Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Kalb 14.08.11 13:32

There are many different types of religion and groups in the world and they all believe in different gods and concepts. They caused many problems and conflicts throughout history and is still continue causing lots of problems. Most religions have rigid, elaborate rules about diverse subjects. Sex subject is one of them, philosophy of lifestyle and dogmas are others, among others. Fear and terror living inside of religions, and this is the real reason why there is still so much stagnation. Many of religions force their disciples to be loyal, force them doing some acts like forgetting the purpose of life and give more attention to "how help religion to survive against the devil and enemy". In fact, the system works, just look to Islamism and Christianism, the two biggest religions of the world. Sometimes you might meet into somebody whom you would rather avoid, but there is no way around the situation. And maybe you notice after seeing them that you feel as if all your energy is gone and you feel tired and weak. This is because the other person's energy is not healthy and also because some of their emotion has been released to you. Same happens with religious place(churches, temples, meeting places, festivals). I really understand why many of occult Orders and Covens are very restricted. Allowed for only a few persons and members. Most of humanity is sick and unfortunately, we live among them. To worsen the condition of humanity they created hospitals, of course, that everything is not bad, there is exceptions, but the point of illness is there. They become obsessed that began to think more in money than in their own health, and ... what matters is that healing will be healed quickly. No matter the way of cure, since the pain is gone. In traditional Chinese medicine, a doctor will try to find out what has caused the blockage in the joints, creating stiffness or pain. Joint pain is related to circulation and the correct function of the liver. In Chinese medicine,every illness can be treated and that there is no incurable disease. Reiki, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Shiatsu, Ayuvedra, herbology, crystal healing, among others are alternative medicine that cure and remove any type of blackage. The western concept of medicine is concerned only with how to cure an illness or treat the symptoms of pain. However, in so many cases, it is the medicine or the treatment that will kill the patient, not the disease. The healing techniques is a gift left by Gods of Ancient Egypt. Vampires are Masters of healing and Asetians easily mastered all techniques. On other hand, Asetians have their own medicine, Kemetic Medicine. The better method to cure metaphysical blockages is energy healing and the right action is prevention, as said on Asetian Bible. It is no coincidence that the Djehuty of the Serpent is fresh and young.

I conclude that the most important is to listen what our soul wants and not what others say. Remenber that we live in a world full of deceit, and when we learn to do everything by us we become more stronger. Aleister Crowley did an excellent job in their works:

“Never permit the thought or will of any other Being to interfere with your own.
Be constantly vigilant to resent, and on the alert to resist, with unvanquishable ardour and vehemence of
passion unquenchable, every attempt of any other Being to influence you otherwise than by contributing new
facts to your experience of the Universe, or by assisting you to reach a higher synthesis of Truth by
the mode of passionate fusion.

To be Asetianist is not an obligation but a manifestation of our Inner Will. Nobody come here and force anything. Our freedom is reflected in Love.

Do not repress or restrict any true instinct of your Nature; but devote all in perfection to the sole service of
your one True Will.

It's funny, i start give more attention to Nature than humanity, observing all animal life, i'm surprised how they manage to survive and evolve on planet like ours. I tell you that i learn more from the freedom of animals than the stagnation of humanity. We live on a planet full of mysteries, secrets and complexity, it's amazing observe the Duality of Nature.
Practically, I am sharing with you a little of what I think of the world. What is your point about Narute, Healing, humanity? freedom?

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Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Jonathan 14.08.11 14:47


Great post Stalker! Congratulations on your effort. As always your participation felt honest and humble.

