Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Troublemaker 27.03.16 23:26

So, without trying to delve too deeply into this ridiculously complex topic, (especially as a noob) I wanted to bring up something that has become quite interesting to me. I am curious as to any thoughts or comments that may arise in response to this thread.

It is obvious that thought control is a huge threat to many. One great example: religion. All that herd energy just clumping together, a massive snowball effect... fear and common thinking being the glue that holds them in place. And anyone with a weak mind will not even bother questioning why a bearded man in the sky would punish them because they said "shit" or wanted their gay cousin to be happy in his new marriage. But this is already well-known... even if only on a subconscious level. The problem: we are assaulted from every level, every single day. So, are these minds really so weak? People holding multiple college degrees with a seemingly high intelligence level and they still parrot the importance of praying to Jesus with a dazed look upon their faces. So... the deep question that will never be answered here... what kind of metaphysical manipulations are present within these created religions? Too complex and too secret to even be broached at great length, especially on this forum of all places.

Quite easy to observe in the occult communities (the visible, highly irrelevant ones, anyway) is the glamour, the perceived allure, of offensive metaphysics. (Hey Facebook friends check out my jeweled skull, my dark SATAN ALTAR OF DOOM AND... AND SATAN-NESS, my ritualistic dagger, that chick's thong I put there just to let y'all know how popular I am with the ladies, and the artistically-placed droplets of chicken blood). But, why the glamour? The great metaphysical war is already here, and I personally feel that each and every one of us have been fighting it ever since birth. So many of us, before even beginning the journey into trying to understand the unseen, are toast. And how deeply tragic it is to find this same altar idiot at the grocery store, buying that same brand of not because he likes it but because he was programmed with a subtle cue from a commercial. So, how deep does the programming go in each of us? Do these little altar boys even know their real minds in the absence of falsifications and programming? If they did... surely it would send them running, their hoods flapping comically behind them.

Other than to ramble (and I know you all must love my rambling so much... lol) I wanted to post this because I, like many others, feel a definitive shift in the air. The energy is certainly changing. The biggest chains are mental... and when people begin to break free, there is chaos. Chaos and confusion brought about by the glimpse of a whole new world that looks suddenly... different. It is certainly interesting to watch the symptoms of this manifest across the globe, as the tension rises every single day...


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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Maxx 28.03.16 6:23

As I watch the material by Tsarion it becomes very up front, just as he states, that once you become aware of the symbols that aid in the programming that you will find  every place, then you have suddenly begun to break the control.   The symbols are every place and in every location.  The programming was far more reaching than I had ever imagined. Parents begin the training also just as they have been programmed  as these symbols go back into ancient time.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Maxx 28.03.16 6:50

And I may add that the programming is done by the Atonists, or so it appears.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Troublemaker 28.03.16 9:05

Yes, it's sad how much the programming spreads, even though unknowing people. And disturbing to know that it's everywhere.... even in colors, gestures, etc. Interesting comment about the Atonists... that makes a lot of sense. Michael Tsarion has a lot of thought-provoking things to say, and I intend to comb through his videos at greater depth.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Jonathan 28.03.16 14:14

This is an interesting subject and I can perfectly see the programming you’re talking about. I will be honest and at times I even find irritating when people can be so blind, especially when they are blind but confident in their blindness. But I guess that’s all part of the larger plan pushed by certain powers.

Maxx and Rhea, when you mention the Atonists are you talking about the Sethians or a different sect?

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Troublemaker 28.03.16 14:48

When Maxx mentioned Atonists I thought he was meaning those Sethians who initiated monotheism, although I could be wrong here.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Maxx 28.03.16 20:08

Sethians, of course.  Responsible for ALL world religions,  driving force behind all regional skirmishes and all wars on the planet. All the conflicting divisions among the cultures and races.... Contols ALL political parties, etc.  You can see how they pull the strings.  Masons, Knights of Columbus, Knights Templar, Royal Families, All a neat package making it appear there are different factions in conflict.  Central Money buying all of it to conflict with each other and controld both sides of every issue.  Very easy to see the whole picture now.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.04.20 14:00

Bumping an old thread here, but I stumbled upon it and now have some questions.

