Asetians are the True Adversaries.

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Kalb 07.05.11 13:46

Em Hotep,

Asetians knowledge was kept secret for many centuries, but his art has always seen of most dedicated people all the time. The culture of Asetians is pure and eternal, created amazing things in the physical plane. Just look and reflect...
The deserted palace of the woman pharaoh Hatshepsut, Luxor: City of Kings - Capital of Empire, Edfu - Temple of Horus, Temple’s, Imhotep wall - Asetian Hight Priest - Father of medicine, Sacred Island of Philae, Giza, engineering details for energy flow, hieroglyphs, among many others, are monuments which have survived all this time and again Asetians shared their energy. A new opportunity given to us. We feel so connected to Asetian mind, knowledge, wisdom, philosophy...Violet Flame..
The Asetians preserved what they could to show us. It was a difficult journey, with so many enemies over the decades, including the control of Red Order of Seth implemented across the globe.
Ancient Egypt has never been understood by human mind. At least those think that pyramids of Giza was something created for fun without any symbolism. In fact, we know what means the pyramids, we know many of you refuse to believe it and do not accept.
The Asetianism is a path of full of Dedication and Honor, always in a free way. Nobody forces us to be Asetianists. When you Love so much and respect someone you simply feel and express.. Nobody forces you to feel anything.. Just like us. We are free too feel and free to show, or simply we can choose not to show our feelings. Asetian Bible is clear with all of you who criticize the knowledge of Asetians - “You feel affected by us”. I say the same about us, Asetianists. You feel affected by us. Asetians and Asetianists are One.
We live in the Djehuty of the Serpent, Where the Power of Asetians domain.

There are others ways to seek Truth. There are choices.

If you tell me that you understand Asetian energy around you but you do not identify with the energy, you have my respect. But, if you keep judging Asetians without understand.. this means to me that you want to remain stagnant and frustrated being because you do not realize what was the most important in the path of Evolution, and of course, you have my respect again. Only with a small interesting detail. I will ignore what you say.

The more everyone condemn and criticize the Aset Ka, the more and Self-Confidence the Asetians can achieve. Asetians are the True Adversaries, the Nemesis of the vulgar stagnated society.

Number of posts : 1280
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Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Syrianeh 07.05.11 14:19

Well said!!!!!!!!!

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Talibah 08.05.11 5:33

The depth of this post Stalker is outstanding. You have changed so much recently, and they are all good changes. You seem more able to connect with your inner most feelings and express them so freely.
This makes me so happy for you.
And the strength of your words, the conviction behind's truly inspiring. I applaud you.
More should feel the freedom you obviously do to share their thoughts.

Remember, when we put those thoughts and feelings, into writing, into words...a certain magick occurs. Razz

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Kalb 08.05.11 8:10

Thank you, Syrianeh & Talibah. **

Yes, I am in constant change, evolution. I can look back and i see how much i was stagnant and manipulated by the human mind and monotheistic view.
The Asetian Vision changed me completely, as the Princess @ArienNefer said on Twitter:

Once learned the tools that allow to see from an Asetian perspective, the soul remains forever changed, unable to go blind again. ♏!/ArienNefer

Quite true, I can feel every word .. A true Heka.
The emotions are never fully expressed in words, the true emotion has no description. But Asetians know how to describe our spiritual state without describing emotions.

Master @LuisMarques do this many times...

Asetianism is spiritual liberation. The most profound form of Freedom, through the power of Knowing. ☥!/LuisMarques

Every word of Asetians can move us...

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Natalia 08.05.11 9:11

I agree with Syrianeh and Talibah, very well said Stalker. You speak with purity and from the heart. The freedom and liberation in your expression and words is noticeable and a pleasure to see.


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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Syrianeh 08.05.11 10:28

It is indeed a pleasure to see them, and also it is an inspiration for everyone to witness such an evolution.

Magick like this is happening around us and we must pay very good attention to it, because it is the force of Life itself.

I have never been one to gain much from unity. Never been nationalistic or patriotic, nor follower of any group or political party, nor member of any society or organization. Even my friends have always been disperse in small groups. Never part of a clique. Always on the outside of things, and inside myself.

But for the first time in my life I am sincerely proud to belong to something, and I wear the label with no reservations. I am an Asetianist.


Number of posts : 708
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Registration date : 2008-09-16

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by N.Augusta 08.05.11 11:05

Stalker wrote:Thank you, Syrianeh & Talibah. **

Yes, I am in constant change, evolution. I can look back and i see how much i was stagnant and manipulated by the human mind and monotheistic view.
The Asetian Vision changed me completely, as the Princess @ArienNefer said on Twitter:

Once learned the tools that allow to see from an Asetian perspective, the soul remains forever changed, unable to go blind again. ♏!/ArienNefer

Quite true, I can feel every word .. A true Heka.
The emotions are never fully expressed in words, the true emotion has no description. But Asetians know how to describe our spiritual state without describing emotions.

Master @LuisMarques do this many times...

Asetianism is spiritual liberation. The most profound form of Freedom, through the power of Knowing. ☥!/LuisMarques

Every word of Asetians can move us...

That's cause the heka lives inside you... it's always there teaching. Smile For others, it makes them angry. Smile It touches the hearts and souls of those whom are meant to receive it. We are truly fortunate. The change within is so beautiful!

Your words have made me smile. Very Happy

Number of posts : 439
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Registration date : 2009-12-29

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Jonathan 08.05.11 12:44

You are all very inspiring. Smile Thanks for the continuous contributions, public and otherwise, to this amazing community!

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Victor 08.05.11 16:52

Just want to add that "this community" isn't just a forum. Even though this site has nearly 800 members at the time of this post, the Asetianists out there are much much more... scattered through so many places, always watching and forever learning. It is beautiful, and for the ones who are on the outside, they really have no idea of how powerful the Asetian community truly is.

Many faces, many cultures, many races... all united under one single banner: the violet flag of the Asetian Empire. We all come from different backgrounds, experienced different lives, conquered and lost different battles, but we all share the same respect and honor towards the Aset Ka and the Asetians. In this unexplainable love for the Asetian culture, we have found our freedom.

In a society where everyone seeks to be better than the one next to them, in a constant struggle to feed their own ego, at the expense of their own evolution and wisdom. Those are the true slaves, never complete and accomplished. They are enslaved within themselves without even noticing. In their apparent success, or the lack of it, most fail to realize how deeply ridiculous they actually are. We're not blind to them and their reality.

We see. We smile. We move on.

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Kalb 08.05.11 17:15

Very well said, Victor.

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by N.Augusta 08.05.11 17:32

Great post Victor! Very Happy Tell it like it is! Very Happy

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by Natalia 08.05.11 19:59

I agree, very good post. Reverend Victor, your words often carry an unique sense of wisdom.

I enjoyed particularly the following bit:
"all united under one single banner: the violet flag of the Asetian Empire."

Very inspiring and, most of all, very true.


Number of posts : 43
Location : France
Registration date : 2010-12-17

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Asetians are the True Adversaries. Empty Re: Asetians are the True Adversaries.

Post by AndreiaLi 10.05.11 17:51

I enjoyed pretty much reading all your posts in this thread, and I must say they made me smile too. This force that unites us all is truly magnetic and unique...

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