Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Kalb 08.12.11 13:38

I want share with you my meditations moments without considering an absolute truth or something like that. I prefer to consider this article a theory or a important detail.
The Master @LuisMarques wrote a tweet that made me jump for joy, because, I think it proved what I always tried to prove. One of the infinite paths to find Asetianism is by the stars ...

"Truth is an ethereal pond hidden among the stars. ☥" @LuisMarques

Well, the study of the stars is something that has grown with the evolution of science and for this reason many things we have learned in the point of modern science. Anyway, The International Astronomical Union divided the sky into 88 official constellations with precise boundaries. They were baptized according to ancient Greece. This means that perhaps we may be limited to the vision we have of the stars ... I would say that we watch the sky and observe the stars like we living Asetianism ... In a free mode, is to die in everything we learned from modern science and reborn with all our perceives with the freedom to feel and follow our instincts through the stars. I'm fascinated about the debate over Freedom ( ), it's very important to understand the method of any Asetianist....
There was a time when the religion control the world, a time where many things were copied and adapted. We know all this. We also know that the Christian Bible is a book full of contradictions. Reading the part of religion in the Asetian Bible i felt that should take another look at the Christian Bible and that's what i did. To my surprise i noticed a detail that made me change my ideas about Christian Bible. In the view of the religious the book of Job is one of the wisdom books of the Old Testament and the Tanakh, is considered the masterpiece of the Wisdom literature. It is also considered one of the most beautiful stories of race and faith and Amos was a biblical prophet, coming of the Kingdom of Judah, who developed his teaching during the reign of Jeroboam II, about the year 750 BC. Well. The two have something in common ... Orion:

  • Who made the Bear and Orion, and the Pleiades, and the store-houses of the south: Job 9:9

  • Are the bands of the Pleiades fixed by you, or are the cords of Orion made loose? Job 38:31

  • Go for help to him who makes Orion and the Pleiades, by whom the deep dark is turned into morning, who makes the day black with night; whose voice goes out to the waters of the sea, sending them out over the face of the earth: the Lord is his name; Amos 5:8

Does it make sense to name Orion? My theory is simple, Orion is there as a hint, a tip for all those who are lost in the grip of manipulation and not able to free himself. We are affected by our past, our own unconscious leads us to places we do not understand but we feel good... later we understand our affections. This is the method why Orion is there, a hint that moves in every heart a strange and unexplicable feeling about Orion. The Orion term was originated in ancient Greece and was derivate of the Akkadian “uru-anna” meaning light of heaven. In fact, Orion is present in most cultures, from culture to culture the message was always included. We know that Aset Ka is not a closed shell of information, They are in everywhere and Asetianists are in everywhere too... Many of the Asetianists and Disciples need and have the thirst to find Asetianism, the cycle of incarnations is a battle to return home. To me it is very clear that information about Orion was placed purposely, who put it is the big question.In fact, Asetians were never far from us, always gave us hints to get Them in all these years.
There is another tweet from Master @LuisMarques very interesting about Orion:

Orion is glowing strong in the dark sky at the Temple, carrying the same message it did so many ages ago. Full of memories... ☥ - @LuisMarques

Orion is so mysterious and so bright ...

The Old Testament has interesting details, i just ask myself a question: For some time we living in the Djehuty of the Crocodile and as we know the ROS dominated the world so.. It's possible that ROS allow this information within the Bible of Jews? Or They never read the Old Testament especially Amos and Job and this infomation passed along Them?

Anyway, the Pleiades is another detail.. While Orion is about 3 stars, the Pleiades is about 7 stars.. Why not associate with the Daemons of Aset?

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Jonathan 09.12.11 8:00

You're going through a great moment Stalker! I can tell…
Several intelligent posts that show your awareness and commitment to learning more and more every day. I have been inspired by your posts. Even with the obvious language barrier that you face talking with us in English you can be clear and make great points. Thanks again!

As most of you know, I was a Pagan for many years before finding Asetianism, so my knowledge of the Christian bible is very limited. I was quite surprised reading the quotes you selected from the Book of Job and the longer passage from Amos. I was familiar with the importance of Orion to the Asetians and their followers, as well as its role in the spirituality and metaphysics behind the pyramids of Giza, and how all of this is connected in Asetianism. I have always been fascinated with that, even though most secrets around it are not known to us. Your findings in Christian religious literature are interesting and really raise some questions if the influence in those major religions has been merely maintained by Sethian hands and the ROS or if in fact the Asetians also held some hidden power over it. I have no answers to your post, just more questions. I'll have to spend some time meditating about it and doing more research.

