Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Kalb 04.09.11 10:35

The big bang theory is the best science explanation of how the universe was created. Many religions have some interpretations in diverse ways about big bang. For example, according to Buddhism, the universe itself is subjected to impermanence. This means that has a beginning and an end, it's a cycle that happens forever, where the actual system solar die and a new system solar is created by big bang.

I find interesting the small excerpt on wikipedia that describe Buddhism theory:
When the existing universe is dead, all the beings have to move into a special set of worlds called "Brahma Loka", which are independent of the physical universe. Billions of years after, an empty space is created for a being to have rebirth. A being with strong Karma (past action) enters there. He is called Great Brahma. Due to the will of this being, some other beings also get rebirth in this space as Brahmas. However, the state of Brahmas are only suitable for the beings of higher mental state, i.e. who are not attached to sensual pleasure. Therefore, non-Brahmas want the existence of a physical world. As a result of their collective will, with the help of Great Brahma, a new physical universe with space and time is created. This is the Big Bang. Then the universe gradually evolves into a state where it can host life, where these beings with the desire to have sensual pleasure can get rebirth.”

According to the Christian story of creation, the heaven and earth was created by God. The unique and only omnipotent and omniscient, it would have executed the work in six days and rested on the seventh. He is all and everything come from him. The Islamism shares the same source cosmogony of the Jews and Christians, the writings attributed to the prophet Moses in the Torah.
Much has been said and with time some versions are changed, included Christian version. There is alot of versions, each religion believes that his version is correct. Anyway, i will exclude Akhenaten ideas and keep in mind Buddhism concepts.

According to Book of Nun – Asetian Cosmogony. Amon is the Primordial entity. Not a He or a She. Just something conscious that make possible the demiurge. The universe become complex and the duality is the key for things go on. In fact, life here on earth was created in a conscious form, the creation of the world was certainly a passion of full of talents created by the Gods! Life expande in the body of Geb - The male energy. Not female energy like Wiccan people said. Interesting, Gods create a planet with a period of time, period of “age” and a cycle of rebirths. Evolution to keep people grow, all of us need to be here to grow, to learn, evolution puts us young and fresh, the more we evolved in evolution the more we become young. Unlike the physical world where see age like progress to die. Well, in physical ages seems important, in the case of sun we know that some day will die. There is a idea that sun will die in approximately 5 billion years. What happens after this? What happens with Evolution? Ends? Or a new physical world will be created like buddhism believe? If there is no more physical plane, the mortal soul will become a mindless zombie? Unaware? Or will grow in different aspects? Antoine Lavoisier said an interesting thing: nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed. I would like to know your opinion.
The Love of Geb and Nut is definitely the Bringer of Life. I understand why when two people make love/sex and a child comes...


- Asetian Bibla - Book of Nun.

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Syrianeh 05.09.11 3:20

Very good post, Stalker. I must say this is something I have been thinking over in my mind from time to time.

The Big Bang is, indeed, the best scientific explanation of the creation of the Universe. And curiously enough it is very similar in essence to the description of genesis in the Book of Nun.

The main difference is that the scientific approach describes the moment of creation as a non-conscious, sudden event resulting from a state of extreme heat and density of matter, that was thus expanded.

But, where did matter come from?

The ancient Egyptian and other Eastern theories of creation, such as Hindu, Animistic or even Qranic traditions, stress the existence of a sort of conscience before "the everything". From this conscience's will the initial force and birth of elementary elements of the Universe were set into motion.

For me, one of the most clarifying texts about the nature of the Universe can be found in the Emeral Tablet:

And as all things have been arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.


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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Hierophant 05.09.11 6:28

After examining many different traditions, I am indeed impressed by the Egyptian Creation Myth/Story, as I have read so far in the AB.


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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Jonathan 05.09.11 7:34

Nice post Stalker. You raised interesting questions.

