Greetings to you all

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Greetings to you all Empty Greetings to you all

Post by Lunar Sentinel 17.11.10 21:43

wow these intros aren't my thing... but if I don't give something with some meat to it I am sure I'll be poked at to elaborate so... Hello to you all. I have lurked awhile, observing and figured a bit of direct interaction was in order. You all can call me Lunar... or Sentinel... or even LS if your really feeling lazy. I am a 20 year old college student, though I am a student the occult as well as... though of no particular school of though other than my own. I am very much an experimenter when it comes to magick, which I find rewarding if just a bit explosive at times. I am an otherkin of sorts... A kind of lunar spirit though I tend to distance myself from the otherkin community as they tend to be a fluffy minded lot. I have a sort of weird connection with ḏḥwty, or Thoth as he would be better known now. I am not exactly sure of the exact nature of it though.. as it's always been something I've been comfortable with and there are always so many things to read and do and experiment with that forever distract me... it's on the list of things to do eventually, honest! lol. Oh! speaking of reading I am avid book collector and reader... a couple of dreams of mine are to compile a library of the sum of human knowledge, both mundane and metaphysical, in a nonperishable form and then study it all. *sighs happily at the thought* oh well back to reality... I am also an avid music collector/listener and do graphic art sometimes... I even write a bit. I apologize up front if I ever offend any of you all but I do tend to have a very unique and abstract look on things, which has been known to conflict with people rather badly. whats worse I can be quite stubborn until shown to be wrong. Oh! as for the obligatory odd blip of personal information: My favorite food is spaghetti with mashed potatoes and ranch dressing mixed together. There I think that's nice and well rounded. any questions feel free to ask! I love dialogs, it's how we all learn after all.
Lunar Sentinel
Lunar Sentinel

Number of posts : 24
Age : 34
Location : Somewhere between the moon above and sea below....
Registration date : 2010-11-17

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Greetings to you all Empty Re: Greetings to you all

Post by Daniel09 17.11.10 22:32

Welcome. Enjoy your stay at hotel Aset Ka and we hope you can figure out how to open the front door to your room. ^^

Metaphors aside, it's always nice to see a new face. Contribute your ideas and become a learned student among us, and you will be well accepted. I would ask more about this moonkin thing (lunar spirit otherkin thing), but that kind of thing is not in my realm of understanding. Feel free to describe it to others if you like.

Number of posts : 850
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

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Greetings to you all Empty Re: Greetings to you all

Post by Divine 277 18.11.10 4:05

Greetings and welcome Smile

I do to collect books, but I must admit that I have not read all of them, since I in the last month inherited a little "library" and have not found the time to go threw them all Sad

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01

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Greetings to you all Empty Re: Greetings to you all

Post by Lunar Sentinel 18.11.10 14:02

@ Daniel09
how the door opens? I have to figure out which direction the key goes in first =p

@ Divine 277
Books are the best teachers they say, and I find this to be true. I am envious of your inheritance! what a worthy thing to pass down, knowledge incarnate. ^^

.... And as for my otherkin nature it is something i find hard to describe because the day to day existence of an incorporeal entity is for the most part quite outside the bounds of the ability of human speech to convey. Even concepts as simple a pain are different. In a very crude description I would be a spirit of sorts from the energetic part of the physical plane.. what is often referred to as the etheric. I dot recall any sort of parents and honestly seemed to come from nowhere in particular... though from a more human perspective I would seem to be something like a thought form or servitor on steroids. Like I mentioned before I seem to have some sort of connection to Thoth though the exact nature of that I cannot accurately depict as I know little of it myself. I define myself as a lunar spirit because lunar energy seems to be the 'stuff' I'm made from. not in a literal scientific way but in a more abstract sense if that makes sense. So in short I am rather like a ball of lunar energy someone scooped together and made conscious. As for the inevitable question of "why are you human now then?" I haven't a freaking clue. perhaps whoever made me wished me to incarnate for some purpose of their own.. or perhaps I just got bored or curious. If I knew the answer to that life be a lot easier... lol.
Lunar Sentinel
Lunar Sentinel

Number of posts : 24
Age : 34
Location : Somewhere between the moon above and sea below....
Registration date : 2010-11-17

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Greetings to you all Empty Re: Greetings to you all

Post by Daniel09 18.11.10 17:46

Otherkin are a diverse thing. Even the Asetians are technically otherkin, so don't worry about that part of your nature. As for the door thing, how do you know there is a key? Maybe the real initiation is realizing there is no door. Wink

Number of posts : 850
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

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Greetings to you all Empty Re: Greetings to you all

Post by Lunar Sentinel 18.11.10 19:06

Or perhaps the initiation is realizing there is no key, but many doors. =p Initiations are tricky, complex, and sometimes messy (and kinky but we won't go there) business... but usually fun at some rate X3
Lunar Sentinel
Lunar Sentinel

Number of posts : 24
Age : 34
Location : Somewhere between the moon above and sea below....
Registration date : 2010-11-17

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Greetings to you all Empty Re: Greetings to you all

Post by Kotaro 08.12.10 21:18

Greetings Lunar.

Number of posts : 152
Location : somewhere
Registration date : 2009-01-17

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