What makes you matter?

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What makes you matter? Empty What makes you matter?

Post by Daniel09 17.07.11 23:45

In essence, what I am wondering is this: What is it about a person's life that makes it important, or more special than another's? Is it personal evolution? Understanding? Is it the pursuit and achievement of goals? The legacy left behind in history books or a line of well-raised children?

The person with no drive to do something amazing or passionate with their life; Is this person less special than the person who tries everything and loves what they do, just because he/she was born with the drive?

Maybe it is the vibration level of people. The ability for them to bring happiness to others simply by existing.

I'd like to know what the members of this board think. What makes you matter, in the end? And how will this line of questioning make you change the direction your life is going in. Remember that we all have a choice to make. Whether to do, and whether to sit back and give in.

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Kalb 18.07.11 2:27

Are you questioning the Asetians and Asetianism circle?

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Divine 277 18.07.11 4:11

No Daniel09.... nothing makes people less or more spacial, just different....
With different ideas, different convictions, different abilities and at different levels of interests, gifts and so on...

What people wants to do with their life is totally up to them, cause its their life and their will to do so ...

Using time to judge others, is a waste of time in the first place, it will not let u grow as an individual and it will not in any way help anyone ....

what makes me mater ... ?
that was a tricky one ....
I would have to ask a question back to fully gasp the question at hand ...

To who do I mater ?

I mater very much to my self and the people in my life , since we live and grow together learning from one another ... I even learn things from my 4 year old ...lol.. and she learns from me .... and to her and me, that matters.

If this post will change my line of thought ?

How it will effect me is an simultaneity of the sea and the little rock tossed in to it... it makes ripples in the beginning and then fell to the seas deep forever changing it, but does not have the same effect on the sea as an meteor drooped in to it .

I assumed that you where asking everybody, so that is why I answered.

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Syrianeh 18.07.11 7:37

Divine's answer is perfect, in my opinion.

I would add this, though:

The answer to this does not really matter, because it differs for everyone. What really matters is why you are asking yourself such a question.

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Kalb 18.07.11 17:51

I disagree. Asetians are Special. The Asetian is a divine soul incarnated! Asetians are the keepers of the magickal knowledge of the ancients. The Asetian Empire walk in shadows in this world, silently and in secret and their works are a gift from Aset to Her Children. For many centuries Asetians observe and evolve, but now, with a new start - The Djehuty of the Serpent, everything changed! Asetians are the major responsible for bringing honor and power back to Women in spirituality and magick, and of course, putting the balance between the duality. Remenber what Master and Prince @LuisMarques said: "In a world filled with blinding light, may we proudly continue to be the darkness that preserves its mystery". Many want to know the secrets of Asetians by just curiousity or greed, For these, only the illusion will be revealed. The True Asetianist don't think about mysteries but yes in dedication with all force and pure heart. My choice to be an Asetianist was not an option, was in fact accept me as i am. For many centuries, many desired the return of Asetians, many cry for just one word listen by Asetians, many do not even imagine how Asetians would reveal to the world, but, today, many of us are blessed by the words of Asetians. Silence can stifle the majority of humanity, because humanity thinks silence is synonymous of forgetfulness and weakness. In fact, Asetians teach us that Silence is our biggest sword. The world teaches that the enemy goes abroad, Asetianism teach us that our greatest enemy goes on the inside, livin within us and awareness is the key. Asetians are the Immortal Leaders, The true Warriors of Throne. The Union of Asetians had a beginning and will have not an end. Eternally United and Loved!

Bows Asetians.

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Jonathan 18.07.11 19:07

Stalker, I believe no one is saying the Asetians are not special. What people are discussing is concerning us, humans. That if each of us matters or not, depends on the one who is judging. We certainly matter for our friends, the true ones at least. But we will probably mean nothing to others. The world does not care about you and me. In fact, the world cares about nobody. It doesn't really matter, if we matter or not, as all it matters is our choices. Those determine everything.

I don't think the subject of this discussion has anything to do with Asetians, at least from my point of view. There is no question that they are special, as the very fact that they are so rare makes them special by the definition of the word. Of course there are many other reasons that would make them special, but that's not my point.

People crave to feel they are special, that they matter, that they make a difference. I believe that the true Nirvana is when we realize we're not that important. That is when we really become one with the universe and nature. You don't see a tree as so important. A stray cat on the street. A tiger in the jungle. So why would you be? You're just part of nature.

The desperate wishes to become something greater, above their peers, is what brought mankind to such shame, so many times in history. Lets be better than that.

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Nebibi 18.07.11 19:36

Jonathan I couldn't agree with you more!

I agree with you on the fact that we should stray away from a mind set that limits us and enslaves us into wanting to be 'important', this matters not. My opinion on this is simple. As you said we are all a part of nature and as far as I am concerned nature is a beautiful thing. We all have roles to play within this Universe and world. In accepting who we are, that simple fact, accepting our role, we reach a point of peace from which we can grow. why fight ourselves? Indeed the choices we make are important to us and those around us. But what I feel we should be asking is, not whether or not we are important, but what is it that we are doing to make our paths important to ourselves. How are we bettering ourselves? Not for selfish ego needs...but for the mere betterment of the Self.

To answer your question Daniel, I would simply have to say that anyone does what he or she wants. I do not want to quantify anyone's importance. Like I said above we are all important. Who I am to judge the choices someone makes? I am not a God. Besides, like I said, we all have a role to play, and in judging someone we are trying to make them fit into the mold we think is correct for them, and this simply can not work. Everyone is different, and since this is so, how can we truly say someone is more important than another? Is an ant lesser than a human simply because it is weaker and smaller? No, these two can not be compared since they both have different purposes and functions.

