A New Leader of the World

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Divine 277 30.04.14 10:32

*max Smile I don't know .. if he wrote it or not, frankly they will never know ether .. it was pretty normal back then to get others to write for you or get help .. it could have happened Smile I still think they are fascinating and full of symbology .. however there was some passages in the old book talking about a lost manuscript Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 30.04.14 20:22

From Fritz

I have received info about recent meetings & future meetings. I will be exclusively provided inside information on the 2014 Bilderberg meeting. They have told me that the meeting is private in order to encourage frank & open discussion. They have asked me to “Please ask your followers their concern regarding those topics [which will be discussed at the 2014 Bilderberg Mtg.]” So my friends, you are being given an unprecedented chance to participate in history & offer constructive dialogue. I would hope that people would see this an opportunity for constructive conversation, and not fall into the pitfalls of unconstructive criticism & contempt.
Bilderberg topics for discussion [which your thoughts on are being solicited by the Illum. who are watching this post]:
• How to control the Banking system?
• Russia, Ukraine and Europe conflicts.
• Can Europe help the U.S to grow a healthy economy?
• Nationalism and Anti-Semitism
• US President election 2016
• Asia's Future
• NSA and the Counter Terrorism
• Medical research
• Education: the future of the next generation
• Politics of the European Union
• How backwards goes the American populism?
• Current affairs
This info might change w/in the next 2 weeks. Some topics may be added. Their final info will be sent to me right up to about the start of the Bilderberg mtg. I have lots of additional info to share, but can only deal with so much at a time.

Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 02.05.14 17:31

From Fritz

DIALOGUE W/ THE BLOODLINE LEADERS. Everyone appreciates being understood & listened to, and agape is to look at both sides of an issue. No one is all knowing, whether at the top or bottom of the heap of humanity. It goes without saying that dialogue between the top & bottom has the potential to help humanity. Along that line then, this post shares some recent info discussed in communication between me & some Illuminati kingpins. We were all born with 2 ears & one mouth, suggesting that humans were designed to listen more than talk! There are two sides to a door, & two sides to a marriage. What did I learn when I communicated with these kingpins??
The head of the Rothschild family today is a Baron. He requested that I simply call him Charles or Jacob. I hear he has been a peacemaker within his family. While he prefers not to be addressed with his title, even without the title, he has a longer name than most of us: Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild. When I asked him what we can do to bring accountability to our leaders he basically answered that “sadly…power corrupts”, and that “if you take a corrupt person in power & replace [him] with a fair & just person, sooner or later they also will become swallowed in corruption.” In other words, accountability is an ongoing issue that can’t be resolved once and for all. When asked what the Rothschild goals were for Israel, he said that neither he nor “my Family” involve themselves in Israeli politics. He also said, “Judaism is our religion, our belief, our life.” I understand this to mean, that while Israel is important to him & his family, he is not involved in running the nation. Charles Jacobus Rothschild also commented on William C. Van Duyn, “William is the most extraordinary man.” Also he pointed out that he was born in Pauillac, France (1936). What I found interesting is that Hugh Trevor-Roper was his tutor growing up. One final thought from him, he said, “the most thought provoking thing in our time is that we are still not thinking.”
William Van Duyn, who stays constantly busy, has been using the age-old tactic of the carrot-&-stick approach to influence the world. THE STICK. At times he has to meet with the head of “the Bureau” who runs about 50 assassins to insure that high level criminals will not walk free, even if they beat the court system. He does not mind that I report this. This limited vigilante system is in the process of expanding worldwide. My impression is that he’d like corrupt people in high places to think about how they act.
THE CARROT. On the carrot side, he has created the Van Duyn Foundation, based at 9490 Vaduz, Lichtenstein. (For those challenged by geography, Lichtenstein is a tiny independent nation/principality run by the Prince of Lichtenstein, one of the world’s richest men. Although he runs his tiny nation w/ total control, I have heard very good things about the Prince.) The Van Duyn foundation has been run since 1 January 2009 as a so-called private asset structure (PAS). Assets devoted to a specific purpose acquire an independent status and, in the PAS, their own legal personality. The PAS is thus a legal entity structured as a special purpose fund only to be used for ethical investments & donations. The establishment is a legally independent foundation permanently devoted to economical, educational and social purposes or to other stipulations, which is registered in the Public Register and has no character under public law. The Van Duyn Foundation assets (establishment capital, reserves and profit brought forward) are liable for their stated obligations.
Here are excerpts from Mr. Van Duyn’s recent speech at Interlaken, Switz. “Your Excellencies, Ladies & Gentlemen, I would like to thank the Swiss Foreign Minister & OSCE Chairperson… Officer Didier Burkhalter for inviting me to this important conference. I admire the hard work of the OSCE, with its comprehensive approach to security linking politico-military, economic and environmental and human rights objectives. It was well-placed to assist participating States in preventing and combating terrorism,….I say that terrorism represented [sic, in text sent me, he probably said “represents”] a threat common to all OSCE participating States. I also add that counter-terrorism strategies can only deliver sustainable results if they are implemented in legal, transparent, and accountable ways. Please let me reaffirm to you that the absolute respect of all obligations under international law is a priority in the World’s fight against terrorism. I would like to put the topic of kidnapping for ransom on the agenda, as such kidnappings have become an important source of terrorist financing. Making the case for a no-ransom policy,
Therefore I like to provide you some information on its respective approach, based on three pillars:
1) prevention, in order to dissuade different citizens from travelling in areas with a high risk of kidnapping;
2) increasing the number of countries that adhere to a no-ransom payment policy;
3) intensifying international co-operation on specific kidnapping cases in order to obtain the safe and secure release of hostages.
….In 2013, 120 000 children disappeared or get kidnapped all around the world. …children get kidnapped for prostitution… the terrorists are financing their evil attacks against American civilization. In Asia, more specific in the Philippines, children get kidnapped for financial reasons. South America and Mexico are using young kidnapped recruiters (age between 12 and 20) to fight for the Drug Barons and to activate a drug war….
Today, I wish to encourage a discussion on measures that should be taken to prevent and limit this phenomenon and on how the OSCE can support participating States in this regard. Thank you. May God bless you.
This has been a short report on what these leaders are saying & thinking. This is posted with the kind permission of Charles Rothschild. In a totally unrelated note, since I have been exposing the growing power of China, the Chinese have begun preliminary work to build another canal similar to the Panama Canal across Nicaragua. They have already have agreements w/ Nicaragua & Ortega.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Stapleraindrop 02.05.14 17:43

