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Post by Guano 10.11.18 14:58

Greetings, hoping to gain an insight into this place and its members, being skeptical at best of this sites conjecture. However, I do wish to see if everyone has a common opinion or if they have differing opinions on the topics of the occult and vampirism, especially if they have any accounts they are willing to relay to me to further help me sustain my interest into this community and its beliefs and/or practices. I do not wish to seem demeaning however, I'm just extremely interested in gathering a common view of what people have come to believe and witness in terms of the activity of the occult in the modern world, especially if based in more than just spirituality and visions. As many sites I have previously taken interest in have provided little more to sate my curiosity than viruses that COULD be possible therefore, MUST be present and just spirituality that nobody can really disprove or prove. I do not seek to assert any views or to say what is fact or fiction but, wish to simply widen my understanding of things particularly interesting, in an effort perhaps to make life more interesting. To cut a long story short, what is the best thing you guys have to a general consensus of vampirism's actuality and any accounts of the occult you would be willing to detail. Ones you consider to be easily digestible to a skeptic.

Thank you, in advance.
Yours sincerely, a keen observer

Number of posts : 109
Age : 81
Location : My desk.
Registration date : 2018-11-10

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Post by Troublemaker 10.11.18 20:16

Welcome to the community, Guano.
I do not seek to shoot you down, as I actually feel that skepticism should be quite welcomed, especially if it is carried out in a polite and respectful manner.
However, the question you seek to have answered isn't an easy one to address. I will be completely honest here, people are not generally willing to jump from their chairs to provide evidence for skeptics.
Real "proof" of the truth and existence behind concepts discussed here requires study, time and commitment. Especially when it comes to Asetianism, things are never taken unquestioningly or at face value and learning can take an incredibly long time. The seeker is always encouraged to question things, to always look deeper and deeper. The "proof" is found through time and experience. I'm talking the occult exploration, which contains a reality not easily discussed and definitely not able to be simply unveiled to people because they are questioning the validity of vampirism. This community is quite open to questions, I'm sure there are people who would be willing to have talks about interesting topics that could help in learning of some kind. (Some things such as Alchemy, validity of various well-known occult traditions, Ancient Egyptian history, the works of Luis Marques,  or even just general spiritual topics are welcomed!)
One thing you will find is that this community is intolerant of such misguided views as Vampirism stemming directly from some disease or malfunctioning chakra/shen center. Such views are circulated widely by more visible authors and louder voices, but they lack a foundation in reality. True vampirism is a condition of the soul and to unveil such mysteries demands time - an incredible amount of time and endless patience. The most widely discussed topic here, Asetianism, contains many concepts and teachings that are never asked to be accepted blindly. It is easily the best source of real vampiric knowledge out there, so if you'd like to understand more about the metaphysics behind vampirism, I'd advise reading the article on their website. (Whether or not you'd like to peruse their books is up to you - as a skeptic, you must make the choice as to whether or not it's right for you.)

To cut a long story short, what is the best thing you guys have to a general consensus of vampirism's actuality and any accounts of the occult you would be willing to detail. Ones you consider to be easily digestible to a skeptic.
There are definitely no short roads here or easily digestible facets of knowledge and wisdom. Smile But you're more than welcome here. And hold onto your skepticism, or any true feelings you have regarding the occult and/or vampirism. You will not be shown any less respect because of it.

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Post by Guano 11.11.18 4:26

Thank you for your acceptance of my lack of knowledge and obvious disbelief, though all I intend is to respectfully question as perusing this site I have seen my predecessors have been not so successful in that regard. I will take your advice and pursue this Asetianism and possibly report back with further questions. I hope to learn more, hopefully creating a meaningful conversation for those willing to learn as I do and providing a thread that contains a library of sort for those ill-informed. Making this whole process of inquiry a bit less taxing for those who are to come after me.

Once again all correspondence is appreciated.
Yours sincerely, an ill-informed inquirer.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 81
Location : My desk.
Registration date : 2018-11-10

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Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 9:48

Proper skepticism, is not doubt. It is with-holding of judgment until evidence, or information is presented that might push you one way or another. I enjoy skepticism, and entertain the mindset nearly like second nature.

As far as views on Occult, I can't speak much to it. I"m still very much learning myself.

Views on Vampirism, may vary by individual. The focus/view of this particular forum, is emphasized in the Asentian's definition of vampirism.
My personal view loosely follows the Aset Ka's description.

May I ask you why you chose the username "Guano"? It's just been my experience on the internet that anyone choosing a username that references defecation, is usually a troll. Though there are exceptions, and the manner in which you've presented yourself initially certainly speaks as an exception. I suppose I'm curious and a bit on guard, is all.

Number of posts : 523
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Post by Guano 03.12.18 11:26

Oh of course i don't blame you and in all honesty it was just a catchy name that I use. I'm quite an avid researcher into bats and have come to be nicknamed it by my peers because of a rather obvious tale that occurred while traversing caves on a "bat hunt". In short it is a nickname and is no indicator of ill intent.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : My desk.
Registration date : 2018-11-10

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Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 12:22

Seems to be a slow, small gathering of bat enthusiasts around me lately ^_^ I can think of two others currently in my regular circles.

Number of posts : 523
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Post by Guano 03.12.18 15:20

Mine are mainly my friends, only others I know of are on social media.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 81
Location : My desk.
Registration date : 2018-11-10

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Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 17:00

I've met one through Amino, and I may have met one Here, both however, I'm more familiar with through Discord.

Number of posts : 523
Age : 34
Location : New Hampshire, US
Registration date : 2017-06-07

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