Power Overwhelming

Divine 277
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Power Overwhelming Empty Power Overwhelming

Post by Vertigo 03.07.10 15:46

Hi guys, its me again.
Iam a forumninja, I cant help it, but now I arrive from nowhere to make a thread about something.

Here is something to discuss.

How much do you think it would be possible to feed at once?
If you found a way to drain an large amount of energy and being able to drain alot for a very long time, would you hurt yourself by taking in too much and overload?

Also, would you be able to channel the energy for spells and actions that would normally take more persons than you?

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Daniel09 03.07.10 17:37

Naturally, too much of anything is always going to cause problems. If that much energy is gathered, it could easily be channeled, though honestly I assume it would be easier to simply use an amplifier like a wand.

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Aleina 04.07.10 22:12

Good question. I don't think anyone can "overfeed", since feeding, alone, needs focus and Will, so if someone has had enough energy and is perfectly fine, the Will to feed lessens, therefore they would stop and be unable to continue feeding.

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Kate 09.07.10 6:27

I agree with Alenia,

The higher your energy level intake, the more competent your system will operate, the better your system operates, the healthier you as an individual feel, the healthier you feel the less your system would require, the less your system requires the less it will take…..

It’s a simple equation;

Your system will take only what it needs.....

Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Aleina 24.07.10 22:12

I see it like how we physically eat. We cannot overeat to a point of harming ourselves. At one point our system just lets us know that we've had enough. At least that is what I believe.

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Divine 277 25.07.10 7:44

I don't know....
I have had times where I just cant stand being around any type of energy ( people) , It overwhelms me ....

But i cant say if it is because of the overweling energy flow that I take in or if it is because I feels like I'm being drained of my own energy......

When this happens , it almost feels like I'm choking....

But of coarse , this is only my own experiences, and It is probably not the same as how the Asetians feels around the subject...

Sincerely Divnine
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Divine 277 25.07.10 7:48

btw : my hands gets boiling hot , I get fuzzy in my brain...
And I feel like I'm on fire ......
I even get problems breathing ... because the air I breed gets rely warm.....
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by goingpostal 17.08.10 23:04

ahh.... in my absence from the forum i have acquired a nice set of knowledge of many subjects. i know of a friend who took an exo (ecstasy) and began acting really bizarre(more than you usually do on ex) and began draining everything around him intensely and constantly to a point where he began overloading himself and began shutting down.
so for example. you fill a glass with water till its full. you continue to pour more water into the cup itself takes in more and expels more off the sides onto your hands. the you have a mess to clean up (as in a crash of sorts).
now for those of you who have experimented with drugs(probably not many of you) ecstasy turns your aura many different colors at once. including a deep purple. which for the vampire, is bittersweet because you can see and interact with energy a lot more but with ecstasy it is hard to control intake so if you dont know what you are doing it is not hard to take in to much energy. ecstasy is a drug yes, but used properly it can have benefits. but back on topic, yes i believe it is indeed possible to "overdose" on energy, but the mind and body will retaliate after a while with a safeguard to keep u from overloading but u can harm yourself and your energy system.
i have also had a similar experience with overloading. i simply drank to much of the wrong persons (very potent and special which i will not go into detail about) blood and my friend actually had to help me survive i entered a a state of hypothermia and my body began trying to shut down(safeguard) and everything began going white then i woke up and my friend was shaking me frantically, screaming at me to wake up. and i did and i was fine after that.

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Jonathan 18.08.10 8:51

Most drugs don't really mix very well with metaphysics. They lower your awareness, your magickal abilities and powers. They may give you the illusion of many things, but the fact is that it is very easy to metaphysically take down someone on drugs, human or vampire. It simply clashes there defenses and creates false senses in the awareness system. Actually, there are very strong reasons why most vampires never drink... wine. lol Just kidding on the Dracula quote, but vampires don't do drugs, they are elite beings who must keep their energy system and metabolism sharp, working on the edge, and taking drugs could easily get them killed by another predator or hunter. Not to mention that drugs have addictive effects, and vampires can't stand the weakness of addictions... they find it mundane and pathetic. The only addiction a real vampire truly embraces is Love...

