Intresting results from 2 different meditations with The Dark Mark

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Intresting results from 2 different meditations with The Dark Mark Empty Intresting results from 2 different meditations with The Dark Mark

Post by DCxMagus 13.04.12 13:53

So last night I had quite an experience regarding 2 slightly different meditations I did with The Dark Mark. Both lasted about 30 mins but produced vastly different, but powerful results. As we know The Dark Mark is a powerful sigil in the Asetian tradition. Now with any sigil there are certain ways to interact or "activate" it when you decide to work with it.

**As a personal note I've worked with not only sigil creation and casting but meditating on ancient sigils with very immediate and powerful results(sometimes too powerful in some that I have created). Without going to far into it, when a sigil is created for the purpose of casting it must be charged before it is cast from your conscious mind to your unconscious mind. During the creating of the sigil you take a various number of steps abstracting the true intent of the sigil form the conscious mind, so that by the time you end up with the sigil that is eventually going to be charged and cast the symbol is unconnected with the intent in the conscious mind, but not the unconscious mind. This is a very basic understanding of how the magick works for terms of creating and casting a symbol in the intent of affecting the universal energy to your will.

Now when your working with long lasting or ancient sigils, they have been charged by years of people working with and focusing on them. So instead of casting them in the intent of affecting the universe to your will, you work with the powers already invested in the sigil as well as adding some of your own in order to find the intent or true nature of the sigil. To my knowledge there are 2 ways to do this, the first is allowing the sigils energy to fill your energy in sort of a "one way street" situation where you just absorb the energy of the sigil into your system in hopes a revelation will be revealed to you in the meditation. The second is a bit more activate as you extend your energy into the sigil itself creating a link and allow the sigils energy to flood deeper into your energy while at the same time injecting your own energy into the sigil in a way to merge with the sigils energy. In a way this could be associated with feeding from the sigil.

So last night I decided I would try both techniques with The Dark Mark and see the results I got. For the first method I rested the closed AB upon my forehead with the picture of The Dark Mark set on top my 3rd eye shen center(this was recommended my Maxx and has work well for me before). Then I began to meditate while solely focusing on and picturing The Dark Mark in my mind. This produced a calming, warm energy to fill my system and catapulted me deeper into meditation, much deeper then I have recently been able to achieve. As the vision of the sigil began to firm implant itself in my focus I could feel a pressure from my 3rd eye shen when the AB was resting and nearing the end of the meditation I felt as this was from where the energy was coming from. After the meditation was over I layed in my room in complete darkness, yet could see energy flowing through out the room. This was to the point of visual distortion where my room seemed to be twisting and bending with the energetic flow, this lasted for about 15 minutes after until it subsided and I no longer felt the warm energy growing inside me.

I rested for a bit, left the room to gather a refreshment and finish preparing to lay down for the night, quite content on the experience when it came to me to try the other more direct method with The Dark Mark. So I returned to my room, this time sitting upright with the AB laying a few inches in from of me. I laid my dominate hand over the cover and began to initiate a link between myself and The Dark Mark. This time though the results were quite different, not more then 3-5 mins into the meditation once the link was established, a sharp chilling sensation was sent through my arm directly into my system causing my eyes to spring open. As I looked around a dense fog covered my room and for the life of me I couldn't get myself to close my eyes again, they felt like they needed to stay open. The cold sensation brought a tinge of fear with it, almost as to tell me I was getting in a little over my head with this meditation. As I regained concentration and focus I began to see flashes of the seven pillars, the fog intensified to the point where I could barely see through it. All I could see were the flashes of the pillars, in no particular order one after another about a minute apart until I removed my hand from the book and broke the link.

It should be noted that before engaging in the first meditation I was looking at the pillars in the AB and going over the section of which pillars corresponded with which shen centers and colors and such. I was doing this because of an idea I got to begin a meditation with each pillar, using the corresponding shen center to charge a colored candle while engraving the pillar into the candle. Doing one a day for a week in sort of a way to cleanse the shen centers from blockages and what not.


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Intresting results from 2 different meditations with The Dark Mark Empty Re: Intresting results from 2 different meditations with The Dark Mark

Post by Kalb 13.04.12 17:16

Indeed interesting. DCxMagus. Thanks for sharing. I have similar sense like you about this subject. My actions of meditations is similar too. I think know what do you mean with this.

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Intresting results from 2 different meditations with The Dark Mark Empty Re: Intresting results from 2 different meditations with The Dark Mark

Post by Maxx 13.04.12 18:11

Excellent posting DCxMagus,

This is exactly what was desired when we started this method of conveying different ways each of us deals with Maigic, Energy Work, etc. and offer it for all to see and test it themselves. In so doing, this will help elevate us all to get up from just reading and only thinking about it mentally to now start taking this is the only way to get results.

An excellent process. Thanks for showing us this.


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Intresting results from 2 different meditations with The Dark Mark Empty Re: Intresting results from 2 different meditations with The Dark Mark

Post by Jonathan 13.04.12 20:35

Very nice experience DCxMagus, thanks for sharing it with us.

I notice that every time I work my magick in ritual or meditation using the Dark Mark I experience a great sense of power emanating from it. It's different from the energy I feel being drawn from other things like sacred places and people, it's much more raw, almost like we are seeing the face of a thunderstorm. It's frightening at times but also very empowering.

I don't dare to use the Dark Mark in just any ritual but usually keep it for special occasions.

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