And as the threads start to come unraveled the spider weaves ever more

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 04.05.14 16:20

Here is an interview that Fritz did on the illuminati.  It is not easy to listen to but there are some things that turned out interesting.  Interviewer is not the best....


Number of posts : 4334
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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 04.05.14 17:31

It has been many years since Fritz and I had discussions.  I listened to his chain of thought on this interview and discovered that I have changed much more than he has.  He is a remarkable person and knows much about the subject that he centered on for study.  But listening to what he does not know stood out like oil in water.  When he tries to connect things he does know about to the things he knows absolutely nothing about it makes me wonder how the kingpin of the illuminati would choose him to come into the light with.  In listening to this interview, it becomes very apparent that those that do run the top section must be loosing control of all of the vast sections that have branched out into all kinds of things.  This seems to me like everything is spiraling out of control and no one may be driving the big rig.  This is a frightening possibility.  So I say this in sincerity.....I wish all of you the very best in your walk.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 05.05.14 8:30

In the night in a dream I was shown the number 517 in very plain letters.  I would think this applied to the scene that it came from that there will be some kind of major problem here in the US on the date of 5-17.  I noticed that this date is on a Sat.  I put this out there for all of you to view if you like.  I cannot say for certain.  I watch as much as you might and may wonder about it as I am an open book.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 07.05.14 5:52

Fritz wrote.

BILDERBERG MEETINGS: In the Past. This post is an introductory history of the Bilderberg Meetings based on my own knowledge obtained over the years. Later, I plan to provide new exclusive information provided to me from the Bilderbergers themselves about their 2014 meeting, but this post is based on my own current knowledge. As my readers are aware I have exposed the Bilderberg Meetings & its powerful Steering Committee as being Illuminati since 1991. Back then, I never dreamed that one day it would be relatively very open.

