What after awakening?

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What after awakening? Empty What after awakening?

Post by xix 22.05.19 13:27

Hi everyone,
I am a high school student and I was never interested in any magic-like things before, maybe except for chakras (just recently some strange things, and before I was feeling some kind of destiny-like things). So when I started reading The Codex I matched the descriptions of processes with what I experienced in seconds -- I have been feeding on energy.

But I am still not sure if I am a vampire -- there is written that it can be some are other kinds of alternations. So my first question is: where can I find a psychic vampire community in Poland (I am from Cracov)? I would prefer someone to talk or at least writing. And second, what are other strange beings that I still do not know about? You can list me some other than just vampire likes to raise my awareness of reality in this new world.

And of course, as I am completely new on the forum I am sorry for posting this is not the right place and/or making some obvious mistakes.


Number of posts : 51
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Registration date : 2019-05-21

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What after awakening? Empty Re: What after awakening?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.05.19 14:29

Hello, welcome to the forum. We're not many active members on this forum who actively share and post here, but only about a handful of us, and I haven't come across anyone from Poland here so far, apart from yourself. Nevertheless, maybe some of your questions could be sated by looking around old threads and finding out things accordingly. There is a lot of material, particularly the more older threads.

Strange beings: there are said to be quite a few otherkin variants. Lycanthropes, Draconians, among others that I do not immediately recall. Some of these might be vampiric or have vampiric inclinations in some way. Oh, there are also the Anubians, or Keepers, who are known and sworn to protect the Asetians.

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What after awakening? Empty Re: What after awakening?

Post by Ramla-Meryt 22.05.19 15:07

To answer your first question, I have seen some people have luck via vampire-specific Discord servers. That said, I did a couple of swift Google searches to the effect of 'vampire community' and 'Cracov' and 'Poland' respectively and did not really come up with anything fruitful. Not all areas have anything established. It also depends a lot on what your definition of vampirism is.

If you are wanting to explore the more occult side of things, you may get better results. I came across this while searching. Focusing your searches more in the metaphysical and magickal direction seems to be more productive.

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What after awakening? Empty Re: What after awakening?

Post by xix 24.05.19 12:48

Thanks. I don't think that there actually is any community near me, I have never head about otherkins in Poland.  I still don't remember almost anything about my "past life" so I am not sure who I really am (but have some ideas and still research on this).

The problem is that I fell moderate/deep need. I haven't been feeding for a long time and I am matching quite well with the priest caste (much more mental an spiritual than physical). I was having 'close friends' and I was building relationships by physical contact and deep look (surface feeding, I wasn't relying too much on ambient).  But it was considered as something strange so I stopped.

But now I am so weak that I can't do even single harder homework, I am also sleeping a lot (last week it has become worse, maybe because I just started reading about vampirism). I have started feeding again with distance (still surface) but I am not sure if it is enough. So I was hoping that a group could help with that... Probably my family will take my laptop/phone and I won't have anything to learn from.

I will try to tell my friends ( three of them, to not weaken them too much) and continue feeding on not-awakened...  Is that enough? I am in big trouble anyway because I can not tell anyone about Vampires, my family doesn't believe even in more extreme psychology or chakras so I have no excuse to tell them, in fact in are fighting with them from the first moments when my grades went down. I was one of the best students in middle school, but they think that this my actual high school is more demanding and I just don't want to learn.

So you have any suggestions?

I am sorry to overwhelm you with all of this but I really read some of  The Codex and I still do not understand much... The Kheprians... How are they different from Aset Ka? What is the history of vampires? How is Magick different from for example directing the flow of chi/ki/qi/prana?

I know about some documents like Asetian Bible or The book of Orion, but I guess that these are too tough readings for a beginner. Of course, I do not expect anyone to answer these questions, but is there any well-developed simple resource to learn from?