Stalker wrote:The Old Testament has interesting details, i just ask myself a question: For some time we living in the Djehuty of the Crocodile and as we know the ROS dominated the world so.. It's possible that ROS allow this information within the Bible of Jews? Or They never read the Old Testament especially Amos and Job and this infomation passed along Them?
Of course they read all those texts and are aware of what you discovered. The Children of Seth are very wise. Why they allowed this information to remain in the open is a mystery, but maybe this benefits both Sethians and Asetians. Never forget that the Sethian tradition, their real spiritual tradition celebrated in secret, is nothing more than their own interpretation of the Asetian teachings. It's Asetianism as understood by Seth, if you will. Finding the Asetians, leads you to find the Sethians as well, and the other way around. It's all interconnected…

I'm inclined to agree with you that such old writings you quoted might not be random. The connection becomes clear to those that know what they are reading and have their eyes open for such details from the Asetian tradition. Asetian details are really everywhere in history, only waiting for us to find them. Most fascinating.

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Kalb 09.12.11 13:16

Thank you of your words, Jonathan. I'm very inspired by you and all of our community. It's very good that exist a place like this here, where all Asetianists feel the same passionate. It's amazing share and learn here. I'm thankful of all things happens here.

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Post by Victor 11.12.11 9:19

Jonathan wrote:The Children of Seth are very wise. Why they allowed this information to remain in the open is a mystery, but maybe this benefits both Sethians and Asetians. Never forget that the Sethian tradition, their real spiritual tradition celebrated in secret, is nothing more than their own interpretation of the Asetian teachings. It's Asetianism as understood by Seth, if you will. Finding the Asetians, leads you to find the Sethians as well, and the other way around. It's all interconnected…
This is a good point and something that many seekers are not aware in early stages of their studies.

Asetianism is only one, as it was taught by Aset. Her children, the Asetians, have their own view of her words. Seth interpreted some of those words differently, and so do his children. The spiritual tradition is the same: Asetianism. Just how you interpret such complex spirituality varies.
Both of their beliefs and practices are very similar. The reasons that turned them against each other in battle are their own, and have nothing to do with us or how we see Asetianism.

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Syrianeh 11.12.11 14:41

I am very happy to see new activity on the Forum, and such fascinating kind too. I have not had the right frame of mind to contribute to this but I hope I can in the near future. You are more inspiring every day, Stalker. Thank you.

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Post by Hioman 11.12.11 16:22


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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Maxx 11.12.11 18:20


I consider this as one of the greatest statements I have ever read on this site.

"Asetianism is only one, as it was taught by Aset. Her children, the Asetians, have their own view of her words. Seth interpreted some of those words differently, and so do his children. The spiritual tradition is the same: Asetianism. Just how you interpret such complex spirituality varies.
Both of their beliefs and practices are very similar. The reasons that turned them against each other in battle are their own, and have nothing to do with us or how we see Asetianism."

It allows a more balanced and clear view of things if one keeps it in mind.

To stalker....I would say that it appears that the translation of the material used in the Book of Amos was some of the worst ever used. You might care to check this statement out.

Also, around 3300 BC it appears that the priesthood (and you can see which group this time frame is situated within) created what the Christians know of today as the Satan aspect. It was created by an enlightened priesthood to control the population through fear and guilt and the afterlife and they maintained secrets somewhat like what is called the secret societies of today.

They had those that were considered of great potential that would be brought into the fold and then placed on a path of study to see if they would develop into the desired leaders within the priesthood. If not, they were not allowed to go farther into the secret base of knowledge. Basically, talking about Greater and lesser teachings.

Those that were rather talented but were found not to be the best, would be held on the outer fringe without being taken into the secret inner and greater teachings and they would be the barrier between the rituals and religion between the people and the actual priesthood. (Sounds somewhat like the Freemasons of today, doesn't it? As well as the Church teachings.) But the big misunderstanding today regarding the freemasons is that there are two groups which are the esoteric freemasons and the other is the good ole boy network which has no knowledge of the real secrets within the esoteric group but work to give the appearance of good deeds. Washington DC HQ just holds the esoteric group at arms length until they can decide which direction they really want to go......but that is entirely another story.....and when you see that the Masonic teachings are designed and constructed from a Hebrew perspective, you begin to see the design.

Anyway, that, Mr Victor presented a great view. Thanks for inputing that.



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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Jonathan 12.12.11 7:34

Syrianeh wrote:I am very happy to see new activity on the Forum, and such fascinating kind too. I have not had the right frame of mind to contribute to this but I hope I can in the near future. You are more inspiring every day, Stalker. Thank you.
I agree. Very nice to see such interesting contributions lately. There is so much to learn and I'm loving the journey! Smile

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Kalb 12.12.11 15:57

Maxx: I confess that I don't understand much of what you said. Anyway, I shared with you the basic version of English, the version that had an easier to understand in my eyes. But, there is others versions of English like American Standard, John Nelson, King James, New International version, etc.. The message is the same. The point is there to be observed. The Asetians give us the incentive to study and research about others cultures and religions because They believe that Truth can be found outside of the Asetianism Circle. The truth must be found by us, the truth brings us to the True spiritual path. It's important to remember the details we picking up in our study, because this brings us to the path that I mentioned before.

