Two cards (or runes)

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Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two cards (or runes)

Post by izanami16 02.02.23 3:27

Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 A10

Cat's Eye. Independence.
Cat's Eye reminds you to see things from a cat's point of view. Cats are known for their magic, instinct and independence. They do what they please, unconcerned about what others think. Resist the pressure to be something you're not. Be true to yourself! Cat's Eye can also represent connecting and working with the cat kingdom.
Affirmation: I am strong and independent. I do what is right for me, regardless of the opinions of others.

This is a magic book that I make myself. I invent spells, translate them into ancient languages, write them down in ancient languages. I also come up with drawings myself. I'm not an artist and I don't know how to draw, but what I draw comes from my soul. I paste precious stones, various natural materials, plants, small antique objects or esoterically significant objects, pieces of myself into my magic book. I invent each page myself in a trance.
I came up with this page for the health of everyone who sees it. Her photo can be used as you want by intuition to heal yourself, improve your health.
On the page is a bracelet for my friend, which I made myself and put magic on health for her.

I congratulate you on Imbolc - the Great Mother's Day!

Number of posts : 84
Age : 40
Location : Russia, Perm
Registration date : 2022-09-11

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Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two cards (or runes)

Post by izanami16 06.02.23 1:16

Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Cig9pr10

On the second card is the Dragon of the Earth, an adult.

I had an impulse yesterday to pull out a couple of cards again, but it was too late and I postponed it for today. Last night I dreamed that I was posting this ritual here. I've decided, so it's time. I wanted to post this ritual later.
I made it to overcome obstacles, any stagnant periods when the thing that needs to be done does not work out so that this period will pass. When success depends on other people and these people get in the way. When you want to achieve something, you do it, but for some reason it doesn't work out.

First of all, I will tell you about the big and beloved bone. I bought this beef bone in a regular store, it had meat on it, it was raw. I cleaned it as best I could, but it was difficult, and I noticed that it consists of pieces that can disintegrate if the supporting soft elements are removed, and maybe it was a pity to clean it until white. I used to put clean, fresh bones in wormwood, and they dried there quietly. This bone very quickly began to rot in wormwood, the smell was all over the apartment. She's half rotten even now, but I still love her, I like her that way, she's perfect for me. For several days I tried to dry it in wormwood, but when things took a very bad turn and it began to ooze out of it, and the meat fell through, I filled it with essential oils, a lot, wrapped in parchment. There she was mummified.

There is an amethyst stone on the book.

Pendants on threads tied to the book: threads - 100% camel hair, a tooth of a fossil shark, a fossil mollusk, a Sikhote-Alin meteorite. But I spent a significant thread for me on an important ritual. Now I'm looking for a replacement for this thread. I don't have camel wool yarn anymore, I can't get it in the city of Perm

There is a Chinese vase on the side, it is either vintage or antique. Not very old, but not new either, it has its own history. I took it second-hand, ordered it from China. Inside it is dried meat of various animals and some other natural materials. There are tigers on the sides of this vase. It's hard to see in the photo. And in person, when you look, it's hard to understand that these are tigers. But they are such, copyrighted, Chinese.

Number of posts : 84
Age : 40
Location : Russia, Perm
Registration date : 2022-09-11

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Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two cards (or runes)