I agree with you, especially when you speak about freedom. Asetianism IS religious and spiritual freedom. It's one of the very few mystical and religious paths where no one is forced to follow. In fact, only those that follow it freely and selflessly are truly allowed further. I find that fascinating and refreshing. It has been very clear in all their works, steps and actions that the Asetians aren't looking for followers. This is something very rare.
The freedom we can find in Asetianism is not something easy to explain, and to someone who is on the outside and doesn't experience it, will surely not understand what we mean or judge us poorly for such opinion. The fact is that this freedom is not only experienced by me and you, it is enjoyed and proven by the hundreds of Asetianists out there who truly embrace Asetianism with passion. We have to live Asetianism to feel such freedom, and only then it can be understood.
If anyone seeks Asetianism to exploit its knowledge and power, or just to draw knowledge from it for personal gain, they will surely not reach such freedom and joy. In fact, the way Asetianism is structured as a metaphysical system, anyone seeking Asetianism without a pure heart and humility will always find walls, walls and more walls. There is an unexplainable magick in Asetianism that it will close in all around you and create walls and fences if your Will is not pure. That is why so many people tried Asetianism and failed, leaving with complaints that it was just too hard to follow or not enough information was available. They have only their Self to blame.

Looking for the input of others now. Smile

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Kalb 14.08.11 17:10

Thank you, Jonathan. I enjoy read your answer too.
I just add that the part of "Traditional Healing" was a research from books i did. So you can check these thoughs of idea out there. Backing to subject of Asetianism, i believe that Asetianism is not for everyone but just a few. Not all are ready to be free and living their own freedom with all responsability.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Victor 14.08.11 19:08

Jonathan wrote:In fact, the way Asetianism is structured as a metaphysical system, anyone seeking Asetianism without a pure heart and humility will always find walls, walls and more walls. There is an unexplainable magick in Asetianism that it will close in all around you and create walls and fences if your Will is not pure. That is why so many people tried Asetianism and failed, leaving with complaints that it was just too hard to follow or not enough information was available. They have only their Self to blame.
True words. The funny thing is that Asetian information is all around us, and so is their legacy and path. All you have to do is look into nature... it's all there, staring back at you.

Truth also is that most will continue to fail. They speak of nature pretending to understand it. They can see it, but they can't feel it.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Kalb 14.08.11 19:18

Victor wrote:
Jonathan wrote:In fact, the way Asetianism is structured as a metaphysical system, anyone seeking Asetianism without a pure heart and humility will always find walls, walls and more walls. There is an unexplainable magick in Asetianism that it will close in all around you and create walls and fences if your Will is not pure. That is why so many people tried Asetianism and failed, leaving with complaints that it was just too hard to follow or not enough information was available. They have only their Self to blame.
True words. The funny thing is that Asetian information is all around us, and so is their legacy and path. All you have to do is look into nature... it's all there, staring back at you.

Truth also is that most will continue to fail. They speak of nature pretending to understand it. They can see it, but they can't feel it.

I really love read your words. Jonathan and Victor.

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Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Victor 14.08.11 19:19

Thank you. It was my pleasure.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Jonathan 15.08.11 9:01

Victor wrote:The funny thing is that Asetian information is all around us, and so is their legacy and path. All you have to do is look into nature... it's all there, staring back at you.
Beautiful words! I definitely agree with you. Nature mirrors the path and magick of the Asetians...

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Natalia 15.08.11 17:37

Victor wrote:The funny thing is that Asetian information is all around us, and so is their legacy and path. All you have to do is look into nature... it's all there, staring back at you.

Truth also is that most will continue to fail. They speak of nature pretending to understand it. They can see it, but they can't feel it.
Beautifully said and straight to the point. Mirrors my experience completely.


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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Akura 15.08.11 22:28

We should be looking for more rational answers for feeling tired after such an encounter...but I guess Asetians don't even attempt to be rational...sound familiar. HELLO...RELIGION! I think that occultists should be some of the most rational people, looking for the most likely cause, and then if still unexplained we look for the least likely, but most logical. Most Christians take everything as a miracle, thus they miss the most likely causes. I do not wish occultists to be in the same boat as religions. I am a bright, not a religious/supernatural person, I would rather take reason over superstition and paranoia.

Here is a video about prayer, this may explain what I was trying to say.