Another thing, the priesthood did not create anything, just adapted. Nor in beginning they control the population through fear and guilt, they only get a system to control the population through in its own weakness and insecurity. The Judaism was about one God, The devil does not existed yet, was a time there was no evil but the punishment.... Let's say that the beginning of slavery start. Was not a time of fear but a time of cowardice, which failed to do his own Will just for not to be punished by God. Some time later, an ancient Persian prophet named Zoroaster, created the Zoroastrianism concept. He was very simple with the concept, but at the same time very effective, some of his beliefs like heaven, resurrection, the last judgement and the coming of a messiah, come to influence to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It's here that the fear began ...From now things have changed, the Zoroastrianism were created two deities of Good and Evil and were both adapted, including the concept: Good Wins Evil. It is no coincidence that in the beginning of Judaism all were punished and later the version changed...
The whole process about Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianism and Islamism involves a large study and who knows if we do not find much information about the Asetianism? I believe so.

Jonathan: I considerer your post very intellectual.

Victor: Interesting way to describe Asetianism. Hours before you post here an old friend of mine told me the same thing in words very similar to yours. Hope someday she can respond and give her point of view here.

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Maxx 12.12.11 16:59

Sorry Stalker.....I did make a major mistake....
My mind was thinking of Ezra when I typed Amos when I read your it was completely my misinformation. Ezra could not understand what he was trying to translate from the hieroglyphics he was attempting to read written by Moses..not Amos... and his statements were off in several ways....and that reminds me somewhat of what is said regarding E.A. Wallis Budge in that his work leaves much to be desired in translation.

And when I mentioned the priesthood.....I referred to a corruption of the priesthood and then how they invented heaven and hell and Satan, etc, during this time period, to control the population. It has been stated that the errors in the translations by Ezra of these writings that were drawn up in hieroglyphics by Moses, when Ezra was writing these over into the Hebrew language, are responsible in several ways for the misconception of God and the creation story out of the christian bible.

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Jonathan 12.12.11 18:51

Thanks Stalker. Smile

I agree with Maxx, Victor's post was good and his message important. One we sometimes forget in our studies.

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Kalb 17.12.11 21:13

We know that ancient Greece has had a great power in the translations and religious growth. So .. I want to add one new interpretation. A hunter is someone that control their prey, habits, trips, times, etc.. in this method, the hunter can choice if attack or not or then simply avoid attack.. Just observing and controlling. In our life we must be a hunter and not a prey and is usually usual, people are prey instead of hunters. The biggest example of this is how we are dominated by the daily routine, becoming a prey of habit... I like very much of some chapters of Carlos Castaneda books(Teachings of Don Juan). Mainly about Hunters, very interesting view.
Anyway, taking the hunter and prey to religion We can see that exist millions of prey within of religion paths, this is why religion people is called sheep of God. The Flock of God. The sheep are all in their pasture, waiting for God, because they do not want to be dead, so God is the hunter. Decides who lives and who does not live... The term “sheep” is funny pass unnoticed by the eyes of the world and considering the numbers of sheep's that God killed, make him a serial killer. This is why religion has too much power .. because there are great hunters watching their prey (humanity) and give them what they need.
I believe that in ancient Greece there was a lot of mystery and many clever ways of dealing with the manipulation, in fact, interesting details that come from Greece as I said before. In Greek mythology Orion represents the hero, the great hunter and it is precisely here that I begin to believe a different version. While we have a version in the Bible which tells us about how to become a prey (sheep) in mythology we have the story of a true warrior. So I gain the courage to tell you that it is a new hint that for all that search about Orion must understand the symbolism, to find who makes Orion need be a Hunter not a prey.

What do you think?

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Jonathan 18.12.11 12:45

Remember that the Greeks, just like the Romans, copied most of their knowledge from the Egyptians and the science of Kemet.

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Kalb 18.12.11 12:47

Jonathan wrote:Remember that the Greeks, just like the Romans, copied most of their knowledge from the Egyptians and the science of Kemet.

Yes. I just add 1 + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3... Things like that.

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Jonathan 18.12.11 12:53

Ok but 1 + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3 is invalid because 1 + 1 is not 3!

lol Just messing with you...

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Decrypt the words behind blind eyes. Empty Re: Decrypt the words behind blind eyes.

Post by Kalb 18.12.11 13:07

It is possible .. when the count is wrong. Lame

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