A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Maxx 20.12.11 19:16

Today, my excitement overfloweth.......

I found a book which detailed the actions of leaving the body (astral projection) to meet Masters in a higher dimension. It is titled "A Search in Secret Egypt" by Dr. Paul Brunton written in 1938. I found total agreement of my statements regarding the initiation with the priesthood and the training of the Pharaoh in the past within the Great Pyramid that I made in the posting about the "Body of Osiris". Dr. Brunton spent the night in the King's Chamber and met higher beings.

He was taken out of his body and was addressed by a High Priest (from the Book)...."My son, came a murmur from the High Priest, "it matters not whether thou discoverest the door or not. Find but the secret passage within the mind that will lead thee to the hidden chamber within thine own soul, and thou shalt have found something worthy indeed. The mystery of the Great Pyramid is the mystery of thine own self. The secret chambers and ancient records are all contained in thine own nature. The lesson of the Pyramid is that man must turn inward, must venture to the unkown centre of his being for to find his soul, even as he must venture to the unknown depths of this temple to find its profoundest secret"

"My son, the mighty lords of the secret powers have taken thee into their hands. Thou art to be led into the Hall of Learning tonight, " he explained dispassionately. "Stretch thyself out upon this stone! In olden days it would have been within that yonder, upon a bed of papyrus reeds," and he pointed to the coffin like sarcophagus. (This statement I found very interesting to me...(Maxx).)

The Dr. goes on to describe an apparent racking of his body and then seeing himself being taken out of his body and standing there looking back at himself.

I found this account after my writing of the other post which seems to verify an account very similar to this.

He states....."I was but a phantom, a bodiless creature sojourning in space. I knew , at last, why those wise Egytians of old had given, in their hieroglyphs, the pictured symbol of the bird to man's soul form. I had experienced an increased sense of height and breath, a spreading out just as though I had a pair of wings. Had I not risen into the air and remained floating above my discarded body, even as a bird rises into the sky and remains circling around a point. Yes, the bird symbol was a true one.

Dr Brunton says the High Priest made a statement that the GP was built during the time of the Atlantis........"Take back with thee the warning that when men forsake their Creator and look on their fellows with hate, as with the princes of Atlantis in whose time this Pyramid was built, they are destroyed by the weight of their own iniquity, even as the people Atlantis were destroyed. It was not the Creator who sank Atlantis, but the selfishness, the cruelty, the spiritual blindness of the people who dwelt on those doomed islands.

After being shown the central lesson, an old Priest spoke and said....."Thou has now learned the great lesson. Man, whose soul was born out of the Undying, can never really die, Set down this truth in words known to Men. "

The book basically agrees with my thoughts that in order to find the meaning of the GP, one must OBE or Astral out of body and go into a higher dimension to learn the lessons we strive to learn here in this lifetime of a lower vibrational element.

All being said, I found this a very interesting book for myself......Maybe others will enjoy it also... Thanks for spending a moment of your time with me.


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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Victor 20.12.11 20:05

Some of those passages are in tune with the Asetian teachings where they state that the pyramids were no tombs, but advanced initiatory temples with powerful chambers of initiation created by their elder priests.

The part on Atlantis, I don't personally agree with. I have my own understanding, further developed after an enlightening private conversation with Maktub years ago, where I see Atlantis not as a real continent but as a symbol for the Sep Tepy. It refers to a time when Gods ruled Egypt, and that time was in fact much older than the time of the human pharaohs that we know about. That is indeed the time of the first construction of the pyramids, and the "sank of Atlantis" people talk about in myth is the perfect symbol for the fall of that golden era. The beauty, magick, honor and purity of those times was destroyed or at least forgotten by the selfishness, cruelty and spiritual blindness of mankind. So in spiritual terms, it was a very much literal fall and drowning. Not the drowning of a whole physical continent, but of an idea, a balance and a path. It is also a time you all may know as the Djehuty of the Scorpion or the Sep Tepy, the First Time.

I know that many Atlantis purists out there might not agree with this view, but I just wanted to leave it out there as food for thought and to share something that resulted from my own personal studies.

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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by witchmark 28.02.12 8:24

I found this thread very very interesting. As it actually gives some form of verification....not entirely mind you but it is a start. I had come across a spirit without form....that is the only way I can describe my experience during an OBE. He stated that during a long conversation that Atlantis was not to be found under the sea but was something else altogether. The thought that it would be an idea, a balance and a path makes sense. I will have to return to my notes that I took over that experience.

Thank you Maxx and Victor.


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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Maxx 28.02.12 12:39

Atlantis, Stars, Mental Photography, Destruction.......

This will not be a quick reply....sorry........Both Victor and witchmark gave me insight into what I am about to post. Read and do not readily accept it.....no. Heck, you probably will not anyway.....smiling....but consider it anyway.
Read and check it out yourself and determine for yourself.......

I will tie all this together at the end so please bear with me....

Something in a post by Stalker came off the page and stood out in a glaring way and I could not understand why....for two days. So I decided to ask what was going on. Under water in the shower immediately it came through.