Note- This is not mean't to be a rude comment, just something all serious occultists should consider before they post.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Jonathan 15.08.11 23:58

You said that Asetians don't attempt to be rational. So you know any Asetians? Or are you calling us... Asetians?

Your post came out rather shallow and the way you articulated your thoughts didn't make much sense either. Do you have any communication issues?

Note- This is not meant to be a rude comment, just something all serious readers should consider before reading your post.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Kalb 16.08.11 5:21

I think you let him confuse, Jonathan. scratch

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Victor 17.08.11 19:14

Jonathan wrote:You said that Asetians don't attempt to be rational. So you know any Asetians? Or are you calling us... Asetians?

Your post came out rather shallow and the way you articulated your thoughts didn't make much sense either. Do you have any communication issues?

Note- This is not meant to be a rude comment, just something all serious readers should consider before reading your post.
That was intelligent humor. I like that. Twisted Evil

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Daniel09 17.08.11 21:33

Jonathan wrote:You said that Asetians don't attempt to be rational. So you know any Asetians? Or are you calling us... Asetians?

Your post came out rather shallow and the way you articulated your thoughts didn't make much sense either. Do you have any communication issues?

Note- This is not meant to be a rude comment, just something all serious readers should consider before reading your post.

Jonathan, perhaps you should focus less on the presentation, and more on what was actually said. I understand your elitism, but sometimes it is necessary to lessen your ego and manage yourself, regardless of the support of your peers.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Jonathan 17.08.11 22:10

No elitism intended, although I understand it may seem like so to some. My comments and most importantly my questions remain. If someone is going to speak of "serious occultists," then I expect them to at least say something intelligent. That's what keeps us different from every other occult forum out there. That is why so many look up to what is said in this website and what its members have to say on different subjects. The little joke on my post was harmless, it was nice to put a smile on a few faces, but yet my initial questions remain quite valid and straight to the point. Anyways, back on subject...

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Kate 19.08.11 4:30


Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Akura 19.08.11 9:56

Jonathan wrote:You said that Asetians don't attempt to be rational. So you know any Asetians? Or are you calling us... Asetians?

Your post came out rather shallow and the way you articulated your thoughts didn't make much sense either. Do you have any communication issues?

Note- This is not meant to be a rude comment, just something all serious readers should consider before reading your post.

The way you guys talk around here about the Asetian Bible makes you SEEM Asetian. Hence why I said that. It sounds as though you actually worship the damn thing.

Yeah I do have communication issues, I can't talk to egocentric figures of authority. And if I wasn't limited by the communication tools of this forum (if I was talking face to face) I wouldn't have problems typing my ideas. Plus I get annoyed sometimes when people make unfounded assumptions about the occult, and then proceed to speak of them as though they were true.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Jonathan 19.08.11 11:15

Akura wrote:
Jonathan wrote:You said that Asetians don't attempt to be rational. So you know any Asetians? Or are you calling us... Asetians?

Your post came out rather shallow and the way you articulated your thoughts didn't make much sense either. Do you have any communication issues?

Note- This is not meant to be a rude comment, just something all serious readers should consider before reading your post.

The way you guys talk around here about the Asetian Bible makes you SEEM Asetian. Hence why I said that. It sounds as though you actually worship the damn thing.

Yeah I do have communication issues, I can't talk to egocentric figures of authority. And if I wasn't limited by the communication tools of this forum (if I was talking face to face) I wouldn't have problems typing my ideas. Plus I get annoyed sometimes when people make unfounded assumptions about the occult, and then proceed to speak of them as though they were true.

Well I guess that if you would have read the threads in this forum, the direct remarks on the Aset Ka website or the many chapters in the Asetian Bible you would have avoided embarrassing yourself with such comments, as everyone knows we are not Asetians, nor do we pretend to be. Reaching such information isn't that hard. Actually, it is repeated over and over every time Asetianism is mentioned. Some reading wouldn't harm.