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Hierophant 19.07.11 4:52

This post makes me think of the Buddha. The guy who dropped out of the material world to pursue enlightenment.

By a lot of standards today in the Western world, someone who becomes a wandering beggar by choice, in order to understand existence would be considered a total loser.

I think on a cosmic/soul level what really matters is our spiritual evolution towards enlightenment. It's not measured in physical things.


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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Divine 277 19.07.11 7:54

Hierophant wrote:This post makes me think of the Buddha. The guy who dropped out of the material world to pursue enlightenment.

By a lot of standards today in the Western world, someone who becomes a wandering beggar by choice, in order to understand existence would be considered a total loser.

I think on a cosmic/soul level what really matters is our spiritual evolution towards enlightenment. It's not measured in physical things.

I dont think it should be measured at all, since measurements often lead to jealousy and negativity....

Individuals are at the level they are, and from that they will grow, if they choose to ...

What society thinks: should not mater to you, cause its not their life....
Its yours and they cant tell you what makes you happy, they dont know what goes on in your mind/soul / emotions , only you can figure that out ...

Also, spirituality is underrated in this day of age, and for many that is why they get sick, they do not listen to the body ,soul or emotions anymore, many dont even understand why they feel the way they do ... but still , its their own choose.

Its not anyones business , but theirs .... as long as they dont hurt anyone, then live your life so you are Happy and learn and grow ...

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Kalb 20.07.11 17:50

Em Hotep,

Jonathan, I understand your point of view. But let me tell you something. I believe that most of humanity does not know what caring for others, they are selfish and egocentric without any responsibility. I believe that most of humanity had a corrupt education. Our family, politics, religion, schools were essential to continue the success of the manipulation. Religion and politics was a good, strategy, religion had an important role in schools, was forced to take classes in the subject. They were forced and taught to believe in lies and most importantly never been taught or shown, of course all those who allowed themselves to be manipulated are considered ignorant, immature beings, weaks and paranoid persons. Some time ago i saw a thing that i found funny, the Vatican send news and calls for people to help countries in Africa suffering from disease and starvation in the same time i hear someone say, "I give? the Vatican is full of money and does not give and i will give? I do not have money to give." The leaders do not give the example to his sheep, people need a real example not fakes. There are many religions in the world, people criticize each other, religion does the same between them and the same happens with policy. The judgments and criticisms are already part of the routine of life in the world. The world has become a stagnant game full of ordinary, profiteers and charlatans, the world was scheduled to be held to criticize everything we do. While we do not leave this game we will never know what is Love and empathy. Nor we will never be mature enough to understand the choices from anybody. The world is constantly manipulated, and most are influenced by it. Do you really think that i talked about the Asetians by chance in my last post here? Asetians are really True dynamics beings. Asetian tradition has ancients root. The world was totally influenced by the djehuty of the Crocodile, certainly the djehuty of the Serpent will change the world. The world will respect nature and love again. The Serpent will calmly and quietly stare into each one. We are part of nature, but we are not part of the ignorance of the world.

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Daniel09 20.07.11 22:01

While I mean no disrespect, the Asetians are a silent force in the world. An unseen push towards a balance. We can follow their public teachings and be better people for it, but we can never know the Asetians for who they truly are. Even once met, it is apparent that an Asetian will be rare to reveal even a sliver of his/her true self.

I believe that the question, "Do I matter," is a very important task to answer in this life. It is one of the personal steps toward enlightenment that, once realized, will allow a person to step outside their bounds and do what they must to create the world that is needed.

One thing about the question is that it maintains an elusive solidarity. Different perceptions will dictate what import really is. Are we matter? Yes. Do we matter? In the end, probably not, but to others in this life, always. This even brings to question the idea of Love, and what it really is. Is love thinking someone matters, or is it a deeper, more intrinsic idea.

It is often touted here that we mortals do not understand the concept of what love really is. I would like to have it explained then, however unexplainable the bone-deep bond between souls is. Being young, I have the disadvantage of lacking experience. It is a reality that I will likely never experience this love, and it is a reality that any of us may die and cease to make a difference.

So what makes us matter? What can we do in order TO matter? Must we take part in changing the world or simply settle down and raise a family with a child that may have the future of creating something great?

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Shemset 21.07.11 9:45

I don't give a damn if I matter or not. That's not the point for me. I want to be a better person for Love, not for glory's sake. If someone will remember my name in the end is just a little detail.

The humans make their choice, either because of fear or selfishness. We have to learn to respect differences. Every one have his own time to evolve and sooner or later they will.

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by godofbattle 23.07.11 23:03

Johnathan, I understand what your trying to say. But, I do believe people matter. The thing is that people don't use all of their potential and they never give themself enough credit for it. So, I believe this is why people seem so insignificant because they allow expectations to be limitations. To tell you the truth I think vampires are here to show humans the way to truley care for someone and how to find the truth by embracing their innner self and their higherself. vampires are creatures that naturaly embrace themselves and the truth of the occult knowledge because from a very early age we understand these truths and how they relate to us. so, we matter even if others don't see it because humans have alot to learn from us. Though some of them may be older in age our souls are older. We have had experinces they could never imagine and we can still recall them. We are special and we do matter. We are the beacons of change in a wold that has been stagnet for to long. Our will is the driving force behind many movements to date even if unrecognized. We represent the evolutionary example of the human path. We lead they follow. We have the ability to lead and inspire the human race to do many great things. As a manipulative creature we have the power to decide if the motivated actions will be for better or for worse. We matter even if they don't see it. We have to know this because we are the teachers and the true elders of this world. And this shall never be forgoten by us.

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by godofbattle 23.07.11 23:05

sorry for a second post but, wold=world

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What makes you matter? Empty Re: What makes you matter?

Post by Divine 277 25.07.11 18:04

Divine 277
Divine 277

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