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Werewolves??? Empty Werewolves???

Post by whitesun 02.05.12 14:20

Hi guys,i 've recently found your forum,read some of your topics and i felt really comfortable here enough to open a new topic and ask you some questions that really keep bothering me lately.Also excuse me if i make any mistake in my english but don't live in the USA nor in England and i 'm still a student.

Anyway,(i m sorry but) i m not really interested on vampires but i came here because i couldn't find any other site as serious and as organized as yours commited to werewolves or lycans(i don't really know the difference so I would be thankful if someone will illuminate me)
So yes i m interested in werewolves or therians as i m really trying to find out if i am one of them.Maybe i really make a misteke thinking that i am but as said i m still working on it and also this is the reason i came here.

I 've started searching about them because i feel some things lately.Well,first of all when i see myself in the mirror it's like you know,i see a wolf this why i started.Basically,it was the trigger because after that i realised that i had found some pieces of an interesting puzzle.I believe that i m very calm and mature person for my age but there are sometimes that i become very angry and i want to smash and hit anything and everything,basically i keep and i want to see blood everywhere.There are two times that i let that ''wrath'' come out.I just start screaming for some seconds and then it's like i want to destroy anything it's possible around me,the first time ι kept my temper and the second one i ended up screaming in my mother to hit me(because i didn't want to hit her).Also all hapened in a minute or so-ok i hope guys i'm not a serial killer or something-.I also like to run but i love to run with my dog,watching it running with me,feels we 're something like one spirit finding an escape through the material world.I don't know if this last one is anything worthing, but i saw somewhere on the internet that therians tend to have headaches and since i remember myself i have some small headaches from time to time and sometimes it's like a strange migraine.

Last but not least,i don't feel anything when full moon is one and i really have seen nowhere and in any time anything shifting on me and also excuse me for not introducing myself first but it was because i seek answers as fast as i can and i think i m in the right place for asking them.

Thanks in advance,

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Location : greece
Registration date : 2012-05-02

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Daniel09 02.05.12 14:51

Many people have souls that are parallel with animals. It is not unusual, and it doesn't grant you any powers. Live your life like normal, or take an extra interest in the animal you connect with. No reason to think anything more of it.

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Jonathan 02.05.12 16:09

Hello and welcome to the community. Not sure if I can help you much as therians and wolves isn't something that holds much of my interest and path. If you seek advice I have a small (or not so small) one to give:

whitesun wrote:excuse me for not introducing myself first but it was because i seek answers as fast as i can and i think i m in the right place for asking them.
If you really wish to get into the occult and seriously learn about all of this, never again think "I seek answers as fast as I can". That just won't happen... here or anywhere else. Finding answers, especially about our nature, is one of the slowest things that can ever happen to any of us. Keep this in mind and you may go far.

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by DCxMagus 02.05.12 16:33

If you really want to figure this all out then your going to have to get in the practice of meditating every day. Start by just clearing your mind or focusing on a lit candle in a dark room until you can do this for an hour with nothing else invading your mind.

Everything else you explained sounds quite normal teenage behavior. Teenagers all over the world, don't like their parents, think they are very calm and mature for their age and many think they aren't from this world or are some sort of otherkin. Lots of people love to run, especially with their pets, that why there is a phenomenon known as a "runner's high".

You seem to have a lot of "hope" in begin a Therian, you must abandon this ego driven notation if you really wish to discover the truth or I fear you'll be caught up in the mental realm driven my fantasy and ego and end up thinking you are one because you wish to be one.

As Jonathan stated answers to do not come fast in this path we are on, in fact they are slow, few and far between. Many questions will come before you gather the answers to the ones you seek. It is through Meditation, Self-realization and most importantly the evolution of the Self where the answers lie.


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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by whitesun 03.05.12 6:03

thanks guys for your replies,I really appreciate them.I will start that meditation you said to find out where it will lead me and of course i keep in mind not to harsh it-you were right,it was a very useful advice-.Also i want to say that that was just an example i really love my parents and that had nothing to do with being angry with them for a reason,it just came when i was arguing with my mother,other times for no reason it's like i want to let a cruel and brutal animal to come out(sort of a beast i think).I remember watching some scences of some horror films and all that blood and killing didn't scare me instead they reminded me many of my thoughts.

I forgot to mention that inside my head i don't think of words but emotions trying to express them with words(i m sayind that because i 've also saw somewhere on the internet that therieans or werewolves,i don't remember which one,think sort of this way.