As far as your issues with authority, I believe things will get better as you age and develop some maturity. Many things in the occult will also show under a different perspective, for sure...

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Talibah 19.08.11 11:22

The way you guys talk around here about the Asetian Bible makes you SEEM Asetian. Hence why I said that. It sounds as though you actually worship the damn thing.

It would appear that continues to breed predictable behaviour into their members - past and present.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Daniel09 19.08.11 11:25

Jonathan, perhaps Akura makes a good point, at least in part.

It is well known that within the first part of the Asetian Bible, that Luis Marques states that parts of the Asetian Bible are specifically tampered with in order to keep secret some of the most occult information, only available after initiation. The common practice here of dissecting each passage of the book as if it were law on Vampirism is therefor flawed. We must approach every detail with a hint of skepticism and try to find out if other sources contradict it. Otherwise, we would be blind followers, not Asetianists.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Akura 19.08.11 19:50

Talibah you clearly have not seen some of the behavior on, besides the fact that I hardly ever visit that site. Only in the past two months have I commented a few times, and started a few threads. It is quite rude to make unfounded assumptions about new members on a forum, especially if you don't know them. Talking on the internet has become a very emotionless process, only for the purposes of exchanging ideas.

If you are referring to the fact that new members on don't read the threads, I will agree with you. But I HAVE read the main/basic threads on this forum, and I KNOW that this forum doesn't profess to be Asetian in nature.

It just SEEMS like everyone worships the Asetian Bible as though it were (figuratively speaking) written by Isis/Aset herself! It is not what you say about yourselves, but your attitudes about the Asetian Bible.

By acting as though the Asetian Bible IS absolutely true (as well as stating this about numerous other occultists, ex. Aleister Crowley) you are inadvertently making yourselves like religious sheep, who, as I should point out, follow the damn Bible as though it was the word of God without even proving it to be true (that was what I was trying to say in my first comment).

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Kalb 20.08.11 2:53

Akura, We simply defend what we Love, and it became clear that your lack of respect for others is high... The way you talk about Aset and Asetian Bible bothers me. You came here thinking that your wisdom is the right and that your knowledge is the best. I just don't understand why you said that we are more mature if you don't understand our concept of Belief nor this forum. In fact, your post here prove what i think about human mind and talking about proves you talk like beliefs need prove. I suggest you read again the main point of this subject.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by sungodaurora 20.08.11 3:08


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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by sungodaurora 20.08.11 3:56

Tolerance is the positive and cordial effort to understand another's
beliefs, practices, and habits without necessarily sharing or accepting them.
- Joshua Liebman

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Daniel09 20.08.11 8:05

Stalker, I was under the impression that Asetianism was a philosophy and a way of life, as well as a respect for the Asetians. I have never heard it referred to so strongly as a religion, in a way that is comparable to many other religions around the world. Remember, the AB is a Bible only in the sense that it holds important information, not in the sense that it is a holy work.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Post by Akura 20.08.11 11:45

It appears that I have yet again not explained my ideas in an adequate way. The first post on this thread was about the problems in religion, the second part of that post also spoke of Asetianism as a religion.

Religion is what happens when a group of people take a philosophy and worship it, they make it a static set of rules for their life, and the believe it absolutely. If you open your eyes to this forum most of the people are making Asetianism into a religion. Religion is the cause of all of the problems, not the philosophy behind it (sometimes it is though); when people think that a philosophy is the best to live by they miss all of the others. Not only that but they take this philosophy so far as to kill/die for it, they also become hateful and ignorant of other philosophies.

I love Asetianism, but not as a religion, and the author of the Asetian Bible never intended it to be a religion, but in fact a mix of occult knowledge with an underlying philosophy.

Concluding, the first post asserts that religion has created a lot of problems, the second half is interesting because it says that the individual will is greater than a group will. The problem I see is that this forum treats Asetianism as a religion and not a philosophy, maybe it's just the way you guys word your posts.

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Empty Re: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

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