Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Luna7 Silver1.7
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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 26.02.19 21:20

Hello everyone,

I introduced myself in this section yesterday, and met a bunch of you...thanks again for the kind welcome and advice. I wanted to ask about a topic, though I'm not sure if "Off Topic" is the correct category to post this in or if the topic has already been addressed in some way some where else...

Anyways - onto the topic...

In my work I'm exposed to large (and sometimes drunken) crowds, I've noticed for some time now that when I spend time around large crowds that I get a lot of energy (as in, I get kind of "wired")...but it's not always the best feeling energy (if that makes sense)...

Is that because this type of energy I'm dealing with would be considered to be made up of mostly "Residual Energy"? I was reading that it can be low frequency and low quality in the Asetian Bible.

Still working through the book, just hoping to get a better understanding of "Residual Energy" and all the types of energies and the various effects/frequencies when one's exposed to them...
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Maxx 26.02.19 21:59

Spirits have told me that the human body is both a transmitter as well as a receiver depending on how it is used.  This is why the Spirit world will work with a human that has an elevated vibrational frequency.  They will become involved with a human that has been born with that natural frequency or one that has worked to condition themselves to be able to connect with both worlds.   Actually, you will find that Spirit Beings will interact because it is very hard for them to change into a frequency to accomplish things themselves in the physical world and they need a human to help them get across what they desire.  What I am speaking of are Beings from higher vibrational dimensions.  They come to aid humankind.

But what you are giving, as an illustration, is a group of lower humans in more of a material lower vibrational class frequency that has lower 4th-dimensional beings that will attach to them to access their spirit and act more like a parasite and draw positive elements that can be used for ego attainment.

If you have any interest in being around higher beings, both human and spiritual, you might consider looking for a different line of employment. Some people are naturally drawn to the lower class of being.   You are drawing the lower class spirit into your life by working there.   But of course, entirely your choice and decision.

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Maxx 26.02.19 22:10

I will add one more item.  Unless you learn to operate in both light and darkness, or positive and negative, and learn to walk in a balanced path, you will eventually find you are feeling a little worse as time goes by.  Soon you will develop sickness and will have to learn how to overcome that.  If not, it will pull you down as you walk on that path of not living a balanced life.

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 26.02.19 22:42

Maxx wrote:Spirits have told me that the human body is both a transmitter as well as a receiver depending on how it is used.  This is why the Spirit world will work with a human that has an elevated vibrational frequency.  They will become involved with a human that has been born with that natural frequency or one that has worked to condition themselves to be able to connect with both worlds.   Actually, you will find that Spirit Beings will interact because it is very hard for them to change into a frequency to accomplish things themselves in the physical world and they need a human to help them get across what they desire.  What I am speaking of are Beings from higher vibrational dimensions.  They come to aid humankind.

But what you are giving, as an illustration, is a group of lower humans in more of a material lower vibrational class frequency that has lower 4th-dimensional beings that will attach to them to access their spirit and act more like a parasite and draw positive elements that can be used for ego attainment.

If you have any interest in being around higher beings, both human and spiritual, you might consider looking for a different line of employment. Some people are naturally drawn to the lower class of being.   You are drawing the lower class spirit into your life by working there.   But of course, entirely your choice and decision.

I will add one more item.  Unless you learn to operate in both light and darkness, or positive and negative, and learn to walk in a balanced path, you will eventually find you are feeling a little worse as time goes by.  Soon you will develop sickness and will have to learn how to overcome that.  If not, it will pull you down as you walk on that path of not living a balanced life.

Hello Maxx,

Thank you for your thorough and very helpful answer. In so many ways, all it of was strangely exactly what I needed to hear (or rather read).  I highly dislike some of the work I'm doing right now, but I know it's only part-time and very temporary, just to get me through some things. Despite living in a city, I keep to myself when I can and I much prefer quieter, more meditative environments. I have interest in higher beings, both human and spiritual, and definitely notice that contact with both kinds becomes a lot easier (at least for me) in more natural spaces.

