Being kind and how it can surprise people

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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by Lynskha 18.12.17 19:48

I was thinking about something, RHP and LHP, and the beliefs and things some use to follow.

We tend to see a connection between the word vampire and dark/evil.
Usually associated with this archetype of evilness or darkness, the vampires carry this stereotype.

But , and when the situation is very different? Seeing a vampire talking about light things, RHP, budism, taoism, and other forms of views that are not associated with darkness may surprise some.

Also "regular"common people, would not be characterized as vampires, simply because they would not "fit" the imagem people carry in their minds.
Maybe there would be even a situation where the person talks about occultism, and has a neutral point of beliefs, or even being very kind and gentle, sweet, lovely, and people would say : " you? a vampire? nah ... impossible, you are too sweet."

So what is wrong about being polite and kind? gentle? Why do people still bear in mind the idea that vampires have to be mean, evil, dark, a being to be feared?

I agree vampires may be powerful, and even can be feared, as they are aware of their powers and gifts, and know what use they can make of them, but that is the difference, they are conscious about them.
They have the responsibility, and the real ones, know about that. About how much they are responsible for what they do, they know, they have, and the consequences.
This is not something restric to vampires, it should be like that for everybody, being aware that what we do is our call, and what we cause is our consequence.

But my point is that, why some people embark on the archetype of evilness and even if they are not like that, they start acting this way just "because a vampire is like this"?

There is also the ones who act for sarcasm, who despise others, who carry a wave of arrogance. There is a diversity about behavior, but what we tend to see is dark/evil/goth associated with vampires.

So when one person is polite, educated, and KIND , causes a surprise.

So in this case, I would prefer to remove the word vampire and stay with the essence of the being, the evoluted one.

Those beings that are not even attached to the archetype anymore. That have discovered that balance is one of the secrets, and that there is nothing wrong about being gentle, and even sweet.

Maybe they would be "different" vampires? So these are the ones I respect.

Kindness, politness, respect, and wisdom. Knowing the dark side and the light side walk side by side inside them.

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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Re: Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by Charby 18.12.17 20:46

You must remember that Vampire is a term mortals decided to use for us and, it is only because of our predatory nature, the fact that we must feed form an life source outside of ourselves in order to thrive.

Beyond that, fiction, role playing and other such amusements have taken bits and pieces of what we are and, twisted that into some representation of divine evil. Such is the way of the mortal mind - it seeks to explain what it cannot understand or can barely imagine being true and, when that fails, the mortal mind tells itself stories to make what it has seen, what little it knows sound rational.

In time those stories are retold countless times, each storyteller embellishing the tale and, altering ti to fit the current society and, a myth is born. Sensuality, evil and bloodshed have always gone hand in hand, always been enticing, interesting and alluring to people. Everyone wants a dark prince that can kill them with little effort yet, always kills the perceived enemy, the evildoer as some tales put it. It is a popular fiction, born form the name mortals gave us long ago, nothing more.

In reality we are beings of light, love and beauty, but we are not angels, we do not work miracles for mortals we guard over like divine watchdogs. We are not that, we take what we need, with or without permission and, that, to a mortal must make us evil in some way. Yes is the lion evil for killing the gazelle or, your house cat evil for killing the mouse?

No, of course not, it is the nature of those animals to be predators, they are still good, your house cat is still a valued pet, still a creature you love. The problem is, we are in human bodies, we are sentient, we have morals, a conscience, we are so very like our prey and, a human who preys on other humans is an evil on society so, since we also prey on humans, though rarely killing when we do so, we too must be evil. There is the fallacy, the misunderstanding that plagues us, and forces us to remain so secretive.

Of course I am a gentle, compassionate being. I've known more hardship, loss and, struggle than many others. When you know that, you have two choices, allow it to make you resentful and bitter or, build and learn form it, use it to strengthen yourself, to make yourself a better person. Only a fool would choose to live in bitter misery when given a bright alternative.

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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Re: Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by kaytan 19.12.17 0:30

I always keep quite and just surf through pages here to learn more, but here, this topic, is what I always wanted to talk about, so if I may, i would talk about it a bit.
Well, I have no issues with being labeled as good or evil because I have accepted my nature and decided not to judge myself anymore or even put myself under their labels to become what they want, I am me.. and I have decided to love it and do great for myself but the fact is people don't like it.
I'm a Psy/Psi vampyre, all of my life was being rejected by people in a bad way without even knowing the reason of it and now I understand the reason: vampire nature.
All I could do is choosing isolation and feeding of targets from see! i couldn't solve it!!

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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Re: Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by kaytan 19.12.17 0:33

kaytan wrote:I always keep quite and just surf through pages here to learn more, but here, this topic, is what I always wanted to talk about, so if I may, i would talk about it a bit.
Well, I have no issues with being labeled as good or evil because I have accepted my nature and decided not to judge myself anymore or even put myself under their labels to become what they want, I am me.. and I have decided to love it and do great for myself but the fact is people don't like it.
I'm a Psy/Psi vampyre, all of my life was being rejected by people in a bad way without even knowing the reason of it and now I understand the reason: vampire nature.
All I could do is choosing isolation and feeding of targets from see! i couldn't solve it!!
I wish this had a edit function Smile
Two lines of my post got deleted by mistake. new laptop and still have issues with it's keyboard.

