Vimpire Immortality Hoax

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by vampis 27.10.16 1:33

It seems, that vampires always talk about them being immortal. Well, there are few things that are not correct with this statement, in my opinion.

1) Occult teaches that our essence in eternity was, is and shall remain. So basically everyone is immortal. Everyone is incarnation of the one God in human body.
2) Buddhism teaches that all beings reincarnate (which is true from the occult perspective (they have just dropped different details from their philosophy)). In this case Everyone is immortal.
3) As I remember from Asetian Bible, vampires can forget themselves in future lives and access the knowledge about their past lives from akashic records. Guess what, the same goes for all other people. It makes no difference.
4) Enlightened being does not forget his past lives, unless he wants to. Well this goes for both, vampires and ordinary people.
(As it is written in the bible and as it is said in masonic orders, "the one  who shall experience his death, while he is alive, will not die the second time).

It can be said that vampires remain vampires in their future lives. But it is not about their immortality, but about the immortality of their vampiric nature. So, they are not more immortal, then other people. They are just vampires.
Tell me what you think.
May be I am mistaken somewhere.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by vampis 27.10.16 1:35

Oh, sh*t. I have made a typo in the heading. I am not sure how to edit it.
* Vampire

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Jonathan 27.10.16 5:11

I would argue that a human soul can be destroyed or killed. Otherwise what’s the point if you can just perpetually keep on reincarnating and doing nothing to evolve, the universe would be a bunch of useless lazy old souls. Lack of evolution leads to stagnation and potential death, which is more like energy dissipation and return to the source rather than what people perceive death to be. Energy never ends of course but it means an end of identity which is true death to me.

Not to mention secretive metaphysical methods of magickal warfare that can destroy a soul. It’s foolish to believe that everyone is spiritually safe, that’s just not the nature of the universe.

I know that this is not a popular theory and many here disagree but it's still my educated opinion.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by vampis 27.10.16 7:36

You have said - destroyed or killed, but I was talking more about natural death. Vampires can be also killed by the way.
I am not arguing with what you have said. The point is - the identity is mortal, the essence is not. Through akashic records you can remember your previous identities.
Both a person and a vampire are reborn and dont remember what have happened to them before. After evolving, they start remembering.
The point of evolving is to be able to control yourself (your identity (even after death)).
So, in this case, a person's and vampires immortality has no difference.

P. S.
Becoming a vampire - is not exactly evolving.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Nightshade 27.10.16 10:54

vampis wrote:Everyone is incarnation of the one God in human body.


vampis wrote:In this case Everyone is immortal.

Again, assumption.

vampis wrote:As I remember from Asetian Bible, vampires can forget themselves in future lives and access the knowledge about their past lives from akashic records. Guess what, the same goes for all other people. It makes no difference.

Actually there is very significative difference between human reincarnation and Asetian reincarnation. Different processes.

vampis wrote:As it is written in the bible and as it is said in masonic orders, "the one  who shall experience his death, while he is alive, will not die the second time).

So the bible and masonic orders are sources of truth to you. I see... well I'm sorry to say it again but that's... assumption.

vampis wrote:Both a person and a vampire are reborn and dont remember what have happened to them before.

Not true. Per established literature Asetians do remember what happened in previous lives.

vampis wrote:The point of evolving is to be able to control yourself (your identity (even after death)).

Yes I had to finish with yet another assumption.
Your posts are full of it. That's not knowledge that's lack of experience.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by vampis 27.10.16 12:33

Hey, Nightshade
I am tired from writing the post on the aset ka existence, so I'll try to keep this one short.