If I may ask - The beings from higher vibrational dimensions that come to aid humankind, that you your opinion/experience, what are some good ways to effectively connect with them?

I agree so wholeheartedly about what you said in regards to walking the path of both light and dark, and the sickness that goes with along with lack of balance. I've felt that before and it's not a good thing. Any advice on ways to stay balanced?

Thanks again for the answer Maxx, it helped.
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Maxx 27.02.19 8:00

You live half in the spirit realm every day.  Where you place your consciousness is where you are.  A thought is a creator.  You create, destroy, and interact with the spirit realm daily.  If you could see in the spirit dimension around you at all times you would see how populated the spirit world really is here.  All of this meaning you can connect at any time you desire.  They are there doing the same.  The only problem, you have to learn to get on their frequency just like tuning a radio to their station.

Easy balancing act.  Meditate until you learn to go to the zone.  Then standing, pull light into your body (You (yourself) must learn the color of that light to be used and how it is important to you and what you are using it for).  Fill the body.  Hold it within the entire body at least 30 seconds and feel it.  It is real.  Then condense it all into a ball and move it through your right arm into your right hand and hold it.  

Then take the prime darkness from the Earth element and bring it up from earth into, and through your legs and fill your entire body with darkness.  Hold that for at least 30 sec. or more and then condense all of it and move it into your left palm running through the left arm.  You now have darkness in your left palm and light in your right palm holding both.

Move both at the same time into the body center filling it to the max and combining each of the elements and divide each into equal share within the body.  Hold that for 30 sec and actually feel it vibrating within the body.  Then dispense it with the mixture flowing and moving and circulating at all times within.

Doing this daily will let you see how you can interact with both worlds and then learn to operate in either/or and become familiar with all the things you are here to do,,,,,,,  or things you, yourself, desire to do.

One is not better or worse than the other.  They are here to compliment each other.  If you respect that fact you will find a balance between the two worlds and walk in peace with them at all times.

Also, to hell with all the books of directions.  Too many people doing nothing but reading books to acquire head knowledge and have no actual experience in anything but screwing up their own life and others around them.

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 9:31

Maxx wrote:You live half in the spirit realm every day.  Where you place your consciousness is where you are.  A thought is a creator.  You create, destroy, and interact with the spirit realm daily.  If you could see in the spirit dimension around you at all times you would see how populated the spirit world really is here.  All of this meaning you can connect at any time you desire.  They are there doing the same.  The only problem, you have to learn to get on their frequency just like tuning a radio to their station.

Easy balancing act.  Meditate until you learn to go to the zone.  Then standing, pull light into your body (You (yourself) must learn the color of that light to be used and how it is important to you and what you are using it for).  Fill the body.  Hold it within the entire body at least 30 seconds and feel it.  It is real.  Then condense it all into a ball and move it through your right arm into your right hand and hold it.  

Then take the prime darkness from the Earth element and bring it up from earth into, and through your legs and fill your entire body with darkness.  Hold that for at least 30 sec. or more and then condense all of it and move it into your left palm running through the left arm.  You now have darkness in your left palm and light in your right palm holding both.

Move both at the same time into the body center filling it to the max and combining each of the elements and divide each into equal share within the body.  Hold that for 30 sec and actually feel it vibrating within the body.  Then dispense it with the mixture flowing and moving and circulating at all times within.

Doing this daily will let you see how you can interact with both worlds and then learn to operate in either/or and become familiar with all the things you are here to do,,,,,,,  or things you, yourself, desire to do.

One is not better or worse than the other.  They are here to compliment each other.  If you respect that fact you will find a balance between the two worlds and walk in peace with them at all times.

Also, to hell with all the books of directions.  Too many people doing nothing but reading books to acquire head knowledge and have no actual experience in anything but screwing up their own life and others around them.