Post by izanami16 10.02.23 9:15

Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Img_2035

I radiate my peace outwards. I have faith. I am devoted. I understand that forgiveness frees me.
Key energies: Centredness, devotion, peace, sanctuary, sacrifice, forgiveness.
GPS: 21º25’0”N, 39º49’0”E
Location: Saudi Arabia.
Primary Element: Air.
Description: The holy city of Mecca is one of the most famous places of pilgrimage on the planet. It is the birthplace of the prophet Mohammed and a place Muslims seek to visit at least once in their lives. Mecca is the holiest place in Islam and this pilgrimage is known as the Hajj. Several million pilgrims visit the site on the last few days of the twelfth lunar month known as Dhu al Hijjah.
The centre of the pilgrimage is the Kaaba, the sacred house. According to the Qur'an it was the first house built especially to worship Allah. The four corners of the Kaaba point to the four directions on the compass and the points of the summer and winter solstice.
According to Islamic tradition the Kaaba was re-constructed by Ibrahim and it contains the black stone (Ruknu l-Asward). A mandatory part of the hajj involves kissing the black stone (baetyl) and this custom originates from pre-Islamic Arabian polytheism. When performed correctly, Muslims believe that their sins will be forgiven. Of course with often huge crowds performing the circumambulation (at peak times there may be up to 6 million pilgrims revolving around the Kaaba at the one time), it may be impossible to kiss the stone and so if the pilgrim points to it as he goes around this is also acceptable.
The Kaaba is the most holy structure in Islam and all prayers must be said facing its direction. No matter where the Muslim is, the direction of the kaaba (or qibla) must be faced.
When you visit: Officially, only Muslims are permitted to enter Mecca, enter the Grand Mosque and partake in the Hajj, although some leading imams do not hold this to be true. Restricting access to Mecca to Muslims only is meant to honour the pilgrims and practicing Muslims and to provide a certain level of sanctuary and focus.

The second card:Serpentine. Transformation.
My life is Transforming at the perfect time in the most powerful way.

Today is the day in honor of feeding "Domovoy " - "Kudesa".
Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Img_2038

But I have other dolls here. In fact, I have a lot more dolls, but I don't have the right to show them all.
Again, a statuette of Lakshmi - sideways. She was already in one of the photos.
The vampire mouse is a gift from my vampire friend, she gave me this mouse for protection.
The statue of the Dark Mother - with the Moon - she is like a pregnant woman. I really love the images of pregnant women, goddesses, in place of whose belly there is something huge - the whole world.

A saucer with a gilded dragon. I use it only for magical practices.
The unicorn candle is a symbol of monetary prosperity.
A napkin that I decorated myself in Khokhlovka - the ethnographic park of the Perm Region.

There are many other magical things here. I usually have them all together. A lot of them have accumulated over several years.

Inscription: "Sweet life"
Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Img_2039

This calendar was given to me by my mother. But I want to share with you this piece of warmth.
And I wish you this from myself.

Number of posts : 84
Age : 40
Location : Russia, Perm
Registration date : 2022-09-11

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Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two cards (or runes)

Post by izanami16 16.02.23 14:00

Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Img_2041

Life's little luxuries.
Oh, the call of duty seems endless!
And oftentimes it is. Your soul has been wearied and is badly in need of a playful respite. You are invited to temporarily release yourself from the dreariness of "have tos," "shoulds," and "musts." No doubt, you will now be given the opportunity to dance with the silly and whimsical things of life. Take in the scenery by inhaling the aroma of everything delicious and spontaneous.

Serpentine. Transformation. Serpentine looks and feels like the skin of a serpent. Snakes have the ability to shed their outgrown skin, and Serpentine symbolically helps you to do the same. Determine what needs to be released in your life so that something new can come in. Serpentine helps you implement transformation, transition and change in your life.
Affirmation: It is safe to let go. I know that nothing is ever taken away unless something better is coming.

Number of posts : 84
Age : 40
Location : Russia, Perm
Registration date : 2022-09-11

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Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two cards (or runes)

Post by izanami16 17.02.23 17:34

Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Img_2053

Moonstone. Femininity. Devotion.
Live your femininity! Moonstone reveals your tender, intuitive, feminine side and allows you to do crazy things at times.
Colour: Colourless to opaque, beige, yellow to orange, grey, greenish to brownish. Mostly with a smooth, billowing gleam of light, that can be bluish as well.
Heritage and Healing Power. As its name implies, the stone bears the power of the moon and is a symbol for womanhood and devotion. It teaches womanhood in its true strength and levels the missing aspects. Edgar Cayce claimed, that the stone would gift us harmony and inner peace. Moonstone gifts intenseness and sensuality. The mysteriously shimmering gleam of light, the moonstone bears connects us to our dreamy, sensitive side. Whoever tinkers with moonstone for a considerable time, will slightly disconnect from reality and seems to 'float' above ground.
Moonstone is the opposite to labradorite, because it lets us fall for our own illusions. We only see, what we want to see. The stone strengthens our intuition and opens us up to spontaneous and silly actions. Therefore it should only be worn for short time periods in your everyday life.
Moonstone levels the physical and spiritual concerns of women in particular life phases: pregnancy, giving birth, menstruation and climacteric. A friend of mine extremely acts out her male side and even complained, that her partner was too 'weak'. I advised her to wear moonstone to strengthen her female side, because if she found her womanhood, her partner would find his manhood. After a few days she already returned the stone. She said, that since she wore it she was very sensitive and she could not get her daily routine done. She would rather teach her boys (husband and sons) the ins and outs.
Element: Water.
Astrology Cancer: Moonstone resolves Cancers calloused, emotional structures. The stone lets them experience the whole spectrum of emotions, without shutting themselves away.
Capricorn: Emotional blocks will be softened by moonstone, Capricorn follows their heart more.