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Divine 277 18.08.10 9:49

Jonathan wrote:Most drugs don't really mix very well with metaphysics. They lower your awareness, your magical abilities and powers. They may give you the illusion of many things, but the fact is that it is very easy to metaphysically take down someone on drugs, human or vampire. It simply clashes there defenses and creates false senses in the awareness system. Actually, there are very strong reasons why most vampires never drink... wine. lol Just kidding on the Dracula quote, but vampires don't do drugs, they are elite beings who must keep their energy system and metabolism sharp, working on the edge, and taking drugs could easily get them killed by another predator or hunter. Not to mention that drugs have addictive effects, and vampires can't stand the weakness of addictions... they find it mundane and pathetic. The only addiction a real vampire truly embraces is Love...

I agree... But I do support herbal medicine, Its natural and it has been used for 1000 of years every where in the world....

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Divine 277 18.08.10 10:01

when it comes to to exo... it stimulates the central nerve system and is highly psychedelic...
You mite feel very good for a little while, but when the down effects does occur, You will feel as bad , as you felt good ....

It trows your energy balance out of balance ....

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Laura 18.08.10 10:55

The problem one might encounter while feeding is not so much overfeeding but taking in a lot of bad energy. If one takes a lot of energy that is not good one gets an indigestion so to call it...... Divine, that might be why you sometimes feel bad around certain kinds of energy. You are taking energy that makes you sick.
On the other hand the problem of taking a lot of energy is... when feeding one has to also make the energy one just took vibrate at the same frequency as ours. Making the energy we just took ours. Like digesting. If one takes too much and from different people, one might end up feeling like it is too much. Remember that energy is also emotions and thoughts.... so it would be like having different peopl inside your head (or that's how I feel it). So feeding will notake you feel sick in a physical way but one might feel grossed out by all of the unclean energy inside of one....

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by goingpostal 18.08.10 19:54

do not speak for vampires like they are one thing. there are many and they are all diverse.
tho i have to admit drugs are in fact addictive. and you must be careful with them. but how are you suppose to learn new things if you have never experienced in the first place. and another one of my crazed drug related examples would be cocaine. a highly addictive substance that turns the aura a deep purple(vampire or human) ,therefore according to the color theory as we all know purple has a tendency to soak up energy quite fast. and to comment on what u mentioned about the illusion and false awareness. it does in fact create a false awareness. but everything is controlled by your willpower, so should you be on said psychedelic your state of false awareness becomes real via (subconscious or realized) willpower. the most powerfull of rituals is performed by an illusion that tricks the casters subconscious mind into thinking something is in fact real which also triggers willpower all in a split second. if this wall of text actually makes sense.
trust me i know feeding on coke and not on coke. theres just a trade off. sober clean energy. or a lot of energy that has been tainted by your false purple aura. and no i am not trying to convince you to do drugs. just dont assume blindly.

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by goingpostal 18.08.10 20:01

and it is easy for someone to metaphysically take down someone on drugs? now that just depends on the person. if im triping on acid in my sleep and something tries to come at me. i rip out its insides and eat them. trust me i know this O.o

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by goingpostal 18.08.10 20:05

well mabey not acid that to hardcore but some nice salvia or something

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Daniel09 18.08.10 21:46

I find it safer when dealing with controlled substances to experience them through others rather than through one's self.

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Helliana 19.08.10 9:05

Laura wrote:The problem one might encounter while feeding is not so much overfeeding but taking in a lot of bad energy. If one takes a lot of energy that is not good one gets an indigestion so to call it...... Divine, that might be why you sometimes feel bad around certain kinds of energy. You are taking energy that makes you sick.
On the other hand the problem of taking a lot of energy is... when feeding one has to also make the energy one just took vibrate at the same frequency as ours. Making the energy we just took ours. Like digesting. If one takes too much and from different people, one might end up feeling like it is too much. Remember that energy is also emotions and thoughts.... so it would be like having different peopl inside your head (or that's how I feel it). So feeding will notake you feel sick in a physical way but one might feel grossed out by all of the unclean energy inside of one....

In some cases, and also depending on the energy system of the individual, you can get sick physically. =P

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Syrianeh 20.08.10 3:08

Designer drugs like XTC, coke, LSD, etc., are nothing but artificial ways to alter the mind. There might be a way to awake unconsciousness through drugs, but the chemical affects the brain in such a way that whatever is received is distorted to the point of being useless. It is merely recreational.