I agree also with Syrianeh and Hierophant on how close the Asetian/Ancient Egpytian cosmogony seems to the views of science in what relates to the creation of the Universe. Of course we're still talking in the realm of myth, which makes everything more confusing because we're dealing with spiritual concepts that need interpretation and can't simply be taken directly. They're filled with symbolism and the meanings are not always obvious.

But back on the Big Bang and the creation of the Universe. This is also a subject that I meditate upon many times. Have sought out for answers and theories in many traditions of the world. It's fascinating to compare them all and see, sometimes, much common ground.

I have no idea how to answer Stalker's question. What happens to evolution when life on Earth ends. Because that will happen, there is no escape from it. It's one of those questions I am very far from reaching an answer or even a well formed idea. Very interesting to discuss, but so beyond our comprehension.

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Kalb 05.09.11 15:48

Book of Nun is Absolutely amazing and fantastic! The form of words and the way that Asetians describe all details talk by itself. I am very glad that you had the same feeling than me. When i want meditate about the universe and get answers ... I simply open the Book of Nun and read...meditate.. I realize that the Work of the Gods is a True Art. When I read other works on the same subject, i feel that big bang is a fiction or something in the same context.

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Natalia 06.09.11 4:37

Just a quick detail. Stalker mentioned Amon as the primordial entity described in the Book of Nun (Asetian Cosmogony). However, I don't think Amon is actually an entity. It's more of an idea, although one we can't possibly understand while incarnated. It represents creation in its most basic form, or raw energy given manifestation. It's a spiritual concept, not a deity.


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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Hierophant 06.09.11 6:02

Natalia wrote:Just a quick detail. Stalker mentioned Amon as the primordial entity described in the Book of Nun (Asetian Cosmogony). However, I don't think Amon is actually an entity. It's more of an idea, although one we can't possibly understand while incarnated. It represents creation in its most basic form, or raw energy given manifestation. It's a spiritual concept, not a deity.


It's part of deity. The creators. Hence Amon Ra.


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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Nebibi 06.09.11 17:31

Greetings all,

I would like to start off by saying that none of us truly know how the universe/existence came into being...or what it really is. We aren't gods, and we weren't there to begin with. For all we know a god named mister bunny could have dreamed about it and we are all in some dream where we think we are real but are not. But then again what is real? That is a deep philosophical question I do not wish to address. It is important to question everything and be able to swallow the possibility that you may be wrong. Try not to read things and make them 'fit' your beliefs, always question.
To address your question: who knows? The gods? if they exist? Perhaps mister bunny can answer that...

But seriously, this is what I think happens: This is only a theory...I believe souls are just that...souls. They are energy and energy never dies. Perhaps they go back to that primordial chaos, I still subscribe to that belief. Some call it Nun, others call it the Acausal, others call it chaos. Just because a second big bang happens doesn't mean the metaphysical dissapears, if it does indeed exist that is. I have a hunch that the big bang was NOT the start of EXISTENCE, rather it was perhaps the first manifestation of the physical. who knows. I believe that before this physical manifestation there was consciousness floating around.

I disagree with somethings being said here:
1. Stalker: You said 'The Love of Geb and Nut is definitely the Bringer of Life. I understand why when two people make love/sex and a child comes...'
-Not all children are born out of a union made through love. A child born out of a rape is an example of a child not born out of a union made through love.

P.S. I don't actually believe in mister bunny. that was a joke hehe

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Kalb 06.09.11 20:12

The Genesis of creation of human evolution has been made through by the love of Gods, the secret is in the cells of Geb and Nut. The symbolism is obtained in diverse views. I believe that every child who comes here to the world, whether for love or for any other reason, their symbolism is linked with the duality of the Gods. Geb and Nut.

Reading your post, Nebibi. I have to show you a conversation from a movie.

Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, or when you go to church or when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.

Conversation from movie The Matrix.

I am not saying that you're blind or slave. In fact, i have this conversation in my mind for some time and i conclude that the conversations is a mirror of what we need to do, not with others but with ourself. With our Self. Of course, that nobody will tell the truth, but will certainly share thoughts in a clear and humbly rather than criticize. Because... The True Truth is only revealed in secret in our liberation like Morpheus said to Neo.

