Shens and dreams

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Shens and dreams Empty Shens and dreams

Post by N.Augusta 20.01.11 7:30

I've been wondering something for awhile now and thought I would ask you guys for opinions.

One needs to have active and open upper shens in order to project astrally, to have lucid dreams, to dream walk, etc., as well as knowledge, practice, and Will to be more successful at it. If your upper shens are blocked or closed, well...good luck with that.

Now, some folks have it easier with their upper shens flowing easily, while others are more grounded.
I wonder if those with active upper shens dream more frequently and have an easier time remembering their dreams? If someone is more grounded then it could be harder for them to dream more frequently and remember their dreams. Yes, no?

I think (have no proof) that our shens have a lot to do with our dreams, but I could be wrong.


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Registration date : 2009-12-29

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Shens and dreams Empty Re: Shens and dreams

Post by Victor 20.01.11 10:35

That is a perfectly valuable question, however I believe the cycle frequency and flow of the upper Shen centers is not directly connected with the remembering of dreams and their frequency. In some situations, it may even work inversely than what we would expect, resulting in very few dreams when the higher Shen centers as overactive, especially in the case of the Crown. This can happen because having the Crown Shen perfectly open and its energy flowing intensely will easily connect you with the Astral and other higher realms, resulting in less time spent in your Inner realm during sleep times. I hope this made sense to you.
Despite what I have addressed above, I believe that drawing direct connections in what dreams are concerned is not easy, mostly because dreams tend to be more controlled by the mind and physical brain, unlike Astral projections and the reach of other realms that rely further on the Soul rather than the brain. Of course in many situations it is a mix of all these variables. We are highly complex beings after all.

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Shens and dreams Empty Re: Shens and dreams

Post by N.Augusta 25.01.11 10:57

Victor, thank you for responding. I was afraid that I was asking stupid questions. I really thought they could be connected. Indeed, we are "highly complex beings" and the mechanics of it all is so....well... complicated, lol.

I understood what you were describing. And this is exactly why it is so important and nice that we can share and throw our thoughts around in open dialogues here.

Thank you for sharing Smile

Number of posts : 439
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Registration date : 2009-12-29

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Shens and dreams Empty Re: Shens and dreams

Post by Victor 02.02.11 19:44

I am sorry for taking so long in replying to this and other threads, but I have been out of the country with no chance to connect to the internet.

Your questions were not stupid at all. I am glad you understood what I explained. It is important to refer that I didn't wrote it as final truth, but as the result of my own experience and research, usually backed up by other sources, many times more knowledgeable than I am. The occult is, however, just like regular science, an always evolving field of knowledge. What we know today and the mechanisms behind life's complexities keep changing, adapting and evolving, and so will our own knowledge and wisdom. It's a never-ending process.

Number of posts : 576
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Registration date : 2008-06-12

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Shens and dreams Empty Re: Shens and dreams

Post by N.Augusta 06.02.11 8:53

No worries, you are here now. Smile Hopefully you had a little fun whilst away.

Keep on sharing! The day we stop learning is the day we die. It is important that we share our experiences and knowledge. I know that sounds repetitive, but that is after all part of what makes our little site great. Wink

Number of posts : 439
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Registration date : 2009-12-29

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