FROM SECRECY TO OPENESS. As is common knowledge the first Bilderberg Mtg. was 5/29-31/54 at Hotel Bilderberg, at Oosterbeek, Netherlands. This meeting set the tone for following annual secret conclaves. Security would be Illum., the host country’s, & some private. Small towns with nice hotels have been typically chosen as the sites for these 3 day meetings. For years the elite were able to keep the meetings secret. On 4/11/64, Sen. Javits entered info into the Congressional Record about the ’64 meeting he had attended. In 1971, Congressman Rarick of Louis. entered info into the Congressional Record on 5 different days to expose them & to inform the public about the Bilderbergers. He entered detailed info on 7 of the annual mtgs. In 1974, a freelance reporter exposed the secret guest list & got them upset. In 1996, their Canadian meeting got wide media publicity which again upset them. With each passing year, it got harder to conceal the mtgs. Finally, in Sept. 2005, Bilderberg leader Viscount Etienne Davignon gave an interview to the BBC about the mtgs. In recent years, figures like Alex Jones loudly protest outside of the meeting sites, such as the one at Chantilly, VA, calling attention to the mtgs. In recent times, the Illum. established an official website, http://bilderbergmeetings.org/index.html & once within the site you can click on meetings, then click on conferences, then click on the decade you want & you can see the topics that were discussed each year.

This year, they decided to exclusively provide me documents on the meetings, & I will be providing these to the public. I have plans to go on public access TV this month to share info like this post. On my website pentracks.com, I have posted all the venue sites for the all 62 Bilderberg meetings, & as well as provided an exclusive list of this year’s guests. While over the years, a few guests have been invited from non-host countries, for instance, Japan, Russia & Iceland, this year there are no guests from African or Asian countries; also no one from Russia & China was invited. I was informed that Hillary Clinton is a featured guest this yr.

EUROPE & NO. AMER. The Steering Committee has tried to evenly distribute the meetings. The USA has had the largest no. of attendees, and has hosted the meetings ten times. Germany, France, Switz., & Canada have each hosted it 5 times. Denmark, this yr.’s host, hosted it in ’56 (Fredensborg) & in ’69 (Copenhagen). The Rockefellers have taken a lead in getting a site when the USA hosts the event. Besides those listed above, the rest of the host nations have all been European nations, incl. Turkey (which is part Europe/part Asia). This then is an obvious clue where the power at the top w/in the Illum. resides!

HOW THE MEETINGS RAN. A Steering Committee of 13 was the core of the organization, along with about 80 regular attendees. Other guests who could serve some temporary function would be invited to a particular meeting, but would not be regular attendees. Guests would receive an invitation several months in advance, and then at some point receive the topics for discussion, so that they could study & come prepared. Finally, about a week before the mtg. (basically “at the last min.”), attendees would be given the secret location for the mtg. They would also been granted special travel/entry privileges by the host country, not needing passports or to go thru customs. Interviews with the press were forbidden & guests were required to take an oath of silence. Wives & husbands were not allowed to accompany guests, except for Henry Kissinger’s. Each regular day would contain 4 daily sessions-two in the morning, two in the afternoon. A topic would be intro. for about 10 min. then opened for general debate. Delegates could signal how much time they wanted by raising the appropriate amount of fingers. A panel would lead each discussion. A panel would consist of one moderator & 2-3 helpers. Each panel would be given 2 hours. Delegates could choose what panel discussion they wanted to participate in. Rules of discussion were the Chatham House rules. On off hours, the locations would provide relaxing things to do.
PURPOSE. The goal would be to discuss things so a sense of consensus was est. so that delegates would return home & implement those common policies, for instance, the replacement of Margaret Thatcher by PM Major. The topics for discussion are frequently important global topics, which explains why so many elite would congregate to discuss them. In effect, this has meant that all of the U.S. govt. delegates (some whose trips were pd. by the govt. & guarded by govt. security men) were technically in violation of the Logan Act. However, because the Fed. govt. has never enforced the Logan Act in its approx. 200 yr. history, it is perhaps a moot pt.; it is “illegal” for elected officials to meet in private like this to debate & design public policy, but over the years many have attended the meetings w/out any repercussions. (The law is not enforced, & consistency would be to change it or enforce it.)