The Earth is fantastic place, full of nature, magick and Life. Understand the concept of Matrix is accept that mystery is a fascinating journey. I gave an example of Geb and Nut, but i also can give the example of the God Ra and Thoth. Both are fundamental to our survival, Both Lived in Sep Tepy. Both are responsible for the dawn and dusk and in this world.. full of diverse type of people (criminals, monsters, pedophiles, and all that is wrong by society and sometimes wrong in our own eyes ...).. The sun and moon never ceased to shine for them, because they are incarnate, are included in the rules of the physical plane. In a sexual act, the secret is in the sperm of the man and when the act is done in love is different to their greatness.
By this, I mean that things are beauty, most of us spoils with ignorance. The Purity of Gods is there, is Real.

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Kalb 06.09.11 20:21

Natalia wrote:Just a quick detail. Stalker mentioned Amon as the primordial entity described in the Book of Nun (Asetian Cosmogony). However, I don't think Amon is actually an entity. It's more of an idea, although one we can't possibly understand while incarnated. It represents creation in its most basic form, or raw energy given manifestation. It's a spiritual concept, not a deity.


I agree with you, Natalia. Thank you explained the detail.

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Nebibi 06.09.11 20:44

I disagree with you, I am a slave actually Razz

Very much so, and I am proud of it. Why? I am a slave to my imperfections and sometimes insecurities. But, I am slave to various things, not only the negative. I am a slave to the need for freedom and a slave to my mind, to think, freely and thoroughly, a slave to the quest of knowledge. I am proud because I admit that I am a slave, unlike various others who do not.

Can you prove to me the gods are real? No, you can not. Can a Muslim prove to me Allah is real? No. Can a christian prove to me that their god is real? No. Many will say 'you have to feel it, you have to believe it'. But if I must make myself believe something then that is just a figment of my imagination and not a god.
Also this 'feeling' could simply be attributed to an emotion. What you are going on and speaking from here is what I like to call 'faith'. For it is in the belief of something you have not seen or felt or experienced that you base your philosophy. That is fine. I respect that. But just know that it doesn't apply to everyone, and there isn't one truth for everyone.

Oh and by the way, I believe it takes a sperm and an egg to make a child. There is a beauty in biology, yes. This is duality.

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Talibah 07.09.11 1:01

But if I must make myself believe something then that is just a figment of my imagination and not a god.

If you must make yourself believe anything then you aren't really believing it at all.


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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Nebibi 07.09.11 5:44

I wasn't talking about myself...I should rephrase. If one must make themselves believe in something then it is just a figment of their imagination. I was trying to explain how 'faith' does this to people, it makes them believe in odd things. Which is fine, it becomes a problem when they become delusional. I am not saying that anyone here is delusional. I am just saying that we should all keep in mind that we aren't gods or omniscient beings. We can, in fact, be wrong and that what someone else believes may be different but that doesn't make it wrong.

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by sungodaurora 09.09.11 15:27

This is an interesting topic and stalker good post!
ok taking into consideration that these are loaded questions as each question here relates to each individual here and their own personal ideal of what they have come to accept for them at the end of this life time. Lol.. . I must confess that I do not believe or am confident in one thing I state here in my personal opinions. But I am confident in knowing that my mind is always open and aware to new ideas and opinions as this is the only way that we can evolve, grow and learn! However here are some ideas.. There are so many levels that are not even discussed here going with fact that it goes much deeper than just Geb and Nut as it get more complex in multiples if for example you look at the tree of life and the opposite tree of life and all their levels. Down to d.n.a and so on… There is a pantheon of gods!
Because there is so much in all that exist no I do not believe it will all just end. Maybe we have to evolve more as souls before being granted another physical plane? Maybe we all break down in such a complex matter that it takes us awhile to regroup and evolve into something once pure and good? Maybe we are in a constant cycle until we can embrace evolution and truly evolve and move on? Let’s not forget the mind itself is a truly unique gift in itself, without it, questions like this would not be brought up at all! Whatever happens I am happy to know that I was a part of this cycle of evolution, in this lifetime. Nothing is easy, but there is so much to be loved and cherished and meditate on, to have a mind and watch it grow though out the ages. physical development and spiritual. The gods are here! “spoils with ignorance” Stalker Indeed