You will have to be very highly trained, controlled and experienced to use a drug in such a way that it will actually become an aide in exploring your psyche and tapping into your psychic abilities. Ditto when it comes to energy manipulation and absorption. There are very few people who can do this (such as the Shamans with their peyote trips) and it is usually not as effective as proper meditation.

I had my druggie period and, believe me, I thought it was a panacea as well until I really became aware. Since then, I don't have the need to touch the stuff. I even stopped smoking.

Proper feeding and proper metabolization of your energy, and of course effective sensibilization towards your Higher Self, takes work, concentration and discipline. Drugs will always hamper that process.

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Nebibi 20.08.10 9:35

I agree completely with you Syrianeh.
Drugs are a link on the chain of spiritual slavery.
They should be avoided.
I do not think that the truly aware would even look at drugs.
I, myself, used to smoke, as I looked at myself doing this I thought of myself as lowly and not pure. Not because someone who does drugs is automatically so but, because they are just another way to tie the spirit down to this mundane existence. They do not liberate in anyway, they do the opposite. They simply inhibit. As Johnathan said very well:
Jonathan wrote: vampires don't do drugs, they are elite beings who must keep their energy system and metabolism sharp, working on the edge, and taking drugs could easily get them killed by another predator or hunter. Not to mention that drugs have addictive effects, and vampires can't stand the weakness of addictions... they find it mundane and pathetic. The only addiction a real vampire truly embraces is Love...

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Jonathan 20.08.10 15:40

Very nice post Syrianeh, I also completely agree with you.

But even worse than people who do drugs and, many times, unfortunately ruin their lives from it... are the dealers who ruin the lives of others, and those who willingly chose to associate with them out of their own will. Tainted money from the suffering of others. Disgusting.

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Divine 277 20.08.10 16:07

so you mean that you shouldn't use alovera when you get a Miskito bite ?

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Jonathan 20.08.10 17:11

We're talking about drugs, not medicine. Like opium, haxixe, etc.

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Laura 21.08.10 0:06

I do not think of drugs as a way of finding real truths and answers..... they are a way of avoiding them..... Evolution comes through meditation and an openmind and soul, not by refusing to encounter your True Self and escaping reality

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by Divine 277 21.08.10 1:29

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Power Overwhelming Empty Re: Power Overwhelming

Post by DCxMagus 22.02.12 19:54

It's funny to me that people try and use drugs to start their metaphysical practices, more so because I got into drugs as a way to numb myself to energy work. I was extremely heavy in the rave scene from 14-22 and for a major part of that I was heavily into using pretty much any drug that passed by my body. This was right around the time my insomnia started, being thirsty all the time, I was labeled as bi-polar had intense mood swings, etc. Drugs especially XTC and Ketamine took all this away, but after a while I realized it was taking away my ability to do anything related to energy work so I stopped and just faced the constant overload of energy in my day to day life.

I've personally "overload" my energy system once and had to overload to the point of pain once. Both times were experiments and the time it induced pain I was more worried about the work we were doing then my own energy system and didn't feel the pain until we stopped the work. It was an intense burning sensation that calmed down to a dull annoyance over an hour, the dull annoyance subsided a few days later.

I believe that through feeding especially unconsciously the threat of overloading your system is nearly non existent. As stated above your body is really only going to take what it needs, no reason to take more. The danger comes in really when you begin to channel energies through your body for the purpose of energy work or magick. It's very easy for me to lose track of my own internal energy system when I'm focused solely on the outcome of something like a spell or even when I'm "in the zone" at work or competing in a competition so to speak. That coupled with the fact that once my body process the energy it absorbs and rises it to my vibration level it has a hard time releasing this processed energy. This stagnate energy causes a lot of blockages and other problems in my system. When I have a focal point to release this energy and a good ground it's hardly a problem. But the 2 accounts I've had of what I would call an overload, it seemed as if my bodies intake of energy and processing was overpowering even the ground and focal output I had. This situation of intake overload exhaust, it something I've just grown to accept about myself. It's not so bad when I have 2 hours before sleep to ground out everything, but I miss a day and it starts to really wreak havoc on a lot of my energy work and takes a while to get myself back on tract.


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