REGULARS. Representatives from the top Illum. families are regulars. The World Bank, IMF, & the Fed Reserve are usually represented. Chase Manhattan, Royal Dutch Shell, Goldman Sachs & some similar elite companies like ADM are usually there. Participants come from finance, industry, politics, think tanks, owners of the mass media as well as NATO leaders. The NATO leaders have always caught my eye. The following NATO Secretary Generals have belonged to the Bilderbergers: Lord Carrington, Willy Claes, Joseph Luns, Lord Robertson, Jaap G. de Hoop Scheffer, Javier Solana &Manfred Woener. (I believe that’s all of them!) Amer. commanders-in-chief like John J. McCloy, Walker Lee Cisler, Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, John Rogers Galvin have also been Bilderbergers. To put it in my own words, NATO, the world’s largest military force is an Illuminati force, & always has been.

SUMMARY. This has been a short overview of the Illuminati’s Bilderberg Mtg.s in the past. The meetings provide a method for the elite to create consensus for implementing policies.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 07.05.14 5:55

This is the last post I will be making here of these announcements.   If one is interested in them, you have enough info to find and follow the info yourself.  I wish you well.

Fritz wrote...

This is the type of thing I was trying to give people a head's up on. Also, Obama just came forward and set in motion investigations into the VA's negligence/corruption. Are all our problems going to be solved overnight?...of course not. Would I now vote for these people? Of course not. Am I thankful each step in a positive direction? Yes.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 08.05.14 6:58

This is an obvious post to end things on.  Those that are not following it on their own should see this... and then this can be the final posting of this material here.