Number of posts : 51
Location : Poland
Registration date : 2019-05-21

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What after awakening? Empty Re: What after awakening?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 24.05.19 14:39

Maybe experiment but carefully and with responsibility. Examine underlying causes too; maybe all does not boil down to vampirism but it could and I do not exclude that possibility but keep an open mind to other potential factors because it could be important, least you overlook serious issues that could be going on underneath.

I would say the difference between mere energy manipulation and magick is that magick is organized energy work; energy focused for a particular purpose. This can be sigils, spells, or any other form of magick but also just forms of energy work ritualized, routinely practiced by technique for some outcome or spontaneously by intuition if any kind of mastery is had in that field (but to just rush into magickal operation without some form of preparation might not always be very advisable, depending upon what you do, since haphazard patterns of weaving or dealing with energy might not lead to very stable results). At least that would be my understanding or one line of interpretative thought; others might have slightly different ones but I see where you are coming from and thought this might clarify some distinction if it works as an explanatory model for your mind. Also keep in mind that you are careful, responsible and experiment soundly and safely, preferably by learning in thorough research and study first so that you have a comprehensive understanding of how to do things properly and without harm to self or others (upon how to harm others I will give no recommendation because it is unproductive and will not necessarily help you either unless it is strictly and necessarily for purposes of self-defence but that is something else for now). The rest might just need to be learnt through hard work of perseverance, dedication of practice and experience.

To continue, we also have the example of Heka, however - the magick of words - within the Asetian path, clearly proved by the works of Luis Marques for those who are sensitive. But this is also, undeniably, a dangerous path. It might be a little too much for a beginner as you say, however if it is a path that calls to you I would first recommend the Asetian Bible - the independent and first version of the book (an augmented version is also included in the Violet Throne but that tome is overall for far more adept practitioners).

Meditate, contemplate, look at it all attentively within yourself and see what you may find; it is an inward path of self-discovery and spiritual growth that leads towards completeness of understanding over Self.

Best of luck.

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What after awakening? Empty Re: What after awakening?

Post by Troublemaker 26.05.19 20:00

It's good to explore different sources of knowledge fearlessly, but I personally cannot recommend the Codex. It's regarded as overly basic and even somewhat self-aggrandizing by many who delved deeper into the occult and vampirism. If you search around, you can even find some threads that discuss the author's past behaviors around the community.

This isn't to say that you shouldn't pursue and study whatever calls to you, just be warned that the Codex is on the extremely basic end of the spectrum and contains some misleading, dishonest information.

I'd recommend the Asetian Bible over the Codex, but that work definitely isn't for everyone, and won't resonate with everyone (which is fine). However, it is the more honest choice in my opinion, that can provide some very solid information.

Be wary of a drive that tells you finding others near you is absolutely necessary. You can find a lot of delusional people that way, as well as those who are just outright sick and keen on spreading that sickness. There are fruit loops everywhere trying to start their own Houses, groups, and organizations without having the slightest clue about the deeper elements of vampirism, using attention gained through this method to soothe inner emptiness, spreading misinformation.

Consider that, rather than looking for a group of people near you, you can find all the answers you need just inside of yourself.

"Vampirism" involves following a rather solitary path that always leads deep within self.

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What after awakening? Empty Re: What after awakening?

Post by Troublemaker 26.05.19 20:07

I should add, be careful of believing you've "awakened".
Awakenings happen in different stages and can be triggered in anyone, regardless of the nature of their soul.
It can also be a long and arduous process. Some say it is an eternal path, rather than an end... the path one follows through the ages and different reincarnations as they continuously pursue the alchemy of spiritual growth.
Had you fully awakened in that sense, I suspect you would not need to ask us how to feed, how to handle not being able to talk about vampirism with others, and so on. Awakening in the sense you describe implies being in full control over yourself, wielding the knowledge necessary to master your own life and inner abilities.
Don't let any of that discourage you though. Everyone is here to learn about new things. Welcome to the forum.

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