The first quote is not an assumption but experience.
The second, you didnt understand (perhaps because of the lack of your own experience).
The third quote - well, explain the difference then.
The fourth quote - The only source of truth is within. Masonic orders and the Bible holds the truth. The one understands it shall see it. And what did you call an assumption in this case? The fact that Bible and Masonic orders hold the truth? Or what?
The fifth quote - re read the "Past Lives" chapter on page 71 of Asetian Bible.
The last quote is not an assumption. It is the understanding, which you do not posses.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 27.10.16 16:23

Jonathan, I belive that you are confusing the human being's astral body with the soul, for the soul is immortal and never dies, but that is my belief. I would like to argue that the soul is indeed immortal, that which is stated in all Mystery Schools, and so forth, in different religions, where no reference is made exclusively to vampires in that regard. Indeed, a person's astral body could face decomposition, or even their etheric body could, but that is not the soul, although it may be easily confused for the soul as such; instead, they are various bodies which the eternal spirit or immortal soul wears and acts through, just like the physical body. They [those bodies] correspond to their respective universes, or places of habitation. And, the soul may redress in new astral bodies before incarnations, after they have gone through the after-death processes which are quite comprehensive as far as I have heard. At least this is my understanding from what I have listened to great masters. It could be inaccurate to some points, as I am by far not an expert in these subjects but only a novitiate. Thoughts?

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Jonathan 27.10.16 17:04

As you said that’s a belief. I understand what you’re saying and I respect your point of view. My own belief is slightly different. I think most users here would agree with you though. Personally I think that people find it convenient and comfortable to hold a belief in immortality of the soul. Gives them a purpose. No matter what they do they'll always survive. I find stronger belief in impermanence and never take anything for granted. All is volatile in nature.

If you don't mind me asking, what are the great masters that you have listened describing this?

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 27.10.16 17:48

It is mainly from a himalayan master of yoga called Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, who goes into it at quite some length in his YouTube videos which I take as a rare account of the procedure.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Jonathan 27.10.16 18:06

I'm always open to being wrong of course. I was just explaining my own view and experience.

As you see it differently what is your belief about the immortality of vampires? I mean the concept of immortality has been connected with vampirism for ages, so in your opinion what does make vampires any more "immortal" than humans?

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by vampis 28.10.16 3:54

So, basically I agree with MysticLightShinethForth. I was trying to make quiet the same point.
But I would not agree that what he said is a belief. Perhaps it is a belief to him, and to the other people who havent opened new paradigms of understanding, but at a certain level this knowledge comes as the obvious. You are on the right way.
Dont believe. Never believe.
Experience it.
Understand it.
From within.
Then you will know.

As some wise people have said, "What has a beginning, has an end. What has no beginning, has no end". This is also something, that should be understood and experienced.

The essence (lets name it "soul" in this case) was, is and forever shall remain in eternity. The bodies, that appeared - shall be destroyed by time.
Also for this same reason, the statement of becoming an immortal (vampire) was never actually understood by me. BECOMING IMMORTAL. Its is like a beginning with no end, which completely contradicts the statement before. And on a certain level of understanding, the pure logic.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Nightshade 28.10.16 4:33

vampis wrote:But I would not agree that what he said is a belief. Perhaps it is a belief to him, and to the other people who havent opened new paradigms of understanding, but at a certain level this knowledge comes as the obvious.


Spoken exactly like a true cultist. Your way is the only way. All other ways are false. You’re really better off with religion, the religion that only your understanding is correct and all others are wrong. Exactly like a Christian.

I'm sure Jonathan based his views on understanding as well. The fact that you claim that only your understanding is correct and his is wrong based only on belief shows an arrogance that it's pretty ignorant to anyone with actual understanding. You're incredibly limited and closed-minded. You really should learn that an occultist is never that restricted but always open to new learning, exactly as Jonathan expressed in his post being open to being wrong.

This guy is hilarious. Laughing

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by vampis 28.10.16 4:48

You have a long path to come and a lot of deception to conquer, Nightshade.
To be honest, I dont think you will make it.
*At least in this life.
Take care Smile

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Nightshade 28.10.16 4:50

vampis wrote:You have a long path to come and a lot of deception to conquer, Nightshade.
To be honest, I dont think you will make it.
*At least in this life.
Take care Smile


Proven my point again. Thanks!
Oh these kids nowadays...