EXCELLENCE: both a ticket to a better life & perhaps life itself. This post on excellence is written in the context of population reduction & its upcoming culling process. My desire is to provide life. It is hoped that the reader understands population reduction better & some direction on how to avoid being part of it by reading this.
It’s been over a year since I wrote a post on excellence. Followers may remember the anecdote of the skilled Amish craftsman who rebuilds the Queen of England’s carriages. Excellence is rare & always sells well. I have encouraged people to pursue something with passion until you become the best at it. Esther’s excellence saved her & the Jewish people. Here’s another example of excellence saving people’s lives from genocide: 142 excellent Jewish engravers, because they were the best, were taken from 2 concentration camps & employed to make the world’s best counterfeits. Their bills were indistinguishable to real British currency. Near the end of WW II, their SS employers had decided to murder them, but after some hair-raising events, they all survived. (After WWII, counterfeit money from this Nazi Operation Bernhard was used to help finance the Jewish underground.) The applicable point is that excellence is appreciated & spared these men’s lives.
FIRST PAST PATTERN: HITLER. He serves as one past example of population reduction. Hitler wrote a second book after Mein Kampf. Until recently this sequel was unpublished, & is generically titled “Hitler’s Second Book”. On pages 20-21, he explains his philosophy about improving any nation, to paraphrase, “Have as many children as possible [yes the Nazis forbid birth control], and then cull the weak diseased ones out.” Or to quote pg. 21: “…no controls on the number of births…but limit the number allowed to live. The Spartans were once capable of such a wise measure, but not our current dishonest, sentimental, bourgeois-patriotic crowd. The subjugation of 350,000 Helots by 6,000 Spartans was only possible because of the racial superiority of the Spartans….we see in the Spartan state the first racialist state….[It’s] pathetic insanity…[to breed] a race of degenerates burdened with illness.” So Hitler wanted to cull the crowd to enhance the race…assisting nature & improving Darwin’s Survival-of-the-Fittest concept.
SECOND PAST PATTERN: THE ELITE BY YELTSIN. People were very hungry under Gorbachev. In 1991, his foreign minister appealed to the West for food. Even back in Aug. ’87, one paper said, “the problem of food has not been solved.” Russians began to think Gorby was the Beast of Revelations. I discovered a Sept. 92 study which show the bottom 1/3 of the Russians were spending 100% of their income on food to survive, & the next 1/3 were spending 80%!! In other words, in 9/’92, 2/3 of the Russians were spending almost every kopek (penny) on food just to survive. And there wasn’t much in the stores. Under Yeltsin it got significantly worse…to the point of genocide. When Yeltsin took over there were millions of Communist party members & supporters, many who had a strong sense of entitlement. In 1991, communists created the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks who were trying hard to return Russia to communism & Marxist principles. The elite & Yeltsin realized that millions of this communist herd needed to be culled if communism were not to return. We can pick up the clues to this culling IF we read Yeltsin’s various books. He said that the older generation was infected w/ bad ideas, & he wanted to replace them with the “young, uninfected”, who possess “an entirely new psychology….The Socialist mode of thinking has left its imprint on all of us…The new generation must come to the forefront as quickly as possible.” (Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, 1994, pp. 290-1) “Sometimes it takes a sharp break or rupture to make a person move forward or even survive at all.” (p. 149) What Yeltsin employed was called “shock therapy” to the economy…meaning you either searched for opportunity or you starved, there was no communist state to support you. Those with entrepreneurial initiative (read criminal abilities to act for oneself) survived. Those used to dependence on the state starved! The death rate skyrocketed (which was not reported over here). Many communists, used to working for the state or getting state welfare, died. Two thoughtful economists said Yeltsin’s economic actions were “shock without the therapy”.
An example is worth telling: As part of the shock therapy, the govt. on 6/1/’90 raised prices on basic products, for instance, bread & utility costs up to threefold. And on 1/1/’91, they raised other food prices. Yes, wages did increase (by 15%) while the average retail prices went up 43%! Warned of this, the Russian people withdrew what they had in their bank accounts & wiped out the total inventory of stores BEFORE the price raises. Circumstances favored the younger as well as those capable of being black marketeers. Further, Yeltsin’s privatization was the greatest insider trading in history, & crony capitalism built a Russian oligarchy to prevent the rise of communist power. In this case, the World’s elite via Yeltsin took out many communists. It was a blunt instrument, but worked. The West did pay the salaries of some specialists, like the nuclear scientists, a further example of how excellence can save one’s life.
THIRD PAST PATTERN. THE USA & ROCKEFELLERS. Our nation has financially supported about half the worldwide population control measures since the 1960’s; Rockefeller foundations have been active in eugenics & pop. control since the early 1930’s. From ’65 on, the US govt. used US AID to promote world pop. control. They also gave lots of money to the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) which helped hide the extent of their financial spending. J.D. Rockefeller III was chrmn. of the Rockefeller Foundation which began spending on pop. control in the early ‘30’s, & population reduction since 1963. J.D. Rockefeller III, founded & then was chrmn. of the Population Council in ’52. (It’s budget in ’70 was $16 million.) He testified to Congress several times about overpopulation and was asked by Nixon to head up a govt. commission dedicated to stopping U.S. population growth. Nat. Sec. Study Memo. 200 signed by Kissinger (declassified in ’89) encouraged the U.S. to prevent population growth in places like Brazil, India & Mexico because young people are a security risk to the status quo. The NSS Memo 200 states why it is good to get rid of the youth, “Young people can be more readily persuaded to attack legal institutions of the government or real property of the establishment…” India successfully did population reduction…in just the last 6 months of 1976 they sterilized 6.5 million people. In India, govt. worker’s pay was contingent on how many people the govt. employee brought in to be sterilized. Food rations & services to the poor were withheld until they got sterilized. It is no surprise Kissinger signed off on NSSM 200 for he is known to have stated, “Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.” He further said, “The world’s population needs to be reduced by 50%...” And, “The elderly are useless eaters.”
THE FUTURE? It appears to me that we are looking at 3 phases: general population reduction, then a final culling, and then a final modification of humans (via new technology) towards tranhumanism & better-controlled, better-functioning models. Statements by various agencies & leaders give us their thoughts on where they want to go: 1) “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” Husb. to the Br. Queen, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Leader of the World Wildlife Fund. 2) “The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.” Initiative for the United Nations ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER. 3) “Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it….” “Our program in El Salvador didn’t work. The infrastructure was not there to support it. There were just too goddamned many people…. To really reduce population, quickly, you have to pull all the males into the fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile age females….The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or through disease like the Black Death….” Thomas Ferguson, State Department Office of Population Affairs
Leaders in all areas of control are calling for population reduction. Ludwig Grant, who worked for the NSC and was sent by the US govt. to various UN pop. mtgs. wrote, “Rising mortality is a brutal way to find prosperity….Consider whether it might be rather fun to be less crowded.” One final quote, Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major United Nations contributor said, “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline would be ideal.” While my sources indicate it won’t be that severe, definitely at least a reduction of half of the world’s population is targeted. Quite a few believe a plague would be beneficial. The elite have slated radicals of religions & ideologies to be done away with as they did with Yeltsin’s communist opponents. I believe the sequence may be this: financial crisis (stress), food crisis (hunger), war, then plagues (pestilence). Now the Black Death in the 14th century was horrible, but people survived. Horrible things happened in WW II, yet people survived. It’s not over ‘til the fat lady sings.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Demonia 08.05.14 22:37


as sick as it all sounds, if any drastic population control measures were to actually start happening.... i wish everyone would just go... every human. and when we come back, no more of this technology bullshit... just everyone reset and live by nature... no elitist selection of these same bastards that keep killing the earth. or just everyone who is going to live in a way thats harmful to the earth to just go... and come back as a rock or a bug... it still wonders me how karma and nature hasnt been able to get rid of these horrible people... but i dont know. too much to fathom. just going to be here for whatever ends up happening.