Maxx, do you still think that the Sethians are responsible for all world religions? I think there's far greater diversity in religions than all merely being controlled by Sethians. I can see many religions as possible Sethian inventions, however there are some which appear as conspicuously different. For example, Hinduism... even Buddhism, which would just be a kind of off-shoot from the Sanatana Hindu Dharma. I hardly see any Sethian influences in the great yogis, rishis or sages, and divine beings of Hinduism. I believe the world is far more complex and multicolored than all merely being controlled by Sethians and opposed by the Aset Ka, who'd seek liberation from the ideological shackles of imposed religious dogma... which perspective I'm sure you'd agree with in today's time?

Also, I believe that the manipulation occurs due to humanity's weak, vulnerable and underveloped spot and faculty of the very brain center responsible for religious beliefs and convictions and this might partially be a result from thousands of years of slavery under authoritarian structures of government and religious oppression. Conventional Christianity would be at a HUGE and major fault for this, presumably excluding many of the Gnostic Christian sects which from my understanding actually date back to earlier Gnostic schools of the mysteries prior to the invention and rise of Christianity but which might have survived briefly under, or adopted (with new Christian influences), Christian guises. People have become unaccustomed to thinking for themselves and thus having any genuine own realization of truth. Consequentially, as well as through millenia or centuries of this oppressive rule in our dark age, people have become afraid to even inquire beyond their confines and are afraid of the consequences for doing so by the ruthless, unjust and unmerciful impositions of tyranny by the dictates, commands, and blind so-called "moral" preachings of preachers, of a supposed cosmic dictator. The supposed light of salvation has become the rotten banner of injustice, cruelty and torture, if not of entire civilizations so of the mind fallen into a dark pit of fearful beliefs and gullible imaginations about demonizatons of the unknown. But it is precisely through that unknown by which their true salvation would actually come, or their liberation into higher awareness by the conquest of the lower self or ego, but which they now cling onto due to fear of anything truly spiritual as well as due to then a narrowing of the view of reality to fit their fearful narrative of unconscious enslavement which they think to be security, comfort and salvific. But that only keeps them locked in a safe little box of limited freedom where they don't need to think for themselves but can rely upon the words of the blind leading the blind to console them further into spiritual depredation of the whole world through its bankruptcy... and all is so much more easily controllable.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Maxx 03.04.20 18:57

No. I do not.  lol.  Times change.....or info I run into makes my conclusions change.....the more info I am opening it appears there is much more to that than putting into one basket.  Also, this is an old thread.  In reading back through this I found I even mistyped a word I meant using as Aton....meant to be Aten as I was using the ending of the name of Akhenaten and just meant to use the ending as Aten....but even that I am finding could not be used as an overall catch-all for the stuff I am finding.  Akhenaten was a weak individual and was controlled and influenced by someone else to the point of being a Ruler in appearance mostly.  Akhenaten had no real interest in dealing with details and I do not believe, personally, that he was capable of holding anything together.  This is one reason in my interest in Ay as what I found indicates he had way more influence over the times as well as other rulers than many think.  It appears he was capable of acting as an intermediary between the Sethians and AsetKa and the different set of Priests in different areas.  This was a world-renown ability of gigantic proportions.

Also, what is written and commonly attached to Seth will depend on who you talk to.  Seth"s personality changed several times over different periods and areas and flipped and flopped between good and bad at different times.  So I really do not adhere to that old stereotype as Aset (good) and Seth (bad).  Many may disagree but it is what it is...

Also, Religion is a minor factor in rulership all over the world and is used to control the simple, dictate a direction of mind control,  and misdirect the attention away from the issue.  

The control is now, to a certain extent, falling away as more and more people are beginning to awaken.  The recycling of souls to become involved in all of this is mind-boggling.  A new age of 26,500 years is rolling over as well.  They even merge together as with other details.  These are very interesting times.

You would ask who and what is controlling this???  lol.

I can damn sure tell you it is not physical. That is certain.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Jonathan 04.04.20 4:25

Maxx wrote:Also, what is written and commonly attached to Seth will depend on who you talk to.  Seth"s personality changed several times over different periods and areas and flipped and flopped between good and bad at different times.  So I really do not adhere to that old stereotype as Aset (good) and Seth (bad).  Many may disagree but it is what it is...

That is important to understand. Many may very well see Aset as evil and Seth as good or angelic. Both viewpoints are valid depending on your inner alignment and personal spiritual allegiance. There is no good and evil.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Naoom 04.04.20 4:45

Jonathan wrote:
Maxx wrote:Also, what is written and commonly attached to Seth will depend on who you talk to.  Seth"s personality changed several times over different periods and areas and flipped and flopped between good and bad at different times.  So I really do not adhere to that old stereotype as Aset (good) and Seth (bad).  Many may disagree but it is what it is...

