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Immortality Empty Immortality

Post by Kalb 08.01.12 9:24

Em Hotep,

We know a soul when we understand their heart. The power that exists in every soul is power won for their commitment and effort .. the dedication and the mysteries of life is something that goes grow with our evolution. In life we must have a purpose, we need to be a hunter of knowledge to get wisdom and to move on, that's what makes us powerful... the courage to move on. we have the power to fight for what we believe, Power defines who we are and do. For example, in Ancient times in Egypt the Asetians created the Temples and the Pyramids, throughout this time until today, we know of their art, we know their power because of their creations. Only people with power can create things with Power! Asetians are people of Power! In the Asetian Bible the God Seth is represented by the symbol of Was (Power) showing us that the Sethians are also people of Power. (I can also say that the symbol is represented by Was(Power) because of fights over the Throne, the desire of kingdom). The Power creates in us a link in order to be available in the cycle of incarnations, live, feel and fight for what we believe is be possible until we reaches the limit of our forces and begin to die slowly putting an end to our destination, the death of our soul. In the beginning Asetians were mortals, Our Goddess Aset made sure of this, teaching Them many mysteries about life and when Aset Felt That They were ready, She Kissed Them to Eternal Life. Making it accessible immortality to all who remain loyal and followers of Asetians.

"To their secret and silent group Aset called Aset Ka, as a direct symbol of their true origins – the Essence of Isis, the Ka of Aset. And so She said and marked in blood, that those loyal to Her, would be forever loyal to them, because they were one. In Her Dark Kiss She engraved Her holy sigil deep in their very souls, that would forever be their Asetian Mark, and they would do the same to their followers."
The Dark Kiss in our days is extremely rare, need approval of their Master to the Apprentices become a dark child, as our Goddess Aset did with His Children...
To be Asetian is to die and be reborn, is to forget all Learned and learning all They forgotten is a cycle that will continue until the end of time...This is Power!
The world view about Immortality is very similar, taking a case or two, everything will be the same. We live, and after death there will be a decision for where we go. There is no purpose before Death, there is no desire to where to go after death and in every incarnation they will be like fallen leaves in the wind with no Power.

A servitor is highly advanced form of magick, the sorcerer put his own Will in the servitor and he lives according to the Will of their founder. It's clear that servitors are not immortal, but can survive more than a lifetime of human race. Of course, that i am talking about Royal Servitors created by Asetians. Thus demonstrating the power that its founder put in its creation. The strong desire for life. A desire for life that many humans are unable to feel because of their lack of power... Life is Power, to feel life we need Power, our Inner Power.

For many people, proves is needed, scientists do experiments to find proves for and against scientific theories. The detectives seek proves demonstrating who committed crimes. Proves may take very different forms. In Asetianism only who really prove that deserve an opportunity doors are open...Immortality is superior to Power, immortality symbolizes the eternal life and power over the life .. For most of the human race, Power is so superior that they can't support in they lifes ... How they can understand immortality without understand their inner Power? Immortality is not a question of wanting ... is a matter of being prepared or not.

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Immortality Empty Re: Immortality

Post by Noctis 11.08.18 7:44

The writing by Kalb in this thread awoke in me a question.

As a consequence of the impossibility of checking many of the things related to the Asetian empire, since the timeline of the first Djehuty goes back to pre-dynastic Egypt, it is quite easy to ramble on things like the one I am going to expose, nevertheless I would like to know your theories and opinions.

Since the dawn of humanity, man has presented a remarkable concern for eternity, the feeling of transcendence and belief in another life, has been present in every culture to a greater or lesser degree in their beliefs and funeral rites.

However, in no human culture has a religiosity and a bureaucratic apparatus been built surrounding the beyond, as great as in Egyptian culture.

The rich vision of the Egyptian cosmogony is inseparable from its concern for eternal life, something in which, despite their differences of opinion, all scholars of Egyptology seem to agree.

My question is: is it possible that this deep-rooted uneasiness among the Egyptians for the immortality of the Soul is caused by a memory in the collective subconscious of the time when the Asetians ruled?

That is, a kind of memory in the form of imitation of the abilities that their immortal lords were able to control.

Some terms and expressions are difficult to translate into English, I hope my question is understood.

I am one of those who believe that in the world there were previous civilizations older than we know, something that I think science will have no choice but to recognize sooner or later, that is why the Aset Ka, resonates strongly in my interior, and it has led me to elaborate this theory about the restlessness of the Egyptians for immortality.

Please, what do you think? study scratch

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Immortality Empty Re: Immortality

Post by Jonathan 11.08.18 7:59

The influence of Asetian culture is pretty clear not just in the development of ancient Egyptian history as it is also present in different cultures as well, such as in elements of Eastern martial arts and healing techniques.
Although I can't confirm or deny your theory since I lack factual evidence, it's possible that you are correct and the legendary Sep Tepy of the Asetians has greatly influenced the obsession that the Egyptians always had for immortality, life beyond death and magick.

This imitation of Asetian knowledge and ability, as you mentioned, has been prevalent throughout history. In ancient times it was exploited by the Sethians, who attempted to use the power of Asetian magick against them, but it's still seen today on a much smaller scale, like for example in the many groups that still try to copy the Aset Ka in the so-called Vampire Community while spreading public defamation about it at the same time. It's really easy to spot the mimicking and attempts at imitation.

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Immortality Empty Re: Immortality

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.08.18 12:16

Interesting theory. The path to immortality, is it not a path and quest for truth? Timeless existence which such truth must be and once identified therewith, you withdraw through heavenly and other spheres into the absolute and attain to the highest. This is just the mental vision I hold in one sense or to one aspect of immortality, whereas another aspect of it is everlastingness - in my thoughts and theory the continuation of phenomenal existence forever through reincarnation in certain contrast to this former point of transcendental existence of noumenon like reality, however, not mutually exclusive as they might gain from each other in some way, but then again, I do not know everything and am only a mystic of my own level of experience and understanding. I do not know whether the human soul is immortal or not. The Asetian teachings released to the public by the books of Luis Marques might suggest otherwise, but that I know nothing of in personal experience. I think there are different paths though, so that, if it is to say that, even a human soul is mortal, and only survives or lives a few, multiple or a yet limited number of many lifetimes, maybe there are different ways for it to achieve the heights of immortality within that lifespan or maybe even prolong its spiritual existence by certain means of realization and spiritual practice. However, what of this can be known through an online forum? The quest is inwards. I should probably not speak upon matters so loosely, however it is a reliable forum to some extent of research, study and discussion, but take nothing of what I say for definitive words or lessons upon so high and lofty subjects - particularly not on an online forum. The true quest is of Spirit; the road is Within.

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