Number of posts : 178
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Registration date : 2012-05-26

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Troublemaker 09.05.14 22:30

I totally agree... I think about this often. Why is the Earth like this? I often think I was born in the wrong time period... I wish I could just live close to nature, outside of politics and civilization. I'd be so much happier.
As for a plague... it would do the world some good, definitely...................

@Demonia- when you say, "i wish everyone would just go... every human" it's clear that you are separating yourself from humankind. So do you consider yourself a vampire or otherkin? Sorry if it's a personal question, just curious. I'm trying to find out more about otherkin but many sources sound... well... hokey.

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Demonia 12.05.14 14:02

no not necessarily. i say this only because i know other species of animals aren't readily capable of destroying the planet like we have, nor do i feel they ever would want to or do so unintentionally even. i feel the animals plants and creatures dont deserve to go. they are but innocent bystanders trying to adapt to the world humans have created. I separate myself from other humans only because i do not wish to live in the way i was told to do so... i want to go live in a forest and abandon this way of living. there are many humans that i know if given the choice would not simply due to ignorance. they should go, along with all the other bad people actively hurting our home. hope i dont sound like some raging hippie here. its just how i feel.

I used to think and say that i am not human due to past lives and strong disconnection of the normal human way of life. but i realize no matter what i was in the past, today right now i am in a human body. i am here as a messenger for a reason. i look quite different from most and act quite different from most to due to my past lives. i used to think of my soul misplaced and separate from my physical self, but in reality, i am who i am no matter what form. i am more comfortable in other forms but i am here for a reason. to directly answer your question i used to associate with being otherkin. but at the end of the day, all of our physical bodies are human. i once was other species on this plane and on others, that i know, but now, nope. i do get weird primal instinctual feelings that are more animmalistic but its just past knowledge thats hardly applicable to any situations in this life other than self defense or something like that.

i can shed some light on therians/otherkin/etc if youd like. send me a pm. I don't want to get off topic ...!

Number of posts : 178
Age : 32
Location : lurking...
Registration date : 2012-05-26

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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 29.05.14 7:43

In my study of material on the topic of the illuminati, I am surprised at the things I have found that actually sheds some light that the organization is in most part not like the stories put out about it .  The big surprise is that I find it similar to the story design of the Aset Ka and the Red Order of Set with the in fighting between different factions with humankind used to rumble against each other.  The majority of the outsiders have never heard of Aset Ka or Red Order of Set and if you mention those names to some of the insiders there is stone silence and no reply about it.
I now believe the name illuminati is used as a diversion to hide the real names of the actual combative opposing forces.  This conflict is taking place in both the physical and etheric domain at present.  We have been told that here on the forum but it begins to take root much larger in the mind when one begins to see the veil pulled back a little and then connect some of the happenings when you see things take place on stage yourself rather than read about it.

Number of posts : 4334
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A New Leader of the World - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Leader of the World

Post by Maxx 18.06.14 7:45

Speaks for itself.....