The second card: …and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:10. You are a child of God. Fear not. For with God, anything is possible.

Number of posts : 84
Age : 40
Location : Russia, Perm
Registration date : 2022-09-11

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Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Empty Re: Two cards (or runes)

Post by izanami16 23.02.23 10:51

Dear men, I congratulate you on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day! May my heart come with you!

Sky, fall asleep

Don't disturb the land of the bird
Do not look for the wind in the field
Turn spears into a spoke
Ill cover nestlings with myself

Sleep, children, I will quietly hide dreams
In a bast basket under a pillow
Little cheeks in a warm palm
Fall asleep soon, little one.

Sky, fall asleep, bayu-bayu-bay
Heart, hush, do not interfere
Give your strength, return them to the country
Where lilac blooms, where May is spinning.

Start the song of the, titmouse,
Let them dream of a peaceful house.
Don't look like that, sisters!
I believe you will save them, birds.

Is the night at its zenith?
Lure the sun into the field!
Don't let the morning in the windows!
I'd like to drink some more warmth.

Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Plpkpl10

Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Ovjiwi10

Two cards (or runes) - Page 3 Img_2054

The first card: When life gets difficult, get up, get dressed and look yourself in the mirror and say, "Not today. I've got this".

Wollumbin (Mount Warning). I create my own destiny and opportunities. I am humbly eternal.
Key Energies: Creation, fertility, boundaries, transformation, reliance.
GPS:28º23’50”S, 153º16’15”E
Location: Australia
Primary Element: Air/Earth
Description: I think one of the key attributes of a place of power is that when you see it, you find it hard to take your eyes off it even if there is beauty or other dominant features around it. This is exactly how I felt when I laid my eyes on the jagged outline of Mount Warning (or as it is known by the indigenous people, Wollumbin), one late summer afternoon.
I simply couldn't keep my eyes off it. It was totally magnetic in every way. I almost felt like I needed to bow down in reverence. It was suggested I climb it, but I got a wholehearted “that's a negative” from my intuition even though part of me would have liked to. (I later found out that the original peoples here, the Bundajalung, have laws prohibiting the climbing of Wollumbin and ask that people do not climb it, as it is a sacred site, Agreed.) Instead, I simply sat amongst all the fertile green and watched it.
Wollumbin makes its own weather, and in fact the name Wollumbin, means "cloud catcher". One of the largest erosion calderas in the world, Wollumbin is what is left after a huge volcano erupted over 20 million years ago over a 4200 square kilometre range. Incredibly, remnants can be found in the reefs in the Pacific coast. Erosion gives the shape of the peak.
Wollumbin is the first place to greet the dawn sun on the ancient continent of Australia. The peak itself changes colour as the day progresses; firstly a blue-grey, then gold, then what seems a million shades of green, then mistry as a Chinese brush painting, a progressive yet eternal. It will be here for a long time to come.
When you visit: Respect the local indigenous beliefs and do not climb Wollumbin. Instead camp where you can see the first rays of the sun hit the peak. As the light hits the top, listen to the incredible life awaken around you - whip birds, frogs, owls and the unique swirling black cockatoos who screech like fantastic griffins are all your companions in a chrous of almost psychedelic praise. Meditate on your own resilience and eternal nature.

Number of posts : 84
Age : 40
Location : Russia, Perm
Registration date : 2022-09-11

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