I am not one to be interested in astrology, or even astronomy. So when Stalker says he observes Stars.....I went back and could see the ancient people viewing the sky.....they had no TV, news media, metal rock etc...you know the story. But I wanted to know why the pictures of the Bull, the Warrior, the Twins, etc. was first used to point this out to mankind. Association. Higher Beings teaching humans in development beginning to speak in sigils or signs to humans teaching the subconscious and then moving it to the conscious. Humans had greater development in the spirit realm at that time. The whole issue of advancement of the human to a higher level was the goal. Meditation allowed the higher Masters access to us and connect and teach so we could progress. Maybe the sky was our first computer programming to reach us.

Now in time, The sigils are used to connect with the spirit beings in some cases as we call up and make connection with the spirt world. The sky sigils and the occult sigils of beings I can now see how these are very closely related. This has continued through many long periods of time. Ancient Egypt used the programming methods connecting with the spirit of mankind to train the person in advancement. Going into the astral and mental realm was the first real step in connecting with higher power and beings. The advancement of the human on the planet really comes from that other side as we know that nothing can be formed here without it first taking thought form in the higher realm. Then we create it here.

Atlantis, whether real, or a form created in story format to create a thought form to teach from, I will approach as being one and the same.....no matter how you view it as it means the same. Advancement was made due to education over a period of time which raised the ability of mankind to what we see today (in some cases. LOL). There has always been the higher Masters watching over this whole process. The human element being what it is, allowed the selfish aspects mentioned in that book I mentioned above, and also quoted by Victor, to take us toward a dark element instead of towards the light. The early Priesthood turned rotten and found the use of higher advancement of knowledge as a means to control others and then through it's misdirection learned how to control others to build themselves up while manipulating the herd. This misuse of power is what destroyed our world, or Atlantis, or it gives us a picture of what not to do........The advancement of mankind was real whether it was in the physical realm or in the astral realm....either way it was accomplished. And then through misuse, it caused its own destruction. The illustration of the battles between the Aset Ka and the ROS can be seen as being very real even from written history. Some sort of misuse of power was in evidence here.

Now, I forward in time to a ad I looked at very closely. It first appears beginning in the year 1977 and was introduced by a Dr. Richard Welch, named the father of mental photography. Referred to as Whole Brain learning, photographic memory, and today called eidetic imagery as it can be taught and learned by almost anyone. Children use it the 1st 5 years of their life and then it is shut down by the methods taught in the government schools. The entire poplulation has access to this learning method but it is rarely used. It asked the question, are we feeding our brains enough info as food for it to nourish properly?

This study found most learning disabilities such as dyslexia, and even what some call mental retardation, are conscious level disabilities for the most part. It found that the subconscious mind in these people is still intact and functioning normally. (This process I am showing gives you the idea how the darker element of humankind will be using this in the same manner that it was used in the destruction of the illustration of Atlantis). So step away from Normal for a moment. It is possible to raise the so-called "I.Q." of the large majority of mankind efficiently. To get there, it says, we must learn and exercise this mental technology to reach higher levels of learning.

It says that, someday, books may no longer be the method of choice by information hungry people as it is very tedious to turn pages fast enough. (Achieving a minimum of reading 25,000 words a minute an retaining 100% for the rest of your life is a start here) Instead, we may may have machines in the home and in schools like the tachistoscope that flash information on a screen rapidly so a person can access all the known informantion on a topic and have a mental command of a particular subject. NOW>>>HERE IS WHERE I CAME UP OUT OF MY CHAIR........Could there be a cable channel in the future that plays volumes of data on demand on any subject that you desire? Perhaps, data at these new learning levels will be available through the "information highway" which is right around the corner. These products will only be feasible if enough people are exposed to this new technology............meaning that your mind can be trained to watch quick flipped pictures or words of (Sigils) to convey any subject at a high rate of speed and you will be retaining this info......enter the cable news channel. We all know that there is no such thing as a news information channel today. All is programming. None are balanced at all. Actually none can be truthful at all. You are being given only the things the powers that be want you to be exposed to and then condition you to accept and conform to a way of thinking. Their way of thinking. Polls are conducted to determine how well the programming is succeeding....Then if the goal is not working well enough, then the programming can be changed....hence another poll to determine how you accepted your programming and how well it is working,,,,or yet another change on the way to finalize success.

This is when I instantly saw those that are controlling the earth behind the scenes at present picking this up as the new programming method to continue to control and program mankind. Again, history repeating itself just as the corrupt priesthood using methods to gain control. If this happens, then I can see the higher Masters letting the earth cleanse itself of the corruption again, just as before, and starting over again. Seems like every 13,000 years there is a roll over. Those that live in the light behind the scenes (and you know that which I refer), cannot allow the darkness to again continue and take over the planet without coming forth to stop this carnage.