Wow Maxx,

I think that may have been the most concise explanation/tutorial I've read anywhere.
Sorry it took a little while to answer but I wanted to go ahead and see if I could practice what you so gracefully illustrated. Wow...that was really something. Normally it takes me a bit longer to get in the zone, but something about this just really clicked for me. I think it's the clarity of the instructions. My whole body, specifically my hands, forehead and top of head are tingling and vibrating at the same time. I definitely feel a sense of wholeness or balance while and after doing it. It's been a little while and my body's still vibrating. Excuse me for saying this, but there felt like there was a bit of a sexual energy or component happening there...not sure how to describe it. Especially when I was filling my body with the Earth prime darkness and while combining the two energies. Maybe the balance or unity of the energies. Hope I didn't just make this weird, but it's just an observation. Not sure if that happens to everyone, I might just have issues. Anyways...

The explanations and descriptions you provided really help, and I feel I have a better understanding of the spirit realm, tuning my frequency and staying balanced. I'm going to work on this a little bit every day and see how I feel.

I agree that there's a whole lot of information out there and seems there's so little true knowledge. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience and knowledge with me.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions Maxx
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 10:13

Maxx wrote:One is not better or worse than the other.  They are here to compliment each other.  If you respect that fact you will find a balance between the two worlds and walk in peace with them at all times.

I should add, when I did this...I connected pretty quickly with a being on each both "side" and had a short conversation with each. Normally, I need more time and sometimes the help of crystals to really connect.

Maxx, you had said that one is not better or worse than the other and that they're there to compliment each other...

I was wondering, in the concept of spirit guides (or maybe there's a better name/title?)... I've felt for some time that we come into this world with at least one from both light and dark, do you think that's accurate?
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Maxx 27.02.19 10:18

the word for angel really means messenger.

the word for demon really means messenger.

the only difference is frequency vibration.

your call.

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 10:25

Got it...

Makes total sense to me.
Thank you
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by A.Nightside 27.02.19 11:41

Keep in mind, humans are social creatures and react to each other, naturally.

I consider energy to be a fluid substance, and like any physical counterpart it can undergo an osmosis-like process.

Social energy or metaphysical, vampiric or not, it makes sense that we are effected by our environment and other people are part of that environment

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Lynskha 27.02.19 11:58

I believe it is very important to observe the type of energy. It is nice you are using the book as a reference to understand about this residual energy.

It may affect the environment and people. It may be when draining or simply the regular exchange people have.

When you mentioned the typoe of energy, I beleive it is nice to see the differences you may feel when in nature, in the middle of these people, and other places.

This way you can feel how the energy "feels" and affects you.

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Troublemaker 27.02.19 12:08

To the original poster, you might consider learning how to build up decent shields. If one is energy sensitive, working around big crowds can be exceedingly unpleasant. Trying to block that energy off is a good solution, or at least filter it. All the chaotic vibrations of thoughts and different energies emanating from so many sources can easily cause imbalance otherwise.

Also I see what Maxx is saying about angels and demons. Two sides of a coin, really, and there is not particularly a good or evil side. Too much of any one thing can actually be quite harmful even if masquerading as good.

I'm glad to see you are enjoying the community.

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 12:33

A.Nightside wrote:Keep in mind, humans are social creatures and react to each other, naturally.

I consider energy to be a fluid substance, and like any physical counterpart it can undergo an osmosis-like process.

Social energy or metaphysical, vampiric or not, it makes sense that we are effected by our environment and other people are part of that environment

Thank you for your insight A.Nightside. I totally agree with what you've said, especially about how we're all effected by our environment in some capacity. When there's lots of people around, it would only sense that there'd be a whole lot of whatever and whoever's energies "floating" around the space. I think I'm a bit more extra sensitive in general to environmental or emotional shifts/changes in a room/area, at least a little more than my family. Thanks again for your thoughtful answer
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Ramla-Meryt 27.02.19 12:43

Filtering is also something that I have utilised when feeding off residual crowd energy, and heard quite commonly of others doing as well. Cycling out the negative.