That is important to understand. Many may very well see Aset as evil and Seth as good or angelic. Both viewpoints are valid depending on your inner alignment and personal spiritual allegiance. There is no good and evil.

That is very true. I also see it as if there are two different philosophies originating from this, which may seem closely related at the surface but are fundamentally different in core. They are both equally valid though like you explained, and noone can claim that either is wrong because in reality it us up to the individual and what you feel drawn to, which might go much deeper than a surface feeling of resonance, but rather a connection that reflects in past lives and bonds formed throughout our different reincarnations.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.04.20 5:38

"History is written before our eyes as forces of the past work upon the present... Take heed to both to discern the future!"

Maxx, I read a wikipedia article on Ay. He seems a bit like an ambiguous figure, indeed, much like certain descriptions of Thoth/Tehuti/Djehuty who in some accounts is said to be a neutral or mediating force of balancing between good and evil in the world. Couldn't help but see the similarity in that kind of description. I don't know if there is some correlation but I can't tell with this basic level of cursory research. But he seemed to at one point support the experiment of monotheism during the Amarna period but then worked against it after that period?

Also agreed with you all three; I think this can be overlooked very easily, particularly by common human mindsets, and I've done that mistake as well. But it's an important distinction in the way of being merely a differential matter in spiritual taste, "opinion" (or deeper values as well as philosophies as Naoom might state) and allegiance, as well as a possible range of myriads other variables, rather than a contrast between black and white or good and evil.

Naoom, I'd be interested in an analysis, or exposition of your thoughts, on those two differing philosophies, by the way. I think such an overview might be beneficial to many who read this forum as well as to a thoroughly good discussion, if you're willing to share your perspective and haven't done so before.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Naoom 04.04.20 6:23

If those two different philosophies can be accurately defined and examined as something that may exist objectively, then I would say that these subtle cues of thought hide and reflect in every and each of our actions - whether we are aware of them or not -  and no matter how big or small. I have my own experiences where I have come to observe these differences in everyone I interact with in my daily life, and I have come to the conclusion that one person cannot accurately describe both viewpoints accurately, because what it all boils down to, is our unique values and our feelings towards these Beings themselves, which is subjective and speaks to something that is beyond reason. The philosophy of the Asetians, we know from their own books and the way they interact with others, meaning things that are visible through actions and even history. I personally do not know much about Seth or even the Sethians, but I would say that the best way to go about discovering their own ideals and philosophy would be to look into known recorded cases of Sethian rule and actions, which is something most of us have no academic access to, or a limited one at best. I speak only for myself because at the end of the day it comes down to that, and my own opinions are based on my emotions and devotion towards my path and the Goddess herself.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Naoom 04.04.20 6:46

Looking back at it, I can now see how it also relates to the original post made by Rhea. Thoughts and energy are all accessible and can be found very easily in the higher realms, except when they are guarded. Those who have control over those areas can influence them very easily because most people are completely unaware of this dimension of reality. Unless people make an individual effort to wake up, they will be influenced by the collective energies of the group which is supported by these forces found in the astral or even higher realms. Like Rhea explained, thinking that there is some mystical force out there keeping everybody safe, is an illusion which becomes the real danger in and of itself, creating the illusion of safety. There is no such force that inherently protects these information found in the higher planes, so it is up to every individual to learn how to find access to the higher planes and see how it all truly operates so that we may be free of such potential dangers.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Maxx 04.04.20 8:14

Mystic, that seed planted in Akhenaten was introduced to him by his Grandfather.  You rarely see anything of this mentioned so it would be enlightening to learn that this element was inherent in a form of Religion long before the 18th dynasty.  It flows from the very distant past into that period and even is present in our time today.  It was not a new element created by Akhenaten as many seem to believe. As you mentioned, you can see how it formed the basis of the Christian Religion today as well as the other two similar branches. These 3 major religions have their origin built from the Egyptian religion. A blind person should be able to see that.

As you know, my great interest in Ay started from the fact I watched him in various scenes from the past and it was this that opened my eyes to how he was using the black, polished stone embedded in the Temple walls as a portal in communication with other dimensions.  I found him very fascinating.