I m not so mature i do stupid things all the time but the thing is that i can realise them and try to fix them.I used that adjective to express my calmness and how i can keep my tember(exept these two times) when i know i should.(Well all the time basically beacause i don't believe that violence can give solutions,at least the ones i m searching for)

Last,i will find out more about wolves but i m not sure if this is my animal.Could you tell me a way to find out if it is or did you just make that conclusion from what i mentioned?And one more question can human physically transform into animals?

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Location : greece
Registration date : 2012-05-02

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Jonathan 03.05.12 11:16

Astrally you can transform into animal form but not physically. You can also spiritually adopt animal totems or use their archetypes in ritual. Physically turning into animals is something present only in fiction and not related with the occult.

I know your main interest is therianthropy but keep in mind that vampirism as put forth by the Asetians actually embraces the powers of different animals that can be activated or enhanced in different situations through the use of magick. Many unfamiliar with the concepts of Asetian magick could mistake that with therianthropy.

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Kalb 03.05.12 12:41

DCxMagus, Well said.

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by whitesun 03.05.12 13:53

But how could I know if i have astrally transformed into a wolf and how is this affect my personality and life?and then the thing about full moon i suppose is also a myth,right?

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Location : greece
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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Maxx 03.05.12 14:37

To find the answer to your question...It will be found in your ability to astrally move into a specific area as you move from the physical realm into the astral realm. There you will find the answers you seek......and you will learn Wisdom as you spend time learning this process....it is not a quick 30 minute process......you seem to want the answers NOW......and you should spend time working to learn to acquire the techniques to aid you not only in finding the answer to this question...but enabling you to deal with the other questions that you will be confronted by in later years.

The moon question.............each person is created in a vibrational pattern unique to him/her. It is called Spirit......and it vibrates.....sound, sight, smell, hearing, touch are all used by the brain to interpret the things we think are actually going on around us.....that may or may not be correct...as all of that may be an illusion...but the vibrations from the planets have somewhat of an influence on all things in this vibrational or Spirit creation. So, no, it is not a myth.


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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Maxx 03.05.12 17:23

Also, addition of one item I failed to list.....

The word Spirit in use above I am referring to Energy.

Spirit = Energy

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by OnlyWerewolfHereIGuess 03.06.12 15:15

Hm? Eh i've seen weirder, it wouldn't surprise me if you were. Considering most families tend to forget, either on purpose or not, what their heritage is.

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Location : Take A Guess
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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Maxx 03.06.12 15:40

And where might I ask did you acquire that answer? Why do you believe what you just stated here? Do you know that from first hand experience or is it second hand or even more so information?

The reason I ask is that I do not think you made an introductory posting as to your background giving us some info as to where your past study of life is grounded in. Might you care to visit that area so we can get to know you better?

I have found in my own life there is a considerable difference between "knowing" and "knowing thoroughly".

And I view my own situation here as being nothing but a common ole human. If someone knows something about me that I do not, I would hope they notify me cause I would then be parked in the wrong parking space while here. confused

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by uENVY91 07.06.12 8:48

^^^ Lol. Very well spoken Maxx.
OnlyWerewolfHereIGuess wrote:Hm? Eh i've seen weirder, it wouldn't surprise me if you were. Considering most families tend to forget, either on purpose or not, what their heritage is.
^^^ Sounds like a line from a movie. Which are most of the time Fiction, I do believe.

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by uENVY91 07.06.12 9:37

whitesun wrote:But how could I know if i have astrally transformed into a wolf and how is this affect my personality and life?and then the thing about full moon i suppose is also a myth,right?
My response to you whitesun, would be hit the books if you really want to learn so bad. Unless you know some reliable internet sources, I wouldn't try that trick. It might seem a lot easier to learn from other people's views & morals but that still won't make you feel how they feel or think what they think. Just like in ever other Spirituality, its a personal thing you have to accept yourself. "Most of the time", people learn about stuff like this by reading related topic books or by experiencing it themselves 1st hand.

Number of posts : 24
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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by OnlyWerewolfHereIGuess 23.06.12 13:00

uENVY91 wrote:^^^ Lol. Very well spoken Maxx.
OnlyWerewolfHereIGuess wrote:Hm? Eh i've seen weirder, it wouldn't surprise me if you were. Considering most families tend to forget, either on purpose or not, what their heritage is.
^^^ Sounds like a line from a movie. Which are most of the time Fiction, I do believe.