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Lynskha 27.02.19 12:48

To the original poster, you might consider learning how to build up decent shields.

Yes, Rhea touched a very important point here. Shielding iand fieltering, also grounding.

There are some techniques that teach how to do it. I suggest you try and you will discover that there may be a specific and particular way that suits you.


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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 12:51

Lynskha wrote:I believe it is very important to observe the type of energy. It is nice you are using the book as a reference to understand about this residual energy.

It may affect the environment and people. It may be when draining or simply the regular exchange people have.

When you mentioned the typoe of energy, I beleive it is nice to see the differences you may feel when in nature, in the middle of these people, and other places.

This way you can feel how the energy "feels" and affects you.

Thank you for your answer Lynskha, I appreciate your knowledge and input on this topic. It's pretty amazing to me how much good information is in the book so far, when I bought it, I really wasn't too sure what the contents were going to be. Turned out, it was strangely kind of exactly what I was looking for. I'm not sure how or if I "fit in" to the Asetian world so to speak, but I appreciate what I've learned so far regardless. I agree that it's good to observe the different feelings in different environments. I absolutely feel a big difference when in places of nature or big bodies of water. To me, it just feels so free, vast and clear (if that makes sense)
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Lynskha 27.02.19 12:54

To me, it just feels so free, vast and clear (if that makes sense)

It does.

That is nice, because it is your input, your view. There are many ways you can use sources to help you, like a book, for example, but sensing, feeling is always the best way.

Do not just get to one or two things when you read, but open your mind and explore. Of course not all things will be valid, or will be linked, but this way you can learn a lot by yourself and your own experiences.

The Asetian Bible points out a lot of things related to energy, for example. It is a surface that the book scratches, but like I said, may take you to explore it more.


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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 13:07

Rhea Kaye wrote:To the original poster, you might consider learning how to build up decent shields. If one is energy sensitive, working around big crowds can be exceedingly unpleasant. Trying to block that energy off is a good solution, or at least filter it. All the chaotic vibrations of thoughts and different energies emanating from so many sources can easily cause imbalance otherwise.

Also I see what Maxx is saying about angels and demons. Two sides of a coin, really, and there is not particularly a good or evil side. Too much of any one thing can actually be quite harmful even if masquerading as good.

I'm glad to see you are enjoying the community.

I'm definitely in need of some work on shields. My, sometimes I just feel absolutely terrible. Do you have any advice on good ways to build better shields/wards or other forms of protection? Thanks for your advice and insight Rhea Kaye.

You've actually touched on something I was contemplating about earlier, as far as the angels and demons topic...I was wondering about when in communication with them, sometimes their answers or ideas are in sync and at other times they hold opposing views. Just like anyone or anything, both sides obviously don't always "agree" which got me thinking about about the importance of duality and why we have opposing forces guiding us from behind the scenes. Like you and Maxx have both mentioned in a way or another, both are important and should be respected balanced.

I'm definitely enjoying this community so far, thank you. There's really few people or places I can "voice" any of the things being discussed here...
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 13:10

Lynskha wrote:
To the original poster, you might consider learning how to build up decent shields.

Yes, Rhea touched a very important point here. Shielding iand fieltering, also grounding.

There are some techniques that teach how to do it. I suggest you try and you will discover that there may be a specific and particular way that suits you.

I definitely could use some work on shielding, I touched on a little bit but I still need more practice. I noticed there's a bit of info about it in Asetian Bible, I'm hoping as I keep reading I'll be able to put into practice better
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 13:13

nachtzehren wrote:Filtering is also something that I have utilised when feeding off residual crowd energy, and heard quite commonly of others doing as well. Cycling out the negative.

