks ago, but I didn't know if I should share this or not.

Well, as some of you know, I am a high school student. As most high schools do, we have a period where we pick out a book, any book (as long as it is not comic books or magazines), and we are to read in silence for a length of 30 minutes to 1 hour. Sometimes exceeding 1 hour. And as everyone did, I had a book with me, a new one that day. Some had story books, some had fictional books, a boy had a book about unique frogs, and the girl beside me had a book about some war history. The day before that day, I finished a book I was reading, a fictional, so this day I had another book in mind. The Asetian Bible.

I have to note that in school I'm a very quiet person. I keep to myself and I barely talk to anyone unless I have a project to do with them or unless it is required. But almost everyone knows that I am “that girl who is into Egyptian stuff”, considering the fact that all my projects are tied to Ancient Egypt, if I can do that.

So, I took out my AB and started reading it in silence. I actually sit to the front-left of my teacher's desk. Let's call her Mrs. S.

Mrs. S is a very distinctive woman. She is, I would say, around 50 years old. Dresses much older, and is the type of older women that wears one, or sometimes two christian crosses (one upper and one falls on her long dress), and those unfashionable bracelets with large beads that has the pictures of Mary and Christ on it, on each 10+ beads... You look at her and you instantly know she is super-religious. Oh, and did I mention she reads the Bible every time we have reading-time? Sometimes she stops us, to read a section of the Bible to us. Obviously my class has Christians, but even they look at each other and give strange eyes to the teacher at those moments.

So as I was reading, Mrs. S took her eyes off her Bible for a moment, so she can give a look to the class and make sure no one is talking. That's when her eyes met the front-cover of my Bible. I honestly had no idea, and I repeat, no idea what this woman was capable of, but I finally learned. She walks up to me as if I have done something wrong, and does that “clear throat” action to make me look up at her. When I do, she asks me what I'm reading. “It's a book about Ancient Egypt, why?”
“May I see it?” and she gives me the weirdest looks. She then picks it up in a manner as if the book is disgusting and dirty, like she is unsure how to hold it. :s I didn't even let her take it, she did it forcefully.
“Why are you taking that? I don't like anyone to touch it.” and she ignores me, obviously.

Then she proceeds to read the back of it loudly. She doesn't read it all but she reads parts that makes me sound like some freak, in her own tone. “Vampirism? Vampires... Egypt... Isis... Predatory Spirituality? Occult?” and she stops saying random words and looks at me as if I have to apologize to her. I was really angry at her disgusting move so I snatched it out of her hands in a aggressive manner, and said “It's certainly none of your business, and I never said you could touch my personal book... As long as I am following the rules of this reading-time, reading a book, it shouldn't matter what subject it is. There are people reading all sorts of books, and mine is just one of them.”. I felt a little embarrassed, since I never talk to the teacher and talk in class anyways, but as I looked around, the people had a hugely disgusted face, towards Mrs. S however.

The girl beside me who knows me a little more than others said “Well she's reading a book about some kind of religion in Egypt. You read the Bible. What's the difference?” and at this time Mrs. S got very angry. The rest of the class was spent with her angrily reading her Bible and giving me disgusted looks. I obviously ignored and continued reading my AB.

Later that day, I obviously reported her to the school office and several different authorities in school, and all of them, being Christians, felt shocked. What she did to me was clearly abusive and uncalled for. They all asked to take a look at my book, and hating the fact that others had to touch my beloved Asetian Bible, I let them do it (I later cleansed my beautiful AB though). They looked through it and said “I see nothing wrong in this, whatsoever. You're simply reading a book that can pass as a history book.” and my principle had a long talk with her in his office. Soon the whole small school found out about her crazy outburst, but people no longer focused that it was me, but that she attacked a student over a book that was non-Christian.

I felt really hurt and embarrassed... but I stood up for myself and did what I had to do. And thanks to Mrs. S, I got around 10-15 people (in that tiny school) walk up to me asking for the book name and author, because they too wanted to read the book...and even more people said to me “Sorry that you had to go through that, she's really crazy”, which coming from teens that believe in different religion than I do, was a nice gesture.

I want to know, have any of you gone through something like this over your beliefs? Especially if you're an Asetianist or into the occult?

Thanks for reading everyone.