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 28.10.16 8:21

Well, Jonathan, my answer would be quite difficult to be made. That which you are asking goes quite into the same question as I asked a while back on another topic about "What really distinguishes a vampire from a normal human?", but it is unfortunately left unanswered as of yet. But I could try to answer, in spite of my limited understanding about the subject.

First of all, I would like to draw a connection between vampires and their folkore or myth and legend. There must be some real substance in those folklores in order to find food for the fantasy, because if you look closely enough at reality, you will find out that it works quite like in a fictional story- that is - if you look to higher laws and the unseen world, for example. To say then, that folklore, myth and legend, can find expression from an inspirational source in reality, is not so absurd at least to my knowledge, reasoning and understanding.

But what could be this inspirational source found in reality? That must be real vampires, of course, at least so far as my knowledge is concerned from reading on this forum about various topics. But it could also be many other things, such as the folklores are based upon, as I do not think a normal (human) vampire would spun such a great series of mythological legends, or would they? I do not know, but it is wortwhile a question and may be a linking parallel inbetween myth or legend and reality.

We then have the vampires who drink blood from the living, who live in the darkness of the night - generally how the stories unfold as the main line of the whole, if we say, archetypal story-based narrative. But this may all be allegorical or symbolical of a representation of something hidden within the human being all these stories as may be a common hypothesis. It may be romanticism, or even horror, or similar. However, linking this to your question about how vampirism has been connected to immortality through the ages: well, vampires then did to these things in the stories partially to prolong their existence, which can be thought of as physical immortality, similar to what witches may have done but in different settings and perhaps by different means than drinking blood. It may all be superstition based on some underlying facts, more exaggerated, or it can be cloaked symbolical representations of either something, a tendency or proclivity with archetypal relation to the vampire, within the human being, or of something that carries veracity. In the former case of these two latter choices, it could be something mysterious and deeply primordial within the human being such as the animal nature from previous incarnations in lesser forms of evolution that still remains subconsciously lodged in the present shape, but maybe this is more a description of lycanthrophy. In the latter case it could be something intervoweven with reality, which these stories tried to narrate. But maybe you have a different point of view from certain research into real life vampires which connect to immortality, which I would be interested in reading if that is so.

Well, going to that subject of real vampires instead, I may present a few theories, one of them which is, in direct relation to your question, what in my opinion makes vampires any more "immortal" than humans. That which I have heard and read so far about the vampires in real life is a remembrance of past lives, more so than the averege population to which remembrance of past lives is mostly nothing at all. It may then have to do something with more conscious immortality, if this satisfies your question, but other than that I do not know how vampires could be considered more "immortal" than humans. Maybe the immortality in them expresses itself more openly, more radically, if these words suffice to express it, but this is just a theoretical point of view.

If this does not answer any question satisfactorily, at least I hope it may be useful as fuel for some inquiry or furtherance of investigation.

By the way, could you attempt at answering my previous topic about "What really distinguishes a vampire from a normal human being?", as perhaps that may be that continuation of the topic we are discussing herein as asked by or raised by your questions.

I realize this post is a little bit incoherent or lacking in structure, but I do not know how to fix it, so I shall copy what I had previously written on a paper before this that were written above:

Well, first of all, I would like to draw a connection between vampires and their myth and legend - the tales of an immortal being, however these stories vary and may even have an inspirational source and symbolical representation from reality. But some do argue that even this is drawn from some human symbolical archetype of desire for eternal youth, whereby all kinds of legends and exaggerations may have taken place. Although, my hypothesis would be that real vampires differ in that regard as they are quite a specimen of their own and may even recollect past life memories more easily than the rest. I do not really have any definitive answer but this leaves me at the point where I last made a topic in this forum asking about the differences between normal human beings and vampires, what really distinguishes vampires from other human beings. There are many different views about vampires ranging from mere archetypes to fictional lore to the views held by those dedicated to real life vampirism. Most of the puzzle pieces would fall into place if you examined the two former to the latter third.

What are your own thoughts on your questions?