I also have not said much about the other figure from the past that has really drawn my attention, but I find Seti I a very remarkable person that had the ability to create a very strong bond between himself and his Warrior Military.  They would follow and pledge their lives for him no matter what.  It takes a great person to instill this aspect within the fighting men that follow him anyplace.... with sincerity.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Maxx 04.04.20 8:29

Jonathan wrote:
Maxx wrote:Also, what is written and commonly attached to Seth will depend on who you talk to.  Seth"s personality changed several times over different periods and areas and flipped and flopped between good and bad at different times.  So I really do not adhere to that old stereotype as Aset (good) and Seth (bad).  Many may disagree but it is what it is...

That is important to understand. Many may very well see Aset as evil and Seth as good or angelic. Both viewpoints are valid depending on your inner alignment and personal spiritual allegiance. There is no good and evil.

Jon...if I may, let me clarify my meaning in this...
My description of the personality of Seth was not meaning that He changed it so much, but it was the way that the populace were conditioned to "see" it changing at the time by the various Priesthood.  I think you are aware of my meaning but some others might not be.

As I understand it, Each of these periods in history had their direction created by design and one can even say their leaders used anything at their disposal to accomplish their end result, just as we see today.  So very little will you find of the actual history of how history does create what is really behind the scenes.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Maxx 04.04.20 8:45

"They are both equally valid though like you explained, and no one can claim that either is wrong because, in reality, it is up to the individual and what you feel drawn to, which might go much deeper than a surface feeling of resonance, but rather a connection that reflects in past lives and bonds formed throughout our different reincarnations."

Naoom,  So true.

The why and how of it, is that every single, individual cell in our body carries a copy of all our previous lives and memories of all our experiences.  This is how we are led to agree or align with any topic or subject that we think is something worthy of our interest.  We have already been a part of it in the past.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.04.20 14:02

Naoom wrote:If those two different philosophies can be accurately defined and examined as something that may exist objectively, then I would say that these subtle cues of thought hide and reflect in every and each of our actions - whether we are aware of them or not - and no matter how big or small. I have my own experiences where I have come to observe these differences in everyone I interact with in my daily life, and I have come to the conclusion that one person cannot accurately describe both viewpoints accurately, because what it all boils down to, is our unique values and our feelings towards these Beings themselves, which is subjective and speaks to something that is beyond reason.

This raises numerous philosophical questions. Almost like the notion of a perennial wisdom tradition that has been taken up by certain philosophers, you seem to theorize, speculate or draw the observation - whether true or not - that there are kinds of implicate subtle patterns of potential, bearing ideological implications, in the nature of our actions that potentiate variegating choices to draw from in any given instance and that it will define how much we align with either of these two sides - Asetian or Sethian?

This'd raise mainly two questions, of which the second might resolve the first, if true:

(1) Doesn't that raise the problem, though, of everything being contrasted black and white in human existence, between these two forces, which would be quite false, at least in my view, considering the multicomplexity, and manifold colours, of the world?

(2) Further, however, this raises the question then, if true, that could these implicate subtle patterns of potential in our actions then be accredited to different streams of behaviour in human action and nature, whyfore I connect it in similitude to the idea of a perennial wisdom tradition that recurringly appears and reappears, such as it is said to do in all world religions according to certain philosophers? It isn't the same necessarily but similar in the sense of perennially branching out different modes of behaviour and philosophy in people. Could this, in turn, reflect that these two sides reflect very different but both seemingly legitimate ways of philosophy that reflect nature in a way, or would that be an erroneous assumption?

Or have I misinterpreted what you wrote?

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Troublemaker 05.04.20 0:17

My oh my. What an old thread. Oh how things have changed. When a friend brought this thread back to my attention, I jokingly claimed that I had no clue who wrote the original post. Razz  

Well, I'll start off by saying that no one educated in Asetianism should ever be seeing Aset as some light figure of good and Seth as evil. I believe that to be a surface-level misconception. Of course, both are complete and embody both polarities, and the All and the None at the same time. (Or do they? I tend to wonder about that as it pertains to Seth's lack of creation powers, as well as the rule Asetians have over the Ankh pillar/opposed to the rule of the Sethians over Was, but I suppose that's a separate topic.) Anyway, I must say that categorizing these things as light or dark is near impossible. Each immortal bloodline has committed unspeakable things, but also great acts of love and kindness. Those who feel an intense allegiance toward one side over the other surely cultivated that in another life, in another time, provided that this allegiance is true and not stemming from misconceptions or shallow conditioning.