ADVERSITY & CALAMITY: The approaching economic collapse. This post is about the pending global economic collapse that may start during the Aug. to Nov. 2014 time period. This post will report stats, hoping to be basically “in the ball park”, yet, who (but God) knows the real figures. In the past, even the President has been lied to. The World’s global economic system is quite complex, & is manipulated from many different places so it’s difficult to determine exactly what will happen, but dangerous trends can clearly be warned about. It can be hard to prepare for a tidal wave...but it’s easier to deal w/ knowing it is coming than to be blindsided & shocked. Of course, the natural response for some old timers will be, we have been hearing of a collapse for every year of our entire life. How well I know. In spite of that, I believe a number of indicators show August to Nov. 2014 to be vulnerable months for an American economic meltdown, & when Amer. goes, the rest of the world is dragged down w/ us.
The USA & the FED. The Amer. economy is close to collapse. Derivatives may be one of the triggers. Russia predicts that the U.S. will not be the world’s reserve currency by 2017, & they are doing what they can to insure that prediction. When I walk into a Sears store I wonder how they stay open. Sometimes it feels like I am almost the only customer, & I am only window shopping. This current trend is being called a retail apocalypse. Average Amer. gas prices on 6/17/14 were $3.66 for a gal. of gas & $3.89 for a gal. of diesel. I don’t trust the unemployment figures…from looking around, at least a quarter of the adults are not working. Something like 46 million have food stamp cards. Collating numerous studies, the 3 healthiest regions of the U.S. are the Williamette Valley-Portland OR region, the Denver-north to Ft. Collins region, & the So. Minn.-NW Wisconsin region. Of those, the OR area has the best food potential w/ lots of fruit, veggies, & nuts in nature & small farms. It also has a higher earthquake risk, but the chance of an earthquake or volcano are still remote at worst.
On June 17th, a Permanent Subcommittee of the Senate called 6 witnesses incl. Bradley Katsuyama (CEO of IEX group) to discuss the flaws of the Stock market. He told them…”investors are systematically disadvantaged in the way that the markets have been set up.” Lewis, author of “Flash” prefers the description “rigged”. Watching the way Wall St. acts, clearly the lessons of 2008 have been forgotten. Govt. bailout money has allowed the reckless banks to invest in the wild stock market, so we have govt. gift money artificially boosting the stock market. Just remember, when the stock market is confronted w/ reality, it wakes up very fast. Their recklessness will be evident. There won’t be another round of expensive bailouts. Corporate & Wall St. insiders are aware of the pending plight.
This precarious situation forced Etienne Davidnon to organize a banking/finance mtg. this last Sunday in Zurich to discuss it. Attendees of this just over meeting in Zürich considered it very successful. The IMF, the Council of European Economic Affairs will create a deflation to provide security for the US & Europe. High level stringpullers at the mtg. think they may successfully avoid a financial crash like 2007-08. I received the following report of the Zurich mtg. made by Viscount Davidnon [its text follows w/ minor changes such as “and”=>”&”]:
“- Federal Reserve has to determine how & when to gradually raise interest rates & return monetary policy to a more traditional path.
- The IMF is very positive that the U.S. Federal Reserve can reduce its stimulus program & maintain eco. growth.
- In the Euro. Community, the member states’ influences will be positive, ranging from 3.9 % economic growth which will stabilize the $ for international trading.
- On the other side of the Atlantic, Americans (53% positive 20% negative) think the EU has a constructive impact on the world. Americans have become more positive about the EU over the past year, w/ favorable views on their support for the value of the $.
- The EU will be the mediator for the trade between Russia and US….The EU will pay the Ukrainian gas bill to Russia to avoid a gas crisis which might affect the US too.
- The weakened Chinese economy will strengthen the American industrial growth & improve employment for the next 5 years.
The threat remains from Vladimir Putin & his Eurasian Union created in 2011 & probably signed in 2015: Putin’s words were, The Eurasian model is a model of a multipolar world in which Armenia stays Armenian, China - Chinese, in which no one imposes any social model, as Americans impose their own patterns….Eurasian Union will be more successful than the American model of the new world.” [end of my quoting the Viscount’s report.]
I’ve mentioned that Russia is waging economic war on the U.S. I & others have discerned this w/out any input from the Illum. Listen to Putin talk and it is a streaming rant against America. The Viscount sees Russia’s eco. war as the main factor that may prevent the EU & US from mitigating the crash. The problem at one level is probably as he presents it.
Meanwhile the Illuminati’s assassination bureau has taken out over 30 bankers in Amer. & Europe. Just recently it was James S. McDonald, pres. & chief exec. of the investment management firm Rockefeller & Co., (started by John D.R. in 1882.) McDonald’s gunshot wound was ruled a suicide by Mass. authorities yest. He was found behind a car dealership in Dartmouth, Mass. Barclay McFadden III, a longtime friend, said McDonald "took his own life.” The Illum. tell me that there is a connection between the crash, & the corruption of these dead bankers, but I don't know what it is. I just know that they are telling me that these people are not dying natural deaths...& they don't mind me telling you that because they want the corrupt banking community to have some respect for their powers & orders.