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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Re: Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by kaytan 19.12.17 0:43


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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Re: Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by Nightshade 19.12.17 4:11

Charby wrote:You must remember that Vampire is a term mortals decided to use for us and, it is only because of our predatory nature, the fact that we must feed form an life source outside of ourselves in order to thrive.

Beyond that, fiction, role playing and other such amusements have taken bits and pieces of what we are and, twisted that into some representation of divine evil. Such is the way of the mortal mind - it seeks to explain what it cannot understand or can barely imagine being true and, when that fails, the mortal mind tells itself stories to make what it has seen, what little it knows sound rational.

In time those stories are retold countless times, each storyteller embellishing the tale and, altering ti to fit the current society and, a myth is born. Sensuality, evil and bloodshed have always gone hand in hand, always been enticing, interesting and alluring to people. Everyone wants a dark prince that can kill them with little effort yet, always kills the perceived enemy, the evildoer as some tales put it. It is a popular fiction, born form the name mortals gave us long ago, nothing more.

Very similar concepts are found in Asetian literature of past and present. What is your own opinion on Asetian culture and their vampire tradition?

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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Re: Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by Charby 19.12.17 7:23

There is much to be gained by reading the Asetian books and, studying the culture Asetians first came to be within, as well as the more easily studied Kemet Dynastic period and, the spirituality and Gods as those ancient people knew them.

I do not claim to be an Asetian myself tough I do hold to many of the old traditions and, I do commune with the old Gods. I knew, or felt at least, even before the Asetian Bible that truth and wisdom could be found in Kemet before and even during the Dynastic period.

Whether Asetinas are 100% correct or not, I do not know and, it is not my place to judge or decide that. What I do know is that they are on the right track, they know that to truly know us, one must look to Kemet, before it knew what a Pharaoh was.

I don't believe you need to be an Asetian to be a vampire but, I find that most, if not all true vampire souls are drawn to ancient Kemet, often to the Dynastic period first simply because that is easier to study and learn of than times before the great Pharaohs.

I also find that we tend to be attracted to beauty, especially the beauty in nature. Is there any one of us that does not enjoy the beauty of a thunderstorm, or of the way in which a wolf pack cooperates and cares for one another? Do we not find the oldest trees the most lovely to look at? Are not roses, orchids, lilies and, lotus among the most beautiful flowers to us? All of that should tell you that we are beings of beauty, of light and love, even if you did not know anything of the Source or of what we really are.

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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Re: Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by MR84 08.09.18 8:43

There are a lot of "nice" vampires. I'm one. The stereotype of vampires being dark is a mixture of folklore and truth. Vampires tend to appear to regular humans as having dark energy around them. Most modern humans have lost their ability to sense energy, but their primitive brain still can to some degree.

I consider myself a nice guy. I help others, I harm none, I do what I can to be there for those who need it. However, I'm aware I'm surrounded by an energy that feels dark to many. When a human who can sense energy meets me, they become conflicted. They automatically don't trust me, but they also see this "nice guy". Nothing I can do about that.

Over time, this dark energy has been explained away as being demonic or evil. It's not. It's just another side of the same coin. You can't appreciate the light without the dark, and can't appreciate the dark without the light. Each person has their own history and purpose. For me, I walk a path of good, but I can't change who I am. I am a threat to humans in that I must feed on their energy to sustain myself and my health. What makes me different is that I do what I can to not cause harm. I'm not going to starve just to be a "good guy". I put up with ill health for over a decade trying to be who I wasn't. I will not do that again.

I do agree though that vampires can be "nice", and should be. However, vampires should not be "too nice". Those who are too nice will be used and abused. Those who are not nice enough will never get their word heard and will find themselves rather lonely. It's about balance.


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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Re: Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by A.Nightside 18.09.18 17:33

I was told I'm not aggressive enough to be a vampire Smile

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Being kind and how it can surprise people Empty Re: Being kind and how it can surprise people

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 18.09.18 23:24

Interesting notion, A.Nightside. Where does aggression tie into it? I am a very gentle person myself but I do have my darker sides as well of course... However, I do not really call myself a vampire. But I could speculate upon the notion that vampires do not need to be aggressive in order to be one? In fact some of the gentlest souls out there I would strongly reckon to be vampires in spite of their portrayal as dark creatures of the night, merely since they can due to their sensitivity easier embody such qualities but that is also to conceal a certain power.

In contrast to lycans, who are far more physically aggressive, it might be like the difference between masculine and feminine qualities in at least this particular regard where vampires might act out differently from their aggression in more eloquent forms and having a domineering air or feeling about them metaphysically.

... Although, these are just my own partial observations, thoughts and, much more so, speculations. I would think vampires of all creaures - not to offend anyone - would have a bit more patience and embodying such virtues, rise to a certain level of self control. Aggression, alone, of course does not make a vampire but I can surerly see where it ties into its image, however. Silence and darkness often carries the connotation of a spiritual wisdom and level headedness, though, at least in my own eyes... rising as masters of thought, magick and metaphysics.

Just my few thoughts.

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