Awakening and time

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Awakening and time Empty Awakening and time

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 14:23

Awakening can last years according to some, right? It may be a process one starts experiencing and that can take many different stages.

I was thinking, and would like to know your opinion.

Awakening can be related to different things, and it would be finding your own Self, right?

Could a person awake for his True nature, as a vampire, learning a lot about himself, slowly progressing in self development and spiritual advance, but only after a long time begins awakening for hist True Nature as an Asetian?


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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Jonathan 05.09.17 14:32

It's possible. Awakenings can take a very long time or only happen much further in life, when one is ready. That can take a lot of self work, spiritual growth and internal development.

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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 14:42

So, it would really be a process , a long one full of different stages. Until one sees himself in front of the door for the next part.

These years of self work, could help bring the tools for a better understanding of what is ahead.

So a person might not fully awake for his Self as an Asetian, but this can really happen a long time, later.

It is like going through lots of "small awakenings" , as the person could feel lost, or have the same questions as he had before, in its initial years starting the journey.

What would be different, is that everytime he visitis this first chamber, maybe he has a different view, and maturity to deal with it.

And again he realizes how little he knows... and how much he has to learn

Life is an interesting process.... (I say that with a smile, feeling a comfortable inner feeling )

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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 15:02

I have another comment, regarding to awakening, and also about something I read in another post, but I couldn't find it right now.

It was about awakening and reincarnationg, and the fact that meny Asetians may be distant from each other, even in different countries.

There would be many Asetians awakening, and my question is:

Is the distance a problem? Specially in different continents...

I believe internet has been helping a lot to get people closer, but how to solve the internal call the Asetian may feel to be close to Family, at least sometimes?

Being distant would be a problem to accepting a member "back" ?

Number of posts : 477
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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Jessamine 05.09.17 18:20

Aset Ka is an order of Spirit. Their realms are beyond our teny tiny brains and material world. So being on a different continent does not pose a problem, but living in a "retard" society does, perhaps maybe. Although an Asetian would not incarnate in that circumstances I guess.

Also I would like to add Awakening is your own personal hell literally. You burn and rise from the ashes.

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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Maxx 05.09.17 18:27

Born of the flames. Cleansed by the fire.

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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Jessamine 05.09.17 18:40

Lynskha let me put it this way.
Can you imagine how it feels like that everything you have known in your life shatters in pieces? Everything you belive, who you are, what music you like, what you think is a nice life, your dreams... all of that goes down the toilet. Can you imagine the process?
And when you think you got somehow out of it, oh no then you see in what crap world you live in. Relationships become meaningless, and just when you think you overcome loneliness oh hell no, it gets worse xD

I think alot of people on the internet talk about "ego death" "Awakening" and are romanticizing it and all that crap. Thats pure crap.
It is a path only the strongest survive, if they even dare to take upon such quest.

Please read up all me friends who think this is a nice way to achieve self-Actualisation and self-Transcendence. It is not nice, and again it is hell. Pure hell.
This is the worst time of my young life, but I love it, i am embracing it because it is worth it. Can't wait whats around the corner. And I just hope that I don't get spit out and pray I am worth it.

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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 18:52

Trust me, I know what you até talking about.

Number of posts : 477
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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 18:52

Are, sorry.

Number of posts : 477
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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Jessamine 05.09.17 19:04

Just in case you are mistaken, I ate a slice of bread with Nutella and some fruit. xD

Well I don't know if you know what you até talking about xD Time will tell, as it did many times before.

I will start my own comedy show, all the members are invited to the premiere.

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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 19:42

hahaha, I like Nutella!

Using the mobile, configuration for portuguese, it changed my "are" for "até" ( until in english).

I was going to complete my answer, but as I said my mobile wasn't a good helper.

I understand the process is somehow disturbing, and even painful, but I also know it can be just a momment of inner peace and balance.

I think everything is about balance.

We walk trying to make sense, then we gather new things we are sure about, when suddenly, our points of view change.

This way we keep building the road, the same time we walk, gathering pieces of this puzzle. And then, we just put them were they fit.

In the end, we take some distance, to admire the masterpiece, made by every little detail, with an effort, but becoming complete.

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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Lynskha 23.11.17 11:28

I came across some people in a group talking about how these days, it seems there has been more people dealing with awakenings (vampires/otherkin) , however, some were talking like "criticizing" late awakenings.

They were mentioning that it seems not "commom" people getting to awake near 30 something, that they should have began the "process" during teen years.

I am just putting here, what some said, that does not reflect my opinion.

I believe everything has a time, everyone is different, and each individual deals with specific things when and if they have to, being vampirism, or any other subject.

Time is something very personal, as well as the necessity to mature things.

I agree that I have seen more "action" lately about people searching for things related to occultism/vampirism/spirituality.

There are some books to be released, some news being commented regarding to the VC.

I just think that, it would be good ( utopical maybe) but, that the new ones, and also the old guys dealing with these subjects can have a nice and mature way of dealing with it.


Number of posts : 477
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Awakening and time Empty Re: Awakening and time

Post by Charby 17.12.17 13:59

Much of the problem is society. Yes, naturally most would become aware, or begin awakening to being a vampire near puberty but, of course society tells us that is nonsense, crazy, just a phase, etc... and so, the mind shuts the door, refuses to be different, to know what the self really is.

For some, the ability to set aside what society says and, know comes later in life, for some, it never comes and, those suffer through life, never knowing that instead of feeling frail, weak and tired they could be alive, thriving, powerful of spirit beings.

No the initial awakening is not pleasant and is the most difficult thing you will go through. Everything you thought you knew about yourself, about the would and, about how things are, what is and is not real and, what is and is not possible is stripped away, your soul laid bare and raw and, there you are left to find your way.

Now do you get up and move forward, accept what you are, leave toe wounds open for a time and, find the right way, to heal yourself, to improve yourself, or to you throw the placebo bandages of fiction that it can't be real that what you now know is a lie over it and, muddle on as if it never happened?

Few have the strength to step boldly into the unknown, to accept the unknown as truth before they know what it is they are accepting and, that is what it takes to get beyond the initial awakening and, begin your journey to be your true self.

Soon you realize the process off awakening, of self discovery, of learning, of the intimacy of the universe is a never ending journey. Some falter here, and halt, refusing to delve deeper, move forward and, again, they suffer for it. Those few of us who survive that second realization will go on to thrive, to embrace who and what we are and, will never tire of learning and growing in any way we can find to do so, we learn to love the awakening journey and learn to seek new awakenings on different aspects and, that is the joy of this life, to repeatedly find those fires, to step into them and, come out more alive, more aware and, more in everything than you were before.

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