Please don't judge this, I am just curious. Need advice or opinions on this matter

Raven Kyles
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Please don't judge this, I am just curious. Need advice or opinions on this matter Empty Please don't judge this, I am just curious. Need advice or opinions on this matter

Post by Raven Kyles 16.08.15 8:50

Do you think vampires could have guardians? Or, just in general, what do you think about people in this type of world having guardians at all? like for some witches, their guardians can often be faeries. Not trying to be funny but I was just wondering what your opinion is. If there is a forum on the subject please don't hesitate to point me in the right direction. Also please don't jump on me for asking a silly question I was just wondering. Thanks for any info you may have.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Post by Raven Kyles 16.08.15 8:52

Also, I forgot to mention that I have been reading the guardians forum, but there is not a lot of information on the subject. Just a lot of questions answered. But I will still continue to read it. Thanks again.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Post by Jessamine 16.08.15 9:44

Could you please define guardian.

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Post by Raven Kyles 16.08.15 9:53

What I mean is like, a guardian. not like a ghost, but someone who protects you. Kind of like a body guard or spirit guard. That sort of thing. Like one of my friends, his guardian is a woman wearing a blue dress. he would often see her in the corners of his eyes or when he's doing something spiritual she would be around to protect him.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Please don't judge this, I am just curious. Need advice or opinions on this matter Empty Re: Please don't judge this, I am just curious. Need advice or opinions on this matter

Post by Maxx 16.08.15 11:17

Stop this business of being fearful of any criticism whatsoever.   I do not know a real witch that has fear of someone attacking him/her.  I do not know of a real Lycan of being attacked by judging them against something else.  I do not know of any real Vampire of being attacked or being confronted with any criticism of anything they say when they open their mouth.   I know of no real Vampire, Lycan, or Witch that walks in any kind of fear at all.  Do an assessment of your fear.  You may possibly be looking to just associate yourself with a group you learned of on TV or movies.  There is no problem in being just a human, if that is what you are.  Heck, I am  nothing but a lowly human, and a few fear me.  What reason?  Who knows.  I am just a lovable teddy bear type. Who knows, I just might learn something new if you confront me and help me deal with my fears......?

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Post by Raven Kyles 16.08.15 13:54

Thanks for your response Maxx, I have already responded to you in pm, but this is for others to read who are reading this. I am not really fearful at all, I am just tired of negativity. I understand that two of my posts have been deleted, though probably with rightful intentions if it was written badly. But I am not a role player on here, nor do I indulge in roleplaying.
You don't have to worry about me associating with T.V. because I don't believe with half of that crap. I tend to make sure I am following the rules of the forum which is why I wrote it like that. But, to be clear I am not a fake. you would not have heard of me because those breeds were hunted and killed off suffice to say. I am friendly indeed, but only if you let me. And I appreciate your response, it makes me feel more comfortable knowing what type of person you are.
As for your fears, sometimes you can come off a bit too strong, but in other posts that I've read, not so much as I can understand why. I don't think you have any reason to be afraid of anyone with the hammers I've seen you put down. :-)
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

Number of posts : 81
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Please don't judge this, I am just curious. Need advice or opinions on this matter Empty Re: Please don't judge this, I am just curious. Need advice or opinions on this matter

Post by Maxx 16.08.15 14:06

Sweetie Pie. That was said with tongue in cheek.