What Maxx mentions about the priesthood makes a lot of sense. I personally feel that these modern representations are extremely unreliable in a way, if one wishes to touch upon any deeper essence behind a true deity (in any way possible in this limited realm of the flesh). They say that history is written by the victors. Well, it seems to me that this taints the purer understanding behind ancient initiatory forces and entities. History is convoluted and tricky even for advanced scholars. Navigating the labyrinth and isolating which elements were politically or religiously influenced, separating the impurities and finding truth is the pursuit of lifetimes. When it comes to a deity like Seth or Aset, passing down a vein of thought, teaching, or any other initiatory element will be more like a isolating one small droplet out of the unspeakable realm of divinity. I've found Seth being represented in all sorts of ways, none of them seeming to be complete. When it comes to Aset, this is why I value the teachings of the Aset Ka so much. There is no other organization or mind qualified to speak about Her in a similarly accurate way, in my opinion. Can humanity truly know them? After the teaching that communion with real deities is reliant upon advanced techniques closely guarded, it certainly invokes a new appreciation for the ancient priesthoods who were versed in these methods. Modern scholarship seems like a faint echo containing truths that are hard to grasp for, a bit like elusive smoke requiring thousands of keys to even glimpse.  

Some part of history is guarded in a higher temple. Open only to those who are able to walk the invisible paths and cultivate their higher senses. I believe this arcane pursuit to be quite worthwhile.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Naoom 05.04.20 12:24

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:
Naoom wrote:If those two different philosophies can be accurately defined and examined as something that may exist objectively, then I would say that these subtle cues of thought hide and reflect in every and each of our actions - whether we are aware of them or not -  and no matter how big or small. I have my own experiences where I have come to observe these differences in everyone I interact with in my daily life, and I have come to the conclusion that one person cannot accurately describe both viewpoints accurately, because what it all boils down to, is our unique values and our feelings towards these Beings themselves, which is subjective and speaks to something that is beyond reason.

This raises numerous philosophical questions. Almost like the notion of a perennial wisdom tradition that has been taken up by certain philosophers, you seem to theorize, speculate or draw the observation - whether true or not - that there are kinds of implicate subtle patterns of potential, bearing ideological implications, in the nature of our actions that potentiate variegating choices to draw from in any given instance and that it will define how much we align with either of these two sides - Asetian or Sethian?

This'd raise mainly two questions, of which the second might resolve the first, if true:

(1) Doesn't that raise the problem, though, of everything being contrasted black and white in human existence, between these two forces, which would be quite false, at least in my view, considering the multicomplexity, and manifold colours, of the world?

(2) Further, however, this raises the question then, if true, that could these implicate subtle patterns of potential in our actions then be accredited to different streams of behaviour in human action and nature, whyfore I connect it in similitude to the idea of a perennial wisdom tradition that recurringly appears and reappears, such as it is said to do in all world religions according to certain philosophers? It isn't the same necessarily but similar in the sense of perennially branching out different modes of behaviour and philosophy in people. Could this, in turn, reflect that these two sides reflect very different but both seemingly legitimate ways of philosophy that reflect nature in a way, or would that be an erroneous assumption?

Or have I misinterpreted what you wrote?

The first part is very true but especially for people who have come into contact with the tradition in this or in their previous lifetimes, but also for the general population who is unaware of their existence and influence completely, because we can observe how that mindset has changed and continues to form over the different Aeons, and this gives insight about these opposing philosophies more than anything else. For example, when we look back to periods of Asetian rule and influence, we can see women being valued more, and a lot of other things which are distinct and fundamentally opposing in values towards the ones seen in the Djehuty of the Crocodile as a prime example. It is really hard to define these different philosophies and the behaviors they may inspire, but we can gain a lot of insight by examining examples of such actions in our own lives, and then draw comparisons with the findings of other Asetianists who experience this truth in every small detail.

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Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning) Empty Re: Metaphysical Warfare: Thought Control (Ramble Warning)

Post by Naoom 05.04.20 12:30

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:
This raises numerous philosophical questions. Almost like the notion of a perennial wisdom tradition that has been taken up by certain philosophers, you seem to theorize, speculate or draw the observation - whether true or not - that there are kinds of implicate subtle patterns of potential, bearing ideological implications, in the nature of our actions that potentiate variegating choices to draw from in any given instance and that it will define how much we align with either of these two sides - Asetian or Sethian?

Oh, I just realized I had quoted the entire text when my answer was directed more to this part.

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