The EU & the EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK (ECB). The Fed Reserve lends dollars to the ECB & other world central banks via swap lines, which bankers consider essential to prevent a severe banking crisis. But a crisis will prevail when America slips because the Fed reportedly needs to pay back $3 trillion to the ECB!! The EU is staggering economically…mainly in the Latin countries of Spain, Italy & Portugal, as well as Greece. Official unemployment stats for the first quarter of 2014 (rounded off) in Greece was 27% & Spain 26%. Delinquencies & defaults are rising in these areas. Europe has been using short-term solutions. The U.K.’s official recent recovery will not be sustainable, esp. after Amer. crashes. The common British know firsthand how weak their economy really is.
CHINA & AUSTRALIA. Some think that Australia is sitting pretty because they are economically attached to Asia. While that limits their risk from an American collapse, it doesn’t protect them from a Chinese collapse…& China is a bubble waiting to burst, which should not be hard to realize. China has simply overbuilt everything, housing, infrastructure, entire ghost cities, etc. Because their economy is state run, the govt. can do whatever it dreams up without regards to reality!!
So let me wake everyone up! Home sale values are sliding down in value. In the southern province of Guangdong, they are giving out no-down payment mortgage loans. While the China Banking Regulatory Commission (& others) dislikes no-down payment mortgage loans, the Chinese housing industry is turning to it because they have a severe oversupply of housing with few able to buy; 22% of urban homes were vacant in 2013!! Meanwhile in Beijing, one real estate development company had promotional signs telling customers that property prices “will never fail”. (gulp!) With the glut of homes, there was a 22% drop in the construction of new buildings in the first 4 months of 2014. (Makes sense to me.) When reality intrudes in China, it slows down the economy. The Chinese mortgage industry is also fudging on documentation, & overvaluing property to get larger loans for buyers. Basically, unqualified people are getting home loans. The state banks in China are lending money to keep the economy from crashing. Overinvestment by the Chinese govt. caused financial crises in late 1997 & late 2002. It makes sense that a bureaucratic govt. planned economy is going to have difficulties vs. a market-reality driven system. China is interdependent w/ our economy. They are drastically scaling back on their U.S. Treasury bond debt. They see the crash coming.
RUSSIA & Anti-Amer./anti-Illum. Bank Moslem nations. Russia has assisted Assad’s Syria, & other anti-American Islamic states, because they opt out of the West’s banking structure. Russia’s economy is fragile & based largely on gas sales to places like Europe & China. A World downturn will weaken their already difficult economy. Russia’s Gazprom on June 16th cut off natural gas deliveries to the Ukrainians. They had, by the way, been charging the Ukrainians high gas prices. The cut off hurts both ways. The Zurich mtg. decided to get Ukraine’s gas flowing again. Here in the U.S., new methods of extracting gas & discoveries of vast fields in places like Colorado has made the U.S. indefinitely self-reliant on its own gas & oil, if it wants. Still Amer. will cont. to import gas & oil from places like So. Amer. & Saudi Arabia. I mention this to make the point that Russia is not the sole producer of gas, so they are vulnerable to slow downs when less fuel is being consumed by their clients.
GLOBAL ECONOMY. It is reported that foreign countries hold $6 trillion of U.S. debt. Whatever it is, foreign investment in Treasury Bonds & other U.S. debt is monumental. The U.S. has trade relations around the world. More U.S. dollars are held by foreigners than Americans. America’s collapse is everyone’s disaster, even though China, Russia & India are waging economic war on America & want the collapse. China & India are increasingly active as trade/investment partners w/ Africa, which is the poorest continent. All African nations (except Morocco) belong to the African Union (AU) which has a central bank & is moving the continent towards a common currency. Various causes, incl. widespread corruption & poor infrastructure, help inhibit economic growth. Africa is vulnerable to population reduction. When economic disaster strikes, typically violent & armed chaos breaks out. Expect it here too. And the World will continue down the agenda of the Illum., unless something unexpected would happen.
SUMMARY. The Global economy’s disintegration has been predicted for decades; finally, it appears that it is actually about to start. Aug. thru Nov., 2014 is an especially vulnerable period. Will Illum. actions mitigate this fall? While many people are just barely making it, many others are still lavishly spending money. Hopefully, those who can will be prudent. A wise man sees dangers & takes precautions.

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Age : 109
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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