Vampires as Lycanthropes, Draconians and Chimerical beasts

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Vampires as Lycanthropes, Draconians and Chimerical beasts Empty Vampires as Lycanthropes, Draconians and Chimerical beasts

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.04.19 5:53

How likely is the notion that vampires might take on various otherkin forms, beastlike natures, or that, in converse, these otherkin species identify with vampirism?

How many people that identify as vampires have these natures? I do believe there are some but how many would one estimate in terms of rough percentage? Of course there might be a lot of different otherkin species identifying with vampirism in one way or another.

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Vampires as Lycanthropes, Draconians and Chimerical beasts Empty Re: Vampires as Lycanthropes, Draconians and Chimerical beasts

Post by BennettKimberly 14.04.19 1:29

I am Otherkin. Wendigokin to be exact. Many Otherkin, from what I've gathered from experience on numerous forums and Facebook pages do, in fact, identify as a Vampire. It really depends on what their perspective is, but I have to say I have never heard of Vampires taking on Otherkin-like forms. I may be wrong, but this is just my perspective. Hope this helps... I do apologize if this wasn't the answer you were looking for, though.

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Vampires as Lycanthropes, Draconians and Chimerical beasts Empty Re: Vampires as Lycanthropes, Draconians and Chimerical beasts

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.04.19 5:28

Should have been more clear with what I meant. Vampires are known for being elegant and eloquent in one way or another. Assuming they would take on beastlike forms of manifestation might not seem entirerly improbable but just not to that degree as a lycanthrope would for instance. Maybe some species of otherkin identify as vampires and have a strong tendency for beastlike manifestations because of their original disposition. However, I am unsure whether all vampires have any such inclination of behaviour and mentality.

Number of posts : 1343
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Vampires as Lycanthropes, Draconians and Chimerical beasts Empty Re: Vampires as Lycanthropes, Draconians and Chimerical beasts

Post by A.Nightside 01.10.19 13:38

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:How likely is the notion that vampires might take on various otherkin forms, beastlike natures, or that, in converse, these otherkin species identify with vampirism?

How many people that identify as vampires have these natures? I do believe there are some but how many would one estimate in terms of rough percentage? Of course there might be a lot of different otherkin species identifying with vampirism in one way or another.

I don't think I can thoroughly respond to this, in a manner that I would prefer to, but I want to respond no, so I don't risk forgetting.

Depending on the sort of "vampire" we're talking about...

I'm familiar with Vampires often describing a bestial, sort of Primal-like side to them, usually in relation to their Hunger. Many groups have come up with terms such as "The Beast" or "The Dragon" to describe their hunger and the sensation that comes with lack of feeding (or "twoofing" as some term it). There are also individual who believe that their soul is not human, that the origin of their true self to be something primal, bestial, and therefore causes or naturally holds a vampiric Hunger in human body, or not. Hunger may be the natural state of the entity which resides in the human body, Hunger may be a symptom, or result, of being in a human body (depending on who you ask).

I've seen a lot of overlap between the identities.
I myself identify as a sort of Otherkin, and non-kin Vampire. I personally find each to be exclusive, and separate from each other, but of course I could be wrong. I do not feel that my Vampirism is a result of being, in some way, non-human in human body. But perhaps, I've not explored my very core as deeply as I should, as I also feel my origins not to be physical (though I suppose nearly anyone can say this).

I've seen less Otherkin/Therians identify as Vampires, but much more Vampires identifying as Non-human in some way.

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Registration date : 2017-06-07

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