Number of posts : 146
Location : In the Astral...
Registration date : 2009-04-27


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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Jonathan 30.03.10 6:39

Thanks a lot for sharing all of this experience with us! Just to let you know that you have the support of the community and do not let yourself be taken down by others.
I haven't personally experienced those sorts of religious abuse, but I have friends who have, and it can be a very stressful experience. Anyways, don't care for them, they don't deserve it...
Humans will never respect each other, especially when it comes to religion. It is part of their unevolved nature.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Dreamer 30.03.10 7:38

Jonathan, thank you so much for your support. I'm glad at least I know a group of evolved people over here that will understand me.

Number of posts : 146
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Registration date : 2009-04-27


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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Syrianeh 30.03.10 8:58

Dreamer, I know it can be difficult to be singled out and abused for something you believe in, and even a bit traumatizing. But after that nasty feeling goes away you will have the satisfaction to know that in the long run it was your teacher who actually singled herself out as a bigot and a fool.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Dreamer 30.03.10 13:42

Syrianeh, you're correct... I didn't notice this for the first few days, but now I see it clearly. Smile

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by N.Augusta 30.03.10 15:53


Good for you for standing up for yourself. You did a great thing for yourself and for others. I commend you for it.
In one sense, this situation is rather funny, but let me explain that because I know it was difficult. As many of us feel, I am sure with you as well, that when you read the AB, a sense of calmness flows right through you. Actually, this happens even when just holding or looking at it. (That one still baffles me.) So, there you were, sitting and reading calmly, doing as you were told and minding your own business. There she was, this obnoxious teacher sitting at her desk reading her Bible. Suddenly, she decided it was about time to badger one of her students... Apparently, her plan was not thought out, as she acted quite rudely. The funny part-- because of her poor decision and rudeness, the AB has now come across more people. Haha! Of course other students want to read it now. Duh! Hmm, well maybe something pushed her to act that way? Because of your good reaction, you come out smelling like roses. Good for you for standing up! Also, if you are in a public school, then I do not think that she is allowed to read the Bible aloud to the students because it would not be "politically correct"....

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Nebibi 30.03.10 17:37

I have never been abused because of my beliefs, but abuse in general is not a walk in the park. I definitely think you handled the situation quite well. I probably would have lost my temper....
But I also agree with N.Augusta, if this is a public school, reading the Bible in a non-academic context could get your teacher into some trouble.
I would also like to point out that I too feel a calmness when I read the AB or am around it. I also feel this way when I am around Amethyst....Do you notice how the AB calms you but her "Holy Bible" made her irritable and frustrated?

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Jonathan 31.03.10 5:08

ivy wrote:I would also like to point out that I too feel a calmness when I read the AB or am around it. I also feel this way when I am around Amethyst....Do you notice how the AB calms you but her "Holy Bible" made her irritable and frustrated?
This is actually really interesting. I feel it as well.
I have always wondered about the metaphysical secrets hidden behind the creation of the Asetian Bible...

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Nebibi 31.03.10 12:38

Jonathan wrote:
ivy wrote:I would also like to point out that I too feel a calmness when I read the AB or am around it. I also feel this way when I am around Amethyst....Do you notice how the AB calms you but her "Holy Bible" made her irritable and frustrated?
This is actually really interesting. I feel it as well.
I have always wondered about the metaphysical secrets hidden behind the creation of the Asetian Bible...

So do I....the techniques are probably, not only very well kept, but also very deep and beautiful...

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Nebibi 13.04.10 19:30

Johnathan I found a passage that may shed some light (not much, but some nonetheless) on our feelings:

"it is simple: 'This flame can be activated by etheral touch. In simple words, metaphysical practices like effective meditation, energy work and ritual, to more mundane practices that directly affect out nature, like a one true hobby and even simpler things like listening to music and dancing can trigger it. As long as there is a divine influence, the flame is activated, sometimes referred to as the touch of Aset, affecting the subtle system of the Asetian and manifesting through feeling and sensations, sometimes very intense, but other times more subtle and calming." Asetian Bible page 91.

Now I am not saying we are Asetian, I am just saying that the effects that the Violet flame can have on others may have this intense or calming effect.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Jonathan 13.04.10 20:18

I agree with you Ivy. Thanks for pointing out that passage from the Asetian Bible, it does feel very appropriate.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Nebibi 13.04.10 20:20

No Problem

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Saylamine 13.04.10 20:57

I'm glad you stood up for yourself, and really sorry you went through this, Dreamer. But, on the positive side, like N.Augusta said, at least you found open-minded people who were genuinely interested in the AB. Maybe this event served as a way for those individuals to find the AB. It may sound hoakey, but I do believe in synchronicity like that.