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Jonathan 28.10.16 9:14

Thank you for the detailed reply. I appreciate it and you raised some interesting thoughts. I don’t see however vampirism as an expression of physical immortality and find those connections an aspect of mythology. Interesting that you also brought up the subject of witches in lore since I’ve seen on several occasions vampirism being connected with traditional witchcraft so there may be some parallels at play. Concerning your question on what distinguishes vampires from humans to me that’s the nature of the soul. Vampires, at least Asetians, don’t have a human soul which makes them rather different creatures in essence even if inhabiting the same human bodies upon reincarnation. But as I said vampirism is not a physical condition to me or a different biological species, their differences are found within in the essence of their souls. It's really a profoundly philosophical question that to give it proper reply would take pages and pages of discourse. Truth is to answer that question accurately and in detail we would require for an Asetian to share his or her wisdom and those things won’t happen publicly in an open forum like this. All we can do is speculate to the best of our understanding from experience and educated deduction, unlike those who believe they have it all figured out. No one has. It's an illusion. An important step is to break that illusion raised by ego and society as the universe is infinite with possibility. Stagnation often catches those falling into this trap.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 28.10.16 9:34

That was a very interesting input, it did also explain quite a bit and clarified a lot, my thanks.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by vampis 28.10.16 12:26

It is quiet interesting, that on a vampire forum, people dont actually understand the nature of vampires. Smile

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Heruset 28.10.16 12:38

Here is how I personally see it.

The divine is immortal. This is the true immortal soul.
From this soul mixed with the chaos of nature, comes the human souls, who are conditioned by their lives and will eventually evolve to be immortal by converting their animal nature into spiritual nature, or let their egos rule and stagnate into oblivion.

Asetians have purely divine, and hence, purely immortal souls.

This is a complex subject, but this, I think, scratches the surface area for your question.


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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Jonathan 28.10.16 12:58

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:That was a very interesting input, it did also explain quite a bit and clarified a lot, my thanks.

You're welcome and thank you for sharing your views as well. I enjoyed reading them.

Heruset wrote:Here is how I personally see it.

Your explanation is somewhat aligned with my interpretation as well.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 29.10.16 6:46

That is an interesting point of view, Heruset. Thank you for sharing.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Maxx 29.10.16 9:39

vampis wrote:It is quiet interesting, that on a vampire forum, people dont actually understand the nature of vampires. Smile

Take that same view on a Christian site or Masonic, or Magical, or Metaphysical, or any site that advocates any topic, and you have the context of all comments. Look at the different comments to any youtube video posted on Fake Book. People assume they have the answer to any question they give their input on.  Even the fact they have no answer is a type of answer in their mind.

So your statement is really a nonstatement.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Maxx 31.10.16 17:31

A mortal can learn more from what he believes he does not know than from what he believes he does know. The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge. Leave questions to men with no imagination. Wisdom can be found in the most unexpected places; even perhaps within your own self.


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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by Nightshade 31.10.16 17:36

Maxx wrote:A mortal can learn more from what he believes he does not know than from what he believes he does know.  The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.  Leave questions to men with no imagination.  Wisdom can be found in the most unexpected places; even perhaps within your own self.

Now here's something I cannot argue with. Well said.

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Vimpire Immortality Hoax Empty Re: Vimpire Immortality Hoax

Post by UberSite 02.11.16 11:53

Bobby Sands; reported going sixty-six days without food. Seems strange. Mitsutaka Uchikoshi, twenty-four days without food nor water. Again, seems strange.

I had a birth certificate go missing in Los Angeles and seemingly returned in a psychiatric ward in New York City. I also had a Passport issued without effectively taking an oath. Falsified documentation seems all too probable if a national security matter.

When in confined observation, I have also been told occurrence, "while intriguing, needs to end", then injected with a, seemingly very strong, anti-psychotic substance. Was thought I would be rushed in hospitalization after injection. I said, "Ugh, maybe you are right; oh, no; 'never-mind'.", to which a person responded, "Huh; really?"

I am not sure immortality is a hoax. I find your typo strange as well.


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