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Kalb 11.09.11 6:36


Keep in mind the topic of Maktub: as a main point of deep meditation. In fact, i create this subject here because is more "physical" and easy to debate and study. I still not answer him because i feel that i possue a lack of wisdom and knowledge in the subject that he write. I hope one day to do it with a greater understanding. First of all, it's important to understand the concept of Matrix, we was blessed with life and we need understand our purpose of Life. Reading the chapter: Book of Nun - Asetian Bible, we read "Until the end of days." and in the chapter of Immortality we read too: "Until the end of time", and as i mentioned before the sun will die and Life here in Earth will end. I just started to add up 1 + 1 = 2 ... +1 = 3. Life itself, it is fantastic, Life is about Evolution, but more than this is about Inspiration. The yogi Patanjali says, “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations; your consciousness expands in every direction; and you find yourself in a great, new, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.
I identify myself with some words of Patanjali, he was very clear when said "Inspired" instead of greed or interest, seems that everyone follow Life with greed and interest not goes very away, Most of humans choices religions, different path to obtain Immortality, the famous quote: "If you want eternal life, come, be loyal to us and God will bless you", polluted the true concept of essence of Immortality given by all religions in the world. Asetianism is not different, people go with the same vision that human mind has about Immortality and try something with Asetians. Most of them fail in time because they wish something that can't have. Victor, write an interesting article about Asetians: It's clear too that Asetians don't call anyone to give Immortality, everyone that feel Asetians close is about Attracted, beacon or whatever you want call. Inspiration is one of my words to describe Asetians. The point of Evolution is Purpose, some don't have any purpose and become selfish, jealous. Freedom is a Purpose, to be Asetianst is part of Purpose. Death? It's Honor.
I believe that each person has a code of ethic. Some centuries ago, the samurai person was a very proud person, so that his name be dishonored him perform seppuku, because in its code of ethics was better to die with honor than live without it.


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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Jonathan 11.09.11 7:40

Both links you posted bring us to very good discussions. It's never too much to read some of those ideas again, especially Victor's post on the life of the Asetians. I realize many of us make assumptions all the time, myself included, and how many of those assumptions can often be so wrong. If it doesn't come from an Asetian, we should always doubt. Only them can tell us the truth about themselves anyways. We all know this, but we often forget it.

You also spoke about inspiration, and I liked what you said. Inspiration is an important force, and one much related with the power of Asetianism. We lost count how many of us have grown and evolved from such inspiration. How many lives were touched and changed. It's very interesting.

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Big Bang, Start of Life and Death. Empty Re: Big Bang, Start of Life and Death.

Post by Naoom 09.01.17 1:14

Stalker,in order for the bing bang theory to be true there should be a time before creation and that means there never was a beggining,the universe always existed.This also explains how the Christian myth of creation is also wrong.Nebibi ,saying that noone knows how the Universe was created and we are not Gods shows ignorance.You tend to not believe without facts when it comes to religion but when it comes to creation or divinity you just park your mind and believe something that you have not proven.It has been proven that the universe always existed.Many humans say the same excuse when they do a mistake ''Nobody is perfect,everyone makes mistakes''.This way they will always mistake since they have accepted their imperfections and they will never try to become something better.In fact Some have achieved perfection and Many don't do mistakes.

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Post by Naoom 09.01.17 11:49

I just realized I was aggresive,in a way.I am sorry,that wasn't my intention.Also it wasn't my intention to make you believe that I am perfect or I that I am Divine.I don't say anything like that.

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