I can't say that I've encountered extreme abuse, but I have encountered prejudice over my spiritual beliefs in the past. Right now, I deal with it from my in-laws, who are conservative Christians, and it just grinds my gears thinking about the situation, to say the least. Anyway, I don't put much stock in the misguided and bigoted opinions of close-minded people.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Syrianeh 14.04.10 3:24

I have been called a sinner, a heathen and a bad parent for not wanting to baptize my kid, thus putting his soul at danger of eternal damnation. It's kind of funny, if you think of it. Smile

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Kate 15.04.10 8:26

"O Aset, help them not to despise or oppose what they do not understand, for preconceived notions are the locks on the doors to wisdom"

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Starfox 25.04.10 10:44

I have seen things like your experience in my time in high school... yay bible belt. *sarcasm* It is sad that so many people waste their potential away in such a closed minded state. It seems to be a lamentable human affliction that i can only hope ends eventually. Its awesome that it turned out in your favor though.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Aleina 30.04.10 8:21

This is sad.

But I am happy with how it was dealt with. The Asetian Bible is not an all-religious book, it is spirituality, it is about life, about metaphysics..... it is about beauty.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by AndreiaLi 02.05.10 17:35


I'm glad you stood by your ground defending what you belive in. Keep in mind that people always fear what they don't know, so your teacher had a human basic defensive reaction.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by KCS 06.06.10 12:51

Dreamer wrote:Jonathan, thank you so much for your support. I'm glad at least I know a group of evolved people over here that will understand me.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty RE: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by KCS 06.06.10 12:56

I had to experience the same situation, but unfortunately, it was with my parents. When I bought my AB, they laughed at me, but they were also angry and a little scared (they are both catholic and still they don't really believe in God, but they see everything else as something bad and "cursed"). I could noticed that when they took my notebook away for some time, and then, I was only allowed to approach one when I was not alone. It lasted for some time, and after that everything came back to normal; they seem to forget things really fast; but until today, I'm used to hide my books and not talk to them about anything that goes around beliefs and religion, to avoid future fights.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Aleina 06.06.10 16:42

KCS wrote:I had to experience the same situation, but unfortunately, it was with my parents. When I bought my AB, they laughed at me, but they were also angry and a little scared (they are both catholic and still they don't really believe in God, but they see everything else as something bad and "cursed"). I could noticed that when they took my notebook away for some time, and then, I was only allowed to approach one when I was not alone. It lasted for some time, and after that everything came back to normal; they seem to forget things really fast; but until today, I'm used to hide my books and not talk to them about anything that goes around beliefs and religion, to avoid future fights.

I'm sorry to hear that. The best you can do is stay strong and determined to what you believe in and want in your own life. After all, your life belongs to no one but yourself.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Evan_Dragon_Wolf 06.06.10 17:23

I have had similar things happen to me as well. I have not been "Christian" for several years. And while my family just does not wish to discuss religion, my girlfriend's family are very devout. My girlfriend and I had a teacher who called himself Wizard (long story). My girlfriend's aunt was over as was Wizard. The aunt left and my girlfriend got a call from her uncle saying to get that a**hole out of our apartment or he would come over and kick him out himself. We asked Wizard to go and her uncle came over and berated us severely for not being "Christian". I was surprised because I was polite...although I stayed in the kitchen. More than ten feet away from him. I was told later that my eyes had turned pure black during that incident. It was over three months ago. And I remember very well how angry I was. But I was able to remain calm and we actually got an apology later. Not from the uncle, but from the aunt. But he has remained friendly since then to the both of us and we do not discuss religion with him.


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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Saylamine 06.06.10 19:54

Evan, do you have any possible insights as to how your eyes turned black? Do you think it was the psychic perceptions of the others around you, or a physical shapeshifting effect? Just curious.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Evan_Dragon_Wolf 06.06.10 20:47

I am honestly not sure. It has happened the same only one other time by a severe betrayal by someone I thought was a friend. There have been other times when anger will change my eyes from my normal dark brown to a yellowish golden color which I do perceive as a type of physical shift because I have seen it for myself. I have actually been able to look in a mirror and see it. But I have not seen the black nor been near a mirror to know for sure. My girlfriend was the one to see the other incident and actually stopped me from leaving her place to physically confront the ex-friend. She says that it was a physical effect.

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Abused For My Beliefs Empty Re: Abused For My Beliefs

Post by Saylamine 07.06.10 23:22

Very interesting. You may have a latent talent for shapeshifting that can probably be uncovered with time and a great deal of practice.

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