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Post by Raven Kyles 16.08.15 14:28

Oh, I apologize. Perhaps this is not the place for me then. I think I should just stop looking on forums. I don't want to waste anyone's time.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Post by Maxx 16.08.15 14:49

your programming is designed to be toward the submissive side. Either on the military side or the M.C gang side. How is your schooling paid for? Parents or grants or scholarship? I see you are compelled to be the best at whatever you become involved in. Being self motivated and independent. I call it having a fierce competitive desire to be the best. i disagree with your tv assessment. I feel you should watch sport shows where you can associate with the winning team. Your vocation is well suited to be a writer of some sort. You certainly need to find the right yoga element for you as it will mean a great deal to comfort your mind. I see you do have a humanitarian bent. I suspect you pull for the underdog and do not like to see animals abused. I see you have a loner quality although you can be with people, you certainly love your time alone. This is when the yoga can really work for you. You like to have your exclusive story and do not like to share it with anyone and everyone. I suspect you are holding back in the revelation of many things here and will not impart even the edges of it. You also need to pick up the tarot deck and begin to work with it. And get that part out of your mind that you think you want to write children's stories. Go for something more meaty.

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Please don't judge this, I am just curious. Need advice or opinions on this matter Empty Re: Please don't judge this, I am just curious. Need advice or opinions on this matter

Post by Nature 16.08.15 20:42

Raven Kyles wrote:Do you think vampires could have guardians? Or, just in general, what do you think about people in this type of world having guardians at all? like for some witches, their guardians can often be faeries. Not trying to be funny but I was just wondering what your opinion is. If there is a forum on the subject please don't hesitate to point me in the right direction. Also please don't jump on me for asking a silly question I was just wondering. Thanks for any info you may have.

It is absolutely true that some vampires have guardians, except these aren't a supernatural being or entity, but rather, flesh and blood.

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Post by Jonathan 16.08.15 23:58

Raven, when you speak of guardians you should specify what you mean with that. It's a subjective word that it's used with different meanings. Particularly when it comes to vampirism when someone mentions guardians they are often talking about one of the three Asetian lineages, better known as Scorpions. I would say that's the correct definition for a Guardian within a vampire perspective, but in spiritual terms it can mean many things.

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Post by Raven Kyles 17.08.15 7:33

Ok Jonathan. I appreciate the corrective terms. Thanks for all your responses. I will keep these thoughts in mind.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

Number of posts : 81
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Post by Troublemaker 21.08.15 18:12

LOL Roll Laugh

Maxx is often misunderstood here. He is certainly blunt, but would you want it any other way? People who will tell it to you straight, are the best kinds of people because there are no gimmicks.

Anyways, to your question. I wanted to give my input, but of course others will have a different opinion. Taking the label of "vampire" or "witch" or etc off this, beings may or may not have a guardian depending on the circumstances. I am not referencing the Asetian side of things, of course. But it really depends on the situation, as to whether or not a being, incarnated or otherwise, will have a guardian or protector, etc. (Once again, I do not mean Asetian Guardian in this case but rather, a generic sort of situation.)

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Post by Troublemaker 21.08.15 18:15

Also, I would like to add that I agree with Maxx... there is no sense in being demure or fearful here. Believe me, I was the same way at first but don't worry about what an internet forum of strangers from different parts of the world thinks about you as a person, or whether or not they think it is a silly question. There are far more important things to worry about and you wouldn't want to give away too much of your power Wink
So in my opinion, you should sit back and relax, enjoy the forum and your spiritual journey.
Em Hotep. Very Happy

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Post by Raven Kyles 22.08.15 9:32

Thanks Rhea Kaye. I think I will. I am learning more and more even in real life, not to let people run me over anymore. I find it is quite rewarding to myself to be independent. People near me learn what kind of person I am and they either like me or don't.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Post by Woolfe 14.10.15 20:50

I believe that people have guardians of sorts in their lives. I do not believe that they are angels, or spirits or anything like that, but people in their lives. Our guardians can be our parents, partners, friends, a teacher who looks out for you when no one else is.
I believe I have had many "guardians" through out my life. People who have looked out for me when I cannot look out for myself by myself. When I was a small child, my parents looked out for me. When I was a teenager, I had a teacher look out for me. And now in my adult years, I have my significant other looking out for me when I am feeling weak and low. Otherwise I am my own "guardian" my own protector of sorts.
That's my opinion on the matter of guardians.

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