The answer in my mind as how to by pass this situation of being controlled is to take on your work very seriously of entering the Spirit Realm and getting the info for your advancement firsthand, without letting the corruption of the dark side take you over. You must learn to enter the Spirit world and enable the Masters to teach you instead of learning from humans and accepting their words from books, and seminars, etc. Go to the source to get the real truth. Learn to OBE and meet those that will teach you as I see Witchmark has done. Your teachers, just as those that connect in the realm of the Aset Ka are more than ready and willing to help you advance. This is a serious time in our planet. You need to be a major part in the advancement first of yourself, and then helping others. If each bought an Asetian Bible and then gave it to just one person that never heard of it, then you have helped in a small way. This is a better method than implanting a card with another internet address on it to help a con man advance his own agenda, which we recently saw in another posting.....

But,,,,anyway, investigate yourself. I only put this forth for your consideration, not to impose a direction.

Thank you....Witchmark and Victor.....for your posting.



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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Maxx 28.02.12 12:53

one major thing I missed and failed to point out in the above. The Masters can instantly input within your spirit the same large piece of information that was illustrated like the 25,000 words a minute and you will retain it. I am saying you can obtain this same level of advancement on the Spirit realm and know it is for the advancement of mankind.......not receiving it from humans and then being controlled with the physical process. Now you get the full picture of my post.


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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Jonathan 28.02.12 13:19

That was a very interesting post, Maxx. You gave me much to think about and meditate...

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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Kalb 28.02.12 14:34

I agree with Jonathan. Some part of what you said Maxx are really interesting. Thank's for your advices.

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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by witchmark 28.02.12 14:52

I am going to join Jonathon and Stalker here, Maxx. Something to consider and take to meditation.


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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Syrianeh 29.02.12 4:04

Thank you, Maxx. This was an interesting and mind-opening post.

No doubt, striving for a better connection with the Higher Beings is the work of a lifetime. If it's seen as a means towards changing the world, and not an Ego trip. In the latter case, it will never work, as an Ego-driven will usually works as a barrier towards guidance from evolved beings. So my opinion is that once you've managed to reach the higher state where Guides await, it's a sign that you are already deserving of it.

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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Syrianeh 29.02.12 7:43

Also, Maxx, what you say reminds me a lot of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophical Society, which was - as you know - founded upon more ancient principles of communion between Nature and the Divine from observation, intuition and deep meditation. It implies that true Knowledge resides within every one of us, subsconsciously, but that Knowledge must be re-learnt through many means, from simple observation of the world to transcendental communion with ethereal beings.

This is very akin to the main Thelemic motto: "As above, so below".

And it completely resonates with the teachings and subtle guidance of the Aset Ka.

The world's population is mostly asleep and unaware of all this. As you well say, it's manipulated and broken. There's a shift coming on a greater awareness, and perhaps - though probably not within our present lifetimes - we will see Atlantis unveil itself. Smile

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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Maxx 29.02.12 8:04

Intersting observation....because I have recently found the writings of Franz Hartmann and his writings have made a great impression on me....below comes from Wikipedia regarding him....

Franz Hartmann (22 November 1838, Donauwörth - 7 August 1912, Kempten im Allgäu) was a German physician, theosophist, occultist, geomancer, astrologer, and author. His works include several books on esoteric studies and biographies of Jakob Böhme and Paracelsus. He translated the Bhagavad Gita into German and was the editor of the journal Lotusblüten. He was at one time a co-worker of Helena Blavatsky at Adyar. In 1896 he founded a German Theosophical Society. He also supported the Guido-von-List-Society (Guido-von-List-Gesellschaft).

According to Theodor Reuss he was one of the original founders of the magical Order that would later be known as Ordo Templi Orientis, along with Reuss and Carl Kellner.

How insightful you are to have found that in my messages.


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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Jonathan 29.02.12 8:13

Syrianeh please bear in mind that "As above, so below" is the major principle of Hermeticism, I wouldn't say a Thelemic motto. It is indeed also used in Thelema in the same way that it has borrowed many other of its principles from older traditions, which Crowley loved to do. lol
I think the origins are related with Thoth from what I have read...

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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Syrianeh 29.02.12 8:25

Thanks, Maxx. Actually, it wasn't insight, but... a strange case of synchronicity. I had just read your post and then I went back to reading a novel I've got in my hands at the moment, "The Accidental Time Machine", where the protagonist leap jumps forwards in the future. In one of these possible futures he comes upon a society where Tecnology has been changed to Theosophy. And then I thought "why does this seem to make total sense regarding the Vampirism Forum"? And came to the above conclusion. Smile

Only, in my novel, the future society was rather manipulated and retrogade. But then again, it's all fiction - or is it?!

Jonathan, you are very right and I stand corrected. JUst as I mentioned Theosophy from the point of view of Helena Blavatsky and Max has rightfully noted that it goes back quite a long time. I was trying to set an example from a moment in time that we could actually relate to.

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A Night Inside the Great Pyramid Empty Re: A Night Inside the Great Pyramid

Post by Jonathan 29.02.12 9:22

I understand what you mean don't worry. Smile I just made the comment as other members may be interested in Thelema or Hermeticism so making that detail clear. If you ask me I would say that Thelema stole from Hermeticism which in their turn stole from Ancient Egypt, but of course this is only an opinion. study

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