Movie? Well, surprise me, do you think I would watch a ridiculous movie mocking my own kind?
Especially when a vampire makes it, which I think did happen on an occasion. No offense to the vampire population, but they automatically label us as... what was the term I heard one of them say, 'slobbering lap dogs'? Tsk Tsk, not good to say, but I'm curious, all the vampires who talk about us like we're idiots, how many of you met one of us, enlighten me please?

Number of posts : 3
Location : Take A Guess
Registration date : 2012-06-01

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Kalb 23.06.12 13:36

All? There is no one who speaks well of you?

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Maxx 23.06.12 14:34

As Master Luis has stated it is all done on the astral level.....so to try and make a stretch for the poster and give the benefit of the doubt....I will have to relate that I, myself, did turn into a wolf being and tore an individual to shreds just outside of his home and as he stepped off a porch...His wife was there watching and then as I finished the subject, I looked up and there was another person standing there watching it all in a long black leather coat and also was wearing a black hat. I was aware of who that was at the time all this took place and I also knew who the wife was at the time.

Anyway, just an account of one of my trips on the astral.....but I still relay that I consider myself totally human.....


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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by witchmark 23.06.12 22:10

Maxx and Stalker, my fine gentlemen, please let me remind you.....Cast not, pearls before swine! Let this post that has taken a poor route bury itself.


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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by uENVY91 05.07.12 2:35

OnlyWerewolfHereIGuess wrote: Movie? Well, surprise me, do you think I would watch a ridiculous movie mocking my own kind?
Especially when a vampire makes it, which I think did happen on an occasion. No offense to the vampire population, but they automatically label us as... what was the term I heard one of them say, 'slobbering lap dogs'? Tsk Tsk, not good to say, but I'm curious, all the vampires who talk about us like we're idiots, how many of you met one of us, enlighten me please?

First of all I'm not sure you were talking to me or what but I can assure you I didn't refer to you as anything I said, "Sounds like a line from a movie. Which are most of the time Fiction, I do believe." When I start pointing fingers & calling people or "things" names I promise you its not a pretty picture. That's when shit gets serious & real. So I'm just going to pretend this story has ended. For the sake of respect. Hopefully you can do the same, & if not holla at me..

Number of posts : 24
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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Syrianeh 05.07.12 3:02

A vampire who made a werewolf movie? Shocked

Please don't keep us in the dark here!

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Lightseeker 19.08.12 2:22

Just in case this topic is still up-to-date. I know of one occult organisation out there that deals with lycanthrophy (hope I'm spelling this right). I recently found their webpage, they are called the "Werewolf Cathedral" and seem to be the werewolf counterpart of the "Temple of the Vampire" of which the founder of the Cathedral was - I believe - a member for some time.
The Cathedral does lean a bit on Satanic imagery and depend a lot on the writings of Anton LaVey with a bit of Wicca thrown in but anyone seriously interested in an occult "path of the werewolf" might want to check it out. I write "seriously" because this is definetely not a thing for "Twilighters". They also wrote a quite interesting little book called the "Werewolf Bible".

The address is (hope I'm alowed to post such links here):

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by witchmark 19.08.12 7:33


Keep in mind that I was once a member of the ToV, that is a long time ago. I personally feel these days that if it sounds like a "rip off" it just might be. You see in the ToV perspective vampires and lycons are one in the same. As a fact, witches are as well. It was Nemo himself that stated "we are the original witches of the night". I am quoting him from years gone past mind you.

It is time for me now to encourage you to start to study on a more serious, personal level. One can talk and question till the end of time if they desire. Or just perhaps, one can get to work on themselves and live to the end of time. Get my point?

So if I may be a bit like Grandma here.....GET TO WORK!


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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Maxx 19.08.12 8:08

And it was you that pointed out to me that all three began their walk of fame in the TOV......Michael W. Ford, Father Sebastian, and Michelle Belanger. This should tell you a bit about how they developed their cash register magic.


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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by Jonathan 19.08.12 8:10

Ford is not so bad. Now the other two, yikes!

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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

Post by witchmark 19.08.12 9:37

I agree with you Jonathon. Maxx, had it not been for the ToV to be open with it's membership at the time, I would not have had that knowledge. It has been brought to my attention that these days, information of such is now withheld from membership and only those in the Order of Promethus is informed of such things. It is a crying shame to see such a system, as the ToV was, go into ruin.


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Werewolves??? Empty Re: Werewolves???

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