Hi nachtzehren thanks for your insight on this topic. That sounds like something I need to look into more, I'm pretty sure all the energy I'm exposed to is not filtered. I noticed the topic in the asestian bible but haven't touched on it very much yet...
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 13:31

Lynskha wrote:
To me, it just feels so free, vast and clear (if that makes sense)

It does.

That is nice, because it is your input, your view. There are many ways you can use sources to help you, like a book, for example, but sensing, feeling is always the best way.

Do not just get to one or two things when you read, but open your mind and explore. Of course not all things will be valid, or will be linked, but this way you can learn a lot by yourself and your own experiences.

The Asetian Bible points out a lot of things related to energy, for example. It is a surface that the book scratches, but like I said, may take you to explore it more.

I agree with you so much about sensing/feeling over thinking. Not to say thinking is no good but I've learned the hard way in the past that my intuition is my friend, and I should always listen. I tried to ignore it for years in my past, but I'd always end up regretting it. Finally I've accepted and begun to trust my instincts more. I have been feeling increasingly sensitive over the last few years and been trying to get a better grasp and understand more about "what's up". I also agree that people should try to learn from many different sources, I did a lot of leaping around the last couple years on books in generarl. Many books ended up being sort of of ultra new-age and a little too glittery unicorn. Not that there's anything wrong with new age, or glitter, or unicorns...I guess I just wasn't ready to take the leap, now that I think about it, I'm the one that was attracting that type of content, lol.

The Asetian Bible hasn't disappointed as far as information goes, I just need to spend more time going into it. Regardless of what my kind my soul "is" has helped teach me a lot more than all the others so far. Looking forward to exploring more
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Lynskha 27.02.19 13:36

too glittery unicorn
I love unicorns hehehe

But what you said is amazing. Trust your intuition, observe and "know thyself".

Asetian Bible is a good resource for you, since it deals with the topics in a serious way.

In the end we are all seekers, with many layers to discover. Do not limit yourself by any kind of label. Keep digging and you may be surprised by what you can find.

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Luna7 Silver1.7 27.02.19 13:47

Lynskha wrote:
too glittery unicorn
I love unicorns hehehe

But what you said is amazing. Trust your intuition, observe and "know thyself".

Asetian Bible is a good resource for you, since it deals with the topics in a serious way.

In the end we are all seekers, with many layers to discover. Do not limit yourself by any kind of label. Keep digging and you may be surprised by what you can find.

Unicorns! Clap

I Agree heehee

So far it's really been great, easy to digest and to the point. Just when I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to find a book that would help me out, the book sort of found me, lol. You're totally right about the labels too, never been much for them anyways. I appreciate very much how open this community is, it's refreshing, considering sometimes the rest of world generally doesn't seem to be. Looking forward to seeing what I find when I start peeling back more layers...

Thank you for your kind and helpful words Lynskha, it's very much appreciated
Luna7 Silver1.7
Luna7 Silver1.7

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Troublemaker 27.02.19 13:51

OP, practicing is the best way to go. As you experiment with feeling energy and develop sensitivity, you can begin to manipulate a shield, discovering what works and what doesn't. A big thing with this is remaining grounded and centered. Also, inner balance aids greatly with this, which is developed by things like healthful eating and consistent exercise. But, we are all learning and if you feel just crappy after these situations, one thing that might be of particular use is meditating in nature and silence. Even just this simple thing can sometimes be enough to help greatly.

I should add that if you're really able to see deeper within it, studying the Asetian Bible and their other works can lead to greater energetic sensitivity. Somehow that reason goes much deeper than words and I believe is tied the essence and subtle touch.

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Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy? Empty Re: Crowd Exposure - What kind of energy?

Post by Lynskha 27.02.19 13:58

Meditation is very good and it can help in many different aspects. Like Rhea said, practicing is the best way to go.

There are some exercises you can do, to feel your energy, your chakras, breathing techniques.
Explore, try it. practice it. Observe your feelings, the surroundings. how you feel everything, your own body and energy.


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